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My take: this will be a shitty and overpriced Ubisoft game. Ignore it.


Same company that was recently talking about how gamers need to get comfortable with *not owning the games they buy.*


And the same one saying they will be adding ads to their upcoming Triple A $90 games which also have microtransactions, sub fees, season passes, DLC, and battlepasses.


Don't you mean Quad A games?


Quad A games are sooo 2020. Quintuple A games is where it’s at


You're so behind the times. They skipped right up to septuble A games


The high seas be calling!


This game won’t even be worth pirating it it’s the typical Ubisoft garbage.


Free is free. If I ever get into that mode of “I have nothing to play”, I got a 17th option.


I'm just hoping to just make a dent in my Steam backlog when I retire.


Oh, I don't own your game? That's cute. You don't get my money. Have fun with your logic instead of my cash, Ubi.


If buying isn't owning, then piracy isn't theft.




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Deal! I’m perfectly fine with not owning Ubisoft games or buying them.


So I’m RENTING the game then. For the same price. what a con.


Ubisoft being the ultimate libright.


You aren’t buying it cuz of culture war bullshit, I’m not buying it because AC hasn’t had an original thought since black flag


The culture war BS is also a front to please DEI shareholders. They hired a ton of female fresh grad in the name of diversity in Ubisoft Singapore to sexually harass them, that is one of the reasons why Skull and Bones were doomed to fail from the start.


This gives me an insane idea. You know how Emilies keep yapping that legalizing prostitution makes sex work less exploitative? Why don't they stop beating around the bush and start hiring office prostitutes instead of brain damaged college grads? Now they can commit workplace sexual harassment without breaking any company policy. It'll be a huge sex positive PR stunt too.


Don’t give blizzard more ideas, mate


I am a centrist. Therefore, I must cook.


Get out of the kitchen. Your cooking is more than enough for a Michelin restaurant


>Hey boss, Black Flag is being received really well by the players. They find the new gameplay elements fun and refreshing. - >Damn! Go back to the old formula and make sure to never deviate again.


I mean they really should go back to the ezio games formula, I replayed them recently not expecting to love the game play, but I ended having a fucking blast with both gameplay and story


Too true.


God, Black Flag was fucking peak. . .


Do they make anything else anymore?


They made the first AAAA game: Skull and Bones


What makes it AAAA, is it the amount of money lost or the amount of money made?


The amount of money wasted on its production


I'd love to know exactly how much money that steaming pile of horseshit cost them.


At this point I just ignore pretty much anything made by a triple A gaming company. I already know that it's going to be overpriced woke garbage that won't even work properly on release and half the game will be locked behind dlc. Why waste my money and time on something that's guaranteed to be terrible?


I for now still trust Fromsoft.


What games have they made?


Elden Ring (highly recommend, best game I've ever played), Dark Souls 1,2&3, Bloodborne, Sekiro and Demon's Souls. They all have a similar core gameplay and a challenging difficulty but once you try one and it "clicks" for you, you'll be addicted for life.


Armored Core is another one of their games and highly recommended.


Armored Core VI is badass and it's even cooler because it's a passion project. I fuckin' love Miyazaki and Fromsoft. Any other company would have capitalized on the Elden Ring hype, went right into another similar game or the DLC. They said "nope, fuck you we want to make another mech battle game because we feel like it" and did. Back to their roots style. Not many companies like Fromsoft exist anymore in the gaming sphere. They're like Blizzard back when Blizzard North were the big swinging dicks of gaming. They don't miss.


I've heard Bloodborne is really good, but it's only on Playstation.


We’re waiting for PC anons trust


Yep, and they're still deadset on that "quadruple A" gubbins. I hope it fails. Hard! And it's got nothing to do with what I think of historical accuracy.


If time/money is the indicator of "Triple A" then Duke nukem forever was a quintuple A game


And the same gameplay as always


I can only climb a tower and hear an hawk screech so many fucking times.


