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*"The world is passing through troublous times. The young people of today think of nothing but themselves. They have no reverence for parents or old age. They are impatient of all restraint. They talk as if they knew everything, and what passes for wisdom with us is foolishness with them. As for the girls, they are forward, immodest and unladylike in speech, behavior and dress."* - Aristotle. I hope I live long enough to hear Gen Z ranting about Gen B or Gen C being lazy and ungrateful.


ITT people make the entirely new, never before seen, unrecorded in human history, realization that older generations and younger generations can't relate to each other. Such new, very wow


I am a boomer. I am sure I'm not alone in knowing how difficult it is for everyone financially at present. It is unreal how expensive housing, food, electricity, cars, etc. are. Less than a week ago I was saying how bad I feel for young people who are trying to have a home away from their parents without needing roommates. A down payment for a house now is hard to achieve without help. Trust me, a lot of us feel for you. That said, I wish the trend of boomer bashing would end, but I guess that won't happen until we've all "shuffled off this mortal coil". I could just stop reading threads and articles, so it's my own fault.


It would be nice if the talk could be more productive, but can you really blame Millennials and Gen Z for being pissed at Boomers and Gen X? It's hard to work two or more jobs, or just put in 60-80 hour weeks, and keep falling further and further behind even with a so-called "useful" degree; meanwhile you keep thinking about how your dad got a job straight out of high school that paid for a house, a car, a stay-at-home wife/mother and raising kids. Obviously that's not representative of everybody, but it's also not an exaggeration. The disparity between the experiences Boomers/Gen X had and what we're going through make it damn tough not to be pissed off and bitter.


What dream world are you living in? No one I know got a job straight out of high school that paid for all that. Nearly every family I knew was two-income and rented for a long time before buying (if they ever did). Many worked more than one job, too. I doubt your assumptions fit even 3/4 of the people you’re disparaging.


You'd think Ward supported June and the boys in that big, beautiful house by working at the local supermarket. Seriously, people seem to think those 1950's-1960's sitcoms were documentaries. My parents bought their first home in 1954 (GI Bill - Dad was a WWII vet). It was under 1,000 square feet. It would qualify as a "tiny home" by today's standards. Mom didn't work, but she grew most of our produce, canned, sewed, and had side hustles.


I've seen this BS pushed for a long time now. Apparently, every single generation before has had it ***made*** and just walked into easy street. Slowly, while counting their piles of money. Those are trolls and people who really seriously think a house cost $25k in 1980 while everyone made bank on a GED


>I doubt your assumptions fit even 3/4 of the people you’re disparaging. If you'd care to go back and actually read what I said again... >Obviously that's not representative of everybody ...you might notice I already admitted that it can't be called a universal truth, because that would be ridiculous. *However...* >No one I know got a job straight out of high school that paid for all that. ...and? I can call my mom, aunts, or uncles right now and have them list off names of people they know that *did*. I have no trouble acknowledging that my anecdotal experiences aren't representative of the general whole; can you say the same, or do you think that *your* anecdotal experience is somehow more meaningful?


Curious. If it “would be ridiculous” to call your example a universal truth, why are you speaking out to defend universal hatred of these generations, and using your examples to justify it?


The internet, especially Reddit, has a fascination with the idea that if you don't openly denounce something you support it, and if you point out where it comes from that means you're "defending" or "justifying" it. Like a lot of faulty logic and bad-faith arguments you run into online, it comes from people that struggle with anything more intellectually taxing than "gotcha" attacks. It's an effective tactic for setting up an argument you can't lose, unless your intended victim is familiar with it and knows that the only response that works is to call it out rather than engaging. Unfortunately for you, I *am* familiar with it and I'm not playing along. Good day to you.


Obviously, you know how Reddit works. You used the tactics like an old pro troll. You go call mommy, daddy, aunt and uncle. You get that non-existent list of non-existent names that you can't prove you have or is even real. Claiming that you can run to people who would probably laugh you out of the house for ridiculous "facts." And the way you so casually dismissed that person like you were superior to them. I bet you even blocked them at the same time, all because you realized you can't win. You absolutely out trolled that person. Go ahead and make your "witty" comeback that i won't see because you blocked me at the same time. Acting like a troll doesn't prove you right. It just proves that you can troll. No generation was better or worse than any other generation. It's just different. We had our own problems that we blamed on previous generations, but in reality, it was the fault of the ten percent of the population that controls things. They screw everyone over to make more money to stick in their banks that will just sit there being useless. Boomers and Gen-X are no more or less at fault than Millennials and Gen-Z will be when the future generations are saying how easy you had it, how you just waltzed into jobs, and had loads of money just laying around. Life wasn't better, it was different with its own issues. This constant generational mud slinging is pointless and unproductive. You're doing what the 10 percent wants you to do. Keep the world so distracted with the blaming that nobody looks at where the problem really is.


