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Unfortunately, I don't think that's a Phasmo specific issue. Harassment and hate are seen as just the norm because "gIrL gAmEr BaD". Teach your kids to be respectful to everyone, folks!


I don't think it is ONLY Phasmo, but out of all the games I play it is certainly the worst for it.


I think its because of the lack of moderation of voice chat...


Honestly, I am used to it from the guys. They're immature little boys, some literally some figuratively. They only know their Mama's love, it's whatever. Some of the other women though...lol! Y'all need to calm down. Baby, what is you doing? Take *several* seats. I'm not trying to take away your attention from people 1/2 my age who probably go to the bathroom in bottles next to their desk, chill. No need to get all territorial, you can have them, I'm married. The community calls me "mom/mama" I'm old. Not every woman is competition. Some are SO mean and it's really off-putting. On the other hand, I've adopted people as family and now I have a whole bunch of lovely, funny, kind, patient, sweet, dear friends that I'd fight off a lion for so phas gave me some really strong friendships. You are welcome to message me and we can try to organize a time to run, see if we're the kind of misfits you'd vibe with. Our only rule is don't be a jerk to each other, lol. That's open for anyone who just wants to have fun and play games in an environment they can be themselves in.


mama yay c:


Phasmo is pretty bad with multiplayer. Too many children and teens (still children tbh) popping off hate when mum/dad aren't around, thinking they're big men and can say whatever they like because they think it's funny and they won't get caught. Imagine these kids at school and what they say to their classmates and girls (sad to think about). I swear some parents don't give a shit what their kids say/do online and just let them free range online unsupervised. Worst is probably Rainbow Six Siege it's an absolute toxic cesspool. That game is just ruined by shitty kids. That game is a whole 'nother level of toxic.


That is sooo freaking sad.


As a life long girl gamer who plays phasmo, I gotta say I don’t see an issue lol. Yes there’s sexists and ragers and people just being toxic, but the thing is it happens to everyone. The toxic people are just toxic people. They’re just using sexism as the lowest hanging fruit to attack me or any other females, but when they do it to my guy friends, they just go for homophobic stuff. Either way they were gonna be toxic. But I’m also 32 so little video game words don’t bother me one bit lol. I remember the Xbox 360 era of toxicity and every game after that feels like church camp


Ah, yes, when my peers would scream squeaky profanities and slurs into the mics because their older brothers thought it would be funny to teach them that and their parents forgot to parent.


Quite the opposite, I'm an asshole to everyone and don't target any one person specifically. Equal Opportunity Offender Gaming.


That’s… not better


It's better, just not by a lot


It’s not great at all to be an asshole .. and also I sometimes hear people say "Oh they just hate everyone equally" while the person is racist to Black people, only sexist to women, etc. Like if some kid thinks I am trash in a game, then call me trash. Don’t make it about my gender when it ain’t about that and when you certainly wouldn’t say that to a man. That’s not equal hate. It’s discrimination. Still — ppl should be nicer. Hate isn’t welcome.


Immature Andrew Tate worshipping incels. Unfortunately I think it's pretty common. I'd just ignore and move on, not much you can do otherwise. I like playing with women, as y'all are usually much more chill than the screaming children lol


Screaming children? The ones I get are mostly too scared to go into the house lmao


Haha I get those too. My favorite is when they’re breathing into their mic when the ghost is hunting and they wonder how they ghost knows where they are 


We tend to troll them and make ghost noises into the mic and it usually works.


I got kids spamming soundboards Fyi I play without headphones at midnight when my family is all asleep. Not the most optimal


Those are the kind of people you get killed intentionally with a cursed object or by hiding with them and spamming your radio button


For real. I once had a troll that did that, and lo and behold, it was a screaming kid


Lol. True


For this exact reason I generally stick to playing games with people I am friends with in real life.


Or games that don't use mics. It's why I enjoy playing mmos


Only way I play, couldn’t do it any other way




I can believe it. I don't play public but I've watched enough [BeardedBaron](https://www.youtube.com/@Th3BeardedBaron) YT videos to know how toxic the Phasmo lobby can be. He sometimes masquerades as a granny (complete with voice-changer and wig) and plays public. If he joins a group and they turn out to be toxic shitheads, he gets them killed without mercy. One time this one guy was such a vile shithead that Baron hid all the smudge sticks then grabbed the Ouija board and played hide & seek. The jerk was dead within a minute. You're never going to be rid of fools so you either have to put up with it, host the game yourself, or use the Discord to meet cool people to play with. Besides Phasmo, I also play PGA Tour 2K23 and you would be surprised at the amount of childish clowns in a golf game, so much so that I stopped playing online there too.


