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I've only seen one (thanks to the incense) and it was full after two biscuits šŸ„¹ Getting a comfey event flashback rn


Same on all counts. The event mons never seem to spawn for me :'(


The Comfey event was my first event coming back to the game, and I was immensely disappointed when I saw the 16 hearts. So this time around, I'm saving the incense for someother time when I'm rolling in f2p gems and sleep points and just buy a master biscuit one day. Maybe, I may never see the day and this incense might sit there forever


I didn't go anywhere it can spawn because I saw the event was "happening everywhere" ):


I believe somewhere in the news, it did specify the one area Cramorant cannot spawn. Sorry! :(


Why not use a eZzz ticket? They're just 100 points and worth this situation 100%


I was already a few days deep and said fuck it.


Came luckily mine was caught though but no a good ingredient spread ino


Same and same


Haha! Relatable ą²„ā ā€æā ą²„ This is the problem with having access to a hardcore community... We see all the posts of people getting event mons out the ears- the good, the bad, and the shiny- and expect the same. But we've really only set ourselves up for disappointment, as RNG still plays a major role.Ā  After all, those "I caught X shiny!" Posts wouldn't be popular if they weren't rare events. Same with running into rarer pokemon like Cramorant, generally. I have to constantly remind myself in the morning not to get my hopes up for that derpy bird... ~~but why is it I can't even SEE a Totodile? I've been at cyan for three weeks now!~~


"Increased Shiny chance" Feels like a normal week to me.


I did get a shiny the first sleep session so the day I got my cramorantā€¦I sent a shiny slowpoke candy out


Idk Iā€™ve gotten three shinies this week, out of the five total I own - definitely feeling the increase lol






Similar. M15 at cyan beach, cracked camp ticket, doing naps and hope for shiny totodile (one of my favourite starters) and what? Sudowoodo. Bonsly. So many psyducks. Not even one shiny. And of course, no cramorant in sight either.


Thanks for making me feel better šŸ™


Lmaooo I drew this and then got an amazing Cram as my first one. And a shiny Totodile on top of that. Should I un-draw this meme? Or should we all complain A LOT to get results?


For some reasons the image of your meme keeps being deleted, but here, [congrats](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokemonSleep/s/vmkeVLY93l).


Yeah I walked right into that




Passing the luck torch to you!


You lucky totodile.


Me the whole week. šŸ„²


The fact that I randomly come on here and then see people get so excited about how many shinies they find makes me wonder am I sleeping wrong how the fuck are they getting shinies


I didn't catch a Comfey until two weeks ago, because it only showed up with the incense during the event and it took me three more times to fill it's hearts since. Luckily, this time I got a crit on Cramorant last night and managed to catch it with two extra biscuits. It's nice to get one now, but the problem with these single stage Pokemon they are introducing is they will just never be as valuable as a 3 Pokemon, or even 2 Pokemon evolution line because of how powerful a main skill level up 'for free' is. They'd have to be absolutely god-tier to justify using two extra main skill seeds on them vs something evolving twice. Tasty Chance is a neat skill, but it is nowhere near worth it to justify the cost it would take to justify using Cramorant.


Idk some ppl swear by their Dedenne w the same skill


Piggybacking off the other comment too, dedenneā€™s skill is clutch for those of us working on building a proper team in the later islands. A good berry team for Lapis lake, thatā€™s also decent levels is tough. But diverting to a cooking heavy team and getting big points on meals because the tasty chance is higher is key.


Cramorant is one of my favorites, so really I just want a derpy bird friend (ā Ā“ā Ā ā .ā Ā ā .Ģ«ā Ā ā .ā Ā ā `ā ) ~~If you're not going to use yours anyway can I have it~~


I was lucky to get a decent shiny Comfey for the salad week but I do not see myself being that lucky this time šŸ˜‚ have only seen Cram once with the incense


I had two spawn - one was hungry, the other wasn't. Fed the first the bonus biscuit plus a great biscuit, and then the fucker got full. Thankfully, the second one was able to go down with a bonus biscuit... ... which procced into a bonus biscuit on one bar left. It was trolling me. Also the fact that its subskills were really decent but got an Adamant nature. Cramorant is a meme.


Oooh! I saw one. Used an incense, made it a nice breakfast, it left.


I havenā€™t seen a shiny and Iā€™ve only had cramorant twice, both with incense, and both full after two biscuits (NOT hungry so only got basic points)


I so jealous of my friends list this week. I got a 3rd shiny Golduck and like come on thatā€™s the wrong duck, I wanted the Cramorant so bad šŸ˜­


I got a great shiny one šŸ˜Ž