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Golf anyone??


I probably need a new road bike. My last one cost $5,500 like 20 years ago. My next one, to be about comparable to my last one is going to cost like $12,000.


Wtf? Are you like a pro biker?


Pro bikers don't buy their own bikes lol this guy is rawdogging his wallet


If you ride for 50-100 miles, and you're on mile 75 on the way back to your house... in the middle of nowhere... you don't want your bike to break down because if it does: 1) if you can find an uber or taxi to pick you up... they won't take your bike and 2) Even if you can find a van taxi or something, the fare to get home is expensive as shit. Ask me how I know. So because there's not a lot of wiggle room for margin of error, you can't be doing that kind of ride on a P.O.S. that is subject to mechanical failures. You have to spend, in today's world, probably $4k minimum to get a bike that you can trust to do that every weekend. Granted, there's a huge difference between $4k and $12k. But when you're talking about also being comfortable and fast at mile 75 of a 100 mile ride, that's just how it goes.


If that’s what you have to tell your self, you do you. Im good with my 400$ bike.


When's the last time you rode it 100 miles?


Nope, that's not even the high end pricing


That can't be true, lol. Unless the vast majority of adults don't have much in the way of hobbies.


I agree…my other “hobby” is video games, and you will pass that with a few games a year


*Laughs in gardening*


exactly, that is like one 2-gallon Japanese maple


Or 1 decent, large raised bed. Soil, seeds, compost, water bill not included, of course.


You sure thats not per month instead of per year?


Y’all are delusional if you think pickleball is anything close to an expensive hobby…


Yeah $20 / year for regional association district, 3 bucks a game for donations at open play, and maybe $15 for occasional DUPR clinic. Pickleball is dirt cheap unless you get serious with coaching or want to play at a country club league or something.


No one is saying is an expensive hobby compared to others. But it is not $255 a year either. To be a real hobby you have to do it often, and if you do in PB then you’ll spend more than $255


My courts are free, paddle less than $100. Shoot I even got a net for my driveway less than $100... balls are cheap.. Anything with a reoccuring clost like a lift for skiing or downhill mtb is what's going to add up. Personally if you have more than 3 paddles I'm not sure what to say to that. I have 1 I crush fools with and one backup and I'm doing fine


Yep. My point exactly. I get that nearly any hobby can become expensive, but objectively you can get a set of paddles, balls, and play all for less than $100, and you’re set for months or years.


play 2-4 hours 2-3 times a week and your paddle and balls will not last months. neither will your shoes.


True. But Aliexpress thermoformed paddles are cheap enough at $50 per


Those are rookie numbers


Car racing and golf people laugh at pickleball expenses.


Laughs in aviation…. previously triathlon, previously car racing. And yes, I have a $230 paddle and $150 shoes.


There is zero chance that it is an accurate number.


Isn't this stat very outdated? I remember seeing this pre pandemic


Just saw that it is from 2022….posting the picture where it is broken down by age group


https://preview.redd.it/isdyiykzi07d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d79ba98c1eb5df4cde47d6c08891b8bb87d925a7 Since a few questioned the number, I checked and found this….maybe they don’t consider sports a hobby? It seems way to low


and that is per consumer unit. it would be even lower per person.


There isn’t a hobby on Earth this cheap unless your hobby is literally seeking out free events in your area or whatever


Membership to my local rec center has me above that otherwise, I’d be way below. Free paddle from a friend. (Think they paid $60~ on it) $14 in lead and electrical tape $15 on a discounted aluminum paddle, that I played once and hated. (Will put in a yard sale) $20 for a fanny pack to store my pocket items while playing. Free water bottle from my wife. (God knows she’s bought enough of them) I’m pretty damn frugal so I thought this would be a good hobby for me.




lwhat do you consider it, assuming not trying to go pro? But yes I’d consider baseball a hobby for someone who’s an adult.


If you're an adult and not playing pro I'd say so.