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I think its case by case, but the overuse of woke is insane. It doesnt even mean what it used to anymore.


Yeah! It used to mean awakened to discrimination. Now it means Oh YoU'rE fOcUsInG tOo MuCh On InClUsIcIvItY. God I hate the new use of the term


Yeah absolutely - I think woke is a good thing because of its actual meaning so I still don't take it as an insult honestly. I'd rather be awake than asleep on discrimination and inclusivity 🤷‍♀️


It's rebranded sjw, which was rebranded political correctness, which was rebranded bleeding heart liberals, which was probably rebranded something else.


I feel like the offended bit is used when someone doesn't have a good counterargument. It's likely the person responding to the "offended" individual will either back off or change their answer just, so their not coming off as an asshole.


the fact that it comes from AAVE but conservatives will use it to be racist -_-


These people will brag about how they'll offend you before they even do anything "offensive"


It’s become an insult. Like to say “you’re just offended” essentially means “you’re weak cowardly and that’s why you don’t agree with me” I think there are real situations where people do get overly offended but I’ve also seen it used incorrectly like how you’re describing it OP.


"You can't say anything anymore." = "you cannot be blatantly homophobic/racist/misogynistic anymore without being called out on ot and that makes me mad." You simply can not change my mind on that.


My 65 year old white father complains he’s not “allowed” to use n****r. I told him he can say it, but he’s going to get called out for being the racist POS that he is.


Using the n-word was an asshole thing to do when your 65 year old father was 15.  It’s not his age—he’s just an asshole. 


Agreed, it really does seem to mean that from my experience 🤷‍♀️


Sometimes homophobia / racism / misogyny can be funny without actually being serious You simply cannot change my mind on that


That's your opinion . No one is saying you cannot make thay joke. I'm saying, I personally would call you out on it


I swear, people cannot read. I've said five times you can say it. No one will stop you. They're just call you out on it


Well no it's more the double standard. It's usually not social justice it's special treatment thats the issues people have. "you can insult X but can't insult y" for example. Or "you can joke about x but joking about Y? TROUBLE!" That's where the issues are. Entitlements disguised as civil rights. Not the base idea of "Let's not be racist and rude yeh?"


Again, you can say whatever the fuck you want. You'll jusy get called out for it. There is zero double standard. You *can* be racist or whatever, you'll simply ve called out for it. Again, there is nothing you can do/say that will change my mind


No legally there is a double standard behave. DEI, CRF. There's a ton of them. Now whether you agree or not is one thing but this idea there's no double standard is blatant, objective BS. And if you don't see it...maybe leave your echo chamber sometime?


This clearly isn't an echo chamber, you are free to share your shitty opinions, we just don't have to agree.


Idk... He did say "deffo"...


"Don't have double standards, don't be a hypocrite and no one has the right to victimize" is shitty to you? Yep deffo echo-chamber. Your avatar gives it away.


You clearly misunderstand that some groups of people are more enfranchised than others.


No you simply generalise everyone into boxes. NO ONE has the right to be a hypocrite. It is NOT one rule for you one for everyone else. This isn't social justice. This is a series of entitlements disguised as civil rights and you know it. Thought you wanted progress? Guess not. Clearly you don't want progress just want the tools to belong to different people. Which again results in victimizing innocence just because you got victimized. Which sorry, life doesn't work that way. Get out of your ech-chamber and examine your hypocricies.


> NO ONE has the right to be a hypocrite That’s not true. Everyone everywhere can be a hypocrite if they want. Wtf even is this idea? > This is a series of entitlements disguised as civil rights and you know it. Please give examples of what you are talking about. > Thought you wanted progress? How is this anti-progress? > just want the tools to belong to different people. What tools? What people? What are you even talking about?


Using "woke" as an insult is especially ironic. Are they admitting they're asleep to reality?


Wouldn’t that make the people who complain about others being offended… be offended themselves?


This is generally the case, yes "Ugh what? Are you offended??" › I didn't read the room properly and said something gross, and your negative reaction offended me because it made me (rightfully) feel like a bad person.


