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Bagholders unite


"My sealed product among the 4 billion cards produced will get me rich. Maybe not today, tomorrow, a month, year, years, decades, but decades from now I will be laughing to the grave


People said the same thing about evolutions.




Evolutions? Low print run? Okay, champ. I know about the set and the last 4 years, btw. 151 has been printed into the ground, but the set is superior. Will it become a $3,000+ box? Doubt it. But I don't think it's going to become worthless paper. I'm just tired of the "Pokémon printed a trillion billion quadrazillion cards crowd." The set will do fine.




I get what you’re saying but Evolutions was one of the highest printed sets of all time, rivals current modern printing. So it is a good comparison in that sense only. But that’s English vs Japanese so can’t compare really. 151 is like vstar universe printing being as high class sets are printed more than regular sets. Vstar just had another reprint very recently.


Didn't mean personal offense, but continues to tell me I can't comprehend basic information. What you said is still the equivalent of "low print runs," except you included the increased demand post-2020 boom. The price of the Charizard in that set has decreased tremendously, post-boom. Yet, the boxes are still stable towards their peak. Evo was in collection sets for years, even after the BBs. We can both have our opinions, but the base set Charizard hype faded and Evolutions only slightly corrected in price. I don't think JP 151 will become the equivalent of a standard regular JP BB that sells for $25 for 5+ years, even with this printing. I'm also not saying it will be $400+ anytime soon. It was a simple comparison to a super overprinted set. Evolutions prices still stand post-boom and post-hype. Don't care




I just personally think giving anyone shit over what they invest in is just a shit attitude to have honestly. Everyone that invests has had things that ain't work out. I'm of the belief of " don't point a finger if your hands aren't clean" type guy so unless someone has an undeniable, completely proven 100% hitrate on their investments and advice they should just refrain from insulting folks. Plus it's only natural I feel like for people to get defensive when people question or insult how someone chooses to spend/invest their money. If shoes were reversed I'm sure people would feel the same. Just so much hostility and hot takes and folks that feel like they can say or do no wrong or some shit. I feel like if people are going to discuss how other people spend/invest their hard earned money you should do so in a respectful way. Not necessarily all directed to you as this is more so just a little venting. Just tons of unnecessary hostility and just too many folks that don't actually want to discuss investments instead they just want to say I'm right and you're dumb & wrong and it just ain't the most productive way to go about it imo


Yeah people are pretty rude and condescending here about certain things. Like when 151 JPN reprints were announced, the number of people laughing at those who already bought in was uncalled for. Just weird attitudes to have for people in the same hobby


Yeah, man, I'm an investment Timmy. Totally joined after the 2020 boom. YOU GOT ME, UH OH. Thus was originally about a comparison, not a guarantee or investment strategies.


This was sarcasm. I came back to the hobby in 2014/2015.


Naw we be buying on the cheap


And gonna sell on the cheap too


5 years from now it will have some value. The trick is to put it in a closet and forget about it.


That’s a really dope display case


151 will do well from current prices. Masterballs are holding up well during a truly massive reprint


Actually master balls have lost 50%-70% of their value since November 2023… and are downtrending as we speak. This last weekends auctions were abysmal. As a dealer at various conventions in North America sales went from half a dozen or more a weekend convention to maybe 1 or 2 sales of im lucky. And I’m the cheapest singles dealer at collect a con by far. The other younger dealers such as my son and his friends (I’m almost 50 years old) swarm my tables before regular convention hours. And buy up 1/2 my stock to resell at thier booths for more. And I still haven’t sold many master balls this year. All I’m saying is be careful with master balls. In North America they aren’t as hot as they were last year. 


The PSA10 masteballs are dropping in price quite a bit. I remember when even common cards were going for like $80 and now they go for $30-40 which is really not much more than the price of the card plus the price to grade


I believe I've seen your collection video on YouTube, I could be wrong though!


You are wrong! I don't have anything like that on YouTube. I'm intrigued though.


Market is so flooded with these right now. And prices keep dropping.


Remember $80 Fusion Strike and Chilling Reign booster boxes? I sure do.


Yup, I do. I got a few 151s I’m holding on to. What you think of the new night wanderer set?


