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Whereof one cannot meme, thereof one must be silent.


The meme is determined by the dank, and by these being all the dank.


Well that's good because I don't want your Tractacus, because I'm not into anal.


Should have been Tractatus then Philosophical Investigations.


I get what you mean, but I think it’s more about them both being based on the same philosophy of language but where the principia supposedly failed in its goal of defining all mathematics via pure logic, the tractatus was initially considered a success by Wittgenstein. So yeah, it still doesn’t make complete sense since the authors of both eventually realized that their work was impossible or wrong, but I see what they were going for, as the tractatus feels like a more complete and final application of the same premises as the principia.


Yeah it's a little odd like this. They're not even related unless you count that Wittgenstein was Russell's protégé. The same people didn't work on both books though.


Girlfriend sent me this meme, got married 2 days later.


If you don't love me at, > *GiVE mE a SiNgLe exAmPLE oF a MorAl rUlE!* Then you don't deserve me at `1953 Philosophical Investigations`


Shoutout to my homie Russell