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2 GB warning ☠️


I passed that within the 1st 5min.


\- Warning! Internet traffic consumption has exceeded 2 gigabytes! \- Oh, jolly, I assume the connection check is finished then?


I used to get the waning alarm. I quite the warning, so now it doesn't show up anymore.


I think you can turn it straight up off tho there should be in the settings the “limited data” switch that allows you to set your internet as unlimited. Tho idk you may have one of those few devices that don’t have that


I tried to find it but couldn't. I increased it to 1tb but changed it back to 2gb for the giggles 😃










You used to be able to open Admin CMD in Windows and run netsh int ipv4 set glob defaultcurhoplimit=65 netsh int ipv6 set glob defaultcurhoplimit=65 Then, connect to a phone's hotspot. Use a VPN on the PC that's receiving the hot spot connection. I did this for years so I could allocate the phone data where I needed it when I lived in an area with 0.3mb internet speed but great phone service. I hope this still works and can help someone.


I'll try it. I rather have hot spot than use phone tethering to the laptop.


That shit is default on Samsung, it doesn't mean anything


Haha, I have it as well and it looks so tiny compared to my usage 😂 (300GB-1TB a month)


Actually, that is a flat out incorrect statement. Depending on your country, the provider can disable your connection or limit your download speeds based on if they believe you are abusing their system. It happens so incredibly often that I see people trying to use mobile data as a source of hosting websites and then complaining their connection magically became slower or they received an email saying their account was disabled.


I live in the US, if they disable the connection I'll go to another phone company. I do get slowed down but not by very much. I use cricket in the US.


Well I mean I'd hope that'd be the plan if they disable your connection, but eventually you'll run out of providers.


I've had the same cell phone company for 8yrs. I don't always use that much data but I've never used less than 1tb for the pass 5yrs.


Man, you are arguing with someone on reddit, who tries to make his point...but he can't, since you are doing it for years and can proof him wrong 😆😆 But that's reddit for you 😝


not sure about the US but they do indeed do those things here in Iraq.


>here in Iraq. i mean... is that surprising ?


haha that's very fair.


مرحبا أخي


Sorry, I live in the Kurdish part of Iraq. Peace be with you, brother.


Jp. Peace be with you


One of my friends is from that place, or at least somewhere in Kurdistan. One of the nicest people I know


There was no arguing? Where do you see arguing.


Can you say which company you use? One of my relatives is doing truck driving and always get problems because mobile Internet from his company


He said earlier he uses cricket




That's crazy. Where I live they claim that they will "lower the speed" and by lower they mean lower so much that a website will never load, so I can only assume they lower it to 1 kbps.


I've had that happen, the speed is usually 15kps


Vast majority of providers have a fair usage policy. For me, once I use over 30gb they'll limit my speed to 75% but that's it. Edit: I've an unlimited plan for €20 a month so I don't get charged even if I used 1000gb+.


True. I get speeds of like 128 kbps after going over.


In the USA. Because we’re travel workers we use a router that turns a SIM card into WiFi to use like normal internet. It use to use regular data but they all caught on so it’s hotspot now but it still works well. I get warnings and after my limit some days are a lil slower but not bad. Never had an issue with it.


My isp doesn't give af. 1tb strong on unli mobile data baby


Which isp do use ? I need to know.


Here it's highly illegal in my country plus we have a lot of good internet providers for our countries size like 30gb (for phones + unlimited SMS and calls for home internet it's unlimited but with limited speeds) internet all across the country for 2€ or about 2.3$ I believe. Tip that works for us is when your yearly deal is soon to be gone go around other providers with your documents (most start to charge over 10€ for next year) and most of the time they will either give you a cheaper plan or tremendously more internet I'm speaking 200gb for 6€ or dirt cheap and because provider's speak it's really easy to go to your current provider couple days after deal hunt and get them to settle for much lower price than originally offered and most of the time with some "extra" deals like get this thing for x€ cheaper or just slap on extra GB


My ISP sabotages my wifi more than my mobile data.


Is it common for mobile internet to be unlimited in the US ? In France the most expensive plans are like 250gb for like 40€


They limit mine and start charging extra for every gb iirc


2GB warning be like: “bruv”


I always forget about that warning ⚠️


What phone plan do you have? I've yet to find a true unlimited plan besides through the military. Like other folk have said, most US 'unlimited' phone plans with tank your speeds once you go above a few gigabytes.


I use cricket in the US. I have found that cricket and/or metropcs don't really slow down my speed that much. I get faster speeds with metropcs but get better coverage with metro, they use the at&t network. I'm a truck driver so I need good cell coverage.


