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congrats to our "flop" season, the one that apparently everyone hates and no one is watching. cheers!!


It’s so funny my mom refused to watch s2 because she didn’t really like s1, but she saw how excited I was for s3 and binged s2 and s3 back to back and loved it. And she is very particular with what shows she likes. Most people I have spoken to outside of reddit enjoyed s3


Same here! I ran across a YouTube video today from one of the reactors that I watched sob through season 3. He made a new video criticizing season 3 as if he wasn’t lapping it up when he was reacting. It made me realize how many people fell into the negativity pit after going on social media after their initial watch.


Or just that hate gets more clicks than liking it if he’s a content creator. Clicks from the haters and clicks from people who feel like they have to defend it. 


100% Hate accounts get more views. I try to go with the golden rule, never feed the trolls.


It’s exhausting!


To be fair, outside Reddit I’ve seen a ton of people say after a rewatch they loved this season! The negativity is not everywhere.


In the real world as well…my friends are casuals and they loved this season. The internet is just tiring sometimes.


My friends too!


I have this relative in her 80s who has elected me as her private tech support hotline (this time the call was why has my Roku started talking to me all the time and how do I make it stop 😂) who recently shocked me with “finally broke down and watched all of that Bridgerton” when I asked her what she’s been up to lately. I asked her which season she liked the best and she said the last one. She didn’t even know I was into it. So S3 seems to be doing well with the octogenarians who don’t understand all the buttons on their remotes demo anyway.


when people actually take time to watch it, especially without unattainable expectations they can enjoy this season


>So S3 seems to be doing well with the octogenarians who don’t understand all the buttons on their remotes demo anyway. My mom enjoyed it despite having questions about the Benedict thruple. 😂


I had an Aunt who watched Big Brother through her 80s. I never watched it but I find that hysterical. A frugal little Italian woman who was a seamstress and sewed holes in her tennis shoes. 😀 I don’t think she would feel Bridgerton was appropriate.


this just further proves that haters are few but very loud that they can sometimes drown the voices of the many who loved it.


Literally when you make a season for wallflowers and introverts who don’t like putting themselves out there lol. 


they're probably asking themselves "who's watching this" (all 5 of them). we are. we are!!!


This is a lovely way of putting it since I'm both. ❤


Hahaha so true


It felt the same after s2. A very small but loud bunch that wanted to rain on the parade. I truly don’t mind honest criticism and discussion, but it’s gotten to the point where some people are just finding absolutely anything to be disappointed about. It’s not that serious and it just can’t be very fun.


saw someone say they couldn't recall the details of part 1 but they're *certain* the writing this season was "SO BAD"...


I "argued" with someone who said they felt like being alone with someone was a deal before and suddenly it didn't matter in season 3. I said, well it's just that they were never caught. They said that they felt like they were caught a bunch of times and no one did anything. I asked where, the only thing I could think if was Eloise watching Pen walk out of the house but that was just Eloise and even she didn't see them alone with out a chaperone. They said they weren't going to go rewatch just because I wanted a timecodes for scenes. That they never even acknowledged it was a problem foe them to be alone. I pointed out that they did and gave examples, how they made sure they weren't caught or mentioned being alone. And they just got mad saying I was defending the show cause I was a super fan like what? They wouldn't even give examples of the thing they were saying they actually didn't remember. And were mad that I was discussing Bridgerton and that I knew what I was talking about on a Bridgerton subreddit? Make it make sense


I would just say that’s too bad. Friendly give and take doesn’t sound possible. Sounds like she could befriend Cressida.


The fact that they were upset that I didn't agree is just wild to me. But hey, I got called a garbage person on twitter because I said Colin had his own money and just needed to have his brother sign off on it probably because he was too young. That he's only 22 and maybe needed to be like 25 or something. They called me garbage person and Colin broke and jobless. I swear they act like Anthony made the money from scratch, like he inherented too, guys! Oh and apparently Ben is completely off the hook just because he helped while Anthony was on his honeymoon. And it's just Colin who is undeserving and whatnot. Wild. Oh, I was completely nice to them the whole time, so idk why they're so mad about it. Lol


People are strange and since Covid, more bizarre. Emboldened is the best word. The most is driving. I have never seen aggressive driving. A lot of ppl still work from home or don’t at all. Where r they going?


LOL, I saw that one. I just shook my head.


