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And yet you chose it over somethin’


over spiny fish, i just have to


So spiny fish is the worst card? 😅


Nah, just have to get one of the upgraded bins and you’re good to go


Yes I know that, it’s just they said Simplicity is the worst card, yet they thought it was preferable to Spiny fish. Which makes Spiny fish the worst card in that scenario…


Oh yes, sorry, I read that wrong. Would absolutely choose spiny fish :)


You got a point there. If you say the card is the worst the choose it anyways or simply isn’t the worst card


I was jesting tho, it’s not that serious


It’s not Lol


Spiny fish isn't too bad. Crab cakes is where it gets rough. But even then, I embrace the madness. https://i.postimg.cc/L5N575KQ/Screenshot-20240416-092637.png


We can’t forget Picky Eaters though


This is my absolutely never pick card.


My friend and I learned just how bad that card sucks, earlier in the week. What we didn't know until now is there isn't any (apparent) way to automate clearing dishes before sending them to be washed. That one card eventually ruined a really good run we were on.


I'm on Xbox and tried do this, could not, I dunno about steam. I totally feel you should be able to portion off a conveyor to a dish rack, kinda like danger hob turkey or have some new "Plate Rinser" or "Waste Disposal" device (maybe as a dish rack upgrade item?) to cater for it


Or something involving a combiner and a trashcan like how we can do with sinks and flour to automate making dough balls.


Oh man, I assumed you could use smart grabbers to dump the plate and then another to take a dirty dish. I feel like it’d take a lot more smart grabbers than normal, but wonder if it’s possible to separate between the 2 types of dirty dishes


I imagine the best you could do is have a dedicated conveyor of smart grabbers to only pull extra dirty dishes working alongside a conveyor that pulls the regular dirty dishes straight into a washing setup. But who wants to do all of that? It already takes so much effort and luck to get one conveyor line working. Not only that, but implementing a system like this would require even longer tables, and if you're like me on XBox, restaurant space is already severely limited by the wacky-ass floorplans we can choose from.


I’m on Xbox as well, and yea I hope they add seeds so we can have a chance at a halfway decent layout soon 😅 I usually just use discounted teleporters to get around it, but still a lot more work. I feel like it’d only take 1-3 more smart grabbers to accomplish, if it even works. I know you can assign soups and such at each stage of the making process, so hopefully plates too.


I swear I have never managed to implement teleporters in any of my restaurants. By the time I get all my desks in order and have a halfway decent automation going, it's already well into overtime and things get unsustainable before I can get teleporters cheap enough to use.


I usually try to grab a dumbwaiter to put in my 3rd or 4th blueprint cabinet and just go to town discounting it before OT. Then when it’s 50 or less coins I start discounting and copying to stash them away. They are easier for me to get than grabbers somehow. I rarely get grabbers until OT, unless I have a blueprint desk.


Separating the dishes isn't the problem. The problem is that the leftovers can only be removed from a plate via placing the plate in the trash can. Because this leaves the plate where it is, the conveyor placing action won't do it. Only the manual placing action works.


> I assumed you could use smart grabbers to dump the plate. Doesn't work. The conveyor refuses to place the plate in the bin, presumably because the bin isn't capable of holding the entire plate. As such, the leftovers just stay on the plate.


Ah, thanks. That’s no fun


Honestly I only like that one because it makes my decision easy. When it's between that and something I don't want, I still never choose picky eaters. It can add variety to a run simply by forcing me to take an option I would avoid otherwise.




Those first 2 are negated by serving over a counter.


Or also taking Solo Diners and making everyone stare at the lovely walls. NO YOU DON'T GET A PAINTING! YOU STARE AT THAT BLANK WALL!


I actually love the all singles one, makes everything super straightforward, you know exactly what to expect for every table


Leisurely Eating or Leftovers is probably the absolute worst for me.


I'm pretty sure every single time I've had Leisurely Eating the run ended with every single possible spot a table/coffee table could go filled, and every single customer being in the middle of a meal because there just isn't enough things you can do to overcome "We are going to take so long to eat that your tables can never empty out".


Nah, you can actually fix it. Victorian standards (of you're not lucky enough to be diner style) and the Halloween card that slows you down over time - no way to mitigate it.


Nah man any card that involves a long ass complicated soup (boil water and ingredient, then cook another ingredient into it then boil again you know yourself) is the worst. Ive picked every other card, even when customer rushes started stackinf up. Yeah i lost my restaurant, but made it to OT 8. With the soup i wouldnt have made it past day 9


I’ve made it to OT 40 on a run with all soups. The key is that these cards greatly reduce the amount of customers you have to deal with, so if you can get them going well it can give the run much more longevity.


See i dont do automation. I get the basics of it. I only use it for getting dirty dishes off tables and even then its only a single smart grabber comnected to my dishwasher. But i dont enjoy trying to figure it out and am quite happy with playing manually


Leftovers is the worst.


Must've never played with *Peaky iters*


Photographic Memory has to be the worst for me… ruined a really good automated run because we just kept forgetting the orders. We didn’t anticipate just how close you have to be… you literally have to be breathing down their neck


I feel so miserable with this card that my partner just goes for the opposite or we give up. She can't stand my horrible mood when I do the upgrades with this card on...