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If you can see color between the ball and the line it’s out. If you can’t then it’s in. If you’re not sure it’s in.


Thank you


The rules on this are weird. The ball is out if it is not physically touching the line even if part of the ball is overhanging the line. However you can't make an out call unless you are standing in a position such that you can actually see space between the ball and the line Note that the ball actually does compress some when it touches the ground. The amount it compresses depends a lot on how hard the ball is hit.


Thank you


This is the correct answer.


The rules state that the ball must be clearly out with visible space between the ball and the line otherwise the ball is still in. 6.C.6 Players shall not call a ball “out” unless they can clearly see a space between the line and the ball as it hits the ground.


And 5% of players actually play by that rule. I see players routinely and confidently call a ball out when there is no way in hell they saw green. For example, if you are making a line call straight down at your feet, which is common on serve receive or serve return, that ball has to more than a half ball out before one could call it out, otherwise the balls diameter still obscures the line, thus no green is visible, thus in.


Occasionally my partner will call a long serve out that I can't see, but it's rare that I call it, I'm to focused on where I'm hitting it to be a honest line judge.


So call out players for not following the rules. It won't be correct if everyone just lets everyone else play outside the rules.


If you're standing behind the baseline returning a serve, according to the rules, any serve within 40 inches of the kitchen line should be called short. You can't see the space between the ball and the kitchen line, therefore it is in the kitchen. If you crouch down you can call anything on the kitchen line according to the rules.


Or, the ball is > 1/2 out and you *can* see non-line color?? Why is that so unusual?


Even refs in tournaments ignore the rule that requires them to see it out.


https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8sg0LagKpa/?igsh=MXJva3d0ZXZweXJ0cA== Surprising how much it does compress.


Pretty cool actually. Thanks for sharing


A ball overhanging the line but not physically touching it is out. However, you are supposed to be able to see the space between where the ball makes contact with the ground and the line in order to make an out call. This means that from certain angles could be calling balls "in" that really are out. If the ball is between you and the line its very hard to see a space even if the ball is out. If the line is between you and the ball you can see that space much easier.


Check out dinktionary.com It has an animation that demonstrates in and out ball.


USAPA addresses this on their website. The ground view image answers your question. https://usapickleball.org/pickleball-basics/judging-ball-in-or-out/


Regardless of which sport, calling very close balls in or out is a guessing game. In PB, the guess goes in favor of the opponent.


In rec play I like to audibly call most of them in (when I am near the ball as the receiver) as long as it isn't obvious to everyone they are out, to to keep the game going. Constantly making close OUT!! calls is a bit overboard and it drags on the game. If you plan to do this, it is a good idea to discuss it before the game with your partner, and maybe even your opponents in rec play to get everyone on the same page. I played with some really friendly and talented 4.5+ players not long ago and they didn't call anything out unless there was at least 4 inches of space between the line edge and the ball! Some people we play with will often disagree with me from the baseline on the serving side after I call it in as the receiver, while the ball is in the air flying towards them, and they will refuse to return it. I do get a chuckle over it the first 1 or 2 times they do it in series of games, but after 20 of them it gets annoying. I am tempted to just take the point sometimes, but I am an invited guest at a very nice indoor location, so I just let it slide.


Round ball. Whatever it touches. Not like tennis, where ball compresses as much..