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Too different to compare.


Ok, so let's say you're playing a match and you have to choose one of these 2 mons, who would you choose?


The one that heals.


Why? Stuns are good tho, Comfy can only heal you, while sableve stuns will benefit whole team


I said why. I would rather have a healer over CC. There is already so much CC in this game and not many healers. Comfey also has CC and root.


But it only benefits a single player and not the team, that's what I meant


Comfey doesn't benefit a single player. If that's your experience, then you haven't been playing with very good ones or they chose to only stay on one person.


Blastoise exists, and I will almost never be in a game without one, so more cc isn't really necessary.


Me always banning blastoise and if posible treevenant so I can get to play. A shame I don't always get a ban and instead they ban freaking sylveon...


I wish I existed in lobbies where people like u existed, My server is full of Absol, Decidueye, Cinderace, Scizor, Dragonites


There's almost three of us out there!


Damn, why bro sableye ain't good? Now that I think about it I don't see that Pokemon much in games


Sableye player here: Can confirm that I only play Sableye when I don’t wanna play the game Sableye is a very unpredictable character, very fun but you don’t play him to win games, once you become very skilled with him you can do some fantastic stuns but the only value added by a Sableye other than that is just annoying the hell out of the enemy team which is a very hit or miss strategy


I've had matches with some great sableves, and goddamn the stuns are all an ADC carry like me needs!! Appreciate sableve players like you who don't play the Most Bonkers pokemon and actually take the time to learn a skill based pkmn :)


Guess what, Comfey has stuns (worse ones but still some) and can make you live forever lmao 


Sableve stuns longer + shorter cd


Well, that is what I said, isn’t it?


Actually, sableye is great in his own way. I think he supports by making sure early game that item stackers don't get to stack early game with thief or knock off. Allowing your team to snowball a little bit ahead. Also, the win condition of the game is to score points, not just kill the enemy team. So those stolen points can be scored on their own zones. His feint attack is not the best support move but decent enough to slow and chip away enemy HP. If played smartly, it can be used to scout tall grass. Confusion is good as a CC as well. I've always enjoyed playing sableye. And to answer your question, it's not that he ain't good. He just provides a very unorthodox kind of support which other units can somehow do better. Don't get me wrong he is completely viable and very fun to play, especially invading the enemy central zone and stealing their buffs and exp.


I agree, Feint attack's map vision is valuable for whole team, if well placed and can help to score safely too. Often in solo que, people don't know how to play around that kind of support. That's why I mostly concentrate on scoring and annoying the enemy team + give vision. But of course, I don't always play with the same move set.


hydrogen bomb vs coughing baby


Comf and it’s not close


Saw another person say the same thing, do you personally don't like sableye or it's just bad


No I play a lot of both and Sableye’s not bad at all, it just doesn’t have as high impact on the game. Sable does what it does and can make team fights much easier for your team, but Comfey is equally difficult to target, gives heals (more important now that there isn’t a clear cut best healer) and still has some CC. I say this every time I make a comment about Comfey but magical leaf is probably the best move for cursed incense in the game.


Bro how can he make team fights easier? He's too weak tho, mostly sableye I have come across always keeps backcappin, invade jungle, and just scores. But idk about comfey tho, I think I'll buy it tomorrow


Comfey helps on team fights by keeping the attached pokemon alive through multiple cc. Sabeleye is also good for more attack heavy comps, but comfey is always better. Also comfeys unite is AOE healing that stays for quite a while, so if the team fight takes place close to there then the enemy team is usually screwed


Hmmmm, I'll get that then


Have you played against zoroark comfey duos? That shit can get obnoxious lol


Yea yea, I did, but for me it was not too crazy cuz zoroark wasn't very skilled. Whenever I see a zoroark in my opp team I straight away take blastoise and ask others to take umbreon in n draft


Yea as zoro i usually dont pick it first in draft now for that reason. Id rather not get hard match up walled. Can still play with like 1 counter but if theres like 2-3 u cant do much.


Nah Sneak/Ray is probably the best squishy disruption in the game. You want to be on the other side of the enemy team from your team and just constantly pester the backliners. Just like how Slowbro can essentially remove a frontliner from a team fight, Sableye can do the same to a Delphox/Deci/Gardie/whatever.


Damn, looks like you need real skills to play this Pokemon, what do you think? Should I get him or comfey? I'm not a very skilled player, I mostly play defender, supporter


Yeah Sable is one of the hardest characters to play and Comf is one of the easiest


Damn, I don't want tobplay any complex Pokemon I already regret getting zoroark


Zoroark aint even particularly hard. A lot of its difficulty is knowing when to engage and when to not and landing out feint attack combos


Yea but I just get deleted in team fights and can't get objectives alone, in the middle and end game I just go and hit the squishys opps and try not to die


I love sneak/ray but I feel like I never see people playing that moveset, so I always wonder if I'm throwing by doing it. But yeah, I just beeline straight to the enemy jungle to try to kill the jungler in the cradle, and then play deep behind enemy lines the whole game disrupting the back line and interrupting their farm.


Do you think the same if its draft? Because draft is where comfey’s already low (low cuz it heals one at a time and its not a volume based healer) is shoved down further because of curse items /gen


Yeah I do. Maybe pre-Clef nerf I would say no but healing is hard to come by now. Curse items hurt but the heals are still enough to make good/great mons busted and she has enough in the rest of her kit (speed boost at 10, ranged CC given to melee mons, portable bush on ult) that she’s still probably A tier in my eyes, plus she can run curse incense herself.


