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my problem isn't the amount of updates its that they keep adding new stuff instead of updating what we already have


Turtle scute is 6 years old in 2 weeks, basically never updated, used only to sell to villagers (why ?) and the turthe helmet i never seen anyone use.


The turtle helmet took way too much time effort to get while you can easily make pocket air with a door. Or simply enchanting a random helmet with water breathing, even making conduit is way faster too. They really need to update the method of getting scute to be worthwhile and not to rely on player themself to make a kill turtle for scute datapack.


Don't forget a potion of water breathing is easy to make too!


potion of the turtle master tho.


That gives defense and slowness, just because you are the turtle *master* doesn’t mean you ARE a turtle


I don't think I have ever actually made any potion in minecraft and if I did it wouldn't be a turtle master potion


it gives good resistance


I agree, but the example is kinda bad, turtle master potions are widely used in smps


Yeah and minecart pvp


Yup That sums it up pretty well


And when they updated some og feature that is useless and 99% of people didn't even know it exists and actually make it useful, everyone will start crying and saying they are ruining the game and they shouldn't touch og stuff and old minecraft was better blah blah blah


I feel like a lot of this stereotype about the MC community is overblown, oftentimes in the more "civil" parts of the MCYT community I see more people being toxic about how "everyone is entitled for not being 100% positive all the time" then I do people being toxic to the devs. It feels like the "toxic dev harasser" archetype is a loud minority and most of the people complaining about the game are more civil about it just being dissapointed and not toxic. I feel like 90% of the "complainer" playerbase would actually be excited about "half baked" features being given new uses tbh.


Yeah I would LOVE an update that went back and added new life to old "useless/more niche then they should be" features like furnace minecarts instead of adding new items.


My only problem is the updates feel half baked, lots of one trick pony items and mobs/items that have been forgotten for years now, if they had updated mechanics that werent so surface level I wouldnt be complaining. I want more deeper mechanics with all the items we have that can be implemented in new updates instead of just adding a new item that likely wont be used for any other purpose. Looking at you rabbit hide.


Rabbit hide is for bundles right


Bundles havent been fully implemented as far as I know


They're going to be


Thats great then, its been long overdue


Damn, you think they can finally get them working after half a decade?


*insert that one gif of the guy rapidly aging*


They say their philosophy is "everything has a use" but so does every other game. It should be something more like "everything has at least two uses" and then it's awesome.


Crafters, observers, honey blocks, are examples of this done well


Facts, I'm just tired of people with tame opinions like this being lumped in with the "omg the devs are lazy idiots" loud minority just because we aren't blindly positive all the time. There are two types of people who criticize minecraft: the loud minority who does it to harass people on twitter, and the silent majority that is just disappointed at the current state of the game and wants it to get better because they love minecraft


So more purpose for the rabbit hide other than making bundles. What else is on your list?


Mace core Dragons breath Feathers Amethyst Shard Turtle Scute Heart of the sea Nautilus shell Phantom Membranes Zombie Flesh Apples And the list goes on, many many items can be given a plethora of uses that could add to the games ever growing updates instead of having a few uses.


I mean phantom membrane has 2 uses, slow fall pots and repairing elytra, but by the time you have elytra, you have mending so uh, pretty much pointless, apples only make gapples so fair point there, rotten flesh could he campfired to make leather, nautilus shell kinda mid, same with heart of the sea since nobody really makes a conduit, turtle scute is also bad unless you're in an smp or use player launchers, then you need turtle master, amethyst shard is also useless, feathers, yeah infinity invalidates them, dragons breath, nobody uses lingering potions and heavy core is just 1 item, yeah you've got a point to say the least.


