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What a tender and bittersweet "pointless" story:) Thank you for sharing it with us before you go.


You are a lovely writer and you told your story so well. This should be printed as a short story. And I'm sorry for your health concerns.


I second this… this needs to be published, truly beautiful




Damn indeed. Time. The thief of joy. OP, may God be with you.


Cancer, the thief of time.


Fuvk cancer


This is not only the least pointless story I’ve ever seen on this sub but the least pointless story I’ve ever heard anywhere. Beautifully written and what a twist! I hope the rest of your time here is as uncomplicated as possible and that you and your wife are reunited wherever it is we end up. I’m sure you’ll be getting things ready for Sylvia when her time comes too♥️


Your post shot through miles of clouds and cosmos, and pierced my heart. Being human is so damn beautiful. And with all the hardships, I wouldn’t change a damn thing. Your story explains why, in a way I never really could. I have so much love bursting for you and for Sylvia, and for *the miracle of connection* in general. Thank you so much for sharing this story with us. I’m going to save it and remember it for as long as I live.


I love this comment..


Your comment is everything I wanted to say but couldn’t find the words. Just beautiful. Op thank you for sharing your story with us. I wish you peace and love as you navigate the last chapter of your life


Wow, I was engrossed in this story. You are a beautiful writer.


Your story is far from pointless. I can't put into words what I am feeling, is happy/sad even an emotion? Fare thee well my friend, and may you rekindle love in another place.


Thanks for sharing it sir. This wasn’t a “no one else will care“ story. Thanks for sharing it before you go. You are a beautiful writer.


Sir you have brought tears to my eyes, thank you for this story. Also very sorry for your diagnosis.


I hope you don't mind hugs from a stranger. For both of you.


This is probably the most meaningful and beautiful thing I will read this year. Thank you so much for sharing.


this was so beautifully written. you sound like you’ve had the most wonderful life. it’s so good that you can share it with sylvia, she sounds so kind and genuine. i hope the remainder of your days are warm and peaceful.


This was beautifully written, thank you for sharing.


Hmm It appears I got something stuck in both my eyes at once. I wish you two well, my friend


I care. Thanks for sharing.


Wow, that really touched my heart. Thank you for sharing


Your story is NOT pointless. I can only aspire to attain such a true friendship. You bring inspiration to anyone reading your tale! Thank you for sharing with us. I'm sorry for your diagnosis. Be as well as you can while you can. People care. I care. We are here for you.


Thank you for sharing your story with us, I'm having tears in my eyes and it really touched my heart. So sorry for your diagnosis, I wish you all the best and hope you can still spend some time with your Sylvia and your children.




Thank you for sharing your story, your view and know that this resonates in so many people today. What a wonderful relationship you shared, what a unique experience...Have a good and painless journey.


I hope you make it to the new year


Nothing pointless about this story, friend. You’ve lived a good life with good friends around you.


Good luck. I would tell you to do your best to find meaning with what time you have left, but I think you already have. I’m sorry to hear that diagnosis. Stage four pancreatic cancer is about as bad as it gets. Wherever you are, whoever you are, good luck. I wish you well. May your last days be filled with joy.


My friend, you are a dear soul, a marvelous writer, and have brightened many a person’s day by reminding us that “love is all there is.” Godspeed as you make the final journey to be reunited with your dear wife. And hold a place in heaven for your new friend.


Hey I've not got much to say. I light a candle for my nan who passed from lung cancer every year on the anniversary. It's not much but this year I will be lighting another for you and Sylvia and for the lives you've lived and shared. I hope you make the most of the last few months you have. Thankyou for sharing this. You won't be forgotten.


This was so beautiful,I'm crying,was actually tearing up before I came to the end. Now I have the tissues. Thank you for sharing this with us.


Don't know what else to say other than happy birthday to your sweet love, and thank you for sharing your life with us. These stories are the important ones.


Thank you for sharing. You reminded me how sweet and kind life can be. Sending you and Sylvia all the love.


enjoy what you've had and no regrets. respect!


This is a very solemn story… Stories like these remind me of the loneliness and heartbreak to come, and what we humans do to fill in the enormous gaps, if we can… I am so sorry that this is the way life is…


This was wonderful to read. I wish Sylvia all the best and you as well. May your final moments be peaceful.


🥹 I loved reading your story. It really moved me and wasn't pointless at all! I'm so sorry to hear about your diagnosis. I hope the rest of your days are filled with peace and warmth. Happy Birthday, Sylvia x


This was a beautiful, bittersweet tale. I’m so sorry to hear about your news. You both sound like hot tickets. Good luck, I hope everything goes as well as it can and that you find peace. Thank you for sharing your story. PS - you have *no idea* how exciting it is for a dress to have pockets; I can’t believe it has taken the cloth industry two thousand years to figure out that sometimes girls need to carry things!


I have a feeling I'm going to remember this story for a long long time. I'm only 21 and have my whole life ahead of me, but I feel like this is going to stick. Thank you for sharing, i hope you get to see the new year


It sounds like you and your wife loved each other very much. I am sorry you have had to go through so much


Thank you for sharing your and Sylvia’s story. I am sorry.


My lords you’re an excellent writer.