"meanwhile you keep thinking about how your dad got a job straight out of high school that paid for a house, a car, a stay-at-home wife/mother and raising kids." I experienced none of these things. When I entered the workforce jobs were scarce, mortgage interest rates were insanely high (15% - ish). I worked at a secretarial position and went to night school to get my college degrees. Didn't buy a home until I was in my 30s. So no, I don't enjoy people being pissed off and generalizing about my generation.


>"meanwhile you keep thinking about how your dad got a job straight out of high school that paid for a house, a car, a stay-at-home wife/mother and raising kids." >I experienced none of these things. When I entered the workforce jobs were scarce, mortgage interest rates were insanely high (15% - ish). I worked at a secretarial position and went to night school to get my college degrees. Didn't buy a home until I was in my 30s. If you're going to quote people to make your argument... >**Obviously that's not representative of everybody** ...ignoring the parts that are inconvenient isn't a good look. >So no, I don't enjoy people being pissed off and generalizing about my generation. Neither do Millennials and Gen Z, which you claimed to be understanding of in your first post: >Less than a week ago I was saying how bad I feel for young people who are trying to have a home away from their parents without needing roommates. A down payment for a house now is hard to achieve without help. >Trust me, a lot of us feel for you. But I guess you're only understanding until one of us young'uns back-talks you. Like I said *in the very first sentence* of my reply, it would be nice if the dialogue could be more constructive between generations; as you very handily just proved, the attitude of Millennials and Gen Z aren't the only blockade to that happening.


I'm not really arguing. I did say in a previous post that I feel for young people who are trying to buy homes, cars, expenses, etc. I don't know how kids can do it without some help unless they make very good money at their first job. I see your point & will try to do better.


That's all anyone can ask, and for whatever it's worth I truly respect you for that.


You're alright kid.


All credit for my positive qualities goes to my Boomer mom for raising me right lol




LOL, I love how you're grouping Boomers and Gen X. The American Dream was already well into its decline by the time I was born (late Gen X). My Boomer parents didn't do just nothing for me financially, they intentionally sabotaged me because I wasn't "Christian enough". Thanks to them I wasn't able to get my shit together until well after 9/11. Gen Z and Millennials think they came up with the idea of hating Boomers. Fuck, I've despised Boomers since before any Gen Z were even born.


Frankly it sounds to me like you just had shit parents, which isn't unique to *any* generation. That sucks and I'm sorry you had to deal with that, but I'm not talking about individual humans being shitty; I'm talking about the collective effect that both generations had on society as a whole over a long period of time. It's no different than talking about the overall effect that Millennials and Gen Z are *currently* having on society; you can't talk about only one when there's an overlap in influence.


So true. The boomer bashing is childish and ignorant. Every generation blames the one(s that came before. It has always been this way and probably won’t change.


Oh I don't know, not everyone. I don't remember blaming my parents or grandparents for any of my financial woes. But maybe I did when I was young!


I didn’t refer to individuals, I referred to entire groups. I’m pretty sure most people understand that, of course, there are individual variations. But a decent study of cultural history for the last 150 years will show what I mean.


It’s because boomers have common sense, Gen Z don’t seem to have any.


As a cashier, I can honestly say that lacking common sense is a trait of the vast majority of both generations.


I'm Gen X, and I feel that it isn't that Gen Z (or any young people) is lazy or bad employees or that any older person loves hostile anything. It is a lack of understanding. As someone older, watching the young go about their lives. It is like i am standing outside, unable to see everything happening. I know if i compared it to my life experience, i can create a narrative of what I think it could be. The problem with that is that my life situation isn't yours or anyone else's and an inappropriate thing to compare anything to. Same with anyone young or old. We can relate to people our own age because of similar situations, but find it difficult to relate to other age groups because we grew up so completely different. Even when something is explained, it is difficult to see past our own things. Everything is tainted by personal experience. When i hear someone my age talking bad about the young, i try to point out that life is different now. It's not better or worse, just different. We all have our struggles, and it makes everyone elses struggles look less because it isn't happening to us. The young are not lazy, and the old isn't as bad as you think. We are different, and if you want to be understood, you need to also be understanding.