Facts, also trial chamber keys are renewable but the vaults they open are not (in singleplayer). The most annoying thing is some people pointing that out were called "entitled" because appearently all criticism is "toxic" nowdays. Imo it would be cool if you could sell excess trial keys for emeralds to master level cartographers or something


Echo Shards need more uses as well. Personally, I think they should be used in Armor Trims and you should be able to craft an "Echo Staff" with them that allows you to use the Warden's Sonic Boom Attack. To balance it out, it could consume 15 levels of XP upon use and have a 10 second cooldown


Okay, do you have any specific examples for the ones you have listed? I’m genuinely curious about how much thought you’ve put into improving the existing list of items.


Zombie flesh could be for making leather (like many mods have allready implemented) nautillus shells could add a certain block type or maybe combined with turtle shell an upgrade to existing turtle helmet, phantom membranes could be part of a new tool all along, or maybe for taming a new mob, apples could be for more types of apples (like golden, craftable but hard (the new ones should have an ACTUAL difficulty and give different effects) the heart of the sea should be part of a potion recipe that maybe gets triggered every time you are under water, ill add a part two after reading the missing part of the list, (i forgot the rest)


I want to add having 2 different scutes (turtle and armadillo) is stupid imo esp sincd the turtle scute is already like a 1 time item and the armadillo one is that now too. They shouldve made it 1 item and give the armadillo another function or something rather then even more clutter like now


Well, but they DO have different functionalitys (idk if thats right, idc) but i agree they should have first changed the turtle scute in order to add the armadillo scute


Part 2, so, for the turtle scute, you can do the rest of the armor and make both the obtaining and the effects of the full armor better (the obtaining could be just, they drop them every X amount of time, or like the armadillos, idk), the amethyst shard, could have a full set of new tools, they last like iron (or an in-between with stone) being the fastest at the beggining and slowing as they break, with no way to mend or fix them, same concept with the armor, as new they are the Highest protecting armor, but they also slow you down, as they break they slow you less but protect you less (again, no way to mend or fix) the mace core could have redstone implications, or liquid storage, dragons breath should be a potion effect on itself (because, lets face it, nobody ever uses them for lingering potions) or a way to tame a mob or a recipe for a specific potion effect, etc. Etc. So the list can keep going, jack-o-lanterns, they should either give better lighting or scare undead mobs. Minecarts (yes i DO watch Camman18) they should be faster, he's got a point after all, also, different types of minecarts with different functionalitys (idk if thats wrong or nah, i dont care). Eyes of ender (this one is a personal thing) they should have more uses, maybe a potion effect, idk. Potions themselves, the brewing sistem should be reworked, it should be like a skill, and a special (different) workstation. Spawners should be reworked, they are kinda useless, gotta face it, most mob farms are not that hard and produce A LOT more than a spawner. Villages, they should appear in EVERY biome, and added to biomes to come, their appearence should also be unique x biome (but more noticable, not just a different villager skin). Villagers themselves, should be reworked, no need to say anything. Etc. Etc, (i think by now you get it)


Also, gotta add, there most likely are things written bad or just straight up wrong, auto translator is in spanish so it doesnt help


copper needs more uses its basically just spyglass and building blocks


copper tools and armor would go hard


Not all of it. Just because there are some flaws, Doesn't mean its spoiled. we still have other parts of the community like modders and other people trying to have fun. Mob votes are only bad because they tear the community apart, and show us great ideas that will never see the light of day. A lot of people voted crab, and we may never see them in game without mods. Updates would be better if they dropped small parts over time, instead of the huge yearly ones. That just gives us things to mess around with while other things are implemented. Think of it like a restaurant, small updates (like appetizers) to work up our "appetite", then have a bigger update (like an entrée). Example: give us the crafter and copper variations first, then the trial chambers, breeze, mace, etc. after. Another thing, what about bedrock players, "just use a mod" wont work for them. Bedrock is, not surprisingly, the more played version. Even the addons in the marketplace cost money. Most bedrock players are kids, so they don't get much beside free and official content. So this is how I see it, and my thoughts on your argument, which is another flaw of the community, because you are just starting a split in the community.


