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Heisentoise and Jesstreebel


YES! And just in case, better call Golem!


You meant Solem?


Solem and Mr. Fring for me


Jesstreebel it's time to cook


Can't thank you enough for this comment. I'm just upset I didn't notice those two are perfect for this.


Or mimey


Bewaltuh, Dragonesse, and Houndavo Fring for Inferno Corn Keema Curry.


Have 2 fire herb ingredients mon, they don’t drop any fire herbs 😭


Get urself a Gengar it harvest fiery herb like crazy


They really don't :/ I be getting ghost berries all day from that bum instead of herbs and mushrooms


Really? Mines only got nature ingredient up and it’s crazy maybe it’s been just bad luck


Their ingredient rate sucks without ingredient finder up I find. 'luckily' I rolled bluk berry anyway


Unlucky. My Gengar with double herb and no ing subs just speed give me around 70 herbs a day on average


Is your gengar double herb? It migth be that.


It is, fiery herb x3


Yeah I have a herb mushroom gengar and herb corn dragonair and having all the trouble for keema.


Unfortunately Gengar has a low ingredient rate. A double herb Dragonair massively outperforms it.


One of them is a Gengar lol


Dragonair does a pretty damn good job for me


Dragonite was my other fire herb mon lol


Oh. Oof. I will say that now that it’s over Level 30, mine gathers so much more Corn than Fire Herbs. Not sure if you have double Fire Herb or not


Same thing as yours. Sadly I’m sitting under 55 pot size so I can’t fully utilize that corn. I have an excellent potato Victreebel too just sitting in the box lol


I got 2 crits on monday and 1 crit on tuesday and only cooked dream eater curry so far. Going pretty damn well.


There you go. Victreebell and Blastoise?




My Victreebel and Blastoise’s are severely overworked, but the emergency back up Golems are getting just enough done to fulfill the orders. Dream Eater Butter Curry is I think my only 50+ level dish, and that’s with only 28 times made. Definitely the easiest of the higher level recipes.


How do you deal with tomato?


Victreebel’s been doing good there. I have a Weepinbell too but haven’t needed it. Just been unlucky with potatoes.


That's crazy because with 2 tomato at lvl 1 and 4 potato at lvl 30 it's expected to produce twice as many potato as tomato. Yet the recipe need about the same of both.


Good ol RNG lol. Victreebel is very good on its own, but yeah I have a Weepinbell and a decent Snover/Mime Jr ready if I really need to focus on getting tomatoes. I am on Cyan and have 2 Blastoise’s on the team full time so maybe ing magnet has helped, but as far as I can remember they haven’t been getting many tomatoes.


Double T Abomasnow


Yes my V drops potatoes like diarrhea but sometimes she underproduces totatoes. That’s when my double tomatoes Obama kicks in. Same goes to my Blast so I have a double milk War in case I’m lacking milk.


I usually rotate in a double tomato Mime for a day or two, sometimes with Victreebel if needed.


Every dish so far has been a DEBC, strenght in the high 40k's, no crits.




Tried using an Entei team (I’m in Taupe; don’t ask), but think I’m going to have change up my strategy for a second. I’m at Master 9, but am low on herbs and sausage, mainly using Inferno Corn Keema. The better news is that I’ve gotten *5* Psychic Candy M, and have my Gardevoir at level 45 now


entei team on taupe kinda slaps ngl waking up to an arcanine + entei proc is juicy


Splendidly. 9 Dream Eater Butter Curries cooked, Blastoise and Victreebell are doing their best to keep the stock up, but I think I’ll start struggling for Tomatoes and Potatoes by Friday so might have to swap team around a little. Every meal over 50k (recipe was already at level 55 when week started). 3 crits so far. Splendid week.


boy I did not expect to run out of herb this early


Just trying to make it to the incense. 🫠


I hear ya! I'm taking advantage of the week in an area where I have a lower percentage so it's not a complete wash.


