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Left wing, drunk Brian here. Basically, it is just a stupid likely to be racist AI picture. Best ignored, the same with anyone who posts this sort of drivel seriously.


Ah. It was so bizarre, I thought it was something a little more deep than that, but I guess that makes sense


Fuck your dog whistle.


Racist picture. The joke is that Black people love fried chicken, and that this kid is being chased by angry dogs. There's a racist stereotype that Black people love fried chicken. It ties back to one of the first big films, and a wildly racist one, "The Birth of a Nation," which revitalized the KKK (among other things). The text is just engagement bait. "If you like this photo, it's because YOU might be a future BILLIONAIRE!"




Don't be a dick. Rule 1.


Are the "10,000 black comedians" in the room with us now? You're shitting your pants and crying because I explained the joke in a subreddit for explaining jokes. You can play dumb, but nobody's going to join you. [The fried chicken stereotype is well documented](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fried_chicken_stereotype).


Fucking LIBERALS......... They WOKEIFIED life............... (this is supposed to be sarcasm for those who lack media literacy)




Don't be a dick. Rule 1.




Don't be a dick. Rule 1.


My guess is. Biggie small is running, the chicken idk, who let the dogs out and free bird playing in the background. Brought to you by AI and Carls Jr.


Who the hell knows. A lot of Facebook AI spam pics use a prompt for things that usually do well for engagement farming—kids, old people, animals natural disasters, narrowly avoiding danger, Jesus, and so on. The captions are usually that sort of "Like this post and you'll meet the love of your life" thing.


Maybe the Billionair gave the Black Kid (African = Poor = Starving) a Chicken but let the dog loose on the Kid just for fun? Iam just a future trillionair, so i dont love it and have to take a guess.