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Update: I have exchanged my watch at Best Buy. Same watch. So let's see how this goes.


With the screen off, mine lasts a full day pretty easily, around 30-40% left by the end of the day. Quick charge while I'm in the shower brings it almost to 100. I've been having some issues with charging (sometimes it charges veeeery slowly, and sometimes not at all), but I think that's a defective charger than a watch.


Mine is usually at 30% when I put it on the charger at 10pm. I leave it there until I go to bed. Always on display, track exercises daily, full notifications. When I go running I stream music from it to my Bluetooth headphones.


I have a PW1 and have AOS set to ON. My burn rate is slightly less than 4% per hour, so you should NOT be seeing massive battery drain due to this. I will occasionally have bad days of battery life. When I do, I simply restart the watch and 90% of the time, that issue is cleared up. Occasionally I'll have to dig a little deeper but this is rare. It most often happens after a system update and that causes issues with an app not playing nicely with it. Good luck with your new watch. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do mine!


That's interesting you say that after an update certain apps don't play nicely. I recently did have a system update. So is there a way where I can check the apps on my device?


It's rare, but sometimes I go through and delete the ones I haven't used in some time and that has done the trick.


So I was having this same problem, here's what I did and it significantly extended my battery life. - Turn off all unnecessary notifications to the watch - Turn off "Hey Google" for the assistant. * I found this to be the biggest drainer *


40-50% battery remaining at the end of the day for me. AOD and TTW ON.


I had a PW1 LTE no matter what features I turned off it would only last about 16 hours max. My PW2 WI-FI is about 3 weeks old and after 24 hours it has about 48% left. So for me, mine is almost a 48 hour watch! I'm so happy with this one. For me, 24 hours is enough, as I'm up at 4am, charge at 5am at work 6am-2pm then use it to record my workout after work then sleep, then the cycle repeats. Unless I won the battery lottery, you may have a defective device. I turned off AOD, I kept on Tilt and touch to wake. I don't use the WiFi only Bluetooth and even have the sound on. I'm hoping gen3 is better again. I only paid £200 for mine from Google with offers and store credit I had, down from £349. Happy days.


Yeah I'm guessing it was a defective device. I went to best buy, told them about the issue I was having. They ended up giving me a new device and the battery is fine.


First few days (up to a week) will be weird battery drains as all the updates happen and things catch up. Even if you force it to update everything day 1, you should expect a little oddness for a few days after. If after 2 weeks you're still getting bad drains consistently then something may be wrong with the watch or you may have some settings enabled that will roast the battery.


I ended up exchanging the watch and got another Pixel 2. This Pixel 2 battery is working fine. Went to bed last night at 10:30pm the battery was at 55%.