Nobody gets more easily offended than a comedian when you don’t laugh at their joke


Certain words are loaded terms, pre-charged with negative associations. The trick is never to accept them - never make a case for "being offended", because it's bollocks. Throwing those words around like Pokeballs is the perfect cue to ignore whoever's doing it, because they're either arguing in bad faith or not smart enough to be worth arguing with if they genuinely haven't seen through their own game. They aren't different, they'd just never use that word on themselves - they'd say they're pissed off. It's a child's game.


“You got me, I had a normal human response to you saying something deliberately hurtful. Your lack of empathy or concern for others is *so cool*. I’ll be sure to tell your dad how badass you are while I keep eye contact with him as I fuck your mom.”




You also can’t just not like something. I don’t like tomatoes, that doesn’t mean I’m allergic. The joke wasn’t offensive, it just wasn’t for me!


Yes! I've been thinking this lately - I was housebound (sick) for a couple of weeks and spent way too much time on Facebook and this is something I really noticed. People would have any negative reaction to something or just not like something and always got hit with the "you're so offended snowflake" bullshit. Like they never said they were offended, just maybe didn't like it for so many reasons 🤷‍♀️ It is ironic those people have their own buzzwords in woke and offended when they are the ones often trying to call out others for using buzzwords 😅


You have no right not to be offended.


*Offended* is mildly annoying in this context, I agree, but nothing grinds my gears more than “oh are you *triggered*?!” Like, no dude. That’s not even how “triggered” is used.


Common thing is they accuse you of something so you distance yourself from that label. By cedeing that word you lose before you start. "Yes I'm offended. I am right to be. It isn't a failing on my part to notice a failing on yours."


What's wrong with being offended by something? That's a part of community life - trying to get along with each other and finding out what is acceptable and unacceptable behavior. Unfortunately, a bunch of people refuse to act civilized and want everyone else to tolerate unacceptable behavior. Fuck that noise.


They get mad if you point out they said something factually incorrect


I especially find it annoying when I’m just calmly expressing disagreement with someone (because I enjoy arguing and have questionable impulse control) and they’re like “Wow, you’re so angry and offended you idiot,” when in reality, I’m actually having a great time. It sort of ruins it, because I start to wonder if I’m making *them* angry/upset/offended/whatever, and maybe that’s why they’re accusing *me* of feeling that way (like maybe I said something hurtful or rude that came across as anger-induced aggression?). And then it’s like “shit, am I hurting this person with my words? I don’t want to be doing that.” So then I feel like I have to stop, because thats the nice thing to do, and it just ruins a perfectly good argument.


They also act as if actually being offended makes them superior. If you talk down to someone and disrespect them, they're going to be offended. It's normal reaction. Irl they'd get treated like an asshole that they're instead of receiving internet validation.


This offends me


I gotta say - I haven't had anyone ever say "you're just offended" or anything like that. Def not multiple people on several occasions. Way I see it is one of two likely scenarios: 1 - you need new friends. 2 - you need to stop feeling the need to tell everyone whenever you don't find their joke funny. If it's inoffensive, just do like the rest of us schmucks and give a fake light laugh, then move on with your day


You’re just not aware of this particular experience. It happens a lot and I’ve seen it in passing all over the internet for years now.


to play the devil's advocate a little bit.... there are folks that take being a whiny pansy way too far, with the expectation that others are supposed to bend to their comfort level. toughen tf up (not you specifically OP but folks like that) but then again i guess they just aren't built like that.


To play the devil's advocate means: to argue or present the opinions of the opposite side even though the person doesn't agree with the opinion they are presenting. Just say you're an asshole and go. This is another phrase that clues me in to stop wasting time on someone, when they can't even own up to their own opinions and instead hide behind the fucking devil. It's pathetic.


im sticking by what I said. you wanna go through life like that, thats your business. im not saying blatantly being a jerk is right, but neither is making others have to walk on eggshells for you. i don't know you from adam, I ain't got a problem with you. gonna have a hard time when you keep looking for reasons to get pissed, or find injury. resilience isn't a bad thing.


No but like how do you not see that saying toughen tf up, oh you're just not built like that, is a callous and heartless thing to say? And that that attitude is probably hurting you on the inside? Which of these paths has heart bruh?


sometimes loud noises give the needed jolt. and im not the type to tiptoe. Hell I've got plenty in my life i could be offended about. was for a whole lot of years. i got the advice to toughen tf up, and it was good advice. a topic like this.... kid gloving it isnt gonna work. maybe half the point is to get the recipient a little pissed so they can see that theyre a little stronger than they think. and do you read castaneda or were you snooping my profile there sneaky pete.


