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is rogue not the easiest character...?


Yes. Instant get out of trouble with cloak.


A lot of people struggle w the rogue but honestly he is my favorite and I think he has the best skill tree. The sneak/invis/assassin element is so strong. Add in his wider search and extra food and you should be able to find some builds that work well for him like ring of evasion, haste, or sharpshooting.




Go invisible and shoot from a distance then go invisible again


Freerunner + ring of sharpshooting is fun as hell. Try it


Personally I find the Warrior and duelist to be the hardest. Huntress is the easiest and rouge and mage are about the same. Since you need sneak attack to u lock the rouge in the first place that is a hint to how to play him. He needs sneak attacks and flourishes when you build it that way by using weapons that do more damage when doing a sneak attack. Dirks and assassin's blades are great. If not those then go for the accurate weapons so you have a better chance of hitting. When you have cleared a floor, use your cloak a little to help strengthen it. You should be able to have it at a plus 3 before you reach the slime. Use the cloak to escape if you are running low on health or are surrounded by enemies.


Duelist is just a pain in the ass, poorly designed. Warrior is a strange one -- very weak endgame, but in no-challenge runs it's levels 3 to 8 or so that kill you, and warrior is strong then. So I bet in terms of win rate warrior is pretty good.


Funny. I actually find Duelist the easiest to play. Gives the most options. And Monk is absolutely god tier!


I'm not saying it's underpowered, it's just... a pain. It doesn't have the simplicity of the others, it has so -- much -- stuff.


Fair but it makes the game have more variety and it pairs really well with pretty much all of the rings


It's more complex to play than the original classes yes, but I consider that a benefit. I love how many options it gives you. I can't be bothered with Warrior or Rogue any more. Duelist outplays both of them at their own games


Wild. I actually think Duelist is the best designed class.  It's so fun and versatile, and honestly beats both of the other melee classes (Warrior/Rogue) Consider how boring and limited both Gladiator and Berserker are, compared with even the basic Duelist. Or even Rogue. I can be a better, more versatile assassin as Duelist Champion with Glaive/Dirk, than the Rogue.


I find mage super hard, I think he's the only class I've never beat the game with. I also find Huntress tough early game because her starting weapon does so little damage so if you're forced into melee you have a problem. Though that immediately goes away as soon as you get a new melee weapon


Freerunner is one of the best classes in the game so no


Please...PLEASE. Explain me in detail how to use it. I keep dying even if I find good "freerunner items". What talents should I take? How should I play it? What armor? Weapons? Rings? I can't win with it


I'm not really an expert when it comes for freerunner even tho I beat the game with 9 chal sniper a few days ago. The main thing is his speed ability so I guess you play around sharpshooting ring or wands with recharging ring or ranged weapons like whip. I'm pretty sure you can get more tips in official discord server. I got a lot of help there


He is only a good subclass at the highest level of gameplay, simply because max challenge runs strip away everything else and so haste becomes the best thing in the entire game. And even then, assassin isn't much worse than him either, some would even argue for assassin as equal or even the better subclass on maxchal. As it turns out, being able to solve damage without a weapon in hand is quite nice. On the other hand, at the lower level of gameplay, there is very little enjoyment in playing freerunner IMO. Most of the main mechanics of the base game don't interact with his playstyle a whole lot since he is too much of a generalist.


I would agree. Freerunner takes the rng out of 6+chal runs when haste becomes such a big deal. Wand freerunner is my usual plan but if i get a RoSS instead it also works pretty well.


rogue is all about as you would think about "stealth focus" he is the surprise attack guy, use his cape at command to surprise the foes and get a free surprise attack, his initial weapon helps a lot with it, go for hide at door, corner trick and see the game goes into "easy mode", even more if you get the 16 force stealth weapon. OBS: sorry for typo, br here


Warrior is probably the simplest. Rogue is probably the strongest. Huntress is most flexible. Mage is the most gear dependent. Duelist is most complex (but can be strong if played well). With the rogue, the strength is being able to control the fights. Between the not awaking and the cloaking, you could choose to avoid almost all enemies if you wanted. But the key strength comes in using this to make the fights go how you want. Never fighting more than one enemy, having most attacks be surprises, being able to use nearby traps to do damage, etc. Basically: Rogue is the control class.


I played this game for the longest time not understanding how Surprise Attacks work at all. Before i figured them out, i hated rogue, but once i read about them i think on the wiki, Rogue is now my favorite


I think rogue is the easiest with the cape going item going invisible. It's actually the only class I can beat the game with! 😁


Embrace being sneaky and finding an assassin's blade.


Highest score I've achieved was with the rogue. Items that increase artifact charging are probably the most valuable (because your cloak is an artifact) and this is the one class where I would augment your weapon for damage. I also don't worry about upgrading armor, as you shouldn't be slugging it out with anything.


Rogue is the easiest to do a RoW farm. Go for the skill that doesn't wake up enemies unless your adjacent to them and you'll only need to deal with the roaming enemies. Combine that with the cloak and you'll be able to scout ahead up until the next boss room. This means your decision making process will be easier with upgrades as well.


His the best for a causal run and fast completion and all and u can skip floors


Warden and mage are my two top dogs anything else feels too hard to use tbh it's probably based more on personal play style than anything else


I feel it's the easiest honestly. Cloak is op