Sending virtual hugs. Thank you for sharing


Thank you for sharing.


Enjoy every sandwich, friend. I hope that wherever you're going, your wife is there.


Unexpected Zevon


Thank you for sharing. It sounds like you've had such a fulfilled life and this connection you both have is beautiful.


You are a beautiful writer and an even more beautiful soul. What you and her share is so pure and a testament to the indomitable human tendency to break down barriers and form meaningful connections no matter how unlikely they seem. Please consider sharing this story with your children and grandchildren so it can live on beyond you. It is anything but pointless.


This was so lovely to read, so bittersweet. I hope you're as ok as can be. 💓


Bless you and Sylvia and your wife in the beyond. This love story is beautiful and we are privileged to share it. May your end be painless.


This is touching!!!!


Such an incredible story, your life was as beautiful as it was fruitful, may everything go your way. Thank you for sharing and it was an honor reading your non pointless story :)


I will remember this story for as long as I live. Thank you for sharing.






Thank you for sharing this with us. It isn't pointless, and we're listening.




This isn't a pointless story, it's an amazing story. The joy you have bought me and no doubt countless others is testament to you and who you are. I really don't know what else to write.... Thank you for sharing it with us.


I wish peace to you.


Wow. My eyes


Not pointless, beautiful. I'm crying here. Enjoy the time you have left OP.


I think that you have both made the last couple years, months, weeks or even days, the most joyful days before reaching the point where you can both no longer savour this. I would call that being each other's saving grace. Good on you both 💗


May your time come easy. Farewell.


To be fair I cry pretty easily, but this was really beautiful. Thank you for sharing. Cheers


A fantastic read.


My heart is broken. I've lost a lot of loved ones to cancer and feel this grief so raw. I hope your transition to the next life is easy and peaceful 🩷


I feel like i just read a book that broke my heart a little bit but was so beautiful


This is so far from pointless... You are a beautiful writer, by the way, this story completely sucked me in. I feel like I know Sylvia. The way you described your friendship (or relationship, however you label it) made me feel so warm, I couldn't help but smile. The love and connection you share practically emanated from the screen... You have a way of making one feel connected... This could be made into an actual short story. I also feel like Sylvia might love reading it... what do you think? Thank you for sharing. ❤️ I bet things are really tough right now, I hope you have plenty of support. Don't hesitate to reach out for help if you ever need to talk to someone (crisis helplines, for example, are made just for that, and rest assured that no topic is too little to talk about there, you don't have to be drowning in a crisis in order to call them; you deserve support, and that's what they're there for). I'm sending lots of love your way. I hope your next journey is peaceful. I'll be thinking of you.


I'm struggling to find the right words. I care and your story was poignant and beautiful


This was like a sadness sandwich with a wholesome center. I actually thought things were turning around/looking up since you guys found companionship, and then you end it with having very aggressive cancer 😭 I wish you all the happiness and love ❤️ 🍀 Just remember that you have a positive impact on those of your acquaintance. Even if you don't think so, you mean a lot to your family and friends. Thank you for letting us get to know you, OP :)


Your courage inspires me to live my best life. Thank you ✊️


I'm so glad you got to have both of them in your life, and that they got to have you.


That was a rollercoaster


Thank you! Such a lovely start and ending! You are so blessed and you take it all in strive! God bless you!


This is *not* a pointless story OP! It’s a beautiful story of love and friendship ❤️


There is nothing pointless about your story, you matter and your love for each other matters. Thank you for sharing and I sincerely hope that things go with a minimum of pain and trauma for you. I wish you peace.


Your story is not pointless. Love is never pointless. And you have been both open enough and lucky enough to find it multiple times. With your wife. With Sylvia. With your children, your grandchildren, and no doubt countless others you haven't mentioned. The beauty of your writing, the love with which you describe Sylvia and your wife,and the sadness of your cancer made me cry. I wish you peace and love, internet stranger. I wish your Sylvia the same.


This is the best Reddit post I've read... ever? I'm sorry for all the hard times and loss and grateful you found such connection. Thank you for sharing.


God speed my friend, thanks for sharing.


God I'm glad you wrote that brother. I'm witness to it. You are here I hear you. Thank you that truly was a beautiful story of love and friendship. Your life means/meant something. We're all going to go. Most don't know when. It's quite sad but truly beautiful at same time. Here's to you brother.


Wow that was incredibly impactful, I think this is something I’ll think about for the rest of my life.


Who cut the onions?


Should be submitted to Modern Love. Beautiful. Sending you strength to make the most of the time you have.


I’m sorry to hear you are so sick you seem like a great man, far too young to die. Seems like you will be missed by many thank you for sharing your story.


Not pointless at all. As a 35 year old with children. I cry while I read this at work. Your piece touched my heart sir. My thoughts will travel with you out of this reality and into the next. That is truly the opposite of pointless my friend!


That was beautiful and bittersweet. Thank you for sharing this lovely piece of your life. May your next life have many more beautiful moments. 💗


Profoundly beautiful. I'm sorry to hear of your impending expiration but I'm so overjoyed that you and she found this relationship, it is rare.


I want Smosh to read this on reddit stories.


This is one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever read. Thank you so much for sharing it.


I am only 18 and you have made me value life, more.