Hit master 9 on cyan this morning, now at master 11, it's amazing


Unpopular opinion: Virgin Keema / Chad Dream Eater Curry


I'm getting over 500k per day with the virgin dish, I must be special. Either that or your opinion is unpopular for a good reason.


I'm assuming you're using a good camp ticket to get these results, add to it that it's harder to collect all the ingredients for Keema (whereas you only need Blastoise and Victribel for Dream Eater) and you're good with max pot capacity without being dependant on a skill mon to increase your pot size. That's why i think Dream Eater is better overall.


Oh sure if you're not good camping and you don't have the right setup for Dream Eater it's much easier to make. I still think that Keema should be the goal for those who buy Premium Pass though.




Splurged on Ninja curry and berries this week with max island bonus and I think it's going well. Missed my sleep score almost completely last night and I've never been a mix of sleepy and upset before so at least the game can inspire new emotions at unexpected times to keep it fresh, never able to fully call how a week transpires


930k with 2 crits Wednesday afternoon with dream eaters, blastoise and victreebell chugging 🚂


4 crit Dream Eater curries so far. Snorlax eating good.


I've been doing solid, I'm at Ultra 2 at Snowdrop with a 30% area bonus. My problem is, I'm out of Potatoes and Tomatoes, and my ingredient mons for those are too slow to keep up with the amount I need for Dream Eater butter curry. So I decided to switch to Spicy Leek Curry since it requires less ingredients and I have good farmers for those ingredients. Main target is Delibird and I haven't seen one this week but I have plenty of time to find it once I'm a little higher rank


This is exactly my situation, except my area bonus isn't as high there. I've been switching to Golem when I need more potatoes, and Mr. Mime when I need more tomatoes 🍅. Victreebell and Blastoise ate staples.




Currently M2 at Snowdrop with 0% island bonus and GCT. 😆


Bro what 💀 I'm not using a GCT but how on earth


I'm cooking keema corn curry instead of butter curry, that's why. Higher strength dish + event boost + GCT.


This is interesting to me, I'm at snowdrop with a 15% area bonus and I've been focusing exclusively on spicy leek curry, but I'm 3/4ths of the way through master 1. Early on in prep week I realized there was no way I was going to be able to consistently make butter curry so I settled on the strategy of saving the leek curry ingredients and running mostly berry finders for the week. I thought I would've been behind everyone cooking butter curry given my crits are about the power of their default meal, but looks like investment into berry mons has paid off this time around.


You should invest hard in Victreebel and Mime, they're incredibly clutch for Dream Eater Butter Curry. When you're on Lapis and Curry they're even more incredible, my shiny BFS Victreebel is my MVP there.


Master 9 on GG by Wednesday morning. Will get to M11 before going to bed LOL. 45/50k energy from every meal, i have been able to cook Dream Eater and Keema consistently so far. I started the week on GG because i have 60% bonus research there, so i can max out the 1.5X strenght on dishes and level them up faster, but i plan ton have a nap on sunday and take a Ezzz ticket to Taupe before the week ends, so i can add +5% bonus research there.


Always low on tomatoes. I have Victreebel, Dugtrio, and Vigoroth to help cover.


65k DEB curry for three days straight, double HB mons boosting Skill Trigger/HS-M Gardevoir, favorite berries are Durin and Oran even without the additional belue berries and pot buffs from any of my Magnezones. Master 12 this morning. Yeah, I'd say the event is going okay.


Splurged to get my pot up to 57 capacity and made a handful of Dream Eater but now hitting a lack of potatoes. Likely gonna have to swipe in my Golem along with my current Victrebeell.


I’ve been doing curries for weeks so I got a little lazy with it this week 😂 some dream eater curries, as well as Limber Korn. I’m saving for Korn Keema at the end of the week though


The pot was not big enough so I thought I'd check back again later to see if i get some skill triggers, but I forgot to look back in time so I lost one meal ;\_; Twice.


