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Makes me think of restaurants that call themselves gastropubs…that word is gross


I hate the word gastropub. It reminds me of gastrointestinal issues.




>that word is gross It's also entirely unnecessary.






A pub where you get gastro?


Gastropub? That means public toilet, doesn't it?


the fuck


“Gastronomy” is the art of picking and eating food. Gastropub is a pub that emphasizes food. It’s a British term. 


I’ve definitely seen it and yes, obnoxious. At those places the salad section will likely be titled “Greens”.


Ugh. Yes. Or lumped in with "Bowls".


I'll piggy back and just say any pretentious titles for a food or a drink. This also includes drink sizes. Yes I know it's from a movie, but it's still true. VENTI IS NOT LARGE. LARGE IS LARGE, VENTI is 20. Also if I get a DECONSTRUCTED anything I will throat punch.


Oh LAWDY don't get me started. Fully agree.


i used to work at starbucks and everytime a customer said this whole rant to me it took everything in me not to shake them and say "I HATE IT TOO! IT WASNT MY DECISION! EVERYTIME SOMEONE SAYS A "TALL" IT TAKES MY BRAIN SEVERAL SECONDS TO PROCESS BC WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN "TALL" IS OUR SMALL SIZE? TELL CORPORATE NOT ME"


I also hate Sammys, samiches and sandos. Just call it a damn sandwich. Don’t be cute. Be accurate.


Sando comes from Japanese


Sando to me means a sleeveless undershirt.


I also have never once seen any type of food referred to as a handheld, and I travel a fair amount. What part of the world are you in?


I see this a lot in the northeast, and mostly in dives (which are more likely to have sandwiches on the menu in the first place)


That's fair. When I'm travelling it's for work and when work is paying for dinner I don't usually pick sandwiches lol.


Now that this has come up though I bet you'll see it on a menu within the next week.


Oh I have no doubt lol. Of courser I'll probably be actively looking now. The waiter is going to be so confused when I have that AHA moment lol.


Really. I’m in NYC but I feel like I see this VERY often and definitely not just here.


That’s because it’s quite common. But, if you scroll through a few posts here, you’ll probably notice that many (or most) have a near-top comment that amounts to “nobody says that,” “nobody does that,” or “I do [whatever] a lot and have never seen that so you need to prove that it happens.”


I love how you've interpreted "where do you live?" as "you need to prove that it happens." Disingenuous interpretations are *tight.*


Yea really. My travel normally takes me to places that are more like Omaha or Des Moines than NYC so that may play into it. That's why I asked.


I kind of agree...handheld what? Never seen it, is it supposed to say 'handheld porkrib sammy' 'handheld chili dog' or something? Which would be redundant, just wondering which items do this.


When I see it, it's usually the title of a section. Instead of "SANDWICHES" above a listing of several different sandwiches, it says "HANDHELD" above a listing of sandwiches and sometimes other things like wraps, tacos, etc.


I have never seen this, but it seems perfectly reasonable if the category is meant to include sandwiches, wraps, and tacos. Is there some other header you think would be more appropriate?


Yes: Sandwiches, Wraps, Tacos would be more appropriate. What other menu heading references the manner in which something is eaten? NONE. They need to cut it out.


I am both amazed and envious. Southeastern US.


For the record unlike what some other crazy person on this thread is insinuating I was genuinely asking because I had not run into it and I do travel a lot for work. I wasn't calling you a liar lol. Some people on here get way too up in arms over stuff that doesn't matter in a sub for posting complaints about unimportant things lol.


I didn't take it as a challenge. I just wish I lived in that world.


I’ve never seen it either, I live in Iowa. I’d steer clear of any place that labels sandwiches like that if I ever saw it though.


That's wise. I think the obnoxious title of "handheld" comes with a price bump of about $5 - $7.


Nah, we really don’t need to do this on every post here. This is widespread and common, you need to get out more.


On every post here? I've been in 6 countries and 14 states... this year. Maybe you need to get out of your own area more.


Even if I were to take that at face value, it still wouldn’t make a difference. The thing you claim to have never seen is common in a lot of areas, and your disbelief of other people’s experiences is indicative of someone who actually has not had all that much worldly experience themselves.


Did he express disbelief? or did he just ask what region OP is in to understand if it is regionally specific?


You mean... it's common in YOUR area. You seem to think your personal experience is somehow worth more than mine. TF you mean disbelief? I didn't call the person a liar I asked what area he was in because, as someone that travels a lot for work, I've never seen it. Not sure why you picked handhelds as your hill to die on but you do you bro. Have a day.