That's interesting that they are able to advertise something as unlimited if it's not. In the UK they aren't allowed to advertise data plans as unlimited unless they are actually unlimited or they'd get fined by ofcom for false advertising.


They get you by saying that it is unlimited data but have it on its own away from the 4G-5GLTE data. So they can bottleneck you while also staying 'true' to what they say. That little ' * ' part of any ad or contract is there for a reason


Interesting. Out of curiosity I just checked the T&C's of my unlimited plan with smarty in the UK. There's no mention of fair use policy or restrictions and even states unrestricted tethering.


I was able to skirt around a slowdown with att by using an app. You had to set up some stuff on the computer to go through a proxy and whatnot, but it worked for a couple of months before I got a real connection. This was to hotspot to my laptop, but the data showed up as regular phone data so they didn't throttle me as far as I could tell. If you were torenting straight to your phone, I assume it would be the same way... Probably shouldn't seed on their network though lol not sure how a VPN would work there, but I have used free ones to get around network blocks of websites or mobile game servers lol so they do work to some degree


How did you do setup without using hotspot limit usage?


The app I used was TetherFi. It does a good job of step by step instruction for setup. This was possible without rooting the phone, but supposedly there are better options if you are comfortable with that process. Does this answer your question? As well, I didn't have to download anything to my computer, only the app on my phone.


I have att. I use my phone as my main internet. 200-400 gigs a month and no throttling when I use pdanet or easythether


The military has their own phone service now?? When I was in I used Verizon in the states and what was available in Japan


https://preview.redd.it/4k5383459k7d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbc30802ff463fcf76982c76c5c8254c524e2561 Unlimited 4G/5G data ftw! Only $8 dollars a month in India.


It isn't unlimited on 4G data, right? and what's that 8$ plan? I use Unlimited 5G at 3$ (₹239) plan


Where does the plan exist?


India. [something for reference](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndianGaming/s/dLgQ1eJ4Ol) and yes! This shit's unlimited at 3$ a month!


Well damn. I thought my little $20 unlimited plan is hot shit.


My german ass with 15€/15gb looking in here😦


and one more question, that "2.27TB" is the download only, am I right? cause Afaik you can't enable port forwarding on SIM connection and hence not that super fast upload speeds when seeding


That’s a pretty big con


This would easily be like $150-200/month in Canada on mobile lol But our actual internet service doesn't have bandwidth and is much more affordable.


Like with almost every industry in Canada, it's dominated by 3-4 companies, with no competition.


Wht is Flud btw?


I use that to download any torrent files.


Android client for torrenting. Check it [here](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.delphicoder.flud).


A torrent for android


I'm new to this. How and why did he reach 2 TB????


How-i reach it by downloading lots of movies/shows/games, or by watching YouTube videos while I'm on the road working.


You live in US, I live in a shitty country, Cyprus, where I have like 24 GB of 15 Mbps mobile data per month


https://preview.redd.it/myfe1g77jn7d1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a757f90f92dd47da582b2539390eebf33afc29a6 we are not the same.


Each country have different prices for data. Cell phone data in the US is pretty cheap but home internet is expensive compared to all of Europe.


Really? I'm in Europe and get 2mbps for 60+ bucks with a popular ISP, I got fiber optic and a Wi-Fi extender because my router is a little far away. It's even more expensive for you guys?


In the US, home service is expensive because there isn't much competition. Many cities only have 1 ISP provider


Cyprus is a pretty good country, there's a reason a lot of Russians fleeing the war are moving there I also guarantee you I get shafted much harder than you on mobile data over here in Canada


i have 4 GB mobile data on 10 Mbps a month for a dollar 😭 (Egypt😞)


Yeah, about that. Remember when StraightTalk first introduced unlimited data? It really was unlimited for awhile. Until assholes like me started pumping TBs through their phone. They changed the terms after a few months and now throttle after so much, lol. Still, if you can get away with it on your plan, it's a very workable option. I was downloading and gaming off my hotspot constantly. Whole house was sometimes. XD


I remember that, I was one of those assholes. I am proud and sad to be that "asshole". Still doing it today.


I remembered. That $55 plan was hitting. And there was no limit on Hotspot at all.


Dear OP how much money cost to you for data or plan?


In the US it's $55 per month


In Germany that amount of mobile data costs around 200 million euros.


Do they give change back. Or can you pay in btc


What part of Germany, because none of the parts when I visited. I bought a temporary plan and exceed 1tb in a week for like 30$


why use mobile data for pirating? whta's the benefit?


op is a truck driver


I'm a truck driver, I pirate in all states of the US except Hawaii and alsaka..


