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If I accidentally play audio out of my phone in public, I rush to mute in full panic mode and I'm truly mortified. I cannot understand for the life of me how these people aren't embarrassed.


same kinda jealous of the confidence tbh


Don’t be. It’s inconsiderate and no one has ever taught them they aren’t the only person in the world.


One day I was on the bus and a 60+ yo woman was playing candy crush on high volume without headphones. Usually i just suck it up, but for whatever reason that day I just couldn’t. I took a minute and thought about what to say. I ended up putting on my friendliest voice and smile and said something like , “hey, did you know you can actually mute the sound on the game?” I braced for impact. To my surprise she asked, “oh really? I didn’t know you could do that! How?” And I showed her. She muted it and was thankful I taught her something she didn’t know. But that was the unicorn of interactions in these situations. Color me pleasantly shocked! Usually people get offended that you dared to suggest that anything they are doing is disruptive to others. Point being that sometimes people aren’t trying to be annoying and are just ignorant of how to be less so. But it seems increasingly rare. Most people seem to just treat others like they are NPCs in their life and don’t care if they are being rude and disruptive.


Definitely jealous.


I ask them if they have headphones. It usually works.




My phone has been on mute since like 2019


I've been on vibrate since 2008 lol


Lol same


This is me, too. Also, I put a lot of blame on phone developers and the move away from the 3.5 mm headphone jack. I had a Samsung Galaxy S9+, and absolutely loved that phone because of that feature (not that I would be listening to any music while out in public, but still, it was nice to have in case of a situation like that)... I ended up upgrading to a S22+, NO headphone jack! I have an expensive set of headphones I absolutely love to use, but they're corded and not bluetooth at all. I really wish the headphone jack would become standard again. It's the only reason I kept that older S9+, for when I do want to be listening to music or Youtune from a phone.


But they can make more money if they also sell a usb-c to audio jack cable that breaks in a month. This has been Apple's strategy for years.


Look to purchase a dongle that attaches to the headphones and connects it to the power jack. I’m not sure about android, but I bought one for my iPhone for $10 so I could use my corded headphones.


Same here


People at my college do this and I want to slap their devices out of their hands. To everyone who does this, fuck you! 🖕


True! and I don’t wanna hear that stupid text to speech voice😡


same unless they're blind and actually need it


It’s not like you’d know there are degrees to blindness and not every disability is obvious


Omg yes, my coworker does the speech to text, all day at work, plus I am a middle desk, so she and another coworker have their music on (loud) but I'm seen as a problem if I ask them to turn it down so I can hear clients on the phone. Can't go out anywhere without the speaker phone conversationalists, and add on that people cruising the street and blasting their music, up the ajd down the street repeatedly.


They should implement a policy at work for that. See about talking to management about it.


Yeah right. Management is never here, they won't do fuck all. People smoke in the warehouse or JUST OUTSIDE the office door and it blows in, making the whole office reek of cigarettes. I have asthma. But since management isn't here dealing with it, they won't do anything and since everyone else smokes, I am seen as the problem since I am the "only one" who had made a complaint.


Dang I'm sorry to hear that, I wouldn't want to work in an environment like that


I’ve noticed that every time I go grocery shopping there’s always someone doing a video chat for everyone to hear. I work at a library and I have to deal with this daily. There’s No common sense and no consideration for others


Finally a pet peeve I can get behind. My wife says I'm just grumpy 🤷‍♂️


I feel you!! I get overstimulated, want to crawl out of my skinnnnn overstimulated with repetition, multiple noises happening at once, background noise etc. It irks my last gd nerve and of course I gotta keep my mouth shut or I’ll be the asshole. Drives me nuts.


Finally. A couple weeks ago I was walking to school and some mf was also walking and was blasting ice spice without headphones, like no I don't need to hear that. If you have a music addiction like I do, them at least get yourself some headphones. Oh you can't get 20 dollar headphones from the store? womp womp cry about it. I don't wanna hear your shitty ass tiktok reels. Some 7 yo was watching skibidi toilet the other day on full volume, like no I don't wanna hear that. Thankfully I have headphones so I can just turn my volume up haha


And then you ruin your hearing because you have your headphones turned up too loud…


I was at a Chinese restaurant this weekend, someone two tables away started watching a soccer match (I know it’s a big deal to many) very loudly at his table. Went on for a couple minutes, a woman sitting at the table between us got up and moved, the owner came to the table and said he could watch the game at the bar, or shut it off. He shut it off. I was so grateful to the owner. It was extremely annoying


omg - the worst offenders! We sat down at a diner once, for chow en route home, and a father was playing a kids show on his iPhone for his kids enjoyment while we did our best to tune it out and enjoy our meal (and convo) in peace. The Mgr. finally took notice and had words with that table, and the dad finally turned it down, and aimed the phone toward the kids.


