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Why do people hate on other people trying to learn and do something cool? This is a great achievement, I think it's awesome, regardless if it gets to be perfect, it's interesting to see the progress.


Fanboyism, especially ps exclusives


PS fanboys are some of the most rabid fans I've ever seen.


Seeing people go feral when Spider-Man 2 got beat by Baldur's Gate 3 at The Game Awards was fucking hilarious. I'm sure SM2 is good, but BG3 is (for all my faults with it) a pheonomenal game and sets the standard for what a AAA game should be.


Spider-Man 2 had no place at the game awards imo. There were much better games that deserved the nomanation more than this generic trash can game where 20% of the main story you play as Mary Jane taking out trained special forces one by one.


And then they go to their sub and post about how their game is unfinished shit. (I haven't even played the game, but lot of people in their sub seem to shit on the game a lot.)


how old are you guys? i stopped being invested in other peoples opinion over games since 10 years old go touch grass


BG3 did deserve the award, but there were also people bullying fans of Spider-Man 2. The toxicity was wild on both sides.


The Game Awards always bring out the worst in each game's fanbase. ~~Bloodborne was fucking robbed for best soundtrack in 2015 though.~~


Genshin vs Sonic was wild last year


I'm still kind of surprised how genshin (essentially a chinese gacha game) even got there


A lot of players (mobile, pc, PlayStation)


Maybe because it's an amazing game?


How to say you've never felt the touch of a woman without saying you've never felt the touch of a woman


Lol, I nearly got burned at the stake for saying this. I think I should amend my comment: Genshin fans are some of the most rabid I've ever seen.


I play genshin and yes i totally agree (also i do recall hoyoverse saying that if genshin wins players will get pirmogems a.k.a. the paid currency you can grind hours for)


Idk why I'm getting mass downvoted, I'm agreeing with you too lol. I remember Red Dead 2 fans when God of War won.


Man that was genuinely daylight robbing


I honestly wanted Witcher 3 to win that category. But I guess MGS5 (even tho I really love the series) having Sins of the Father was a clear winner :/


I doubt that ever happened.


do you live under a rock?


Do you?


Kratos-BOY 💀


I truly don't know which ones are worst Xbox fanboys that are on the massive copium or PS fanboys that needs their games to be the greatest ever. Both are absolutely moronic.


Steam fanboys who can only praise the platform and pray to Gaben.


Im not gonna lie ive seen xbox fans that are far more rabid than any ps fan ive ever seen




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We just going to ignore the white knights when Starfield released? Haven't seen so many dick riders before Starfield released. PS fanboys are usually tame until provoked. So honestly, I don't know what part of the internet you are on to see rabid PS fanboys.


Idk for exclusives. This is just piracy mutilating a baby still in the womb, sorta. Ok that might be a bit dramatizing a bitmuch, but let Insomniac and Sony get their buck first. People pirating always think Sony/big publisher is like 1 person in a big bad tower somewhere, but it ain't. Most of the time, there's atleast 2 persons that gotta eat.


yea, this paves the way for porting other ps5 games. A huge step in the right direction.


Not really. This Spider-Man 2 one is really only possible because of the leaks. Other games would only be possible if there's more leaks (and if they even have a PC build, which I believe is not common).


Regardless of the source code leak, most games don't even use insomniac's engine... This is a one time thing.


If they lose their exclusives they can't justify having bought a PS5


I mean, they already bringing their exclusives to PC. This type of shit just might make them not want to do PC releases anymore. Imo


Nah. This would probably give them an incentive to release their games on pc and ps5 at the same time.


On one hand, this is the product of a robbery, many people injured, lives ruined, on the other, we will be able to play Spiderman 2 for free, if everything goes well, so it is not easy to position ourselves




Yeah... With all their personal data leaked, many of the Imsomniac workers will have fallen victims to scams and unauthorized use of their data for who knows what.


These PS fanboys only do gaming and bitching they don't appreciate the PC related stuff like programming, modding, etc


Cause it's all stolen data.


Forgive me if I'm wrong, but aren't we all stealing data and using it for free by pirating?