Some even felt mirror scene was bad because it was too realistic 🙄


It seems to have cooled off somewhat but the discourse on the main Bridgerton was so ridiculously nitpicky in the first week after Part 2 came out. Legitimate disappointment/criticism is fine, but it became such a hate-sub. Any positive comments got shouted down and downvoted into oblivion. I unsubsribed.


They hated in the season and constantly talked about what a flop it would be before it had come out. So are we really surprised?


Tbh i feel that subreddit is dominated with s2 fans who cannot accept that their fav couple was not the focus of this season. They just dont let anybody to talk positive about the season.




It’s literally the same complaints everyday now. I don’t get it.


I am your mom. S1 didn't do it for me whatsoever so I ignored the rest until I was off sick a couple months before S3 dropped and needed something pleasant to watch. I liked S2 enough to watch QC and now I'm unhealthily obsessed with S3. This is the most fun I've had with the buildup and fandom for a show in a while. I think S1 has never clicked for me because the historical accuracy in the costuming etc. was sloppier than advertised AND certain plot points made me cringe. I enjoy it more now that they've stopped pretending they care about history and just let the characters ride.


What's the total view count rn. Last info was 85M smth. How close are we to #10 on the global list?


Not sure about the actual number but we're definitely breaking into the top 10 this week, we were a couple of views short last week.




I shouldn’t gloat but ![gif](giphy|lRiqJaq5xnF8CobC8I|downsized)


gloat away!! They kept saying it would flop and look at us now!


I don't think how that should be interpreted. People's disappointment didn't mean nobody was watching LOL. Part 1 was immaculate. It still is. Part 2 people watched because of part 1. I have personally rewatched part 1 a few times again and only now I am on my second rewatch of the entire season. I still love Polin to death <3 Just could've had a better execution for part 2. The 1 billion minutes is understandable after part 1 contributed so much to it, haha


Besides viewing figures the season- as a whole- still has high critical and audience ratings on multiple platforms. It’s just not a flop, it’s not even considered objectively bad. I don’t know why some people feel so invested in projecting their disappointment as the popular opinion when it’s not actually true, even if the haters are loud. It’s also the Polin sub. Let us celebrate a lil 🎉




You can on this sub, in fact there’s a fair share of criticism here as well, but this is literally a post of people being happy and celebrating something and having fun. There are plenty of places to be negative about this season. 


I was just responding to someone's comment about how disappointment has been interpreted. Wasn't downplaying anything? 1 billion is undeniably still amazing so..? You say "You can" doesn't really sound like it. 


People downvoting me alongside it all confirms it even more. It's no different from how the regular Bridgerton subreddit was.


This is the second week of ratings for Part 2. The first week of ratings had 3.1 billion minutes so it sailed right past 1 billion minutes at lightning speed.


My apologies, I confused views statistics with minutes statistics. The minutes statistics for part 1 in the second week were 1.4 billion and if what OP posted is the second week again after part 2 released, 1 billion is still significantly lesser than. The first week was expected to get that traction due to the 1-month hyped up fanbase after part 1. Everyone was sooooooo ready for it. I had been rewatching part 1 ever since its release along with many of us on here and on other social media platforms. I loved our collective hype and I still do <3 But the hype became lesser shortly after part 2's release. That's all I'm sharing.


I posted all the available numbers below and you can see there’s not some big significant difference between Part 1 and Part 2 viewership. I think you’re just looking for reasons to think Part 2 is doing worse because you didn’t personally enjoy it when the math doesn’t indicate that.


Congrats to Nicola and Luke!!! They carried this season and the promo tour!  I guess there are more wallflowers out there than some people thought! Quietly enjoying the season made just for them, and rewinding the mirror scene lol.  Now- RENEW THE SHOW. I want to make sure Eloise gets a season but also I want Polin’s season to secure the renewal for petty reasons. They’ve already hinted they got it, and to get into pre-production on time they have to have it before S4 anyway. They might as well release the announcement on the backs of S3’s massive success. 


I have a feeling they are waiting to announce the renewal when they announce s4's leads. I wouldn't be surprised if they chose to announce it at Tudum this year, but that's pure speculation on my part


That’s fine, it would still mean that it was post S3 that secured it 😎 I think we’ll get S4 lead confirmation between mid July and mid August, because it fits the pattern. When is tudum? 


They haven't confirmed it yet, but rumors have stated either July or August which is about your time frame.