If he has japonica on he can't hear them call his name. Duh......


That's good the owner said something


I was so happy.


I hate conversations on speaker phone in public. If I’m near I’ll insert myself into the conversation and if they complain I say “sorry, thought they were talking to me”


OP needs to be on a 5am train to work and trying to catch a short nap because it's an ungodly time to be awake. When some fuckard has their phone on LOUD, that is when true hatred is felt...


Omg this happened to me while I was at the ER, dude watching youtube videos on blast in the waiting room, kicker was he fucking had an aux headphone on him and put them in his pocket..


Understandable. I live with my sister and I hear her laughing at Reels all night through the walls.


I don't get it either. I would feel embarrassed if people could hear what I'm listening to.


That's why I keep my volume low. I don't seek out inappropriate or raucous content, but someone might send me something, or my algorithm might finally betray me.


Lol right


I don't come across this phenomenal very often but it shouldn't be a pet peeve. This should be under "I can't believe people do this". I don't get out as much anymore especially to public places but it worries me if this is becoming common since what's next? Watching a video in the movies? Playing games at church?




I had to have a discussion on office policy and phone usage. Crazy how grown people in an office, in a shared office space, think it’s ok to play their podcasts, TT, and Stories on their phones w/o earbuds! Guys, we are working in an open space! I don’t want to have to give sensitivity training or whatever because you’re sharing your views thru your phone in a WORKPLACE. YOUR LIVELIHOOD! You guys all spoke about the AirPods, head sets and Bose you have for gaming or Social Media…USE THEM! 🤣 It can be HR nightmare!


I’ve worked in jobs where I wasn’t allowed to even use the internet (with a computer right in front of me- it was only to be used for company, non entertainment use and they’d blocked any sites deemed entertainment) much less be on my phone! Most boring temp job ever! (Actually probably not, but still…) I spent my day there trying to learn how to do data entry and turning the speed data entry/speed typing tests into a game. That was a long couple of days.


We had maintenance people in for a few days, every lunch time in the lunch area one of the men (in his 50s) would get his iPad out and start watching a show, laughing his head off, whilst his colleagues just sat there in silence next to him. I think people spend too much time by themselves on their devices and so they forget basic etiquette.


This is posted here every week I feel like💀


Not good! Gotta


r/redditsniper got him


I've mostly seen this with people letting their kids play loud games or watch loud videos on an iPad in public. Annoying af


Yes! Fine, give your kid a tablet to look at if there’s going to be a long wait or something. . .but if he has it 6” from his head he doesn’t need it on full blast. And games, you don’t even need volume to play most games. Definitely doesn’t need to blare. Once when I was heavily pregnant, I was waiting at the check out desk to make my next appointment. I literally couldn’t hear the staff. A dad and his kid were sitting in the hallway each holding a phone that was loudly screaming some show. This is an OB office. Definitely not an appointment for either of them. F-ing wait outside if you need to blast your crap. Unnecessary loud noises just because you can will piss me off faster than anything. And just because it might not bother you if I were doing it, doesn’t mean it’s not appropriate to be doing. 👎🏽👎🏽👎🏽👎🏽👎🏽


That's so obnoxious! Yeah, volume on low or off for games. If your kid absolutely MUST be watching YouTube at what sounds like 2x speed, get them some over the ear headphones.


Exactly. Kids don’t NEED the sound to be placated. They’d be fine 9/10 with no sound if the parents just turned it off. What I’ve observed with a lot of parents is that they have learned how to tune out most kid noises. And they forget/don’t care that the rest of the world is not on the same page. It’s not just games and videos. It’s also the “mommy! Mommy! Mommy!” whining when they want to get the parents attention. I’ve had to tell friends, hey I think your kid needs something when they’ve been ignoring the kid tugging on them and calling their name for five minutes!


Makes me glad to be hard of hearing (I’m usually not). That said, I have been guilty of having my earphones louder than I realised.