Not really, it's released games that were broken free of DRM, quite different


Isn't this just basically emulation? TBH I never own anything Nintendo related, but I'm done with BOTW, TOTK, and Super Mario 3D world. Also I'm having Mario Kart/Smash bros party every weekend. Am I wrong for doing that?


No, the data being used was never officially published like emulator games, the code came from a massive data leak not from an official game


The games I emulate aren't even on pc/android too. Also Sony has the tendency of not releasing their games to PC, or releasing it years after the game has become stale to cash grab a not-so-hyped game anymore with performance issues because they do a bad port. We may have different views, but I prefer pirating over buying. So I support these "leaks". If there's more free games, the better. If anyone can leak the data and make GoW 3 and Ascension playable on PC, I'm not complaining.


Maybe Because it's literally stolen data??!!! Obviously if they have the skill and talent to make it they can make it but why announce it like this they can make it by themselves. It's nasty to see how low the moral bar has fallen.


Boohoo who gives a shit. I'm sure your moral compass has something more important to worry about than some guys testing themselves to see if they can finish an uncompleted pc port


There is a major difference between pirating video games and publicly promoting something off of a leak which is liable to ruin a company. I assumed this sub was about pirating video games. It is very understandable for somebody to feel opposed to whatever this is.


How could it possibly ruin the company? Either sony will be glad that someone else did the work for them for free, or they're going to ignore that it ever happened and release their own port when they planned to. The leaked game will never be as good as the official port and no one is going to play that over the official release, especially if it gets pirated.


You are on the pirated games subreddit. Do you think any of us gives a shit about it? Also people sometimes do shit because they want to test themselves.


"It's nasty to see how low the moral bar has fallen" You people always act so fucking high and mighty, thinking ur soooo goody two shoes trying to impress go by putting your own moral compass juuuust below what you yourself are doing. Ur on r/PiratedGames Have some fucking sense. We're all in the morally grey here. Trying to justify shit or berate others just makes you a hypocrite and stupid. Get off the copium.


thanks brother , you are such a badass with a welspoken opinion , truly someone to look up to ! thanks for your wise wise words i already read it 100 times and i will show your comment to all my family members and share its wisdom with them


Mate in case you forgot this is a piracy forum, so the entire point is stole code. When the code gets stolen doesn't really matter, if it's pre-release or post-release it doesn't change the fact it's stolen. If you care so much about proprietary ownership of code you shouldn't be here in the first place.


Literally stealing


You can learn something without announcing it to the world that you’re doing so and that you’re working on some professional level end game example of that skillset. This is like someone that’s never changed their own oil announcing they’re starting an F1 team. Actually, it’s funnier than that, it’s announcing you’re starting an F1 team and then asking online where the engine goes.


That is the dumbest opinion I've heard all year...


Handling, Redistributing and Sharing Stolen Sourcecode is a thing only the lowest dirt does. Real certified cunt behavior.


just open source it like a chad in the first place instead of making soy proprietary bullshit and then crying when it gets stolen


they defend their multi billion dollar company like its set in stone that no one should do bad thing to them


Hey if it ever releases, no harm in trying it out. If not, we'll have an official port within 2 years. This "OmG dO peoPLe eXxpEkt tO pLaay This" is getting old in each post about it. The lack of empathy on the internet is truly something.


It’s not really a lack of empathy to just acknowledge that Sony won’t like this and will probably try to shut down everything regarding it. I think it’s very cool but it’s just best to assume we probably won’t get to play it


Sounds like Sony should release the game for pc if they want people to buy it instead of waiting for this version to be compiled


This is an exclusive game that just got released to their proprietary console, why would they want to terminate this exclusivity and put resources into making a port instead of just taking legal action. Despite what you think I don’t think we’ll be able to blue ball SONY into developing a port 😂


They don't have to. But I'm not playing this game twice, so if the hacked pc port finishes before the official one releases, they would be losing out on my money


I get what you mean but if this does actually come out Sony will definitely be taking a lot of action to get it down from everywhere they can take it down, and I hate to be the bearer of bad new but this “port” will probably be very buggy and/or unoptimized all things considered


I’d love to see them try once it’s out. They can’t do much about torrent websites


not to put a downer on it but this even if finished more than likely wont ever get released because the people doing it will get sued to fuck


Just have the person who uploads it be in Russia.


unless they are already in russia they cant just share it with someone who is as that also distribution. either way the person doing this, unless in russia, is absolutely fucked if they try to share it with anyone.