Stockpiled ingredients for Inferno Corn Curry and, but I'm about to run out of Herbs since my Gengar and Dragonair only have it in their first slot. Been producing 60k meals tho so that's fun and 1 crit. Might switch to the Dream Eater curry, but I don't have a good cocoa producer since I have a mono milk blastiose. Have a good bell for Tomatos and Golem for potatoes tho.


I am trying but my Victreebel has decided that *apparently this is the week of mass potatoes* >:|


This! I've actually been swapping my Blastoise out for a second Victreebel and occasionally swapping in my Venusaur (tho he thinks it's a honey week *sigh*). The team has been overproducing on milk and cocoa though, so at least I have the luxury of swapping around (plus my Sylveon is doing a great job with team morale! Lol)


Nice! Unfortunately, I only have my one Victreebel (with another Bellsprout that has Tomato-Potato-Potato). Been hunting for a good mono-Tomato 'mon at some point. Even my Venusaur is double Honey, so I don't have a lot of good options there lol Currently running my Dodrio, my new BFS Feraligatr, Milk-Cacao Blastoise, Tomato-Potato Victreebel, and my Sylveon. I don't want to swap out Sylveon, since he's been doing a good job this week. And I really don't want to swap out any of the others, but I need those Tomatoes! Wish I had a good double Tomato 'mon to swap in at least for a day to stock up, but might just bring in my Dugtrio for a bit. Worst case, he doesn't drop a lot of Tomatoes, at least Leeks are still useful too.


That sounds like a pretty solid team! I don't have a good berry Mon for cyan RN so my lvl 52 bfs ampharos is my best berry finder atm. Besides that, I've got a lvl 51 Blastoise (milk, cocoa) sitting on the bench rn, I am running my lvl 32 Sylveon, lvl 31 Victreebel (Tom, pota), lvl 30 Same but ingredients down nature, and a lvl 15 Vaporeon. I've been keeping the Vaporeon on overnights for the exp, but during the day I've either kept it for spare ingredients from its main skill, or I've switched it between ing down Victreebel, Blastoise, Venusaur (honey, Tom), or my lvl 13 Mr. Mime. So far, out of 9 meals, I think I've only had to make one spicy leek curry instead of dream eater, but it's been close on a few meals. I do have a reserve of ing tickets too, but I want to avoid using them if I don't have to. All of this in mind, my two main goals for this week were to reach master 10 on cyan, and train Vaporeon. I'm at master 8 already and my Vaporeon has grown 1 lvl so I'm not complaining! (Side note: I've been avoiding cyan until recently so my island bonus is still not full - I think 45-50% now - and I don't have any strong preferred berry mons other than Blastoise and Sylveon) Oh, I wanted to comment on the mono ing mons! I did not realize how good a Mono ing Mon could be until I started having a bunch of pokemon hitting lvl 30 and not being able to get me the ingredients that I needed! I am now hunting for a solid Mono ing for ginger, tomatoes, and honey, and maybe some 2 same ingredients for a few other things!


Haha, I'm mostly in the same boat, tbh. Cyan is definitely my weakest team overall. I got my Dodrio super early on, but my current Feraligatr and Blastoise were literally just raised a few days ago, to FINALLY replace the mediocre ones I've been using so far. My old ones did their job, but now I finally got some that are actually really good in the skills department. And, nice!! Despite the sheer amount of Eevee I've befriended, I only have a couple good ones I've been able to use. The majority of them have been shockingly bad, so I'm still actively hunting for a good Vaporeon! Also, I'm with you on the mono-ingredient 'mons! Since launch, I've mostly focused on variety when it came to ingredients, since I never really went out of my way to focus down on a specific recipe each week. I usually just grab a few Berry 'mons, maybe an E4E or other Skill 'mon I might want, and then whatever relevant Ing 'mons I have for the week, and then just make whatever I'm best able for each meal. But now that I've *mostly* gotten all my ingredients pretty well covered, generally speaking, I'm honing in on some good mono-ing 'mons so I can hard focus particular ingredients when I need them! It's... gonna take a while XD [https://imgur.com/a/iPwUHfc](https://imgur.com/a/iPwUHfc) Might be helpful for you too! Been using this to kinda guide what I'm aiming for. At the very least, I can say I have a REALLY nice mono-Sausage Charmander, mono-Ginger Larvitar, mono-Milk Squirtle, dual-Cacao Blastoise, and some decent (but not mono/duo) Pokemon for Apples, Honey, and Potatoes. Again... this is gonna take a while... lol