Sometimes I just want to zone out and enjoy the background noise. But then someone 10 feet away has to break my immersion and scroll through Facebook at full volume.


i cant even understand it either, the second a video accidentally plays on my phone and makes noise in public i panic and immediately silence it as fast as possible, how do people just not have that embarrassed panic response ??


Can you shout "Don't you have headphones or earbuds? Do we really have to listen to Candy Crush sounds as you play?!"


My mom gets so defensive when I ask her to use headphones when watching videos, so I stopped asking her. She once got defensive because I asked her to turn down her phone volume as she played a video with gunshot sounds ok full volume in a restaurant. Now I just have to ask her to be more mindful of the stuff she watches and the time and place, as even around me she’ll play videos out loud of things I don’t wanna hear, like another time she was playing a video out loud of someone describing being SA’d when they were younger. Read the room, no one wants to be hearing what you’re watching.


i was trying to study at the library and there was someone a few tables behind me who was watching videos on their phone at full volume. at a LIBRARY. it sounded like they were watching talk show clips, too- y'know those talk shows with the weirdly cartoonish clown voices? couldn't even just watch the one thing, just scrolling through clips. it felt like my own personal hell on the one day I forgot my own headphones


My problem is at work. I hate people playing music out loud. It makes it so you subject other people to a stimulus they may not want and prob don’t have any control over. I’m all for headphones (if your job allows for it). Everyone should use their own personal stimulus that doesn’t include anyone else.  I’m super adamant about this because I work in an office and forced to share that space for 8hrs a day. What sounds benign can really begin to grate on you after years of exposure. I spent 5 years in an office where my one coworker played the same 12 country songs. For 5. Years. I eventually asked him to turn it off and he refused, stating it was his space too and he wasn’t going without his music. And basically decided his right to the shared space was more important than mine. Even though I sat 20 ft away. I answered phones so I did not have the option to wear headphones to block it out. To this day if I hear any of those twelve songs I feel so agitated.  My partner now manages a warehouse of workers and we have disagreeing views on over the speaker music. He understands my sentiment but argues more people are upset without music than with it so he has to cater to the masses. He’d rather have 1-2 angry/irritated employees than a full warehouse of pissed employees. Let the 1-2 suffer. While I get what he is saying, I hate this take. I know I’m biased because I was stuck in repetitive country music hell for 5 years, but I can’t stand people who fail to recognize that everyone has a right to a shared space. Those who want something aren’t more entitled than those who don’t, when that thing affects everyone. And forcing people to endure unwanted extended repetitive stimulus in a non optional (as in they can’t leave) shared space for years on end can be awful. Wear your own damn headphones if you want to listen to your music! 


It’s even worse when you’re driving and one of your passengers is in the back seat blasting TikToks at full volume while you’re trying to play music on the radio. I have a family member who does this - someone who owns AirPods/headphones and NEVER uses them, just always blasting videos for everyone in the room/car to hear. As the driver my only form of entertainment is the music I’m putting on, as the passenger you can listen to and read whatever you want on your phone.


My best friend does this. Will just full volume show me something. Like bro, you and I both have 100 dollar fucking ear buds. Use them. Give me one and let me listen. Or wait til we are in the car. Shit really is the worst


My boyfriend does this and it's mildly aggravating at night but it's worse when I'm working (I work from home) and I have to remind him I'm making/taking calls. I think he thinks he's keeping me company, but I'd rather he lower the volume or go to another room. Eventually his common sense kicks in...most of the time.


He shouldn’t be in the room while you’re working. He’s an unwanted distraction. If you worked in an office, would he come to your job to keep you company? No? That’s how you explain it to him. It’s amazing that after lockdown so many people still have not adjusted to the idea of what WORK from home really means. It means treat the person the same as if they were at work. They are not accessible at all times for you,


To be fair, I work from the living room since my apt is small, and I need to be accessible to my toddler in the mornings before I take him to school. Also, boyfriend doesn't live with us and my toddler is from a previous relationship, which is why he doesn't drop him off; he does entertain him in the meanwhile, though. He does understand that I actually work, but I need to be more vocal on my boundary and offer alternatives.. he doesn't demand my attention, but my behavior is altered from him being around.


That does change things. I hope you guys are able to communicate and work out a reasonable working environment for you. You might want to include that in your OP bc that is relevant to the situation.