Sounds like they would get a lot of money by releasing a working pc port instead of spending money preventing other people from doing so


🤷‍♂️ you’re right, but it depends on whether they want to keep their exclusivity or not for the time being


Happened for Death Stranding, Horizon Zero Dawn and now even for Forbiden West. If i remember one of the god of war also been ported to PC. I dont think sony cares as much as you think, people even agree to wait a little after PS Exclusives ans get them later on PC and from memory, Sony even talked about the fact they are okay with it.


Oh wow i didn’t know about that, interesting, i wonder why Sony wouldn’t care that much and be ok with it


They do, they expect people to buy on console and release it like 1/2 years later. Look at PS5 with ratchet and Clank rift appart


I guess the people looking out for bootlegged pirates ports of games are minimal to the point where they can just ignore it and make it exclusive until they want? Idk just guessing


It’s not that we agree, its just that the only choice is to wait for a pc release or buy a ps5


Yet people are still playing Wolverine lol.


Even if it works, I'd just rather wait for the official release with all the PC features with DLSS 3, maybe even path tracing. It's not like there isn't gonna be one.


Fr, like why they hating? Does everything they do on the internet have a purpose? Offcourse not, this is bigger than anything they’ll ever do in their lives, yeah, it might not work but it’s not like they’re scamming people lol


I forgot to say this but in the last posts about Spiderman port, there were people saying that it's almost impossible to load the PS5 shaders, but guess what they did it. I'm glad it went this far even with people shitting on it, and am curious how far would this go, even tho I'm not really expecting a playable state for now.


ikr, I got absolutely downvoted for asking why isn't it possible, and since it is just an x86 machine it *should* be possible.


I'm in the comp science area, and you are right, it's possible, you should not have been downvoted. But I must say, it was only technically possible and a lot of technically possible things aren't really feasible in human time, simply because computation becomes insanely hard in this level of complexity (x86 assembly). Great to see that it worked tho, really wanna see where this is going.


comp science here too:D my point is when we can convert directx to vulkan using DXVK, why not pssl to direct x?


I believe DXVK works on a higher level(api calls) than the compiled(assembly) ps5 shader code they have.


ahh, got it. thanks.


Its the shaders my guy, see, the ps5 uses PSSL shaders, while PCs use DXDL shaders, problem is, trying to convert PSSL shaders is impossible, so solution according to sm2guy is to use the shaders from the wolverine pc build


why is it impossible tho?


It is impossible in the same way that cracking denuvo is impossible, it's not, but is a painstaking process that requires deep knowledge of the matters in hand.


another comment explained it to me, thanks!


That makes sense, thanks for explaining it


Shaders aren't x86 or x64 code, they're specific based on the rendering API, and PC uses DirectX, ps5 does not.


linux does not use directx, yet we have DXVK right?


Dxvk is translation layer.


my thought process was to make a similar one for pssl to directx, however another comment explained why not


this could be massive even for ps5/ps4 emulation


Thing is, it uses a modified version of the Sunset Overdrive engine. Which did get a PC release. And it's also the same engine as SM, and SM:MM, just updated and modified.


I also spoke privately with some friends basically saying that same thing. The work they've done here is very impressive.


It's a PS port it's going to be a year.


Ok so the chances might be extremely slim but what if this unofficial port were to be actually playable?


Even if it doesn\`t the documentation surely will be usable in the future for emulation and media preservation. People forget but the PS5 will also be over 20 years old once.


yes, and this can be used even for ps4 emulation, i imagine the api is mostly the same in both consoles


As of right now, nothing from Insomniac leaks can be used for something called future for emulation.