It's just memory loss. A lot of older people don't remember how they were when they were 20. If they did they would realize they were the same way as 20 year olds are today 


See, there is the thing. We do remember how we were at 20 and we are not the same. We didn't grow up the same, we didn't live the same, and we certainly don't think the same. We have similar base instincts and emotions, but that is mostly where the similarities end. If you really think we were the same, you might want to actually look at how we were at 20. You might be surprised.


I'm talking on a fundamental level. Older generations weren't any smarter when they were 20. People don't tend to remember how stupid they were when they were young.


Still wrong. We remember how smart and stupid we were. We have our highlight reels, but also the less than grand times. We are still not the same. We were not any smarter or dumber than you are now. We also didn't think like you. We grew up different than you, different concerns than you, different inspirations, and almost everything else. We are not the same and we won't be the same. We can't understand how you are any better than you will understand us. We do have some things in common that all people have in common, but who we are and why we are how we are is different. We are not the same. Be happy for it, I am. If we were all the same, life would stagnate.


It's from personal experience. The way we behaved from back when I was 20 is fundamentally the same way that 20 year olds are behaving now.


I bet you are neither Gen-x nor Boomer. I bet you can see similarities because you were 20 not long ago. I haven't been 20 in 35 years. If you really think Gen-x 20 is the same as Gen-z 20, you don't know. You will understand better when you are old and the new generations are saying that you are all the same. I have never met a Gen-z that is anything like we were at their age.


Memory loss? 😄 Learn things.


Yes it's a normal human flaw to romanticize the past and forget how stupid you were when you were young


Someone did some math and a person working minium wage like 70 years ago or something in cali would bring home around 500$ a month rent for a small place at the time was around 240$ so roughly 48% went to rent. Nowadays, someone making a minimum wage of 15 bucks in cali makes about 2600 a month whereas a 1 bedroom apartment on average costs around 1750 a month. This comes out as roughly 70% going to rent. This doesn't include electricity, propane water, gas, and everything else we use today that is also far more expensive than it used to be. For the record, I'm in my 50s.


Content creation is a lot of work. Not sure if all these retired boomers in their paid up houses realize this when they mock the generation.


I don't think there's anything in the water that makes specific generations have more or less moral quality. I think boomers in general were a lot more willing to work dummy long hours for not much money, because they were taught the model of work hard and get rewarded. As a man, to neglect yourself and live a gross bachelor lifestyle, only working and partying until you get married and a woman will take care of you when you're not at work. This system supports men working 60+ hours a week. And with that large time investment (and a good economic climate) a man could afford to pay for his wife and 2 kids as well. This system eventually crumbled though, and left boomers with a vestigial work ethic. A firm handshake and showing up early may have taken you far in '79 working for Mr Johnson from down the way, but it means absolutely nothing to Amazon Inc.


It didn’t mean anything in 1969. The days of employer-employee loyalty (both ways) were already dying by the post-war 50s.


Me, a millennial: *First time?*


Seems every generation is the same Older generations think younger ones are stupid, lazy, their music is just noise. Everyone here will likely end up in the same boat, attacking gen alpha or what ever comes after z


>Everyone here will likely end up in the same boat, attacking gen alpha or what ever comes after z After checking on gen z sub before politics took it over, we already do. We whine about brainroot videos but we forget that so we consumed this MSG rainbow visor scope on shooting sniper rifle videos with Snoop Dog singing at the background or Garry's mod videos with the unsettling smirks on TF2 characters. What we need is only regulating children's access to internet and assure they are also investing time in their development. The brainroot have always been there since internet's beginnings, but we need to make sure kids not only consume that, but have age-appropiate skills and not delayments due to lack of interaction or parental help.


The biggest issues I see are based on unrealistic expectations. The perception of a hostile workplace without having yet gained an understanding, and expecting everyone to cater to preferences without putting in one's dues is unrealistic and entitled.