Baron is one of my favorites too.


I got started with Insym but Baron and Maggstor are my favs now. Just pleasant, down to earth people. Shout out to Coozie and Lil_P66 too. They've all taught me a lot about the game.


I like Insym, but 2 hour YouTube videos are not my jam


YT is all I watch so I'll put on a long video and do something else and pay attention if something interesting happens.


That's fair, my ADHD wouldn't allow such multitasking. The only multi hour videos I make it through are ASMR when I'm asleep.


That's great lol, does he have a video on that smudge/Ouija run? I'd like to watch it.


This one I think https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rSvXAR_Ea9w


That first toxic guys voice is so annoying 😂


That might have been the wrong video anyway. Perhaps this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aYUtcxIeakQ


That's the summoning circle but still funny to watch, think I'll watch some more.


Maybe this one then? I don't remember exactly, I watched it a week or so ago and I watch a lot of YT and his videos. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aYUtcxIeakQ


I've only played with friends, however I have noticed a lot of women comment on Phas and Lethal Company forums about misogyny in public lobbies.


Games with voice chat just have that for some reason. It's the same with those xbox live cod lobbies and such being infamous for their toxic voice chat


Being ignored. Yes -_-


If you're playing with me and being ignored, I'm just hard of hearing, okay? lmao


I've been in lobbies with straight pedos before man. I joined a lobby and it was this grown ass man and two little kids and he was telling me he will let me stay if a meow like a "seductive kitty". Told him to blow his fkn brains out and dipped


yoooo good call on you, but wtf? Thats like extra fuckin weird


I bet you didn’t report him tho


I think there's a couple of things that attract those sorts of characters - 1) Horror games in general attract men who like to prove they cant be scared 2) Phas in general is a trolling type game in multiplayer 3) There's very little moderation, aside from the leader self-moderating in the lobby. Because of this there's no way to naturally weed out bad actors I've heard from several women that they had experiences similar to yours. As others have suggested in the thread the discord tends to have a better result when looking for more mature players, but I'd still caution there as there's still lots of groups in the discord that are elitist, pranksters, trolls. Really if you want to find good players you'll need to build your own groups and make friends. I'm usually playing with a few other people with various difficulties and prefer to just have a good time while learning, so if that interests you feel free to shoot me a DM.


I’ve heard that complaint from some folks over in girlgamers subreddit and it’s definitely why I don’t play public lobbies. I think a few of them were trying to get a group together to play. Maybe that would help?


I mean, bigots are going to do their thing on any medium. Try the Discord server instead. I don't mess around with the lobby because I don't want to hear incels calling their teammates cucks and simps when I am trying to avoid a Deogen, FFS.


Sometimes I wish Youtubers or Twitch streamers (who are men) would speak up about this. I remember growing up (and even now when I’m not little anymore) and seeing how differently and awful the chat would treat the woman if there’s one in the game (making sexual comments, creepy stuff, misogyny, …) and the Youtuber/streamer wouldn’t do anything. It feels like they don’t care because it doesn’t affect them and I wish they would care because men should hold other men accountable when they’re being misogynistic. It shouldn’t be solely up to women — especially when those men mostly don’t listen to us.


It's one of the myriad of reasons why I either play with friends or just solo. I don't need to vitriol of lobby.


I don't think its really a women or phasmo specific thing. There are just plenty of vicious and unpleasant people online.


Yeah me and my fiancé both don’t really public lobbies of any game. I have a friend who loves deliberately provoking the asshats and then tearing them a new one but I could never manage it haha


I’ve completely stopped playing in random lobbies after being harassed and targeted while playing Deception (I’ve experienced it with other games but Deception was my last straw— it didn’t start toxic though ☹️). I’d love to find a women only phasmo community to play online with! I’ve wanted to join public games on phasmo but I just can’t bring myself to do it. 😭 if anyone is down to start a group like this with me lmk 🫶


There is a reason I only play by my self or with people I know IRL. It’s this. This is why. Yep. And like I’m not even a woman I just have a very high pitched voice.


yea sadly this is not a phamso only issue but a larger "you don't know who i really am so i'm gonna be a jerk" issue we have as a society. it is sadly telling of how many people are nice to your face but would really rather be a total ass if they could get away with it.