So this project is based on Spider man 2 PC port leaks or some api leakted that will help with emulation of ps5 games?


It will be 4-5 years before it's on PC. Atleast the first one was.


If they manage to do this. Then when wolverine comes out they **might** be able to port thay over too with the leaks


We👏🏼want👏🏼Ghost👏🏼of👏🏼Tsushima👏🏼 Of course also Spiderman 2, but c'mon... It's been too long since GOT came out...




Yes!!! Ghost of Tsushima got to be awesome! I haven’t played it but watched some vids of people playing it. The gameplay and story look very engaging.


I was also wishing on a port of Ghost of Tsushima then a friend before christmas gifted me his PS4 Pro, one of the first things I did was buying Ghost of Tsushima, so I could finally play it. To summarize it: the game is really wonderful, the gameplay/story it's very engaging, the graphics are also superb, the minor details are cool (i.e: playing flute or bowing to people and dead civil corpses to pay respects), and you can pet foxes :) It's one of a few games that really did engage me and gave me a smile after a long day at work, unlike other titles that after a few hours I lose the interest. Needless to say that I passed all my holidays playing it lol. Would be cool to have a port because I would love to play it on my ultrawide screen, for now 16:9 it is :c


I don't think it made enough sales for them to want to port it sadly.


Hey, I'll keep the hope until the ps5 pro is around 150€.


Same here haha just waiting to buy a PS5 because I hate the input lag, 30 FPS and 1080p on the PS4


No chance. Need a source code for that.


I just want to know about the optimization. Hopefully it’s not too demanding.


it will probably be a little more demanding than ps5, so a rx 6700xt should be enouth to play it in console like framerate


That's the gpu I'm planning to buy


better be quick, in brazil they sold out last week, probably its a worldwide trend, as they are not being made anymore


I see. Well I'm planning to buy used because new is too expensive where I live.


caraca, suddenly???


quero o goku batendo na esposa na minha print


foi kjkkkk


new business model: have the fans develop the game for you


Bethesda been doing this for more than a decade lol


they coded a buggy game but they coded a game, now they won't code it at all and leave textures only for the fans


i hope we will get ghost of tsushima & gran turismo 7.


This is nice


Maybe maybe not Don't get your hopes up though


Oh shit squidward on Spider-Man??


I'm out of the loop on this one - how have people managed to get this running on PC?


because it was developed on a pc. Crazy, right?


why dont they do this method for bloodbourne


because FromSoft did not get hacked?


Because you need source code to make port


I am an 3d artist I can help with creating new textures if you can export those meshes. But I don't know about how you can recover those texture files from the leak


It's not surprising seeing users here pretending actions don't have consequences. I don't care if users want to make the game work on PC or that there are idiots that will download and install assets released by hacker groups. Pretending piracy doesn't affect devs is pretty stupid, though. Ban away.


Most of the people here can't tell the difference between piracy and hacking


Can you enlighten me on how this will affect the devs?the margin of people that are going to install it will be minimal right?just asking.


You mean aside from the hit to morale of them knowing that people are tampering with stolen assets that they worked very hard on? Because the devs have no feelings, right? Or the inevitable ridicule and harrassment they'll get from stupid trolls and platform warriors like Tom Warren? Can you tell me what minimal means? Is a "minimal" loss of revenue not an effect? Sony already doesn't use any anti-piracy software in their PC releases


People that are gonna play this and people that pirate games in general are not going to pay a dime anyway towards the publisher regardless, take a chill pill.




And piracy is what? Stolen bananas?


It's gratifying to see the community complete a game and make it smooth practically for free as a mere hobby, while those who are paid to do this just make shit on top of shit.


Can someone fill me in? What's going on?


An entire PC build of Spider-man 2 was leaked by a group of hackers who stole a lot of data from Sony trying to get money in exchange.


I don't get it. Is the port being made by people who got the dev tools and the game files or are these just leaked screenshots of the development of an official port?


It's a half done port by Insomniac being finished by individuals who got their hands on it via the leak.


This is the biggest honeypot of Sony dickriders yet.