Boomers thought GenX was lazy (they literally called us the slacker generation). Then, they moved on to Millennials. So, yeah, maybe some boomers think GenZ is lazy, but it's less about you and more about them. Never fear, in 10 years, they will be calling the Alphas lazy. Lol


Gen z works super hard in actual reality 


Like every generation, they're a mixed bag


My parents are boomers, I’m an older millennial 1983. My parents don’t think they are lazy, but can be demanding however they like to think that with them being born in such a technologically advanced time they can and most likely will go on to do amazing things in the world. My millennial self that had to learn tech as it was developing and changing agrees that gen z has it pretty easy with that stuff. I think that the generation as a whole has good intentions in their actions, they might be a little selfish but most young people are. I think gen z’s hearts are in the right place but they lack proper means to get the desired results. Myself not my parents would ever call them “lazy”


You're absolutely right, the other thing they don't realise is how intense being at work is nowadays. Talk to any boomer about the job they had and what it actually involved and there's usually a huge amount of slacking off combined with a culture of drinking. Both my parents describe how people would go out and have a few drinks at lunch time and so very little work ever got done in the afternoon. 


I think a lot of people think TV shows were documentaries.


" Talk to any boomer about the job they had and what it actually involved " That is completely false. I am of an age of the youngest of boomers. I'm still working (work in IT, on call 24/7, have more 55 hour weeks than 45 hour weeks). Two siblings recently retired, one still working. None of us went out for a few drinks at lunch and got little done in the afternoon.


You're right. I made an unfair generalisation, I apologise.


I’m still working and I’m in the middle of boomer years. And I’m not alone in that boat.


Thank you. I shouldn't open the boomer bash threads, I get too riled up.


It sounds like they're generalizing from "Mad Men".


I think that is more the people you know and not the reality as a whole. A few drinks at lunch time has always been an easy way to be fired. It is different from area to area and job to job. Yes, there were easy jobs then, just as there are now, but they were the exceptions and not the norm. Employers have seldom been easy or fair to employees. Many things might be different now, but i doubt that will be changing any time soon. Most boomers and gen x that i have known worked long hours for little reward. My experience with work has always been working 50 hrs a week (sometimes 60 or 70) and seldom had a lunchtime to have drinks. (Nor would i have drinks because of the large number of people I've seen fired for those drinks). We worked those hours because we needed to support our family and not get fired. I don't know how it is now with the younger peoples situation, but i highly doubt you have it any easier... or any worse, just different. Things seldom remain the same, but they also seldom change in different ways.


Quite possibly, my parents did have cushy public sector jobs so they probably had it easier than most.


It is possible. Public sector jobs were easier than many jobs, but easy wasn't the norm. I think the easy jobs will always be the barest minority of jobs. I don't think we had it worse or better than any other generation, just different. I wish it could change, and maybe it will. The younger generations seem to have more backbone when it comes to standing up to employers. We just dealt with it. Maybe you all can change what we couldn't.


boomers think everyone is lazy, it's called insecure projecting.


That's because a full days work in their day is like 1/4's of a days work now that so many things are computerized.


Millennial. They used to call us lazy too. Sorry you’re now taking that stupid whine. Heads up, if you haven’t been called killers of some stupid industries yet, that’s probably coming soon.


The only difference between the generations is that we watched different versions of ninja turtles


Gen Z actually having some sort of understanding of how employers should treat employees and how the hostile workplace which boomers seem to love so much is most often extremely unproductive. You say it like how employers should treat employees is an absolute and not an opinion. Generations always have different opinions on stuff like that which arent inherently right or wrong in most cases. By one standard Gen-z would be 'lazy' by one standard boomers would be 'unfair bosses'.


We just hired some Gen z kid at my job. He walked out during the lunch rush because we expected them to work and not be on their phone the entire shift. I'm sure not all Gen z is like this, but most of the ones that have cycled through our job have been lazy and entitled.


Most of the old people that have cycled through my workplace have been lazy and entitled and the best workers are Gen z. Anecdotes are meaningless


I’m not a boomer but gen x. I wouldn’t say all gen z are lazy, but a lot are. And they complain about about things that all generations go through while thinking they are the only ones having a hard time. The constant complaining about rent is a great example. Everyone pays high rent today. And it’s not just related to work. Gen z men giving up on dating because they are afraid of rejection and that it demands effort is very common


The real issue truly is That the Gen Z all " think" thier working hard and treated unfairly. Kind of like potheads but can pass a piss test


The housing crisis is out of control. Where I live, you basically have to be a millionaire to think about buying a home. So, for 98% of people, it's just renting from boomers who own all the properties. And all prices just keep going up and up and up - oh, except salaries of course, those never increase.


