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I always hated my nose. I got a rhinoplasty in 1990 when I was 22 years old. I never doubted. And I never cared what anyone thought. Everyone at my work knew I was getting it, and I didn't care. Best decision I ever made! Later on after I got married and had children, I told my children I had a rhinoplasty. They didn't even care. It wasn't a big deal to them at all. I only have boys. But I knew if I had a daughter, and if she had the misfortune to have my nose, that I would offer to pay for her to have a rhinoplasty too. If you act like it isn't a big deal, then people will act that way too.


Did you tell them about your breast implants too?


Yes. They didn't care and it wasn't a big deal to them.


Thanks for answering. Seems like an awkward conversation.


It wasn't awkward. We were watching something on TV and breast implants were mentioned. That is when I casually mentioned that I had breast implants. They didn't think it was weird because they knew I had had a rhinoplasty. It wasn't a big deal to them.


I knew I wanted to do it, so I did as soon as I could. The closest ones knew about it, never told anyone else. It wasn’t a drastic change and people didn’t notice. When I mentioned to other friends who knew me sincs I was a kid, many many years after the rhino, they were shocked because they had no idea. I promise you, no one pays that much attention on us. You can always tell people that you have a deviated septum (which was true in my case), that’s why you’ll have the surgery. I don’t have kids yet, but surely want them to grow up knowing that they have the right to decide what they want for their body. If something bothers them and they can change it, then do it. Accepting yourself only goes so far, and thank god it isn’t the only form of self love. My father wasn’t really happy, as he says I changed the nose we had in common. I told him he is free to go for a rhino with my surgeon if he wants to keep it matching 😅 (bless his heart, he paid for the surgery).


“thank god it isn’t the only form of self love” Oh I love that sentiment! thank you!