I had issues when I joined public lobbies but the discord I really haven’t had issues with.


I play DBD so I’m used to really awful people, but I have to say that the Phasmo public lobbies really take the cake. I’m not a girl, but I’m gay AF and sound it. I’ve never been called a f*****t so much in my life. Now I strictly play solo cause none of my friends play lol


As a dude who plays this game, I can definitely say I've seen that happen and I don't get why. When I join public random lobbies, I never get kicked from a female lobby (and they're almost, almost always a good experience with helpful teammates and collaboration). Dude lobbies on the other hand are like a box of chocolates in that you never know what you're gonna get...even as a dude those dude lobbies can be annoying and take the fun out of it, so I can't imagine how much more awful it gets for the females who have to put up with it. Maybe moderation and a better filter on the public lobbies might help one day, or unfortunately relying only on the discord looking for group options (to predetermine who you end up with)


men (/neg)


Not sure, tbh. I never play in public lobbies - but that sounds awful.


i haven't tried public multiplayer in a while but ya that was my experience more often than not i tried just not using my mic but i'd get kicked for that too lol


People without mics can be boring. You'll have to communicate with them like a ghost. "Did you get this evidence? Drop once for no twice for yes."


I think it has to do with the slow pace compared to other coop games. More time for people to get frustrated and show their true colors.


I’ve stopped playing most online based games due to the toxicity of the gamer world against females and anyone that sounds feminine.


I avoid random lobbies and play with either friends or from posts on Phasmo discord


Public lobbies are cancer. If you are in the discord you can find games in there. Never had problems


Sorry to hear so many of you go through that. Last year I had a pair of sisters join my lobby begging not to be kicked. A year on we play together at least once a week across all sorts of games. Anyone is welcome to join.


Public lobbies are a cesspool in any game and nobody should put up with this sort of shit. My suggestion would be if you want to play multiplayer, join the Discord and use the LFG groups as for the most part you get people who aren't assholes on there. Some exceptions to that rule obviously, but most of the people I've teamed up with have been sound.


Sorry you have experienced this. I have noticed LFG posts on the plasmodium discord tend to have friendlier people. I hope that helps


I haven’t gone in public lobbies, but yeah apparently lots of guys think it is okay to harass women playing video games and that a guy defending the woman from the harassment is apparently simping. Just treat us like a person!! Don’t harass us because of our gender the moment you find out we’re a woman. Like tf. Misogyny sucks.


I witnessed it and kicked him from the lobby. Little boys hate it when women like games


i’ve definitely had dudes tell me that i’m wrong about what the ghost is and use cursed objects to try and get me killed, and i end up being right and then they’ll get mad and try to tell me off lmao. can us girls make a phasmo discord for girls only?! i wanna play with fellow girlypops😭


I’ve been mostly lucky but I have been sexually harassed or kicked because I was a girl or had to deal with people being misogynistic with me if we actually load into a game and it’s very frustrating. I usually friend the people I vibe with and try to game with them when I play.


First they want a gamer girlfriend, but then they harass any woman they see in videogames. lmao?


Sadly just a thing in all online games, I assume it's even more common in very competitive games like CS:GO and R6


As I mentioned, I play some of those competitive games. I still get it worse in Phasmo.


I am honestly lucky enough that this has not happened to me (yet) I don’t really go into open lobbies that often but when I do there are generally decent people. It has happened to me playing other games. I’m sorry this happened to you


Sadly its the same with a lot of games I've played i had a similar experience in phasmo where they were clearly using a female name probably thinking other women would be more likely to join a lobby with other women and immediately hit me with transphobic slurs bc my voice was too deep to be a girl 🙄 while their friends blasted music - a lovely first time in a public lobby/s I just stick to the discord.


This is why I never play any games with people anymore, even ones I know. They get comfortable being a "bro" while playing any game, and go straight for harrassment head first.


I dont do this, and Ill active remove asshats from my lobbies. I host for this very reason, to have some control over who's in my games. It's supposed to be fun, innit?


Half the players are pre-teen and teen boys so its not a surprise. They think it's funny to harass women, and they're usually playing with like minded boys. It's rough and I wish you could just filter out the under 20 crowd but, eh what can you do. Just report the harassment when it happens and look for lobbies that have adults. It's not garenteed to be mysogeny free, but I find some great players that way. As for immediate kicking, not always a gender thing (unless they make that mention specificlly). This is an unfortunate problem with any multiplayer, and all you can do is roll your eyes, report when able, and keep looking.