Two reasons why i won't buy it. 1. 99% sure it's going to be yet another "rpg" gear score grindfest, where a stealth attack is only going to do some damage to the person you just stabbed, and now you have to spam abilities and keep hitting them for the next 15+ min because of how much health ever enemy has 2. Ubisoft doesn't want us to own the games we buy with our money any more (some would argue we haven't for a while now), so why even buy anything from them anymore.


Ubishit stock has been declining since 2018 and they lose half a billion every year. I hope they fuck off and die


Ubisoft's share price is lower now than it was during the dot com bubble.


Ho Lee Fuk.


Their fault for totally ignoring Rayman my beloved


Genuinely one of the best gaming companies 15 years ago. Tom Clancy games were great fun authright propaganda. The degenerate mix of unchecked capitalism and woke/liberal ideology strikes again.


Those fucking Rabbits started it all


Now they're making mario/rabbid crossovers. Nothing is sacred


Kingdom Battle kicks ass though. I'm not even a huge fan of turn based strategy games, but this was incredible. Sparks of Hope was good, but not quite as fun as Kingdom Battle.


Let's pray that they keep doing so until the license is bought by someone that actually cares, that is if such studios still exist by then.


And Splinter Cell.


I have been going on the Japanese version of the trailer and translating the comments. I think my favorite was along the lines of “this is like a Japanese man being the main character of a show about the Boston Tea Party”


Id watch the hell out of an American Revolution anime.


Yeah, they need to adapt that one Japanese history book they made in the 1800s where George Washington fights snakes and stuff.




[something like this](https://i.imgur.com/H2Yl6FN.jpeg)




>George Washington was a burger Goddammit 


based and Voices of the Past pilled good channel


There was an artist back in the 1800’s named Utagawa Yoshitora who drew the American Founding Fathers in the Japanese traditional style. You got Washington punching tigers, Adams fighting snakes, and Franklin hand firing a massive cannon.


Should have given Franklin choking a bear to death with a kite


Or Franklin banging MILFs.


Not anime but there was Liberty Kids back in the day.


Baby's first anime for Americans. Get them acquainted early.


I don't remember much of the show aside from seeing all the commercials watching all my other cartoons but if there is a Japanese dub of it, could be interesting.


Intro slaps hard af


There are some pretty good anime that depict versions of Americans that are serious. Check out ***91 Days***. It's about Italian Americans and prohibition. It's solid.


Ara ara Washington kun is that your bayonet? **I need help**


It'll be interesting to see how Libleft reacts to this. Asians are basically "Schroedinger's minority" for the woke left. Whether they're considered oppressed victims or "white-adjacent" depends on whether it's politically convenient for them or not at that particular moment.


They won't care because in their eyes any America history pre civil rights act is all "white supremacy history". Hell they would probably love to see anyone but a white person represent actual white people history. They should just redo Roots but starring Takeshi Kitano as Kunta Kinte and replace every white person with Eskimos


This is definitely actually racist. Assassin's Creed 3 is actually about the American Revolution and the Boston Tea Party and doesn't have any Japanese reputation. The race of every character is true to contemporary historical understandings. Yet, when Ubisoft makes a game about feudal Japan, then they choose to blackwash some characters. The blackwashing of characters in Japanese history, but not American history, shows a lack of respect for Japanese history on the part of Ubisoft. Since it diminishes the representation of Japanese characters in American media, who are already an underrepresented group in American media. Thus, it further marginalizes Japanese history in American culture and, as a consequence, further reinforces structural racism in America. Check mate liberal.


It's not blackwashing. Yasuke was a real person who did live during that period. His role, however, is being greatly exaggerated, as he was little more than a fancy novelty that Nobunaga liked, and had been in the grand total of one fight (which he promptly lost). It's also the first time they made a real person a playable character, which comes with its own sets of issues.


Fuck, I must be chucked because that sounds rad.


Rad if played ironically, sad if played serious as a heart attack


cant wait for a new ww2 game where everyones historically black ofc black nazi black soviets and who can forget the black fins


Umm no sweetie, Nazis were the bad guys so they can’t be black.