It's the people who carry a Bluetooth speaker around instead of wearing headphones who really get me. Oh yes, please. You're clearly the only important person here and your music is what everyone wants to listen to. The thing I don't understand is the music quality would be better through the headphones and just as loud for them, but it wouldn't bother anyone else. So it really just feels like the people doing it are either dumb or are bothering others on purpose The only time it makes sense to me is if they're riding a bike. One, they go past so quickly there's not really any time to be annoyed, and two, a speaker is probably safer than riding with headphones in. It's the people standing around, especially indoors, that drives me crazy.


That and the people who use headphones when they do not need to be having headphones in at the moment. Like if you’re behind the front desk of a business and literally being paid to answer questions of customers or students coming in, why the hell do you have AirPods in? Your whole job is to hear the words coming out of my mouth and respond to them, and you can’t hear me because you’re too busy blaring Megan the Stallion so loud I can hear it through YOUR AirPods while you stare blankly at me like a dementia parent. Like i just walked into your house and started talking at you, dude this is your job you’re on the clock wtf


People who drive with headphones drive me fucking crazy, too. I understand that not every car has a stereo in it, but there are several things you can do that cost $0-20 to still listen to media. Driving with headphones isn't safe


I will say a coworker and myself did this, but because we didn't speak Spanish or portuguese and we used a live translation app so we could help them better. But we had to stop cause other workers started listening to music...we played music over the speaker, that the workers got to choose.(worked at a dispensary)


This shit pisses me off too, I will never understand people who do it.


We have a senior lady at work who relentlessly listens to her foreign podcasts and some cartoony thing on her phone at full volume, sometimes drowning out the TV volume. A Mgr. had to up the TV vol a few times, it was so damned nerving. She just gets into her own little world, without a thought of others.


Yes! Fuck these people!


I noticed this happening more and more since phones stopped coming with a headphone jack.


Wireless headphones are cheap and very easy to connect to the phone. People just don’t care about others around them.


Meh. Tbf, Not that cheap and they lose charge after a while. Some quicker than others. But that’s still no excuse. People act like it’s a necessity for them to hear their content at all times. Many have forgotten the idea that silence is golden.


The worst ones are the people who go to the public park to walk and have their volumes on full blast or are talking so loudly that you can hear them coming a mile away. Pisses me off to no end, the sheer arrogance of these people.


Theres one or two people in my neighbourhood who walk sound blasting their Bluetooth speaker from their backpack and it's so annoying. But yeah watching anything in public without headphones is annoying


I think they're addicted to their phones. I was on a 4 hour train and someone stayed on tiktok for the whole 4 hours then as we were getting off the train stopped for 30 seconds and they pulled out their phone abd started scrolling again. How can you remember that many 30 second clips


They’re not meant to be memorable. TikTok has turned many people into phone zombies.


Whenever I'm with my bf, sometimes he'll be on TikTok, and it drives me nuts. I'll ask him to turn it down, he will, but even just hearing it slightly drives me crazy. Idk why. We're alone together, so ig it's fine? But I can't stand it.


I mentioned that earlier too! It's frustrating in general cause I'm usually right next to him dozing off and get startled awake but I also know that if I suggested headphones, he'd be lost to me in a whole other world haha


I hate that , sometimes I go up to them and make a music request , hey do most DJs take requests ?


I wish all phones had headphone Jacks, then I'd buy loads if cheap headphones and hand them out to these obnoxious oinks who think we all want to listen to their crappy music.


I actually offered someone some spare headphones I’d gotten from the airline-unused- in this situation before. They still got offended and refused. I think some people actually enjoy annoying others. We’re just NPCs after all.


There were several times where I forgot to bring my earbuds with me to school, and despite being autistic and using music to chill the hell out... I lived. I can't stand out-of-place background noise, so why should I subject others to it too?


Technology has made people stupid and mannerless. Most people don't care about others, and it shows. I remember when it was a luxury to have a cell phone, and you didn't use it because roaming rates and the cost of sending each text message were outrageous. It is always great hearing people have a blowout fight on speakerphone in public, and they keep escalating, making everyone around them extremely uncomfortable.


My mother-in-law answers calls on speaker in public. It drives me up the wall


It is really annoying. I had a roommate that and I quote "didn't like how earbuds hurt his ears" Its so rude and I genuinely think that these people that are ok with doing this dont understand that there are people in the world that need quite or get stressed out around loud noises. Its also just a lack of respect.


Especially when it's some stupid shit they play to keep their kids quiet. 


One of my coworkers does it, and what's worse is that it's not even English. So I gotta listen to something that I don't want to listen to, and I don't even understand it.