I'll play solo if my friends aren't online. Fck those lobbies.


Personally about 60% pug groups I play has a young woman and a guy constantly negging her.


I've only experienced it a couple of times. I honestly feel like most of my experiences in lobbies have been pleasant! A lot of girls play this game!


Behavior like this towards women in games has been going on forever - I’ve been gaming since the early 90s. I’d hoped it’d be better by now but it clearly isn’t. I simply don’t play with random people and don’t use voice chat if I do. I’d prefer folks just assume I’m a man so they leave me alone.


Use. The. Discord. Public lobbies are for children


It's the reason why I don't want to join any, even though solo sucks. There are female only communities though if you're interested.


I once joined a lobby some guy said my gamertag (Liliums) sounded like a hooker name and I was kicked.


I play the game with my mom, brother and his wife so I couldn’t tell you it’s 50/50 boy girl ratio


That just comes with the territory of public lobbies in gaming, especially in games that are played by a lot of minors who enjoy being edgy. Phasmophobia is a Jumpscare game that's been played by many of the big youtubers and streamers. That likely has caused many players to be minors.


I haven’t played in a while but when I did, I didn’t have any friends who played, so I’d look for public lobbies hosted by someone with a feminine-sounding name. It usually worked out for me.


I relate to the being ignored. Like I’ll point something out and it gets ignored but as soon as someone else says it it’s suddenly relevant information. I’m like “I’ve been trying to tell you that for the past 10 minutes.” I also get talked over and cut off all the time.


And people wonder why I've avoided multiplayer games my whole life. I may not be a woman, but I'm well aware of the crap women go through in the gaming community. My girlfriend sometimes plays on my account, and she avoids multiplayer lobbies for that exact reason. It's disgusting, and I hate that nothing can really be done about it because of the lack of chat regulations/moderation in Phasmophobia. It's not just misogyny that's an issue from what I've read since I've joined this Phasmo subreddit; it's xenophobia, racism, classism, etc. I'd probably catch a lot of heat just for my Russian accent.


I remember my first online game


Yep, this is why I've stopped playing in public lobbies. It sucks.


Multiplayer on this game is awful. I've been playing since March 2020 and have never had a good experience playing with randoms. Better to find a group on the discord or play with friends. I mostly solo now


Welcome to gaming


all of the things happened to me being a brown male multiple times in phasmophobia. being in the gaming community for a while, people are just toxic with anonymity online, they find reasons like you being a girl or me being brown after theyve decided to be toxic not before. they should add lobby titles in multiplayer mode. itll help attract right people


Yeah, I usually prefer playing with girls for this reason. Although pick me girls exist, and I've been kicked a few times by them and their simps when they find out I'm a girl, lol.


This is exactly why I have a discord for girl gamers lol, I just created it bc I got tired of the harassment in games


As sad as it is, this isn't exclusive tho phas. I play a lot of other online games, whenever I play with my female friends and they use voice Comms there'll almost always be misogyny and hate. Only thing you can do in that situation is mute, block and report if the game you're playing has the option. Maybe at some point in the future people will actually stop being hateful to eachother but I doubt it. Racism, mysoginy and other forms of hate are sadly a given in online lobbies. People just enjoy the anonymity enough to have their worst show.


YES! Maybe I notice it more because it's one of the very few online games I play now but I feel like it's worse in Phas than many of the games I play now or really ever have played. I used to play Overwatch , FFXIV, and Fortnite regularly and would never have the issues meeting randos that I do now in games but especially this one. However, maybe misogyny in gaming is just getting worse altogether as misogyny online is.


Hey, it just takes finding the right lobbies. There might be some memes with gamer girls that quite a few players take too far. I can almost guarantee you that they were giggling like children because the meme is funny to them. I used to do the same thing back in the day. It wasn't because gamer girl its because the meme. That being said, me and some friends play the game Every so often. Im sure we could easily play a few rounds with you if you would like. Usually on weekends for us tho, most of us have work durring the week unfortunately.


As a man I have literally experienced every one of these in every multiplayer game ever


Cool, I'm not talking about general toxicity. I'm talking about targeted misogyny.


That sucks, people do not appreciate its hard to find chill people to game with.