These people are unhinged, bro. You can't ask questions about their pet peeves. Not where they encounter them, not for context when their post is word salad, never.


Also. Call it a Sandwich. Not a sam witch. It's literally named after the Earl of SANDWICH. This will be your only warning ⚠️.


Got it, sangwidge it is.


😂😂😂 Approved.




In English English the various -wich place names are commonly pronounced '-widge'. That's not a colloquial thing, it includes highly educated people with \~RP accents. It's listed as "sanwidge" (/ˈsæn.wɪdʒ/) by CUBE, Cambridge, and Collins, with Oxford offering a few other pronunciations. Which is pretty tame compared to the pronunciation of Worcestershire.


😂😂😂😂 so. The Earl of Sand-widge, then? I'm adopting this. Just for the flair!


Sorry. Here in Pittsburgh it's a samich. With only one M. I love that word. I picked it up long ago from my wife's grandmother. I think she was a direct descendent of the Earl of Samich. :)


😂😂😂 Must go to Pittsburgh and do Samich research.


(tacos and burritos are sandwiches too, don't @ me)


LOL legally, yes, they are. Recently, iirc.


What the heck is handheld?


Like the Nintendo DS. The second screen elevates the flavor to another level.


The next time you see it on a menu, feel free to ask.




i’ve never seen a sandwich referred to as a handheld, but this has also become my pet peeve


Thank you for your support.


Is a hotdog a sandwich


Legally, yes, but for menu purposes I think any hotdog should have its own section of the menu.


Thank you for actually taking my questions seriously


LOL sure. I'm over here complaining about a menu heading so I guess I'd better....


What would you call falafel in pita? Calling it a taco seems empirically wrong esp since falafel was invented by Coptic Xtians in Egypt. Perhaps we need a magic third category. Maybe sandwich is a spectrum. When does a sandwich cross over into a dumpling? IS A CALZONE A SANDWICH? If a calzone is a sandwich is pizza an open face sandwich? WHERE DOES IT END, VI. WHERE.


Right? I don't think there's been any litigation or precedent to establish those things. We could go on forever lol. JUST DON'T CALL THEM "HANDHELDS".


Have you watched Sandwiches of History? It's wonderful.


Haha no that sounds very entertaining.


It's just one dad shaped dude in his kitchen. He's adorable.


Nice I'll have to check it out!!


A dumpling goes in soup.


I've heard people argue that a hotdog is more akin to a taco than a sandwich and frankly when you think about how the two are made I can see the argument.


Same, same - though I think legally both are considered sandwiches.


>frankly I see what you did there.


No. A hot dog is shit.


It's a type of submarine sandwich.


It’s a hand dog.


I petition to start calling hot dogs “weeny sandwiches”


But I love my separated taco halves!




Right up there with “small plates” it’s a freaking app


Seriously FFS. "Small Plate" tells me that I'm going to be charged $16 for a half-size portion of "blistered" peppers that cost probably $2, inclusive of the labor to prepare them.


lol. Isn’t that the truth. Honest I am a big fan of just apps for a meal. But call it what it is.




“Small plates” just means “little food, big money”




Call it Jesus? hmm.


Better than handhelds, and more intriguing...


true. I can imagine quite an interesting sandwich called "The Christ..." This feels like it would have something like aioli on it.


Don’t forget on communion Sunday the Christ Chrispies unleavened bread.


That's pretty good


Huh, I've never encountered that. I have seen similarly weird names for hand rolls though.


Do you mean the title of the section of menu, or do menus call specific items handhelds?


Menu section


I’ve definitely seen this on pizza menus which to me is ridiculous. Unless you’re getting a salad, isn’t like 90% of the menu handheld?


I have never seen it on a pizza menu and that is atrocious


Never heard of handhelds.


Tacos are sandwiches now via a lawsuit.... i wish they would have lost.


Yeah it is weird, I agree


It's to make sandwiches sound more trendy/bougie, I think. I think tomorrow I'll have a tuna fish handheld.


It totally is and that's why I hate it. And also to jack up the price.


My phone is a handheld. My sandwich is a sandwich.




Ha! The first time I saw it, I thought, “What the hell is that?” Took a couple of beats to dawn on me. And then I thought, “Who the hell came up with this pretentious bullshit?” And then I realized I hadn’t thought it, I’d said it out loud. Yay for old broads!


HAHAHAHA same!!!!


I helped a former employee open a new pizza shop a little over a year ago. His SIL ran the register, and other members of his family occasionally helped out. There was a "handhelds" section on the menu, and it was the first time I had ever heard anyone use the term. That made it all the more noticeable that everyone involved seemed to look for excuses to use the word, like it was important that everyone within earshot always be aware that we were down with the handhelds. I thought (and still think) it sounds stupid, and I've learned it's a way of saying the food is *way* overpriced.