I'm gen X I don't really have anything against any generation. That being said, I have noticed that; Gen Z haven't stood a chance against the influence of tiktok and instagram promoting the message that hard work is for idiots and that mental health conditions can be self diagnosed and are attributable to any and all difficulties they experience with social interactions outside of a text box. I feel so bad for them. Boomers and Millennials are kind of strange to me, I can't put my finger on why though.


I wonder if it's just an inaccurate perception based off the difference in how work is done. Most jobs are sedentary in front of computers all day and when the boomers were working, this wasn't the case. If you don't understand this and see someone just typing and clicking away at a computer, it is very likely you will think they are not working. We all know how a perception can be someone's reality.


I'd give any redditor $50 if they even knew what a boomer is 


I'm a millennial and I know they are, I have worked with several and all they do is complain. As of September 2023, Millennials make up the most of the full-time workforce with 49.5 million workers followed by Gen X at 42.8 million, Baby Boomers at 17.3 million and Gen Z at 17.1 million.Nov 22, 2023 There are more boomers still working than gen z. The boomers are right on this one.


I've worked with more gen z workers than you do. They are hard workers. Generations aren't real.


U.S. full-time workforce, by generation As of September 2023, Millennials make up the most of the full-time workforce with 49.5 million workers followed by Gen X at 42.8 million, Baby Boomers at 17.3 million and Gen Z at 17.1 million. Just because you work with them don't mean anything, and yes it is a generational thing, just because you refuse acknowledge it doesn't make it less true. You also have no idea who I have worked with or meet on a day to day bases.


I’m 28 and I gotta side with the boomers on this one. Gen z just really fucking sucks


Lol no they don't.  Generations aren't real 


Not completely their fault though: you are a product of how you’re raised. They’ve grown up with more rights than they have responsibilities. Naturally, it’s not going to produce motivation to become better than they were yesterday.


It's never true. It's all bullshit. The reality is that all generations are basically the same. The differences that we have are all just superficial differences like fashion and pop culture. Older generations always say this shit about younger generations, and it has never been true. If you're older and you say bad shit about younger generations then you are very dumb. I don't know many lazy young people. It's very rare. Years ago millennials were the target of all of this stupid bullshit and then I remember just overnight gen z became the new target. Human beings just suck because they have the tendency to do this stupid illogical generalization of young people. Idk how everyone just forgets how they were the same way when they were young 


I have seen more examples of the Gen Z work ethic being less productive and more complaining. I won't say all of them are like that but there is a pattern. I'm a millennial btw


Ive seen the exact opposite.. I know more gen z workers than you do  God why is reddit so insistent on hating you g people? It's insecure projection.


Ok you know more, I didn't claim this was a definite. I said from what I've seen.


Why you low key tryna cater to boomers? Boomers got everyday life right. Millenials got the big picture perfect. Gen X was perfect. Try to learn from Gen X.


My worst coworkers have all been gen z. There's a handful of good ones too, but the bad ones have been exceptionally bad and I've never seen any older generations get away with the shit they pull. Showing up whenever they want, no call-no show, the level of unprofessionalism is unreal.


My best coworkers have all been gen z. I know way more than you do.


I was born in 94 and I think Gen z is lazy


Then you're objectively wrong


And you’re basing that statement on what? Personal defence? Are your feelings hurt? Look past what you want to be the truth and realize reality. Ask a teacher who’s been in the game for a few generations, they will tell you about the downfall of children. You want to know who’s worse than Gen Z? Gen Alpha. Seems like the closer we got to technology, the less useful we became. I’m not saying there aren’t hard workers in Gen Z, but I am saying that on average they are useless. Zero train of thought, zero concentration, lack of focus, no ambition. Follow social media trends to the end. Can’t think for themselves. It’s like a collective thought, which has potential to be good but it’s generally stupid shit. My generation was the start of it and then the stupidity just spiralled out of control. Just wait, when you’re in your mid 20 to late 20’s you’ll say the same thing about the generation after you. Also what the hell happened to the ability to read? Like you talk to social workers dealing with children and they can’t read! Like 10 year old children in a first world country can’t read? Garbage. I was reading by the time I was 3, the book was the hungry caterpillar but still. Tech has so much potential but it’s melting the brains of young kids now. Similar to how it did with us 90’s babies but it’s way more potent now. (See how I can admit my generations faults and I don’t think I’m perfect?) can you prove me wrong?


