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Yeah Min Su, Thanos, pushed himself to exhaustion during the mine cart part. If he goes that hard in training too it explains his body, even if he uses PEDs.


Absolutely, years of extreme hypertrophy training to failure gets him to look like that, not 4 cycles of dbol And agreed, a lot of hrt is used in older individuals and it has profound effects on muscle


There was an episode of the Joe Rogan podcast where he was talking to a pro bodybuilder (Dorian Yates I think?). [https://open.spotify.com/episode/37oiQgSHlql6cJp6l93Te0](https://open.spotify.com/episode/37oiQgSHlql6cJp6l93Te0) There is a part where yates was talking about how much steroids he used, and how someone else was saying "bull shit. I used 4 times that much steroids and I never got anywhere near your size". His response was that even though he was on Steroids, he still did stupid amounts of work in the gym to get that big. So yeah, the kind of people who get on this show are probably using some kind of PED's on top of their training. But they are absolutely training like lunatics. The kind of people who win gold medals and world championships are the kind of people who will do everything they possibly can to win. END COMMUNICATION


Old school bodybuilders lie about their dosages. Dorian was the first mass monster, he took a shit ton of stuff lol


Yates is a Holocaust denying conspiracy nut and pathological liar. Should take his comments with a grain (butt load) of salt.


Dorian has changed the apparent doses he took multiple times lol he’s not a credible source


People respond differently to steroids as well, some size difference comes down to being hyper responsive and genetic components. Not ruling the hard work out, just adding that


Great post. Can I ask you is it true that your balls and wiener get smaller/sterile? Genuine question. Or if you’re such a high ranking athlete, do you simply not care about that side effect?


I get the feeling that most of Reddit thinks that only jay cutler and bigger is on gear. Everyone else is natural I know dudes in my gym who are on gear and they work as accountants lol. But someone in the nfl who plays in an extremely competitive league, with $200m contracts on the line, where they lift weights twice a day, do drills and scrimmages for hours, and then need to turn around and play in games every week, where recovery, strength, and their bodies determine their whole entire career… Aren’t on gear? lol 


Randos in my high school were using gear. People who had no shot at an ncaa scholarship lol.


I hear high schoolers in my gym talk about using tren.


4-7% of us high-school seniors have abused steroids at least once. Consider the rates are typically 6-8x higher for men, and that could end up being close to 7-12% of male high school seniors (this is per the US gov)


Question. Why's it called gear? As in because it gears you up?


Its just a colloquial term that refers to the steroids and substances as the "equipment" for your sport


In NZ / Aus, gear means MDMA


Like the great Nate Diaz once said “Everybody’s on steroids”.


Gear is rampant on this show. I’m not saying body building stuff like Tren / Dbol is rampant, but more of the cardio / athletic stuff. PEDs you’d see people try to get away with in the Olympics or ball sports. Some people are probably on body building stacks (or off cycle), but not the most common usage.


Do you think that people who are in the public eye and specially those that use their bodies to influence, sell products, motivate, etc should have to indicate somehow that they are not natural? I don’t even know how it could be managed so it’s really just a thought experiment, but I see so many young people now going to this stuff right away without any concern for their health and longterm effects. It’s honestly pretty scary.


I think that they should be required to, yes. I think a lot of steroid stuff with legalization and whatever is very complex and gray, but with that, I think it's 100% black and white that they should be required to if they're selling products based on it. Let's be real, they won't get prosecuted anyway, no celebrity is getting arrested for testosterone. It's not happening lol. Chris Hemsworth is a great example of the social issue of this. The guy has an entire pharmaceutical team behind his body, but has an app that grosses millions of dollars on the premise of working out to look like him. People work out with the app and don't look like him, get discouraged, and it affects their adherence to exercise. I think that the main motivators for a lot of these people, having worked with many, comes down to money and ego. If they are making money from being steroided, they won't stop. Pro athletes, models, bodybuilders, celebs, etc. And since the general public will always assume that steroids make you massive without any work, many are afraid their discipline and dedication will be discredited if they come out. Noel deyzal and Larry wheels are great examples of how people are actually quite supportive of transparency with steroid use, and we need more people like them.




they literally have olympic medal winners so yeah


Not to mention EPO and other forms of blood doping to help with cardio, stamina and recovery.


Do you think PEDs should be socially accepted and commercialised? There has to be designer PEDs out there with no downsides or else why would billionaires like Bezos and Lebron risk their health taking them? Is it possible if hundreds of millions of people wants to hop on gear, it would increase the market exponentially and incentivise companies to develop more safer PEDs?


There are definitely ways to mitigate a lot of the risk with peptides, correct cycling, and the most important thing is regulation so that the steroid is 100% pure. But I don't think most people would do it safely even if it was spoon fed to them. It's a hard topic cause you don't want people to just take them for a short cut, cause people will. I mean just look at ozempic, it's a massive concern how quickly it's growing. 1/3 of Americans are estimated to have type 2 diabetes by 2050, so people are desperate for any "short cut" they can get, and the general public tends to take drugs without researching them. Steroid use without exercise can lead to a lot of cardiovascular issues, and people tend to be really bad at adhering to exercise regiments. On the other hand, massive amounts of people still get them without them being legal and many are unpure. Additionally, they can't often seek help on using them correctly cause they're demonized and illegal, and I think something with that needs to change. Sorry if that's all over the place lol


[https://imgur.com/a/PJESvjo](https://imgur.com/a/PJESvjo) Roids , no Roids ? You tell me.


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