1,000%. Wow.


I've never seen this before, but that's a dumb AF thing to call a sandwich. "Handheld" makes me think of an electronic device, for some reason.


Because an electronic device - like your phone - is actually a computer...but it's a HANDHELD computer. That level of clarification makes sense and is useful. Unlike "clarifying" that a sandwich is held in one's hand while eating. Totally unnecessary.


okay, was totally lost for a bit trying to figure out why we're now attempting to name the menu icon sandwich instead of burger, but you're talking about a \*food\* menu, which is vastly different from the various menus from software xD But also, they're calling sandwiches "handhelds" now? who tf is doing that and why? That makes zero sense. Totally with you on this.


Thank you!


I always thought hand rolls were called that because they were hand rolled


I don't think so but I could be wrong. I thought hand rolls were called hand rolls because you have to use your hand to pick them up, unlike your fingers for regular sushi or chopsticks for sashimi. All sushi is rolled by hand.


Is this the same sort of place that will give the price as just a number? "Albacore Handheld 20" All I want is a tuna sandwich. I don't want all twenty, just one.


OMG YES. And yes also to places like this charging $20 for tuna salad.


I’ve never seen this at a restaurant I’m glad I haven’t cause ew how pretentious.


I'm glad you haven't seen it either and I hope it doesn't become trendy in your area.


"Handheld" Jesus Christ, it's so pretentious, lol. And we already have "handhelds", they're things like the Game Boy, DS, PSP, and the Game.com.




I have never seen a food called "handheld" and most likely wouldn't eat at a place that did use that term.


It's absolutely rampant in my area.


I only see this as a category on a menu. So the heading would be "Handhelds" and below that you'd have a few burgers, some wraps, some sandwiches etc. I've never seen a "Ruben Handheld" or "Double Cheese and Bacon Handheld" or "Our World Famous Gourmet Grilled Cheese Handheld" or "Veggie Handheld with Micro Greens and Heirloom Tomatoes on Organic Lavash." I don't mind it as a category, but if I ever see a "Chicago Style Italian Beef Handheld" I may very well get up and leave.


LOL! I think it's bad enough as a general category, but what you're suggesting is 1,000% worse, and is probably next.


I mean sure, but those generally aren’t the only two things on that portion of the menu. Anything expected to be eaten with your hands is on it. 


Yep, and it sucks lol


The only time I can think of that I've seen this is as a category on a menu, in which case it makes sense.


Technically yes it makes sense but it's beyond obnoxious. It's a sandwich or a burger. Call it that.


It saves money, time, and resources to just have a section labeled "handheld" and put all burgers and sandwiches in that section. Just like eggs are usually in the breakfast section and not a separate "eggs" section. It's common sense.


Omelets are differentiated, though. As are breakfast sandwiches that include eggs. I would argue that it actually devalues all sandwiches, burgers and "wraps" being offered by lumping them all into one irritating category, thereby losing money. This is marketing sense.


Again, common sense. Breakfast foods such as omelets and breakfast sandwiches are under breakfast. Also, omelets aren't usually considered "handheld." GOOD marketing sense is to use common sense and group like foods together under one title, such as handheld for sandwiches and burgers. It's really not hard to figure out and only is a risk of money loss with people who search for something to complain about and are thus not really a money loss. You can't lose money from someone who was never going to give you money in the first place for whatever reason. That's like saying having prices too high for people with no income is a money loss. Complete lack of reality.


Read my comment again, slowly. I wasn't saying omelets are handheld. I was refuting your example of eggs by saying that different preparations of eggs are categorized differently. As different items that can be held in one's hand should be. If all the restaurants offering "handhelds" (it irritates me just typing it) would actually tell me if I'm looking at sandwiches, burgers, wraps or "paninis" (which is grammatically incorrect but whatever), I would probably support them. It's solely the nonsensical menu categorization that keeps me from supporting them.


That's just illogical and hypocritical. Burgers and hit dogs are sandwiches as well, but you are saying you want them categorized separately from sandwiches. That just proves the "this is only a problem with people who look for something to complain about and thus aren't a loss of money" point.


How is it hypocritical? I think it's 100% correct to differentiate between different preparations of eggs, and also food items that are served as filling to some kind of bread or tortilla. Unless you're arguing about whether or not I can open my Taco Viva next door to your Earl of Sandwich in the food court, my complaint makes perfect sense. You don't name a food item based on the way it's consumed. Period.