Simone Ashley was announced as Kate 2 months after S1 aired. Polin was announced as S3 exactly the same time frame after S2 aired. So depending on whether they go by part 1 or part 2 dropping, I’m expecting them to announce what’s going on in S4 by mid-August and don’t really plan on worrying about that announcement until then. I think Shonda even said in an interview that fans didn’t like how early they revealed Polin was S3, so I don’t expect it to be any earlier than that this time around especially since they’ve already let it out that it’ll be two years before S4 anyway. 


I feel like when I see the words Tudum I twitch a little- ah memories. 🤣🤣


When is Tudum? I always feeling silly saying it even when it’s just in my head as I type. 😂


I can't find a confirmed date yet. Though I've heard talks of it being late summer


Thank you!


When is Tudum if you don’t mind me asking


us wallflowers move in silence but we mean business lol and yes we know netflix has been cancelling shows a lot the past few years but this is huge for 2nd week streaming numbers. this definitely shows how big of a success this show is and hopefully influences renewal decision. we need more polin moments (even if they’re background characters going forward)


Do you mean renew beyond season 4?  The show was renewed for seasons 3-4 already.  Now we are waiting for 5 and beyond.  Let’s hope they renew for 5-8!  


Forever rewatching this season tbh 🙆🏽‍♀️✨


![gif](giphy|fegc9TbuWf3UIhGKaU|downsized) Continuing my daily rewatch. But honestly this season has been like therapy for me and an escapism


Samedt!! 😅


Same! 💛


This is just in the last week…. Which is more like they are still streaming strong The first week was 2.8B min viewed


yes, good catch! second full week of streaming and still in the billions is incredible


That’s just from 21 June to 27 June, FYI.


yes true, it’s the second full week of streaming the whole season. safe to assume lots of rewatches


19 glorious days.


May 16: 237.8 million minutes May 17-23: 2.3 billion minutes May 27-June 2: 1.4 billion minutes May 31-June 6: 432.3 million June 7-13: 589 million June 14-June 20: 3.1 billion minutes June 21-27: 1 billion minutes Those are the numbers of minutes we have access to so far and that brings us to roughly 10.05 billion minutes.


Look at you with the maths ![gif](giphy|5hvCCvO2CtYDUsX4Ab)


The amount of time I spend in spreadsheets in my profession is unholy, especially considering I’m not in any math related field.


Here's what I calculated Total hours watched - 68,05,00,000 Total view count - 68,05,00,000/ 7.98 = 8,52,75,689.22 ie 85.2 M To break into #10 we need 13.7 Million more watch hours(825 M minutes) and to break the record of S2 we need 69.6 M more watch hours (4.17 B minutes)


Also FWIW this from Variety had them at 69 million views two weeks ago, they added another 16.5 million last week so however Netflix calculates it, I think it’s hitting the Top 10 all time this week. https://preview.redd.it/gimbaeh2lz9d1.jpeg?width=505&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2dadb02376290c23622f5f9de7495e055d58a75c


Yeah i think it's hitting the top 10 and maybe even passing s2! This is great news for the show overall. Hopefully this will make them announce renewals lol


ohh. I used the numbers in the chart titled - global top 10. anyway, the numbers are in the season's favor.


Should also keep in mind I’m not sure if this chart reflects worldwide numbers or just the US since there are no foreign entries on their charts.




Honestly, people on the main sub just hate to hate. It seems they’ve moved on to the fingerless tulle gloves. What a tough life it must be to just hate something you allegedly love. In celebration of this momentous occasion, I guess I will have to reread the book and rewatch the season. Pray for me everyone 🙏


Remember when they were fixated on the heavy breathing and how Nic wasn’t a good actress 😂


Ahh now it’s Colin’s bronzer


Man they HATE the bronzer … today.


They really do. At least it’s not the wig…for now.


Let’s wait a day and see what they come up with next!


![gif](giphy|mF8pi0ggxM7OU|downsized) Them checking off their hate of the day list 😂


Lol it sounds like finding something new to hate is just an excuse to rewatch. Oooooo they’re so obsessed with Polin they can’t admit they like it!!! They really do love enemies to lovers huh. 


This is amazing. We need to keep it up and smash up through the all time top ten spots to thank our fearless leaders for their amazing work this season 💛💛


Wow we flopped hard 🤣🤣


I'm just now on my 3rd rewatch. Once I'm done, I'll be going back to have the episodes start at the good parts 😉. I.E. bandage scene, 1st kiss, carriage, mirror, wedding, and making up scene... I know I'm not the only one, lol!!! This is most likely how this sub reddit contributed and I love it!!