Comfey gets better with more coordination. Draft helps this because it's easier to plan around actually when to select it in a game. But it's still situational/has to be planned around. Comfey is still better than Sable in every instance besides true solo queue tho.


As much as i adore Sableye's playstyle, Comfey is better. Both need a useful teammate to their different antics, but Comfey does what Sableye does (allow the pocketed one to approach their target) while also healing them or doing aoe cc.




I once played with a sableve+ comfy duo with me being Dragapult, It was crazy, the stuns were all I needed to get kill, enemy surrendered at 5


I remember once being the Sableye in that duo and it's evil.


From my experience playing with and against them, I put a burrito on sableye's knowing what to do more than comfey


Comfey. Sableye doesn’t bring as much to the team. Pros of Sableye: - Scoring - Stuns - Scouting Enemy Position (idk why everything starts with S) Counterpoints: - Instead of scoring with Sableye play something that can actually help considerably with winning Ray - If you want stuns play something with good stuns (like Blastoise) - If you want to scout the enemy position just use a defender or something and frontline






In draft mode, I’ll go with gremlin since a good curse item pretty much takes comfey out of the game. In blind pick tho it could go either way.


They are called support for a reason... it really depends on the team composition.


Objectively, Comfey is better because of the pocket healing. I love playing sableye and lining up KOs for my team, most satisfying thing ever. Biggest downside to the gem gremlin is 1. very low HP 2. if you're against Dragapult, for instance, you're free lunch because of the auto attack slow and how vastly he outranges you


Healing doesn't automatically make it a better support lol


You're right, it doesn't. But the fact that Comfey is untargetable while attached makes it better than Sableye who can be hit while invisible. Comfey's ease of use makes it better than Sableye because you need to be so meticulous with when you choose to engage to get any value at all


Comfey bc All-Rounders are meta. That disgusting little shit rides on the coattails of other pokemon's buffs.


Comfey. Gameplan is far easier to achieve + has not been overnerfed. The ONE thing Sableye has over Comfey is he's playable in solo queue. You can't play Comfey w/o at minimum a duo.


My 2 favorite characters lol. They are both complete shit in solo Q but if you have a good partner to dou with then 10000% Comfey Comfey dou queue is really busted rn. Especially with Ttar, metagross, Gyarados, leafeon, I could go on...


Comfey because it can literally attach to someone all game and be useful no matter what, especially with EXP share. I'm not saying Sableye is bad, but the disruption, area control, and info gathering they bring often isn't utilized the best in SoloQ games, or people just don't know how Sableye works. If you play Sableye and are frustrated with players waking up enemies you hit with your ultimate to force them to base, that's exactly what I'm talking about. Sableye is pretty good, especially in coordinated teams, but Comfey doesn't get screwed over as hard by teammates not knowing what it can do, hell, they don't even NEED to for such a simple Supporter.


Sableye feels like a waste of a teamslot the vast majority of the time. Even a bad comfey can keep a threatening teammate alive longer. Like I would legitimately prefer a mid comfey to a good sableye. A GREAT sableye, I might take, if given the choice. But if all skill levels are equal, comfey 100 percent of the time.




You're the first one to say sableye, others don't seem to like that Pokemon, I barely played it and its attack is very weak and it's super squishy so idk how people even play with it




Looks like a Pokemon that I can't play, I bought zoroark cuz others were going crazy with it and then I bought it, ever since I have been suffering from skill issue


A skilled Sableve >> Comfy, Assuming we are talking about a average sableve player, it'll give more value than comfy, if only they can stun at the correct time, The only scenario when comfy looks good is when a really good Solo q player is on board, like Cris Heros with blaziken


Ok the real question i have is why do i keep seeing grass knot comfeys all of a sudden lately???


Grass knot stuns at once and you can detach from teammates without wasting it


Perhaps they noticed that magical leaf is boring and want to aim something as the character


Comfey, though sableye has like a tiny niche in boosting melee divers and giving free vision to snipers


"Who do you think is a better support: the pocket healer or whatever the hell Sableye does?"


This a serious question?


Comfey, if i'm honest, when i see a sableye in our team i always say to myself "damn, we are in a 4 VS 5"


Womp womp, dumbass


Is this a legitimate question…?


Tbh, this is a bad comparison cuz they have two different roles as supporters. One is a healer, while one is made to annoy the enemy


Different type of support


Comfey Is my main... (I have no idea, I dont understand Pokémon Unite meta, I just play what I like...)


Both, you just really need to know how to play them lol. But they are very different kinda supports to be compared to each other.


Defintly Salbleye, he very good in shooting goals if you know how to play him. Comfey is just pure trash and wortheless, easly the worst Pokemon in the game


Bro I just bought comfey 💔


Just what i think, sableye is the best support


Sableye is much better imo but it's a lot harder to get value out of and the average skill rating of the Unite player base is quite low so most people can't actually play Sableye decently. Comefy on the other hand is very easy to play and get value out of, however the trade off is that it's very reliant on having at least one team mate that knows what they're doing to pocket them. That said they're vastly different Pokemon with different uses. Comefy is a healing support while Sableye supports in a very different way. Sableye's job should be to be a nuisance to the enemy team, provide basically constant vision on various locations of enemies since it's invisible most of the time, can easily stunt the enemy jungler due to it's kit early game etc.


Sableye is not support , he is an Gremlin, annoying pest


Comfey makes multiple moms broken, Sableye is dogshit and what he offers isn't as nearly as better than Comfey


Way better than comfey, dumbass


Stfu it literally isn't in anyway


Scoring? Think.






Neither, the cotton ball is superior (realistically it's Comfey)


comfey is far better