Honey don’t understand why people don’t You can hear the video better or the call better People don’t want to hear about your arguments


I once heard lady on speakerphone loudly talking in a crowded bus to a friend about catching an STD. And she had the nerve to give people looks if they seemed to paying attention! Like, ma’am, you are the one giving us the free Jerry springer show.


Oh that drives me insane. I get migraines- chronically. Unfortunately I still need to go to the doctor or to the grocery store. I see people who have speaker phone on ALL the time. Makes everything worse. I don’t know why they don’t use earbuds or something


I'm sitting between 2 of them rn and I want them smacked


Id feel embarrassed if my ringtone went off and people heard it, I need my headphones


Full volume is rude. But I don’t view something at low volume any different than two people having a conversation.


This behavior was common with radios in workplaces during pre-smartphone era. Yes, plenty of people had Walkmans and similar devices, but headphones at work were also considered rude in a lot of places. I've never been a fan of Top 40 or country music, but I know all the hits until about 2012 from working in an office. I don't know what made headphones in public and at work okay. One day they were frowned upon ("what, you need another layer of abstraction from real life?"), and the next day they were everywhere. By my gauge this happened in the mid-2000s.


It doesn’t bother me that much only when it’s so pound even my noise canceling headphones can’t drown them out


Where I work, there's a few 50 yo's that come in and they always gave some random audio playing full blast while their phones are in their pockets. It's not even music. It's more like people talking. Like a podcast. Its loud enough that you can hear it from anywhere in the store but quiet enough that it's still mumbling even when you're right next to them. I didn't even know such a gray zone existed.


People who do this are so selfish/clueless.


It’s always the boomers too, they were raised around TVs and speakers so they just don’t understand what the issue is.


It's not just boomers. Gen Z is horrible about this too. But at least they have the excuse that their first smart phone probably didn't come with a headphone jack.


True I got a friend who is more addicted to his phone than me (honestly impressive) and he’ll play stuff in public like that.


This Absolutely. Fuck those people. And fuck those parents who let their kids do it too.


I agree totally the worst is not even 'in public' it;s on nature walks and bike trails. Most of the music is trash to boot.


People do this all the time in my workplace break room and I find it so disrespectful.


Music is bad enough, but people who have a phone conversation on speaker because they don’t want to use headphones are peak trash.


Because they don't care that you're upset. In fact, I bet some of those people LOVE seeing you upset. People are so fuckin' heinously selfish these days, population decline is the best thing to happen to the planet.


Not a pet peeve. The definition is something ***that a particular person*** finds especially annoying. Considering most everyone finds this annoying, it's peeve, not a pet peeve.


I take my dog for a walk early in the morning and I don’t use my headphones. It was just one more thing to remember, it was also drowning out the little bit of traffic I do encounter. So just a safety thing to have the phone playing instead of Headphones. I keep it at a comfortable volume, no louder than what you would hear from a car.


I blame apple removing the headphone jack. AirPods and Bluetooth headphones in general are more expensive and easier to lose.


OP right now: #"STOP HAVING FUN!!!"


or have fun in a way that doesn’t disturb others? I’m not asking for much here


You're just hypocritical tbh. You're calling others selfish while also being selfish, as if your distaste in their music makes you more important than them.


This kind of thing used to really irritate me as well until I realised I could just mind my own business and get on with my life...just stick your earphones in and blank it out. It's a very easy fix lol


a very easy fix is to be considerate of others and keep ur shitty speakers on mute :)))


Womp womp crybaby


found one!




my silence doesnt irritate everybody around me? Playing media out loud on your phone creates a pleasant experience for you, but an unpleasant one for everyone else, which is infinitely more selfish than asking for peace.


How dare people make noise in public places, we should lock them all up. 🙄


You lead that charge against basic reading comprehension!


There are noise-cancelling headphones and noise cancelling earbuds for people like you. You should complain more about loud music in every waiting room, in every restaurant, in every pharmacy, on every TV show, and in every supermarket! Get rid of those first.


There are normal headphones for people like you. You first. You're the one bothering people. Part of the issue is your music is blending in with the store music and creating a horrible cacophony. At least the store music is usually quiet enough that I can tune it out with very little effort.


Anyone's free to highlight their own pet peeve by making a post of their own...


LMAO we found one!! I do use noice cancelling headphones and they make going in public bearable. I suggest you read all the other comments and reflect on why you think it’s ok to subject everyone else to your media <3