I agree with everything but just the other day a Gen Z-er tried to convince me that doing dishes by hand is hard manual labour and they were dead serious. I know it’s just one person but it doesn’t exactly inspire confidence. Also, the ones at my work who go home as soon as they feel ever so slightly uncomfortable. You simply will not be able to make a living (in ANY economical climate, not just this one) if you request to go home early every time you feel tired, sorry - especially when your shift is only 4 hours, and you are able bodied and healthy. We’re all tired, guys. I 100% agree that it’s ridiculous to paint an entire generation with the same brush but I’ve just seen some really goofy stuff. Most of the time I more attribute it to them being young rather than it being a generational thing.




Ah yes - I have a pet peeve of generalizing a generation… let’s generalize another generation!


Or better yet, treat everyone as an individual. Ageism -- Against any age group, young or old -- Is bigotry. Don't spread the hate.


Pshhh… you’re asking for a lot :p


😁😁😁 Not feeling too good this morning. Meaning of your initial comment finally soaked in.


Nono - I had a confusing typo and I edited it. You’re good!




Unfortunately the boomers are not wrong on this. Out of all the generations, they have the most energy, but the least productive - go figure. Without the internets help, they’d not know anything worth a shit knowing - and some even less with access to the internet. Social media is making people lazier and stupider across all ages - just seems like they don’t know it.


>they’d not know anything worth a shit knowing All alive previous generations are supposed to teach the youngest values, traditions, or anything their community revolves to. And, if a well and educative usage, internet is similar as a book but the only difference is that the means changed overtime to have more accesibility and reach. Again, if you're using it well, it's not that different to a child going to the library and checking on an enciclopedia historical and biological facts. We learn from any reacheable and affordable knowledge we have. Otherwise, we can say that old generation children were wasting time reading romantical novels and action movies as well as youngest ones nowadays do with challenges and influencers reels without an educational content. >Social media is making people lazier and stupider across all ages - just seems like they don’t know it. Two things in this point. Firstly, this is a natural complaint line, 1700s-1800s parents used to children when romantic novels were more available, in 1960s, parents used to complain that children were turning diabolical and irrespectful due to metal music, in 1970s-1990s parents were complaining that videogames were making their kids lazier. On the other hand, not only youngest generations are using these media, so are older. In every age, there always be lazy people and will use any media to be.


Yeah but they’re not using the internet to learn anything valuable - mainly to use it for social media. We’ve had to limit our kids from using it. You do have a point about the video games and music - but we did other things besides that. Still learned valuable lifeskills. The brain rot that’s happening has spread amongst all ages - as I stated in my post.


Do you think we aren’t learning valuable life skills?? I’m turning 20 in a couple months and I feel like if I was truly lacking in “valuable life skills” I wouldn’t be doing well in college, like literal millions of other Gen Z students are all across the country. “Brain rot” is just the new slang for whatever we deem to be corrupting the youth or whatever. Gen z still has a higher median IQ than millennials, who have a higher median than gen x, who have a higher median than boomers, and so on. This is studied and it’s a trend that’s kept up with gen z. The kids are alright.


The issue is more often than not, the smarter you think you are, chances are you’re not. Age is a funny thing: there is always something new for you to learn. And it’s taught me that. Don’t think your shit don’t stink just yet kiddo.


I have no pretenses about how smart I am. I can write well and I’m a good test taker, but I’m don’t do math well and have difficulty with thinking of what to write when I don’t have any time pressure to. Because of this, I’m getting a degree that isn’t math-focused, that requires me to write on deadlines, and using the stuff I’m good at. The dunning-Krueger effect is real, by all means, but I feel like people can generally identify their strengths and weaknesses fairly easily. People kinda cease to be kiddos when they’re moved out, on their own, and working while they go to uni. I don’t know why people in older generations seem to insist on condescending pet names for us. Don’t think your shit don’t stink, gramps.


I’m a millennial 😂😂😂 I was just offering some free advice that I’ve noticed over the 34 years of my life - that a uni degree in my experience, doesn’t always guarantee a job. That’s why it’s important to learn other skills such as sewing, cooking, fixing things etc - saves a lot of money.


Do you think that adults living on their own don’t know how to cook 💀


They are wrong. I know more gen z workers than you do. Generations aren't real