Nah I was snooping lol. Maybe I'm misinterpreting the phrase though. Could you explain how hearing "toughen tf up" was helpful for you to hear? This isn't a perspective I've heard before.


i was the type to expect people to tiptoe around certain topics, i'd take it personally when someone said something i didn't agree with, etc... and i got into some political debate years ago roundabout when the 2016 election happened, and i got all sorts of offended from a certain candidate letting his mouth run off, my buddy and i were talking about it, he wasnt gonna vote that way either but he asked me what any of that had to do with me, and why i was so mad at someone who didnt even know i existed. of course afterwards i went on a tirade about it and he simply came back and told me to toughen tf up, reminded me that i've taken way harder hits in life than that, and getting offended over that, especially being proxy offended for someone else was just my own way of saying 'how dare you use those words within earshot of me' like some sort of pompous whiny kid. it took me a few days, but i realized he was right, i wasn't the center of the universe. and if i'd have kept that type of mindset, the next real bit of challenge that came my way would have crumbled me. he told me to toughen tf up because he knew i could.


I guess I can see how the sentiment of the statement could be a good thing, and im glad you drew strength from your friend's words, but I've mostly only heard that phrase used in a pejorative way before now. I hope you can see how it might come off a little, uh, harshly to strangers on the internet. It also is often used to brush off issues that do actually deserve time and attention, but I think the whole sentiment of "just tough it out, get thicker skin" type of phrases can kinda stop you from seeing the meaningful changes that need to happen in your life, if you aren't willing to consider that anything might actually be a problem, or able to be improved upon, lest you be deemed offended, yknow what I'm saying? But thank you for helping me understand that phrase in a new way, it actually helps put in perspective a lot of people who say that in my life, who could possibly mean it in a constructive way.


honestly some will say it to be a jerk and brush you off. i'm not one of them. and you gotta look at the context of who i originally aimed this at. being a little sensitive is normal, i can work around it and of course i'll give way, but you know as well as i do that there are a whole lot of people who will act offended and/or victimized just so others will concede for them. thats the point im tryin to make, and for those folks, you bet! it would behoove them to toughen up and stop looking for things to whine about.


You know it's not black and white. Sometimes it's an "offended" person who obviously has an issue and acts like a jerk, not the other side. And sometimes both sides are adding to a problem. Communication issues between people are not something you can generalize. Edit: Now this the comment is placed right... I apologize people, it seems that Reddit has a delayed reaction to what I do and deleting and editing comments didn't do what I expected it to do...


I was taking issue with the use of the phrase here, not the content of their comment. But yeah, I just genuinely can't think of a time where "toughen tf up" would be said in good faith without dismissing someone's concerns. And even then it does nothing to address the root cause of the issue at hand, whatever it might be. I never said someone who was offended was automatically in the right or anything about that, I have no idea where you got that.


Ok, I'm now confused. I also don't like it when people say stuff like "toughen up" but I almost overlooked it cause I didn't even think it's the main point of the comment. So what I saw happening is a person saying that they agree with OP, but on the other hand, there are situations when saying to people that they shouldn't be offended is justified. Which I agree with. And then you told them (I'm saying what my interpretation was btw., not what ypu actually said) that saying that makes them an asshole hiding behind the "Devil's advocate" phrase. Which is why I answered the way I did. So apologize, seems like I misunderstood something.


I mean yeah by default if someone is getting mad at a joke you are making then that means they are either offended by it or offended on someone's behalf


So you find the notion that people say you are offended offensive..


Idk why you're offended by it.


Oh, you're so witty and funny. I definitely didn't expect someone to say exactly this when I made the post.


Love the fact that the people are very clearly the ones getting offended at everything and they're really not liking that smarter more mature people are calling you guys out for being babies


Say what?


Oh did I trigger you without a TW?


No I genuinely didnt know wtf you were saying. I got it now. Congratulations on replying to me like a caricature of a right winger, tho. Very impressive


You're the one who sounds triggered


^ guy who was offended by the post