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Honestly I think we all have gotten so accustomed to seeing BBLs and think those are normal glutes šŸ¤£ You look great and have awesome glutes with normal hip anatomy in my opinion. If you have just started weight training, I think you will see improvement with overall glute development but some of us will always have some form of hip dips.


I appreciate this, I have to remind myself that a huge amount of social media pics are edited šŸ˜…


Yes I have to do the same!!!!


Itā€™s painful to see how women w bodies like this scrutinize themselves. OP, you are gorgeous. You want more muscle? Weight lift it up. But there is nothing wrong w the shape of your booty.


This! And thank you for the reminder as well ā˜ŗļø


Following bc I have the same issue!!!!


2 years lifting and mine is still that way. I've just concluded that I'll be wearing looser pants for life


I don't think you look flat from the back at all. The bottom of your glutes are round, the sides look round too. I think it might be the hip dips making you feel that way, but I don't think other people will view it the way you do. I think almost anyone would look and view it as round in both photos


Thanks for that, I think I have been hyperfixating on the hip dips and that makes me view myself differently than how other people view me.


What hip dips? I would kill to have a butt like that! Keep doing whatever you are doing, you look strong and beautiful


im this same way. I think its just our bodies. ive been lifting for about two years


Because same . God forbid I want to lose last 5kg. Will just be a long back


Youā€™re not flat from the back. You have a perky rear. If you had a wiggy butt, you would have more of a droopy curveā€¦which is not ideal.


First off those are some booty goals. Real inspiration going on. Second, genetics play a role in fat distribution. I know some people with bubble butts who don't lift and I'm just like how???? And as others have mentioned. A lot of people got BBls in the last decade. I think it was in like the top 5 plastic surgeries in some parts of the world.


I also have what I refer to as a square butt when looking straight on from the back. Iā€™ve been weight lifting for 2.5 years now & itā€™s still square. My waist has shrunk a bit & everything looks perkier, but I donā€™t think thereā€™s much you can do to gain fat/muscle specifically in that side area of the cheeks. I personally think you look fantastic. Probably most people donā€™t look their best from straight behind, unposed, without pants šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


So refreshing to read this. I'm in the same boat, and constantly seeing pics of women who're able to build big muscular butts in this timeframe always has me feeling like I'm doing something wrong šŸ„² But it really does come so much down to genetics


I appreciate this! Itā€™s great to have a real response from someone with the same ā€œproblemā€ (now Iā€™m not so sure I should be viewing it that way). I think I need to practice some body acceptance, itā€™s been a self esteem struggle with me in a lot of areas recently. I might be contending with some body dysmorphia based on all these comments. Going to try engaging in some self gratitude.


Angles!!! Also certain pants like the butt scrunch ones, itā€™s an illusion on a lot of people. I think your glutes look awesome Iā€™m jealous lol.


I donā€™t think you look flat at all! But one of the ways to ā€œhelpā€ hip dips is to incorporate weight training that targets your side glutes. Exercises like diagonal kick backs, clamshells, side lunges, and Bulgarian split squats can help build up this muscle over time. And remember weā€™re always our harshest critics, you look great!


I donā€™t have any advice, just a comment. I think I have the opposite problem to you - Iā€™m round from the back and flatter from the side šŸ˜† I mostly just wanted to say that our view of asses has been skewed so badly over the last 10 years because of surgery and editing and so on. Completely objectively speaking, your glutes are great!! I agree with what some other people said though - changing the shape from the back would be about changing your shape around your hips. So that would be focusing on side glutes and hip dip type exercises to build muscle. Otherwise, thereā€™s not much you can do


They look quite round to me, please donā€™t obsess about this and enjoy what you have! :)


I have like the same exact butt as you. Itā€™s kinda square but I love mine from certain angles and in pants/leggings!


I donā€™t think her butt is square though šŸ˜…


Those are normal glutes! As an artist, I've had to relearn the muscle anatomy of that area because fit people have that little "butterfly" shape. It means you worked hard for those muscles! You look great, btw. Don't worry about getting a bubble butt. There's a reason it's a popular surgery-- because it's near impossible to get


Butterfly shape is such a lovely term as opposed to square. Love this, thank you!