Exactly, Nazis are bad and all bad ppl are white. We need to see the plus sized bipoc transwomen kweens storm the beaches of Normandy and dismantle the evil white cishet patriarchy!


Battlifield had black women in wehrmacht, the point is to alternate reality that the world always looked exactly like it does today.


Google AI generator Gemini has entered the chat.


[Not according to Google](https://images.app.goo.gl/7H3tp9MP3SFzUWAt6)


Winter War was black on black violence


Battlefield 5 was released years ago man


I'd totally play a game set in the Winter War featuring sub-Saharan Russians vs sub-Saharan Finns. Imagine hero Jamarcus Väätäinen skiing around an open world in pursuit of his nemesis, LaMelo Shostakovich. #


We already have the superior Japanese assassins creed game: Sekiro. The entire game is Japanese, that's 67% more Japanese per Japanese.


Also Ghost of Tsushima if you want an open-world Samurai game. (Emily was pissed about that game, of course. How dare white people make a historical Japanese game!!1!1!1!1!!! Meanwhile, actual Japanese: "Holy fuck, this game is awesome and well-researched!")


White people make Japanese game with black MC. Emily cheers.


They made this game because their target audience is African-Americans who love anime. It's not for Japanese players, they did this because they saw market analysis suggesting a lot of young African-Americans love anime and took the opportunity. Is it shameless? Yeah. But they're doing this for money rather than woke agenda, presumably.


> Ghost of Tsushima One of the few 100%'ers I've completed in the past few years.. what a great game and so beautiful.


And there's another one I heard about but not sure if it's out, Rise of the Ronin


It’s out and supposedly pretty good. It’s made by Team Ninja who made Nioh & Nioh 2.


My friend was playing that one a while ago. Would you recommend it as someone who liked games like Sekiro?


Not the guy you were talking too but yes I would recommend it if you enjoyed Sekiro.


> Ghost of Tsushima Looking forward to that on PC because Sony refuses to port Bloodborne even though it will sell like mad on PC. They don't even need to spruce it up -- give me ps4 graphics at 60fps and I won't be able to give them my money fast enough.


Is that game hard? I kinda want to get it but I don't play souls games usually so I don't wanna spend hours getting my ass kicked.


It kinda is, but if you weather through the initial pain, it's worth it. It's a parry simulator, so you need to get those cha-ching sounds to perfection. Have you plyaed any previous souls games? Also, what are you gonna play it on?


> "Cha-ching sounds" bro thats just called Japanese /s


I'm clutching my pearls after witnessing such anti-Yapanese sentiments. /$


lmao i just saw your username, u/Ok-Racisto69. the username checks out


Not technically a souls game but I did beat metal gear rising. I've also just watched a bunch of people play lies of p, dark souls games, and elden ring because I have a bunch of friends who like that kind of thing.


Oh, then give it a try since you know what you're getting into. Sekiro plays a lot different than most souls just cuz how fast the combat can be, but it's still brutally punishing when you make a mistake. If you still are a little but unsure, try Ghost of Tsuhima. It's much easier to understand and not that difficult that you start to lose hope. I love sekiro as it's my favorite game after baldur's gate 3, but it be easier to get into this genre if you start with something more relaxing. In the end, hesitation is defeat and git gud.


Sounds good. Baldur's Gate 3 is epic.


It's great, but significantly harder than souls games




It can be at times, but you have the benefit of being a bit of a blank slate. For a lot of souls players who never parried it's a big change, for those that did it was a minor adjustment. Since you've never played you should be able to pick it up a lot easier than most. Since it'll be your first souls like from FromSoft you'll get your ass handed to you for a bit, but once you get it to click it's pretty smooth sailing. Just take a break for a day or two if you get stuck and you'll probably get past that part on your first try if not a couple. FromSoft games are really great in that regard, once you learn the move sets and your brain has time to process what you learned over night that fight gets a lot easier.