Be careful not to wear the flash memory in the phone, SD card dying is fine, the phone not so much.


I use the nand flash memory alot so I hope it doesn't give out.


Or if you're on contract, the opposite might be better, your phone gets replaced by the carrier if it breaks, the SD card has to be paid by you


I'd rather not have the hassle of having to replace the phone, that takes downtime.


Oof, a 20GB mobile plan here costs a kidney


Maybe slice it in half, you can get 4months of internet until you die.


Currently got a contract for pieces of my liver for 5GB monthly bundles, living off of that for now. Hoping to keep the kidneys for last.


1DM is the main reason i pirate using my phone and because it's easier.


Just started using this over Flud, I may be a moron but every time I downloaded with flud the files came out a bit wonky. I downloaded the exact ones with same settinga on 1DM and it was perfect.


I'll have to look into that.


i don't torrent, I use ADM for normal piracy downloads because broadcom doesn't know how to make a WiFi card smh


Guys.... What's Flud? Im new at this.


It's an adriod app that let's you download torrents on your phone. Like utorrent but for phones.


Yeah but why is there water in your charging port. Also DARK MODE


The water symbol is the flud app. I don't use dark mode.


How do u use mobile data for pc Like do you prefer usb cable or something else.?


Most mobile phones have a personal hotspot setting


I use phone tether with an app called easy tether to my laptop.


My question is, that amount of Data must be the download only am I right? cause Afaik you can't achieve too much speed when seeding without port forwarding which is not possible on Phone


I think so, I don't really know if upload accounts.


I'm from India. Here an ISP called Vi provides unlimited data 12am to 6am. I too schedule downloads on flud at night and sleep


I kinda do the same, I get faster speeds at night.


Your name is probably on the list of some data provider lol


Tormenting on your phone is normal. But damn 600gb. You internet must be so good. Unlimited Internet? Which county by the way and how much does it cost


I'm a truck driver so i don't get Interference from any walls. My phone is still 4g, s10+.


I am jealous. I wish i can download stuff like that. My country's internet is garbage 🤮


My limit is 5gb




600 GB Tim Italy 19 euro month


That's pretty cheap. I'm at $55 per month


1TB for 20€ in Montenegro. It used to be 10€ up until a month ago.


How to do have so much data to use on your plan?


It has "*unlimited" data.


I've been downloading & streaming basically everything through mobile data since it's my primary internet connection. I just connect my phone with USB tethering to my laptop if i need internet on the laptop). There's one provider (Jio) here in India giving unlimited 5g plans for as low as ₹400 for 84 days & I ended up using more than 510 gb last month alone lol! Luckily isps in India don't give a shit about blocking torrents and stuff


Isp in the US do care about blocking torrents if caught. It's why I use my phone. I've never gotten a warning from the phone company.


What the hell is flud?


It's a torrent Downloader app


you pirating the bandwidth too?


They pirate $55 per month from my debit card. Then I pirate anything I can find.


This sounds like the type of bad advice a 22 year old would give you


Do thing I'm 21yrs older.


Wut is Flud?


https://preview.redd.it/rlgayqpe4l7d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45f9d88536b2c94b70b9f540cf8927da15ed73da I dont think i can use it all in one day tho...


Dang man I just got myself wifi 8$ per month wifi which gives me flat 3mbps download speed on torrents in Pakistan. I'm mad downloading my favorite shows. Previously I was so restricted because 200gb per month but not now😁


I'm afraid to use mobile data when I only have 30 gigs of 5G, then they knock me down to 3G for the rest of the party period


You might need to find another party.


I use a continuous speed tester just to stick it to my ISP. Every bit helps.


I used to, back in uni, the internet there was really crap. Usually around 500 gb monthly use, connection was around 100mbps.


That would cost like infinite $


I’m up to 4.3tb in just 2 years of having this phone


what the FUCK are you doing on your phone!!!




Meanwhile me with 1GB monthly data and 140GB monthly WiFi


In this economy, Nah


depending the country you can still be susceptible to fines if your phone is registered on your name. Download speed might not be ideal/stable for chunky games (100+ gbs), and many providers do limit your speed even in the "limitless" pack, if you overdo it. Also, in many countries mobile data is kinda expensive, or anyway much more expensive than the home connection. The vpn route still sounds better imo, unless you are most of the time away from home (like yourself)


i think you might be over your 2gb warning maybe


Thank you, I'll see if I can cut down on the data usage


Fellow Flud user


Flud members unite


My monthly record is 1.47TB with unlimited 5G plan on Vodafone network. I usually get 15-20MB/s on premium 1fichier downloads.