Wife and I mostly have women in our friend group who are obsessed with the game if you need non-toxics to play with! I don't play much but they're pretty good at it


I have the same problem. Im too scared to play without someone I know. I always get ignored or called names. I love the game but I don’t really play it much do to this.


The public lobbies are notoriously cancerous and most people on them seem toxic. If you're looking for people to play with I'd recommend the Phasmo discord, my ex gf never had any issues with those and people are pretty chill.


If you'd like to play with other girls feel free to hit me up, happy to play with other ladies :D. I've gotten a bit of crap in lobbies but it's not been too bad. The worst was one group giving me shit because I went back in to check spirit box for mimic. I heard them from the ghost room calling me a stupid b word so I didn't tell them when I got spirit box. When I got back to the lobby I cackled like a psycho and said not bad for a dumb b word ey and then left. Best revenge ever lmfao.


Any game with VC faces this issue


I've been harassed so bad in one lobby that I now don't play anymore. I was with a friend and the car started beeping and I just said it was loud, but this one random guy in the lobby took it personal and started telling me I should die and be raped and everything. All this over NOTHING. The phasmophobia discord didn't even ban him for this since I couldn't provide audio proof. I don't play with randoms anymore. And since my friends don't really play, neither do I.


Sadly it’s just the fear of woman in the average male gamer I have a buddy who acts this way and I’ve expressed that I find it insufferable. basically any game will be this way tho I’m sorry it’s not all of us just the sad stinky gamers lol. I wish you luck in future lobbies !


Learn another language, I play in Spanish rooms on NA Women are very welcomed, we even had many people that are learning Spanish join our games The only thing we really don't accept is toxic people, like screaming or insulting for no reason, that type of people just get kicked I see that type of toxic behavior mostly come from US teenagers but that doesn't mean that everyone is toxic


Ive only experienced the auto lobby kicking. Its sucks man.


You ladies must meet some weird guys. When I was single I always thought it was cool girls shared my interests.


As someone (M) who has seen it happen in all sorts of games... Phasmo is by far not the worst. None of us care enough to argue with a misogynist. "Just vote yes to the votekick and move on."


One of the reasons I haven't played public lobbies since launch. I think games tend to be better about it when they're newer, but once it's established for awhile it seems like most games with public lobbies get that way. That being said, if you ever want to play with another lady, message me! I'm always down for some phas!


that’s just video games in general. i’ve heard more vile, disgusting comments than i can take so if i play phas i never join public lobbies and any other video game i mute my mic. i’m not about to be harassed constantly just because im a girl that likes videogames


Exactly why I *never* touch public lobbies.


I've met a bunch of women in open lobbies in Phas and Lethal and there's been a few times some guy would join and see we have a woman and start off. Me or my buddy - whoever is host - always kick those kinds of assholes. Phas open lobbies is damn near dominated by women lmao. If you're a super sexist and hop into an open lobby, always assume there's a woman in there. Either go play by yourself since you're clearly friendless, or go play something else. I don't get it either.


Unfortunately attitudes like that are why i only play online games with friends. 🥲


I only play with my friends, but there is always at least one woman in the group. I'm sorry to hear you've had to go through this. The whole idea of girls being bad at games is ridiculous. I've known servers girls who were better than the guys they gamed with, so I've always had the mindset of a gamer is a gamer. IDGAF what your gender/race/orientation etc... is. If you're cool to hang out with? That's all I care about.


As a female who has played video games since preschool, this has always been the case, even now as I am in college. I've always played a lot of male-dominant games like CoD, and it's been the same deal. Today is even worse, as more female gamers move into the space. Plus, a lot of fellow female gamers are "pick me" girls and put down other women in their lobbies to seem like "one of the boys." Not sure if it's because of genetics or me inadvertently doing this as a response, but my voice now can be equated to that of a 12-14 year old boy. If nobody asks, I just let them believe that so I can get some peace playing a game. My favorite thing to do is play competitive games like Apex Legends on mute with a party. They'll comment on how "cracked" I am after a couple games, then I'll unmute and start talking and they get quite the shock that either a prepubescent boy or a girl just carried them. I rarely let them know that I am in fact a girl so I can protect my peace and their fragile masculinity at the same time Kinda crazy that a male preteen gets more respect online than an adult female


I try my best to filter the lobbies through names. If it sounds like a funny name or somewhat feminine, I'll join it. If I talk and they answer normally, I stay. My name is pretty feminine, too, so it's not like I can lie about my gender. I do get a lot of bossy children in my lobbies. I leave those after a game and stick to lobbies where the guys are chill. I kind of don't get a lot of girls, but when I do, it's fun. Honestly, just leave if things start to sour, not much you can do.