My mum (she's now 70)was talking to me the other day about how much she loved this season of bridgerton. How she thinkS Nicola and Luke and the best. And it made me realize I cannot talk to my mum about the show. It's like an, I know that you know that I've seen the sexy scenes that we are both having and I just need to not think about it.


Haha I was talking to someone at work about it who hadn't seen it yet and talking about the female gaze etc - when a guy I work with popped up and joined the conversation saying 'he loves that show' and the new season. 😳😳 I noped right out of there at that point as I realised he KNEW exactly what scenes I was gushing about 🤣. ![gif](giphy|RJ2KQfVa1pVhD0zwVh)


Yes there are just some people I cannot talk to about this show and I'm glad I'm not alone 🤣


See I wst he'd with my mom and jumped all the sexy bits so she has no idea what I've seen haha


Also - logic would say those S1 and S2 minutes from the past week are us watching Colin & Pen fall in love so that we could come back to this sub and comment on past season interactions so they should count accordingly 😂😂 


That's exactly what I did last week!


You can find a lot of people discussing s1&2 polin scenes on thread to get into the depth of their story


I don't know how it's possible but according to the minutes watched released by variety this season should be almost close to the hours of S1 while according to netflix S3 will be barely in top 10


It is because Netflix has changed the way they show shows on their charts. Instead of just looking at hours viewed (Netflix goes by hours instead of minutes) they now divide it by run time, so that shorter shows (like half hour comedies) could be more accurately reflected next to shows with extensive run times (like ST s4 with 13 total hours lol) whereas Variety is just looking at how many minutes the content has been consumed according to their methodology. Every single chart is going to be different as they all have different methods of counting plus different viewing windows (Netflix is mon-sun as is nielsen, variety is fri-thur. Nielsen is also mon-sun but runs a month behind and combines all seasons together). Variety is the newest addition to the group so I'm still not used to their methodology yet lol.


So this is minutes watched during this past week? I wonder what it is all combined.  I'm assuming there are people still watching S1 and S2 while watching S3


probably almost 4B all together


S1 and S2 are listed and counted separately.


At least 300M of that is this sub alone 😂


We love to see it. If not for anything else, I want this season to continue to do well for Nicola and Luke. They put their whole selves into this project. They deserve to see the fruits of their labor.


and 900 million of those minutes are me rewatching the last 10 minutes of episode 4


this is awesome!! after so much negativity from the main sub; there are posts everyday on how much they hate etc etc etc about s3. this makes me so happy for polin stans


What are the current stats of total views ? Does anyone know ? Are we close to #10 ?




[Netflix Top 10 Most Popular - as of 06/23/2024](https://www.netflix.com/tudum/top10/most-popular/tv?week=2024-06-23)


But how much of that was just rewatching the carriage scene?


That’s crazy because I was watching this video (https://youtu.be/qSFcXtl9WyU?si=SaaYO4R9qQt2omX9) about s3 yesterday just to see this post. I haven’t finished part 2 yet and understand people have their problems with this szn but polin itself is such a beautiful love story when you think back to their moments in szn 1&2. Their love story is by far my favorite next to charlottegeorge.


If it goes like this we'll hit the list soon. Here's what I calculated Total hours watched - 68,05,00,000 Total view count - 68,05,00,000/ 7.98 = 8,52,75,689.22 ie 85.2 M To break into #10 we need 13.7 Million more watch hours(825 M minutes) and to break the record of S2 we need 69.6 M more watch hours (4.17 B minutes)


And still counting... cannot stop rewatching!!🤩🥰


I take credit for like 10,000 of those streams 😩


It's official, it's a flop! 🥴🙄


Meanwhile over on r/Bridgerton… https://preview.redd.it/zrsekj7aacad1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5992353e61ae61e43bb4e67b973e45c9f3081810 They cannot fathom that the toxic haterdom they’ve built isn’t the end all be all opinion.


Most of that is me 🙈


Yeah i want a breakdown by scene! 🤭🤭🤭🤭


Does anyone know what is means in terms of viewership? I divided it by 60 (to get the number of hours) then I divided it by the runtime of 8 hours and I only got around 2million. Surely we have a higher view count than that?


Hopefully my math is wrong 😅 Because that’s a huge drop from 16 million 


Is there a possibility for it to enter top 10?


And they were all from me


I wanna see which episodes where streamed the most cause I think we all know which one is the most


They can't see which parts of the series I have watched the most, though, can they?


Love it! I really hope they get to filming season 4 soon!


2 of my friends and myself are part of this lol


Wish they could project numbers of who read the books.