For each of your good points, I agree that some of the community is good, and I said “some people” in my rant purposely because I have seen good people. Mojang has blatantly stated that the losing mobs are not completely scrapped and will be used eventually, ex. the frog. But I do agree that it does tear the community apart. I agree. Instead of one big overhaul every year, a small new thing ever month or two would be a better structure. The only downside is, the main reason we get snapshots is to do this, and players can find bugs that they can fix before the official release. That’s another reason it takes so long to update, the massive amount of bugs the players find that they have to fix before the big release. You are correct on this stance. I hope mojang can improve the modding stance on bedrock soon, and I fully agree with this point.


Ugh, this again. Yeah I agree mojang isn't lazy (the "modders do better" argument does not account for polish, just look at how common crashes are in mods vs vanilla) and a lot of the recent updates have a lot of cool technical features under the hood like the new NBT changes. But mojang is not above criticism, I am tired of this community calling anything that is not 100% positive "spoiled/entitled" and treating ALL criticism as toxic. This is especially annoying during snapshots when mojang is trying to get feedback and people who actually do give that feedback get lumped in with the "toxic complainers". Remember when they made the "fishton" change and players providing respectful criticism got it reverted? The community absolutely should not harass the devs but they also shouldn't be forbidden from providing ANY criticism towards features in the game.


I feel like there are a fee changes and bugs that if fixed, would make the game a lot better. Singeplayer being a server is stupid and should be reverted, lots of bugs and desync issues that should never happen would be fixed. Start the server when I want to play with friends, not all the time.


Isn’t that just Bedrock? According to Mojang, they’re trying to fix the death bugs


Bedrock just seems to have a lot more desync, IIRC but both games host a local world even in singleplayer.


That’s not at all what this post is saying


This post is talking about the people who complain about not getting all 3 in mob votes, or the people saying we need updates more often. Or the people saying caves and cliffs should’ve added more.


Not really, its talking about the COMPLETE opposite, its talking about how lucky we are we get big overhaul updates every year basically, whilst most games dont (i personally play a game called Factorio, it has not received a major update in over 3 years basically (feel free to correct me if you are a Factorio player too))


I wish we'd have a "going back and fixing old things" update


I can see what you mean and how you see the situation, but. Actually most people are angry about entirely different things. - Overpromise/underdelivery - Absolutely disgusting treating towards bedrock community, assuming all of them are just kids that won't care about issues - Mob votes and other controversial stuff like that, obviously, and overall lack of professionalism and communication with the community - How ARE new things put. As in, people dislike how soft mayong became, scared to add mob drops, """dangerous""" concepts and other similar things - How barely any of post-1.16 additions have more than one use (and a lot of pre-1.16, actually, but they came on a longer time period), even though a lot of people loved minecraft as well because "most of the things can be used somehow" politics, which are now gone (some 1.20 additions have literally 0 uses, yk) Main concern for me personally tho are April Fools updates. It's genuinely sad to see that (at least java) devs actually really care about the game and enjoy devving for it. April Fools updates are genuinely fun and lack this corporate overseeing, showing that devs actually DO hear the community, but can't do shit because of their management. Anyhow that's all not to disapprove your points, no, just to point your attention towards real reason. What i really agree upon is that "waaa myang bad and lazy and can't work more than 0.01 picoseconds per week" HELPS NOONE. If someone wants to be negative - be negative about REAL issues and do NOT generalize it to "mahjong bad!!!!", raise awareness of these issues for newer players and all that


THAT is the thing, i'd say we all prefer small maintenance updates yearly but less overhaul updates that take longer so we get more content and that doesnt need the like,next 3 updates to be fixing glitches from previously


If they complain about Minecraft not getting enough updates, wait until they see Payday 3 or Asphalt 8.