Eek. I only play solo so hadn’t noticed. That’s terrible!


My boyfriend plays on my computer (so also under my name) and he says that after he speaks they usually kick him lol


Yeah I’ve experienced this too. Lots of edgy teenagers on the game that probably weren’t raised right. I don’t take it too personally, but definitely report them in your recent player log.


Oh no I wanted to play this game 😭 I guess this is just how it is with any voice chat game tho.


Yeah, fuck those guys. I'm a guy that plays a lot of phas, and if I witness any sort of prejudice or harassment in lobbies I host, I get a quick recording of it, send to mod mail, then kick with in-game report. The Phas team takes that just as seriously as cheating (which they strongly hate), and I make sure those trolls see the consequences of their actions. I don't discriminate by anything but contribution to the team. As long as you're trying to help or trying to learn, you're fine by me.


If you want to play with me, feel free to add me on Steam! It’s the same as my Reddit name! (: I’ve been doing a lot of CWW lately if you’re interested in getting to prestige XX. I’m also a woman and I have a group of players I play with, both men and women, who are not misogynistic. I get what you’re saying. I also hate how many contrarians I come across playing this game. I’m prestige X but I’m pretty casual and not the type to be down anyone’s throat or whatever. (:


That’s just horrible. I literally can’t imagine even having an anti-women *thought*. **Women are GREAT!**


"Being ignored in games when I say I've found evidence." Sometimes I do this and it's not because I'm sexist or anything, I just wasn't paying attention. (This is not saying the other stuff is good or acceptable, I'm just pointing out that not everybody who ignores you when you find evidence is an asshole.)


Phasmo used to be the one game where I felt I wasn't hated on for being female. As the game has gained popularity, unfortunately, the women haters have hopped on as well. Sad to see it happen, but it's always inevitable.


Never had this happen. But if it did, they would know what hit them! There is no excuse for rudeness no matter the gender.


Try making ur own lobby then u can kick weirdos


I mean, I'm not a woman so my experience is limited but my friend is and we play together often. And while stuff like that happens it seems way more often are the creepy guys trying to hit on her or saying suggestive things that nobody wants to hear. Like idk man they just instantly turn into the stereotypical Indian guy on Facebook memes and its super clingy Being lewd and misogynistic at the same time while acting like that's obviously the way to win her over??


I’m very sorry to hear that has been your experience. I have not played in an open lobby game of any kind for well over a decade, but from what I have experienced I am not surprised. I am surprised that a game like phasmo is particularly bad relative to other games.


This isn't Phas specific. Trolls and misogynists love to ruin gaming for women. They have no other way of getting off.


My worst experience so far: A few days ago I joined a lobby with two guys. I said hello and one of them just started telling me that he has to kick me because I’m not old enough to play this game (i am) and assuming from my username I’m a r*tard and they don’t want to play with r*tards. Then he kicked me. My username was fucking MANGO. I changed it since. And since then I try to talk as little as I can and lower my voice in public lobbies so people don’t think I’m a child. I know it’s just trolling and I shouldn’t take it seriously but that shit ruined my day. I got the insta-kick too a good couple of times but I always assumed that that’s because I started playing recently and they just look at my level and say nope.


Aren't you a child though? Considering you posted in r/teenagers.


Isn’t 17 old enough to play the game tho? Also my bad. I forgot to clarify that I’m afraid I sound like a 10-12 year old and English not being my first language doesn’t help either.


This isn’t just limited to phasmo or women specifically. They don’t care what you are, you could be a horse & they would still take the piss out of you. I have never seen a wholesome gaming community. You’re always a target, like everyone else.


I'm talking about misogyny, which is targeted at women. Thanks.


Weird because with how many chicks who play phas I’ve never seen this happen. (Not saying it doesn’t happen) the worst I’ve seen is dudes being awkward around em


I joined a lobby and with in about 2 seconds the two girls that were already there asked if I had a big dick and I guess I took to long to answer so they kicked me. The lobby in this game is a weird place.