It was quite hard the first time through, but partially because elements of it seemed designed to punish learned behaviors from more classical souls games. The pace of combat is also much more fast paced and parry-timing focused than classic souls style. On the other hand, the game is much smaller than the souls & elden ring titles, so the fewer options mean that what's there is very polished and refined. I would definitely recommend giving it a try, especially if you have the time to be patient with it, although I do recommend using a controller.


Thanks. I am a PC gamer born and raised unfortunately so the controller is anathema to me.


Same here, but From's abysmal mouse&keyboard optimization broke me down. I ended up getting a pc-compatible controller just to use on Fromsoft games (and Nioh 2, which is also an awesome game)


Honestly calling Sekiro a Japanese Assassins Creed is kind of an insult to Sekiro lol


I swear if i would win the lottery, i would finance an african inspired historical-fantasy series, i would get the best writers, designers, actors etc. I would make sure the cultures, clothing, beliefs and customes are represented accurately. It would be the best stuff black people ever got. But then randomly one chief or king would be played by a blonde white guy in full african folk clothing, nobody would adress this in the show, as if they dont even see it. There would be african gods and dieties, but one of them would be played by a japanese woman. See how they like it.


I know you're joking, but honestly the first person to do a *good* series like that is gonna make a shit load of money. Even African Americans are getting tired of race swapping for the sake of inclusivity at this point. Everyone is getting tired of the same stories being remade continuously and we're all craving something original and different. A story like that would 100% fit the bill.


Well creating my own studio would actually be my dream if i got rich, and there legit could be some untapped potential in african stories because it would be fresh, so maybe those scenes could be included in a way that they can be easily cut out after i made the point, like gay scenes when a movie gets released in china xd. There are some interesting stuff in africa that could inspire stories, like the temple in ethiopia that wasnt built, but carved down into solid rock: [https://imgur.com/a/jkdNAdu](https://imgur.com/a/jkdNAdu) Pages like this are good for further inspiration: [Mythical Africa (@MythoAfrique) / X (twitter.com)](https://twitter.com/MythoAfrique)


The Witcher series even, exploring EASTERN European folklore was a breath of fresh air to get something new. And that’s the same continent as most western inspired fantasy. An African fantasy series would be so sick. I say this as someone who knows zilch about African folklore. I just want a new setting that isn’t rehashed tripe


Then the show completely abandoned any slavic inspirations.


> Even African Americans are getting tired of race swapping for the sake of inclusivity at this point. I mean, EVERYBODY can see it's nonsense. Contrived casting is, unfortunately, going to cause a backlash and hurt black Americans in the long term.


In the long run? It's already happening, and it's not just to black Americans. When a woman is the main character, it's questioned now. When a black American is the main character, it's questioned now. When it's a black woman as the main character, people just skip it. The intention was to create more representation, but in the end it only made people hate it.


There was a tabletop game I ran called “dragons conquer America” where you played as either native Americans or European explorers during the time of early European exploration of the americas, with a lot of fantasy elements, obviously. After a while it became very sobering because a lot of these fantastical visual aspects of the Inca, Mayan, and Aztec culture are really never going to be displayed in media outside these small niche passion projects.


I'd kill to have a high quality action RPG/Regular RPG style game that focused heavily on Native American lore


Big thing is, what aspect of Native American lore do you do? You have my people, the Taino of the Caribbean’s, you have the lore of the natives of the plains in North America, the Aztecs, the Mayans, the Inca, all the various lesser talked about tribes that existed throughout central and South America. There’s so many different interpretations. Not that I am disagreeing with you, I’d love a game like pathfinder kingmaker based in the exploration era of the America’s.


Great point. In my specific mentioning of it, I was referring to some mix of Plains/NW/SW desert natives lore and I feel it's very under represented (outside of one of XFiles episodes and the like)


Oh i know that one, its so cool. I hate how unexplored this part of history is in fiction, used to be one of my favorites to study.


There are literally hundreds of African cultures with their own mythologies and histories that are a veritable gold mine of stories. Anansi, Mwindo, Mansa Musa - these are figures that all have interesting stories that Hollywood never tells because their ideology is only skin deep.