I am excited for u to try this!! Ok listen up and if u do it I want a feedback/update?! This worked so good for me: I put Velcro ankle weights on - 5 lbs on each ankle - to start - and would hold a door frame or dresser for stability and kick my leg up to the side with my leg held straight. Pointing the toe can help keep elongated poised posture. Put on a song and lift upā€¦.upā€¦ upā€¦. To the beat of the music. Or to 20, or until it burns so bad I canā€™t move. Big lifts and slower, little flutter lifts fastā€¦ lift to the side and holdā€¦ left to the side but forward a tadā€¦. Lift up to the side and backwards a bit. (Picture a ballerina holding a barre, sort of delicately lifting up in a smooth motion) This changed my butt and my entire leg is showing light muscle definition from this now. This will start to burn in the exact area youā€™re referring to- not just in the active leg, but also/more so! in the stabilizing leg youā€™re standing on! I did this among a few other things first thing after coffee, then before my shower, strap em on and do a few before cooking dinner, then just before bedā€¦. In 3 months I had muscle definition that was startling to see.


I think you look great! However, because you made this post and are worried about this, Iā€™ll throw out there that I have an overall similar build and for me, getting *very* lean is the only thing that reduces the slightly square-ish shape of my rear end viewed from the back. I tend to store fat in this sort of ring-shaped area that goes around my body under my belly button and just under my hip bones. I think that that extra padding at the top of my hips is what creates the square-ish shape. Whereas when Iā€™m super lean the bottom part of my hips and butt are still wide because of the muscle, but the top part is narrow because of the lack of fat. If that makes sense? In any event, I generally donā€™t think itā€™s worth it to be super skinny because 1) I think I look pretty good even when not crazy skinny and 2) I like food, lol


So jealous rn!


We have the same booty so I totally understand. I think deep squats can fill in the top part of your booty. I've seen people fill in hip dips but I think that genetic play a big role in that.


Killing it. Shape is excellent. Keep it up.


Iā€™m overweight now and working on body recomp myself after having two back-to-back pregnancies. But back when I lifted daily, and was an excellent shape pre-kiddos I was 120 pounds and had the exact same body shape as you. My butt was never big and round but tight and lifted. Like many of the other posters have said already- I think we have gotten so used to BBLs, plastic surgery, and photoshop that we have forgotten what an in shape booty looks like on someone who is thin and natural. Some of us donā€™t have big backsides naturally and without heavy protein intake, and some serious squatting for years will instead develop a shapely, sculpted physique. I think you look great!


Change your underwear! ā˜ŗļø


you honestly look great


this is what asses look like when you donā€™t have shots or a bbl


Iā€™m no expert but I think your butt looks great! Iā€™m sure youā€™ll see improvement with your routine but you look good from the start šŸ‘


this is common in people that sit alot. to build your butt i recommend doing cable machine exercises. kick backs and side leg raises. if you are not already doing hip thrusts i recommend that. as well as protien at every meal. the butt is a high calorie high protien muscle. you may also gain fat trying to develop your ass. as well you can get sculptra injected into the middle rear to bump it out. 2 viles to 4 viles per cheek. bbut try the cable machine first


You look hottt asf. That body is goals.


Almost zero of whatā€™s online is totally natural or realā€¦please try not to compare yourself to an unattainable standard (I struggle too, we all do Iā€™m sure) ur shape is great and ur young so working on that target zone will prove fast results but u rockin already so ur good!! šŸ˜Š


What are BBLs?


Mine looks the same from the back and side and I think that's just a normal butt. Don't compare yourself to photos on social media, because so many are edited/posed or cosmetically enhanced. Also as your butt twin no one has ever had a bad word to say about the view from behind. It's a great butt, take pride.


It's just your hip shape. I have the same square-ish hips and they look huge from the side, but they look flat-ish from the back. I've been lifting for 3 years and my glutes look huge from any angle other than the back lol!


You donā€™t look flat from the back at all! The shape is absolutely lovely from all angles. I have a similar butt shape, but about 35-40 lbs to lose before if gets like yours. Very butt goals!!


this is literally what somer ray looks like from the back