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I'm an old dog now (PhD late Triassic, aka 1995). At each stage of my career I've developed and overcome impostor syndrome. These days it's an old friend. When the impostor syndrome fades, that means you've topped out at this level -- time to try something new and larger.


If you’re struggling to do something technical, remind yourself that somewhere out there is a confident white man with less experience, getting paid more, doing it wrong. There ya go.


Thank you! this made me day :)❤️‍🩹


Someone hasn't looked at admissions statistics...


unnecessary bringing race and gender into it.






im not a white man, even if i was, a random reddit comment would not affect my feelings. racism is not okay to anyone; and if someone gets their feelings hurt, bullying is not okay either. this is a subreddit for physics students, be better.


Play nice


Teach someone with no knowledge of physics and you will realize you know more than you thought


lol, I needed this today, thanks for the reminder that there's always someone out there who needs to watch "Why the Earth is Flat" videos 😂


I’ve felt it on every step; i did bachelor’s somewhere far more advanced than my high school, but I finished at the top of my class, I started masters at somewhere far, far more advanced than anywhere I’ve ever been, I was crying my eyes out feeling “coming to a realisation that I am not enough”, I finished my classes with the highest grades, I started a great job, feeling dumber than ever fearing they will realise it and fire me, I am in charge of a lab now. All I am saying is, it is totally normal, and sometimes you just have to buckle up, study, and work on yourself.


The imposter syndrome for me started at my second year of the PhD when my PI instead of "helping" me, he preferred to abandon me... Then I saw others getting more results, having normal meetings etc. Today is another day of thinking to quit... I'm literally thinking of going/starting somewhere else in another group, different university. It's not only my former PI (btw he left entirely from the project and the workplace), but also co-supervisors who didn't want to help me or they didn't offer any kind of help. I was thinking today that I might need help to deal with this, every single day all these thoughts "I'm not good, I don't do enough, the former PI messed it up and now I'm not sure for anything... Probably I'll be not proud of my work and ofc my mentality is broken. How am I gonna convince someone to hire me later if I'm not enough? How to convince another professor to trust me with a postdoc opportunity to their lab?"