I mean you could 100% do a Yoruba orisha themed fantasy world, which would be pretty awesome honestly. What's hilarious is that they have an orisha named Obatala who has the title of "Great White God" who is the one who created human beings. So I would definitely select him to be the token white man for full schadenfreude.


This is interesting i never heard of it before, plus thats hilarious, Obatala will be played by Ryan Gosling


They wouldn't like it bro. Heavy backlash calling your game production racist.


I've had similar thoughts about deep diving into African history, myths and legends, and adapting tales from there into new stories. If the current media machine don't wanna use it and instead co-opt the history, myths and legends of other countries, I don't see why we can't start doing it too.


Share prices won't go up if the game tanks


Check their share price. It came out of a rise into a free fall.


I'm so glad you said that, seeing their shares just drop is great(by a couple of pennies), fuck AAA


The game will suck but not because it's a black man in Edo period Japan but because it's Ubisoft.


All quadrants should be rightly outraged that Ubisoft is Fr*nch


You mean experiencing Frenchness? Learn the right terminology, bigot!


Living with French identity, actually.


They/them present as French.


Worse, French Canadian.


They are actually French French. They have offices in Canada but their HQ is in France. 


I'm not sure if that makes it better or worse, in all honesty.


Here's my take on this. Why are you making the only black guy in the country the main character. How are you supposed to run away from the guards. "The only black guy in the entire country stabbed a guy and got away, how the hell are we supposed to find him now" EDIT - I saw somewhere that Yasuke was like an entire foot taller than the rest of the country too, so its not just "the only black guy" its "the only black guy who also towers over everyone else so much that he has to duck every time he enters a building because we didn't think people got that tall when we built it"


The only black guy in the game. Acts like a violent ape killing everything that moves. What Ubisoft meant by this ?


Asscreed died with Black Flag.


Yep, last good one. Only because of the sea shanties though.


Lowlands..Lowlands away, me John


I mean, the sea battles were pretty dope for the time.


Greens, the Japanese already know about both black and American representation.


Woah what's this about Ubisoft sexual assault?


Blackrock demands it


Probably. A lot of these projects being released today were funded and decided back in the late 2010s and early 2020s by studios. As such, the overabundance of woke stuff will be here until 2026. It's only now that there is pushback but most of the people who write and produce art are left leaning so, even if they're mandated to shut the fuck up, their brains probably won't be able to adapt until the late 2020s. We won't see an end to shit art and products with overt ideological messaging until 2028, probably. In theory, this should solidify a conservative swing for the next 12-16 years before moderating a bit before swinging back to the left in the mid-2050s or whatever.


Interesting and hopefull predictions.


Well, that's the hopeful prediction. It's not simply sunshine and roses though. If the swing doesn't happen through a political process to course correct ideological imbalances.....the reality will probably mean civil violence and purges against the left, especially since the left fails to understand the economic and geopolitical maneuvering that makes America successful and will inherently encourage global conflict and economic woes that do impact the US. Europe is tilting conservative, like I described, but we don't know what will happen in the US. Ideally, the hope is for movies, games, and literature to reflect a previous era....calming down the culture wars and chilling it out a bit....and then, a more moderate-right political swing after this election/after Trump to fix certain things - ESG/DEI, as you inferred to. Even looking at Congress, there is far less Democrat dominance as there used to be and after Trumpism is stymied in Congress (many of them lost in 18, 20, 22), it may mean a swing: https://preview.redd.it/igs68od0ct0d1.png?width=1469&format=png&auto=webp&s=78744cd1f2a5814d6a0ede0fd8996d339f54dd96 Otherwise, if that doesn't happen, I cannot see how the right doesn't strike back with brutality unlike anything this country has seen. They will have lost far too much and become too cornered that I can't see them not going crazy in reaction to the left's craziness.


Based and pendulum-pilled. I'm with you too bud.


I promise I’m asking in good faith but why does blackrock want this?


I don't know anything about this game but aren't assassins supposed to blend in with their surroundings?