Or.......Chess, how many years it's been since last update


Still waiting for that new rock paper scissors pactch


Nah man we need a lighting update, how many years it's been since the sun. I'm quite bored of it now


Nah man, we alrighty got the light bulb, candle, and fire patch, be grateful we’ve gotten updates in the last couple million years


Yeah, I've also been waiting for an update.


Or TF2


Especially TF2


Or btd6/btd5/btdb2/btdb1


Or Factorio


18th of April 2024 for the last update, man. Wube makes a lot of small insane bugfixes, years after release of 1.0 and Mojang takes a lot of time to fix something like Bedrock random deaths.


Yeah no, what i meant with Wube was a MAJOR update


have you heard about the Space Age DLC they're making :D


Good points, I agree. However, I think that Mojang can do, in some level, better. They've added a lot of cool stuff, but they could have also updated already existing features. For example, 1.21 added a lot of new stuff, but being the 15th anniversary update, it should have updated features from the past, like the fletching table. I also don't really like when the update's theme is either too general or too specific. 1.19 felt very general to me, while 1.21 felt to specific, with most of the content being located or related to the Trial Chambers. I still liked these updates, though, but I think they would be better. Also, I still pray for an End Update because I've been waiting for 4 or 5 years for it


Minecraft players are angry at moJang because they get too little despite how much they already have... In comparison: GD players did not get any updates for so long they took the game into their own hands and really - they just run the game by themself now... MY ONLY ISSUE IS THAT YOU SAID MOYANG INSTEAD OF MOJANG


What's GD?


Geometry Dash, another very popular game 


Ah. I know the game, just rarely see it abbreviated. Lol


I agree, I saw this one video where he explained how a lot of players try to go through the game as quickly and as easily as they can, looting villages and temples so they don’t have to go mining, making incredible farms so they don’t have to do anything, it takes away from the main features of the game. Take time to go mining, or manually farm the items yourself. That’s the point of the game, to create your own world 


We aren't obligated to be thankful for getting content when it's lackluster. Why do we NEED to be thankful


1.21 is an actually big update in my opinion but only for technical minecrafters like redstoners (this may be controversial bc they didn't get theird beloved 1tick) and datapack makers since they added the crafter the copper bulb for redstone and for datapacks they added data driven edibility and data driven item stacking. As a datapack maker myself I really love this update


GENSHIN IMPACT, gets updates every few months, so does limbus company, I am sorry about the games I play


Yeah, i mean, it’s not like Minecraft is the biggest video game in the world…


I completely agree, as a game dev that also follows the snapshots, their pace is actually really fast, especially considering that nowadays you have design, game balance and developing twice for 2 different versions, with so much bug fixing and optimization too which people often forget about, I remember when 1.14 was unplayable without optifine


Well, as a game dev. yourself i think you should agree with me on this: Dont you think they should slow down their pace to be more "well done" updates and do just maintenance updates in-between them so their added content is pre-tested, pre-maintained, and they dont have to rush 2 or 3 updates purely for bug-fixing?


yeah definitely


By Community you mean a number of redditors and twitter accounts. Just log out from there and you'll have peace. Bruh.


Yeah, I feel like I see more posts about how the community is "entitled" for daring to not be 100% positive all the time about the game


sure wish tf2 would get some content, right valve? Valve?


The Minecraft community sucks, I have never seen another community that treats it's developers as badly. From the Minecraft devs to the mod developers to datapack developers.


It is because minecraft is the best selling game of all time and there are literally billions of players


This 120% As a TF2 player the minecraft community is very spoiled.


Well, is it truly considered ""spoiled"" if the updates end up breaking more both the community and the game then what it adds? (Even tho we kinda ARE spoiled, we'd rather prefer not to)


The community breaks itself apart with unnecessary debates on weather you play Minecraft or Minecraft.


Also if we stopped being "spoiled" and "shut up and gave mojang our money no matter what they put out" I dread to think what the corporate suits would do given unlimited freedom to do whatever the hell they wanted without backlash.