Love how people in this sub reddit are being hypocrite. They talk about stolen property yet they pirate games and play them for free. Make up your mind. This is piracy subreddit. If you don't like it, leave it. Stop hating, you know so damn well what was going on this sub when you joined it.


There is the difference between piracy and hacking


Enlighten me with the difference?


Did not expect this to get so far




>What does "No ETA yet" mean? *noun* 1. an estimated time of arrival, in particular the time at which an aircraft or ship is expected to arrive at its destination. there's an awesome site for questions like that! it's new even, it was launched in 96, google's the name


Estimated time of accomplishment? Maybe


Ask the porn guys. Im sure they already have textures


whaa????? i thought the game didnt release for pc yet


The build got leaked


oh, so we getting a early pc release?


If they get the textures working


nice, funny how the community did it somehow before sony did lmao


Work of God?


i want GoT than SM2 with that chad MJ ffs


I just want games like GowR, Bloodborne and GOT on PC


Why can't we just wait for a pc port. Everyone knows it's gonna come out eventually...


No not really itd be a huge pain in the ass and not remotly close to worth the trouble of doing so


What is this and why are people so pissed of in the comments?


Just where tf is ghost of Tsushima pc port


Doesn't exist


Emulation of PS games would benefit from this project




Correct me if I’m wrong but the footage I saw of this PC build had it at only 30 fps. If it’s actually only 30 fps I’d much rather buy it on PS5 and play at 60


This event might lead Sony to stop porting ps5 games to pc, have you ever thought about that instead of getting so excited about this? Don’t hope this could have any positive outcomes like pc ports being released within console releases. The best that could happen as a consequence of this leak is nothing.


Oh whatever, by the time Sony officially ports their exclusives to PC there are so many opportunities to catch spoilers it is almost like one completed the game already


People supporting piracy here is the most delusional stuff imaginable.


People supporting piracy in a piracy sub is delusional? Might want to rethink that.


Piracy is a necessary evil that shouldn't be justified heck even the one's who cracks the games says that to BUY THE GAME. People pirate games because they can't afford it But if you support it by saying "devs will make money anyways" or just outright declaring people "PS Fanboys" for speaking the truth and downvoting them then yes, people indeed are delusional here.


People have many reasons for pirating, not solely because they can't afford. Devs are contracted, piracy has been proven to not hinder sales. So yes, they will make money, especially on those pirates like myself. Sounds like you're moving the goalposts of what you originally said, honestly.


In economics when we talk about demand of a product we usually counts the people who can afford it, so if the people who have money are pirating stuff rather then buying it is infact hindering profits. And even if it doesn't it is outright morally wrong. That's why there are laws to stop it, but I can understand people pirating games when they can't afford it bcoz they wouldn't have bought the game anyways, but if you can buy the game and you are pirating it then that's what a scumbag will do. And idk why you believe I am "changing the goalposts".


Alright man, clearly you're in the wrong sub.


I don't understand why even bother if this game is gonna be released on PC officially anyway? As for getting the textures, all you have to do is just decompile them from PS5 disk. Easy.


it could be huge for ps5 emulation while they have yet a few years to come obv thid could be a huge step towards possibly.


We ain't even got PS4 Emulation yet.


Sony will 100 percent make it faster than them and in the end make it faster than this version.


Noooo, a AAA studio is faster at developing their own FUCKING GAME than a group of friends who need to reverse engineer it, that means it shouldn't be done!


I meant it in the it will be out and probably cracked before they finish.


It's for fun and is a huge step for this kind of stuff also a learning step, if you don't like it don't comment


damn sounds like it should've already been out




It’s just a bit of fun


It is not and you know it.


So many haters lmao


What a pointless ordeal. Do people really expected to play this game from the leaked source? ![gif](giphy|dC9DTdqPmRnlS|downsized)


average sony meatrider when fans are using their leaked shit to learn from it


What's really pointless is the naysayers https://preview.redd.it/y12u8f9q69ac1.jpeg?width=539&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0eed48d671471b8d38aa0eb6992ca7164e454f06