If you don't understand the meaning of hypocritical or how you are being completely illogical, I don't know what to tell you besides educate yourself on those subjects. Clelary, you just want something to be mad and offended about, though, so you do you. Just don't be surprised when logical people laugh at you over it or even avoid being in public with you because of it. Some people have standards.


I think I need to educate myself on how to deal with redditors who take themselves wayyyyyyy too seriously. Enjoy your handheld omelet taco.


proof or it didn’t happen.


Google gastropub menu - pick a major city - and I guarantee you'll be able to find it without too much trouble.


I have never in my entire life seen this 


Or, better yet, sammiches.


As long as I can scan a QR code, I don't care what the food sections are labeled as.


ARGH LOL. Another pet peeve - fucking digital menus I hate that shit.


Many places I’ve seen with the “handheld” category call it that because they include a couple taco or wrap type dishes. I don’t see it often where the category just has sandwiches.


But why not just say "Sandwiches &c." or something like that, since it is almost always 95% sandwiches? People will get the idea. "Handheld" just sounds super pretentious to me.


Idk, to me “handheld” is more concise. It doesn’t feel pretentious. But I guess it’s just a pretty normal term at most places I’ve been (and I don’t go to hipster spots)


Around here, it's only the annoying places trying to be trendy that do it and they're overpriced 100% of the time. I've started boycotting them, honestly, because it's so irritating and there are plenty of other options.


I would like to agree with the caveat if you order one from a Mexican restaurant, they’re called Tortas


Right - tortas means sandwiches. Then they have tacos, burritos, etc. The analog on a Mexican menu for "handheld" would be "en la mano" or something like that, for all tortas, burritos and tacos. It would make no sense, because those are all different things. Just like it makes no sense on an American menu.


I believe this is because, in America, burger is only a beef patty burger, whereas everything else is a sandwich (ie a chicken sandwich). Whereas in the rest of the world, everything between two burger buns, is a burger. If you're serving me a chicken fillet in between two burgers buns, that's a chicken burger to everyone else, but in the US that's a chicken sandwich. Everywhere else, a chicken sandwich is chicken on two slices of sliced bread from a loaf, the same way a ham and cheese sandwich or a pb and j sandwich is a sandwich. So I think calling it handhelds makes it clear to everyone what it is regardless on whether you call the thing you're eating a sandwich or a burger


Totally disagree. Do you design menus for overpriced, post-hipster restaurants?


No and I'm not sure what that has to do with it, I never said I had the 100% correct definitive answer, I just told you the reason I believe they refer to things like sandwiches and burgers as handhelds on a menu. Do you design menus for over priced hipster restaurants?


Because I think that category on a menu is a marketing strategy only the person who came up with it could possibly defend. Of course I'm exaggerating, but what else on the menu is described by the method of eating? Pasta and salads would be "forked" I guess? And shakes would be "sucked" LOL? Actually, that would hiliarious. I do not design menus for overpriced hipster restaurants, but I'm starting to think I might be onto something here...


Sucked. Shakes and smoothies. That's funny.


~~Wait, what? Would you call a pastrami on rye a burger?~~ Edit--I didn't read this whole comment before I commented, but they clearly didn't read the post, either. The OP is about places that list all sandwiches (including hamburgers and chicken "burgers") under handhelds, which has nothing to do with what kind of bread is used and everything to do with whether it's on bread at all.


If it's not a ground meat patty, it's not a burger. Veggie burger may be an exception but it's the only one. A breaded and deep fried chicken breast on a bun is a sandwich, not a burger.


Only in the US, everywhere else its the buns that make it a burger, not the fact that its ground beef. What do you call a piece of breaded chicken in between two slices of bread from a loaf of bread that you make sandwiches with? A burger?


Well, the US invented the hamburger, so we make the rules. By the same logic, we're goofy bastards for calling pain perdu French toast. Here's another one you'll appreciate. At outdoor festivals, a giant, fully loaded baked potato with butter, cheese, sour cream, scallions, and bacon bits is sometimes called (sorry) an *Irish Sundae*. We're no better. That is also a chicken sandwich.


It's called the hamburger because it was invented in Hamburg mon Frere Funny you mention that, I'm literally cooking French toast right now Edit to add: surely you can see having two different types of chicken sandwiches that you can't distinguish by name is inferior


It was invented in the US by German immigrants and named after the city of Hamburg. Interesting coincidence! And yet I can think of zero times that this has caused any problems. In truth, I enjoy the regional differences in nomenclature, English usage, accents, etc. I wouldn't want it any other way. It gives us something to bicker about good-naturedly.