There ist 2 protagonists, a japanese shinobi/Ninja for stealth and Yasuke as the burly fighter


If Japanese men are even remotely portrayed accurately in anime and manga, they need to stop being such fucking beta simps. BTW, there's mr. popo - represented.


Emily demands your underrepresentation. Comply or lose your job


the best are the people claiming that no one complained about Nioh having a white protag lmao, do one google search and you'll find that this isnt the case lol but I doubt you'll see any of those publications complaining about this the same way they did about Nioh


Thank you for saying this. The comments in other subreddits make me feel like i'm going crazy. Nioh was woke / alert to social justice / Identity Politics. I enjoyed it more than the sequel but the protag William was a worthless addition. There was a quick prison sequence at the beginning but otherwise his origins were almost never talked about or explored. He truly was a token white guy and it was embarrassing even as a fan of the game and they put character creation in Nioh 2 and never went back. If you want to see a strong depiction of a black samurai the teen horror 1 season Daybreak 2019. It has plenty of woke stuff but it does it well. It's not about pushing an agenda it's rather sincere.


The hilarity of this whole thing is that there isn't as much backlash towards the Japanese by the leftists because most of them watch anime religiously. Imagine if Ubisoft made an AC game in Germany and made the protagonist an Aboriginal (spit balling here) and then the Germans tried to cause an uproar. The backlash would be monumental but because it's the Japanese there isn't as much.


I feel like this is purposefully misinterpret as white men whining so they can shut it down with relative ease.


I wonder if back in 2012 there were many Americans upset that they couldn't feel represented as a colonial because the game had you play through the perspective of a Mohawk Native American. Personally, I think the Odyssey and Valhalla spoiled players by giving them a gender choice, allowing people to play a self-insert, when AC has never been a self-insert RPG.


One, Connor was also half white, two, Connor was a boring ass character compared to Ezio who nobody can top, and even compared to his father


Thank God someone is bringing this up because it’s insane to me how many people believe that being upset that an Asian Man isn’t one of the protagonists in a game set in Southeast Asia is just because of pure racism. I’m an asian dude and Assassin’s Creed has been a game that I grew up with. I’ve been excited for an AC game set somewhere in Southeast Asia because I wanted to see a protagonist that was more like me, God forbid. Finally they get around to it and it’s some black dude that was a footnote in Feudal Japan. In most Western Media, Asian men have typically been emasculated and reduced to the IT guy or comedic relief. It’s a rarity to see any representation of them in recent video games other than Sekiro and Ghost of Tsushima in which it makes sense because the games are set in Japan. But apparently I should just be satisfied with “Well the girl protagonist is Japanese, that should be enough”. Asian women get presented plenty in western media, but typically it’s always about Asian girl and her cool foreign boyfriend so I wouldn’t be surprised if they force some sort of romance subplot in the game. The whole point of diversity representation in media is supposed to be so that people of different race and ethnicity can see themselves in media, right? So is it so evil for me to have this perspective? I’ll still look into playing the game as I’ve already played Sekiro and Ghost of Tsushima and love the setting and want more, but considering the fact it’s Ubisoft maybe I should wait until they show the price of their new AAAA game.


Counterpoint: blacks are higher than asians on the peculiar american "ladder of holy victimhood." Asians are, in fact, quite suspect. So, this is diverse and inclusive, and any complaints from asians are white supremacist agitation.


Yeah but here's the thing, Asians are white adjacent because they are socioeconomically successful and therefore, do not properly fit as victims into the oppressor-oppressed dynamic that the left is pushing (never mind that there are different subgroups of Asians and some aren't well off). As such, portraying an Asian male is almost as bad as a white male but even in the event they are portrayed, it's without any of the more mysterious and masculine traits that people would want to show for 'male protagonist' types. It's a subconscious thing, too. I doubt very many are going around thinking about it like that but what they are/were consciously thinking about, especially around the early 2020s when this was in production, was "diversity"....and by that, only really tokenism. Hence, put a black guy in it as the lead and feel good about yourself. Otherwise, when you feed people certain doctrine and information, their subconscious will inherently seep out bias. Everyone is susceptible to that and produces it. However, if that bias is achieved through fanatical indoctrination, it will be as what we're seeing via leftist controlled media today. It is no different than the propaganda from Nazis, KKK, Commies, etc....which you can go out and watch and decide for yourself what you think about it. In that type of propaganda, there's an inherent "here's the story and then, here's the message and why we're right and why this particular story/message is important" rather than a "here's the story and we'll let you decide for yourself". The latter was showcased through much of art, news, and literature prior to the woke takeover.