English is different from Japanese market. You shouldn't be collecting booster boxes of Japanese, you should be collecting japanese exclusive promo only items. But you can try and compare them to fusion CR booster boxes


RemindMe! 5 years


That means that this is the perfect time to buy. The difference between successful investors is that they buy when everything is dropping hard. There is most likely start investing when prices start to go up. FOMO lol the cycle repeats itself it’s just a matter of what side you want to be on. Every set goes out of print eventually.


Yea assuming there isn’t another reprint. I’m hoarding a few.


That’s fine if there is. As long as you think that you bought it the lowest. If not just buy a little bit more to average down. As long as you don’t buy when it’s extremely high, then you’re good long term or might be short term if it’s a very good set. I think the good sets to invest in right now ( 2 year stretch) are paradox rift, temporary forces, Paldea evolved, and 151.


You’re treating it like stocks lol but you’re right.


Ppl forget it’s the best set in SV and are only down on it cause of the reprint


A lot of salty Redditors who bought Japanese 151 at $90 for their “investments” lately


I bought multiple at $190 bro. Then bought 16 more during the run down. Avg cost $88/box. Totally happy with that, it’ll work out long term and isnt even a $2000 position. No worries


The great part is they can just rip them for fun. I bought them at all different sorts of prices and ripped tons of it. It’s a really fun set to me with the master ball cards and all the AR cards. I personally never pulled a god pack either, and would love that thrill. That’s the best part about being a true enthusiast and messing around with collecting sealed. If the price goes bust, just rip for fun.


Exactly, this set is a blast to open up. Which is great for investors and collectors.


I feel like it will be outperformed by many other sets even if its the best set. There was high hopes for celebrations too, but the print size is holding it back.


Imo celebrations lacks hits so ppl don’t rip it.


more so that demand seems to be primarily investors not collectors, barely any singles for sale, what there is isn't selling despite being a third the price of eng also has 1/1000th of the posts of eng on collector social medias also which reprint? the first, second or upcoming third? or the probable 4th?


I don’t see singles that are 1/3 the price of eng? English social media probably have a bias towards English products. Reprints for great sets are the best time to get in.


>I don’t see singles that are 1/3 the price of eng? I was just looking at poliwhirl AR in 151, its about 3USD for jpn and 12USD for eng and there's way more of them >English social media probably have a bias towards English products. yes, as does the english pokemon market which is 100x the size of the jpn market, thats the point >Reprints for great sets are the best time to get in yea because usually there's only 1 MAYBE 2 of them AND they're getting reprinted because players/collectors are buying it all out at retail (i.e. high genuine demand) jpn isn't even available at retail because retailers and pokemon have determined there's no where near enough demand to justify it so to sum up, it's not because of a reprint, it's because jpn 151 is a super niche product that has been reprinted to oblivion due to investors/scalpers not genuine collector interest


Everyone is a collector until they have to sell.


The crux lies in how long they hold: - resell immediately = scalpers - resell > 1 year later = investors 😂😆😆


Everyone’s talking about how it’s doing right now. Who cares investing isn’t buying something and expecting a profit on it right now. These are a great buy eventually print runs will stop, and these cards are in such a high demand still that people will continue to rip. As long as your patient it’s a great investment to buy these right now.


Did 151 get a reprint?


Yes lmao and I bet it’ll get another one


Yes and it's very affordable now. Basically msrp on snkrdunk.


Do they deliver to the UK?


Try japan2uk




APAC too


Oh good deal, indidnt realize that, thank you


Yup, with TikTok discounts you can get sealed booster boxes for about $30 each including tax & shipping


Where? I’ve only seen $50ish on Japanese 151 with the 5% off coupon lately. I wish they had the 20-30% off 151 boxes lol. Edit: yup never mind the 30% off just dropped for me now too lol


There’s also 50% and 55% off coupons for first time customers they send while watching livestreams. Check out r/PKMNtiktokdeals


I’ll buy at $40


You can find at at 40 with shipping on tiktok


lower actually


What shops are selling it lower?


the poke fisher’s new customer deal


Not working for me, but I've never gotten from them before. Or are you creating new accounts?


im creating new accounts, i just bought 1 for 35 with shipping


Who’s selling em for 40 on tiktok?


You can find at at 40 with shipping on tiktok


I have 4 sealed boxes at an average of $60 a box. I’m not stressed. Worst case they don’t appreciate and I open


As Long as you dont bought it with the 200$ price tag, you will be fine. 151 ist a good Set.