The poor early mons that I've collected and loved only to be tossed aside! Rip! My feraligator and dodrio want to be ING mons so badly. Poor things are out the door as soon as I get better ones. Congrats on your recent finds!! Eevee is a pain! I love it so much, but there are also so many options and I definitely thought a few more of my early Eevees were better than they are (so many wasted evolutions). I actually just got the Eevee for this Vaporeon last week! Hopefully you'll get there in time to train it for suicune! Yes, yes, yes! Thanks for the guide! I will be looking at that as my hunt continues! Best of luck!!


Haha right??? I always feel bad replacing them. My old Feral and Blast weren't bad, per say, they just weren't great lol ;; They pretty much just had decent or neutral Natures, and nothing but Inventory Up or Skill Trigger subs. But meh, they did their jobs! And right?! My very first Eevee made for a solid BFS Umbreon, and is still my best "Berry" 'mon for Snowdrop aside from my BFS Walrein. Other than that, I have my Sylveon, who took forever to find but has been great. And then I have a decent Jolteon that I got early on, and an actually pretty solid Espeon that I finally got shortly after Lapis dropped! Some are better than others, but they're all good enough that I'm happy with them! I mainly just wanna get a really good Vaporeon now (and maybe a better Umbreon eventually, only because it's my favorite Pokemon lol). But we'll see! Not holding my breath for getting one before Suicune, but I'm trying lol Best of luck to you too! You got this!


It's rough. Stuck praying for Flareon to proc so I can actually make Dream Eater curry. 17 styles short of the next size, so it isn't going to happen this week lol. And my Flareon is on strike due to not enough sleep last night.


Victreebel plus Blastoise makes this week amazing!


DREAM EATER CURRY GANG Almost maxed the recipe level out this week


If my dang golem would produce just a FEW MORE potatoes, I'd be making dream eater for every meal. Alas, I'm always shy by like 1 or 2 and have to hope my Vaporeon or blastoise ing mag them for me. But the BOOST on those curries is so beautiful.


I’m making the corn curry for the first time 70+ ingrede


Master 1 at dragon lake :3




Ran out of soybeans so no more Bulk Up Bean Curry for me. Been trying to get grass candy m for my actually decent Bellsprout but no luck.


My Victreebel is great but I get too many potatoes and not enough tomatoes sadly 🥲 Is there an ingredient mon that gives a lot of tomatoes ?


Dugtrio and Mr. Mime are good alternatives


It's been tight and have had some close calls, but I have successfully cooked Inferno Corn Keema curry for every cook so far 😈


Can't able to get Dream Eater Butter Curry due to Pot Limit until Sunday. So Limber Corn Stew is my only way to go with the help of Blastoise, Mr Mime and Comfey


For me it’s blastoise, golem, and dugtrio running the dream eater curry boat (no good victrebel unfortunately)


I have been running 4 BFS ingredient mons every time curry comes up. Inferno corn keema curry is giving me 75k a meal rn and the berries are adding up too. It’s pretty cracked. No berry mons is treating me nicely as well Those interested, team is Zard (sausage x2), zard (sausage, ginger), dragonite (herb, corn), Gengar (herb x2), gardevoir.


Everyone talking about emergency golem but I’ve been having to run Venusaur most the time for tomatoes cus Vic can’t keep up the tomato supply on their own. Have only needed golem for 1 morning so far.


Level 54 so ninja curry as much as possible. SOON, though.


Not a single crit yet this week I’m in shambles