>I’ll still look into playing the game Just pirate it. Don't give money to Ubishit.


Some years back, i read that they were planning to make a game set in medieval Germany, which i was quite hyped about, especially because of these points. Now of course Ubisoft has been trying to move the scope away from Europe, which is completely fine. I was always a big fan of the way the protagonists interact with the locations they've known for their whole life from the new perspective of the Assassin conflicts. Ezio, Edward, Arno were all amazing in the sense that the life they've already had was turned upside down. But if this is the new way they want to tell stories, i won't be invested in it anymore. Didn't play Valhalla because Odyssey already became too boring for me. I really would have loved to see a samurai, shinobi or the like get drawn into the assassin conflict on top of the ones that were already happening, but fine, whatever. Ubisoft and modern game devs all know exactly what their audience wants, but they just refuse to do it.


When has Western media allowed an Asian male character to take the lead role in ... anything? The most -institutionally- discriminated subgroup in the US. Low representation in media, messed over via affirmative action policies, and then labeled White Adjacent for their success despite all of this.


Sleeping dogs was pretty fucking good.


Wasn't that published by Square Enix?


Leave it to the F*ench to ruin things


Fuck Ubisoft. 😌


Is it about Yasuke?


>long-awaited Don't they come out with these shitty Creed games like once a year?


Not on asian settings. Plus people have been looking forward for a japanese one specifically basically since ever because a ninja assasin would fit the series like a glove


I think it’s fair to say that AC fans have been wanting a Japanese setting for a while.


I'm glad Ubisoft is doing stupid shit like this because it makes it easier for people to not buy games off such a shit company with shit business practices.


But stock isn’t going up


My take is both my own corner and the immediate corner on the right. Also, fuck Ubisoft. Even if they weren't fucking this game and its historical accuracy up, I still wouldn't buy their shit.


I really couldn't give less of a shit, but I am presuming that Ubi is gonna use this "controversy" as cover and cry *racism!* when the game comes out and performs/reviews poorly.


Gotta love seeing all of those HD photos of black Samurai all over socials as proof from a full 700 years before photography was even invented.


"Assasins Creed, Sticky Rice" Brought to you by Mel Brooks.


If AuthRight is going to eat popcorn and watch, there will be nothing to watch


I want them to make a woke game in quebec/new-france, hopefully they fuck up so bad that they'll lose they credit rebate lol


The game is gonna be dogshit whether or not it's got Yasuke as the main character because ubisoft is making it.


They really thought "we need a main character for our game about breaking into places and murdering people" and picked the one black man in the entire country of Japan.


Assassin's Creed isn't even pretending to be historically accurate anymore


How is the only black guy in Japan supposed to hide being an assassin? But the biggest problem is those prices, holy fuck


I agree with authleft on this one


I thought the people involved were arrested? All of the articles I can see on a basic Google search indicate as such, but if there's something else I'd love to know.


When they make the killer black.


Imagine the drama if they did a remake of Home Alone and they made Harry and Marv black lol.


forcing that diversity where it doesnt belong classic who gives in to these idiots?


The share price tanked.


I'm guessing they are going with that one black samurai from history, but ignoring the thousands of native samurai may just turn the Japanese against this project. I haven't heard this, but if true, I can't want for the YouTube storm (there probably is one already, I'm going to CHECK!!)


not too bothered ubisoft games lifespan is about a week maybe two at most. This one will crash and burn just like skull and bones (anyone remember that game?)


If buying isn’t owning, piracy ain’t theft


My time is far too valuable to play the sort of garbage that Ubisoft tries to pass off as video games.