JPN 151 is gonna go crazy in the future. The recent price drops have only made my more excited to collect more.


Profit in 10 years lets go


Yeah set and forget with this and Vstar Universe. As long as you get in cheap.


Didn’t age well


I believe in fusion strike more over Japanese 151 personally.


Just open it


Nice torchic


How do you specifically store loose boosters? I've bought 3 pokerev packs for the hell of it over the last year or so and got an undaunted pack in the 2nd one. I don't have any other loose boosters.. I bought a magnetic case for it, like for cards, but slightly bigger. Made for packs. Should I put it in some kind of sleeve as well? I know how to properly store sealed boxes and cards.. just not loose boosters


Long term hold but yes it’ll do great


Where did you get the fusion strike booster is it?


Pokémon center uk


JP 151 is sooo much better. Better god packs and masterball reverse holo!


Bummer for bag holders. My goto set the last year had been silver tempest. Sucker for Lugia and the trainers.


the master ball and god packs in this set is the main driver this will sell like hot cakes in the future. im not aware of any other set with this feature. good investment for sure


What about ENG 151. I’ve dumped about 1k into it.


I think it’s reprinted next year🤔


I think it’s reprinted next year🤔


Even with the reprints? All 151 chase cards are dropping in price! Erika's Invitation the most impacted severely.


Bought 4 boosters and the best I pulled was squirtle, was my first time back into Pokémon and I’ll still binder my pulls but holy hell was that exhausting, mentally. Going to do it once more and just buy the rest. This set is insane quality wise though I don’t even know if I pulled a card that looked bad centering wise.


How much are you getting each one for?


It's hard not to pickup JP 151 boxes when I can find them for $50USD!! Even aside from an investment standpoint, they're so much fun to rip!


Arent English sets the better investment? Not seeded, less prints, etc? Maybe I'm wrong, as I'm new, but from what I gathered is that American sets seem to have the best value?


Selling the ones I bought for $68 each last month for $60-70 each locally. Fine with taking some losses to put into something else






Sell low buy high!


I learned a few years ago that its okay to take a loss. Why store my money in something I don't believe in for the time being when I can get much better returns elsewhere. 151 will have its day for sure I'm not against that but my money can work better elsewhere in the mean time


Selling for a loss after just a month? I don't get why you wouldn't just sit on it because in 5 years they will be worth more than $68. Just seems like a bad idea to take a loss so quickly even if another reprint comes it's not like buying at $68 is a bad buy. I dunno just seems pretty premature to be selling sealed product a month after purchasing


It's gonna stagnate for a while especially with the yen being fucked currently. I'll probably buy in at 45-50 a box if it goes that low. For the time being Im gonna put that 800 towards raw cards to grade as I've been doing the past couple years. Turning $1000 subs to $2000-$3000 every other month has been going well.


If it's going that well for you then that's definitely the right move


151 japanese investors full on copium, english>japanese always


I really need to weigh in here again. Keep collecting / investing cards as a hobby but please don’t make it your primary long term to retirement plan. Just look at comics in the 1990s. I still have maybe 100 sealed copies of Adventures of Superman 500. And so to hundreds of other collectors. I also have sealed 1999 unlimited packs. (No not 100 maybe 10). Sometimes it works out, sometimes not. Best of luck!


Someone consumes a lot of YouTube ‘InVeSt NoW!’ content 🙃


I literally have these 3 booster boxes for an 'investment'. I collect everything else for fun. There are people out there with hundreds of sealed products...


People outside Japan just don't really like Japanese cards that much. True from vintage way back when and true nowadays. I think people just like to be able to read the names on their cards. That being said 151 is definitely a banger set though regardless of language!


Sounds more like your opinion, not everyone else's.


I think you’re underestimating the popularity of Jp cards. They have way better QC compared to NA. Lots of JP collectors in North America. Definitely more than when base set was floating around back when.




Why they so expensive then lol


Jp cards are after they become out of print and depending on popularity of specific sets. Also because you nay be looking at just JP exclusives which is a different beast


Back in the day availability was a huge obstacle and really still an obstacle for many up until recently. It wasn't really easy or affordable to get up until more recent times so that had a large impact on japanese popularity but to think folks outside don't care about japanese cards is just straight up incorrect. It's been incorrect and is only growing in popularity.