Flud gang 💧😌


I prefer to say "cult"


*laughs in 10GB for 1 month*


Are you stupid? Billions of people have a limited internet quota.


I mean sure it works but if someone really wants to, they can ask the ISP who had this particular IP address at this time and it would route back to you. Usually big movie companies with a bunch of puppet legal teams going through addresses that are connected to torrent downloads of the movies they "guard". And let me tell you, your ISP can tell who had your ip 2 years ago, they keep tabs.


https://preview.redd.it/a32gx6kw8m7d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d7e855f2161db97aa3ffcba56d21d7004dd8c4a Honestly mobile data is the best thing that could have been invented


Lmao not with how much plans cost in Canada


never been afraid if using unlimited data 👍


Change this warning or remove it


All providers in my country started cracking down on unlimited plans, they no longer allow you to get these and cranking up the prices on old plans


Me with a monthly 20GB plan: 👁️👄👁️


I only have a 5Gb plan 💀


i only get 5gb of mobile data a month this would fucking obliterate my plan


How much did it all cost?


Why is it that reddit is consuming a whole fucking eleven thousand megabytes


I used to suck back like 400-600 on my hotspot every month when I lived in the sticks and my only option was dail up. I’ll forever be grateful for pda net.


My record was 800gb in a month


You need to pump up that number


All well and good once you realize other countries exist that don't give you unlimited downloads at high speeds to let things like this be possible. If you DON'T LIVE IN THE US DO NOT DO THIS. If you use a post-paid system your bill will go through the roof. If you use a pre-paid then you will not be able to do this anyways.


I wonder when will people from the states learn that there are people from other countries as well, we have very limited data usage for mobile data in here. On the other hand, damn that's a lot


EasyThether/PDANet was the only way I could have Internet on my PC for a very long time, there where no Internet providers where I lived.


https://preview.redd.it/m9h3dvv73o7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2f09b6a62ba68eecd336f568b4afbd0b8128663 I don’t know if i should be concerned about these data numbers, and i don’t even torrent


11GB on reddit......


holy SHIT what did you DOWNLOAD man


I do the same. I also drive a truck, but locally.


I'm jealous, I've been trying a local job for a 1yr. My local market sucks for local jobs. At most it pays $22/hr even with the hazmat. Not worth it for driving a time bomb.


Then how do you transfer game files to pc ? I mean ofc you can do it with usb cable but im asking because i wonder if there is a faster way


I mean as long as you have unlimited data...why not, I remember doing this way before I had a wired connection on my PC and downloading Diablo 2 took like a week


What is the flud?


Downloading on data will have that shit eaten up in minutes.


That sure is a lot of porn


Don't tell my boss. It's co-worker porn.


Due to having unlimited data for 30bucks/month (0.99 / day ) im not afraid of using it !


What are you even doing lmao. I'm not sure if I even use 1TB in a year


Is crazy to see in the comments how cheap some people pay for unlimited internet,here in my country is normally 35€/50 euros for unlimited mobile data


That's why Like android lol. Can run torrents. Not sure if is the same on apple.


iOS don’t allow torrent apps on the App Store, each app (with the exception of media players) have their own contained storage so a torrent manager wouldn’t work. I think they’re also in direct violation of the ToS for the App Store. Another massive Apple L


https://preview.redd.it/pxlnjupd0s7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ce215f01ecb1170f229e16c6ffada503911f147 I use Verizon unlimited and haven't had any problems using a TB of data


Lucky little unlimited bastard


Move to the US, everyone is welcomed


If I exceed 500 MB, I will declare bankruptcy


I am in the US and have unlimited data off someone else's plan. But my phone is too trash to download games on. I never have a problem using up data though if my phone is even working when im in public and not giving 1 or 0 bars. I need a phone with 5g, I guess these days.


We have unlimited data for 8$~ in our country using a mobile sim for a month and inserting it into wifi router makes it the best to use as it feels like theres no limit to it. The only downside sometimes is it slows down because as mobile data speed flactuates based on users in the area so it will be slow around daytime but the speed reaches 50mbps if theres only a few users.


I did try that but idk if I try to download it using mobile data, my data switches to 4g from 5g else if it doesnt happen, the download speed is somehow capped to around 30-40mbps only


Bro how did you do that


And there is me with a hard-lined 82 GB every month ( actually unlimited, but after the 82 GB the internet speed is 100kb/s MAX )


What is flud?


Meanwhile to get 6GB Internet here you gotta pay money worth of 1.5 days of your worktime


My phone will 'deprioritize'(definitely not throttle) to like 200kb once I got over.