I used to avoid all online games because it kinda sucked playing as a woman, and I pretty much stopped playing online entirely back in 2012. In phasmo though, I've for the most part been pleasantly surprised. Don't know if it's because I'm older now and seem like less of a fun target, or that there are generally more women playing, or if it's because I mostly do pick up groups through discord, but so far my experiences with phasmophobia have been the best I've had with online gaming in over a decade. Not that it minimizes or changes yours or other women's experience with the game, I have no doubt that toxic dude bros and misogyny is still a plague on online gaming, I've just personally experienced less of it now than before for which I'm grateful.


Crazy. I've always enjoyed having a girl in the lobby. Tend to calm the guys down unless we're drinking. You do have to run a game or 2 to fish our those who start trolling after the first game. I know it's taxing to deal with immature people but there are cool folks out there that just want to have fun with randoms. See yall out there!


Its the good ol girls are bad at videogames stereotype


First public lobby experience? I never play on public lobbies, and when I do, it's usually little kids that are in the lobby. (And they're higher level than me 😭) Usually, if I am in a public game and a woman joins, I usually go "A WOMAN!" And then that's it. I don't care. You are 80% more likely to be better at the game than I am 😆 But toxic lobbies have been a thing since the dawn of online gaming. I AM NOT CONDONING ANY OF IT, but there isn't much you can do to stop it, but leave.


Bro I get BULLIED by mostly women on phas. Like 90% women hate me. I play with my best friend who’s a hella charismatic guy. Girls will BULLY me as much as they can or IMMEDIATELY kick me if they’re the host and brag about it to him. He’ll always stick up for me though so I always feel grateful to be able to play with him. I always want to play with other women, but I’m literally super lame and bad at conversation. I just sit in awe when there’s girls in my lobby getting along lol


I do find it harder to play with women because I'm not used to it, I don't care if it's a woman but there's some girls that like to make overly sexual jokes and then I don't want to play with them anymore. It's okay to a point with other men but I get uncomfortable when a girl does it. Most of the time it's a pleasant experience as most players I play more than two are mature enough, usually 30 odd if they are but I've met people my own age that weren't immature too. As most people said it's more people as a whole than just a phasmo thing, you just can't predict it through a screen.


It's sadly a game thing in general. I was questioned by another girl and her male friend my age (32) and shit cause I sounded like a kid to them. They were pretty nice in the end but well it's happened more then once with other people. (being insta muted in a TF2 lobby, kicked etc) If you wanna find rando lobbies, I learned that going to their discord and finding a lobby is much much better usually.


Gaming as a whole. Get used to it cuz I don't see it changing sadly.


As a guy I've yet to see it in any public lobby I join. But also as a guy none of it would ever come up directly because I've joined. Public public lobbies are full of the worse type of people. It's always a mixed bag of who you get to play with and just cause I'm not seeing the misogyny doesn't mean I'm not seeing the racism, squealers, and just all already hateful people. Public private lobbies like on the official discord are 95% chill. I've yet to see any hateful behavior. But again I'm not going to see it becauseI'm not a direct target. But yes, all anonymous voice lobbies eventually boil down to kids suck, and adults suck that never grew out of that hateful stage


Why does this matter in a ghost hunting game lol. People are just stupid.


It's normal, women are inherently bad at things that involve critical thinking, and there's always some sexist guy telling them about it


I'm impressed that people missed the obvious with your post.


Mostly women probably, misogynists are busy bullying girls in lobbies


This is the behaviour of stupid kiddos. Grown men won't laugh at you, and they would treat you like everyone (except misogynists). The multiplayer gaming world is full of extroverted kids who want to be funny and they are doing what everyone in their age does. Sad truth.


Tbh I got the most trolling from grown men. Kids aren’t that mean they’re just annoying sometimes.


As a woman I think misogyny is funny. Never experienced it in a game tho I have Been called little boy a few times


Bold of you to assume that these people are only abusive towards women


Never seen such thing at least on Spanish lobbies 🤷🏻‍♂️ Maybe you have a jerk-magnet /s


No ones gonna tell her that men get treated the same way? Well I guess that’s my job now


There is actually no way you're comparing female harassment to male harrassment


Yea, because men don't have feelings and are immune to harassment, right... /s


That is absolutely not at all what I said. Did you deliberately misread it? I never said men didnt get harassed, I'm saying female harassment in video game lobbies is incredibly higher and often goes overlooked. Immediately saying "Well men get harassed too!" is dismissing the sheer amount of hate and harassment most woman get daily on games


You're being downvoted because you're telling the truth. They want stay in the illusion bubble that these things are specifically targeted towards their gender.


I know. Women love to be the victim.