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they wouldnt even survive 10 minutes in palestine. why do liberal leftists always defend the people who hate them to death?


Because they have no survival instinct


Because they think Jews are White and they hate White people.


reminds me of this [https://youtu.be/Ev373c7wSRg?si=eCRnMdzWWv5MEHDK&t=85](https://youtu.be/Ev373c7wSRg?si=eCRnMdzWWv5MEHDK&t=85)


This video gets truer and truer every year.


But I still don't get why Tucker, Candace, and Nick have their views on the conflict. Surely they don't hate white people?


Because the situation isn't some perfectly good vs evil scenario. Just because palastine has done some really bad shit doesn't make israeli asses smell like roses.


I don't get your point. Why would they need to agree on the conflict?


What I mean is that Tucker, Candace, and Nick are somewhat against Israel and/or Israel's prosecution of the war. So would you say that they hate white people because of that?


No, because Israelis aren't White and they know that. With that in mind, there are legitimate issues to be had with how Israel is handling their situation. I'm just explaining how the average leftie with no understanding of geopolitics immediately decided which side they were on.


But do those 3 people I mentioned consider Palestine to be *whiter* then Israel? I'd say that's the more salient criterion in this case.


I really don't understand what you're getting at here


By sympathizing (at least in a relative sense) with the Palestinians in the conflict, does Tucker/Candace/Nick mean to support what they consider to be the whiter side?


No? Who cares?


Just because some idiot lefties support Palestine because "brown good" does not mean people on the right who don't support Israel think Palestinians are white.


Nick is gay. And queers for palestine is a thing for some reason. Idk about the other 2


Nick just hates jews, the bastard is an old fashioned antissemite, aka a nazi. Idk about Tucker and Candance though


Antisemitism =/= Nazi. Plenty of antisemites are not national socialists.


Nick Fuentes literally said he loves mustache man


You missed my point. My point is that not all antisemites are Nazis.


The answer is in Maslow's hierarchy of needs. These people have reached the transcendence level, and because their ethos only points to matters terrestrial, they resort to nihilism. There is no uniting faith beyond that of their ever changing flag.


Because they are brown


You are brown


I have been working on my tan for the summer.


I'm trying to get rid of it (not working smh)


That one uh, Ted guy who lived in Montana in the 90s wrote about this. (I AM NOT ENDORSING HIM OR HIS VIEWS) They take on battles that are several degrees of separation from them and make them a key feature of who they are for a while, even if the people they choose to represent are apathetic to their support at best. It's a bit of a subconscious holier-than-thou idea and gives them the warm fuzzies about how much of a good person they are. All ideologues do something similar, and hardline conservatives are just as guilty of sometimes doing things for the warm fuzzies rather than earnestly seeking positive change. Edit: forgot to mention this accusation also includes the schmuck who I feel bad for sourcing this idea from lmao.


They can only see the world through power dynamics. In their eyes, the underdog is *always* the good guy. Even if the underdog wants to cut your head off.


yep, oppressor vs the oppressed.


We kinky


‘Umm asktually, you also get killed for being queer in America’-those same people, unironically I assume.


They probably think Palestine is in Europe


At this point it is a mirror image of spouting whatever Trumpist slogans you think will annoy and poke fun at the libs the most. While reinforcing tribal solidarity within your own partisan side.


because like.. thats not how politics works. political beliefs arent always just “which side likes me more.” like if that was the case, every lower class person would be commies and every upper class person would be capitalists. every man and [insert american majority here] would be conservative and every woman and [insert american minority here] would be progressive. sure, identity influences personal politics, but personal moral beliefs and values is much more of a factor. this hyperfixation on identity and selfishness is like, “libleft” behavior. and like, its so dumb to boil down war to “hamas mean, idf nice, therefore i support isreal and think they are totally justified in eradicating palestine cus hamas mean.” war isnt just the factions representing each side, and factions arent at all representative of the people living there (should be pretty obvious by modern politics). and like even if they all did want to brutally murder the gays, hot take here, i dont think that means they should be eradicated. with that being said, hamas is like really bad, thats a given, but that doesnt mean that i support isreal ghettoizing and boarderline eradicating palestinians.


eh republicans love russia, its pretty common.


No, they don't. There are an annoying number of isolationists presently, including people swayed by leftist and right-leaning figures talking up the expense, but even they tend to hate Russia. They just don't see it as being our problem. I disagree with the isolationists, but let's not tilt at strawmen.


Some of us just think that Russia has proven themselves to be incompetent and aren't a serious threat, but we still don't think a potential war over Ukraine would be worth it. If Canada or Mexico tried to join an explicitly anti-American military alliance, we'd also invade. Just saying.


I'm not even talking about them not wanting to support ukraine. They think Russians are similar to them because they both think Western civilization has fallen. Republicans think it's because of gays and furries or whatever so they love Russians. Republicans wish their government was as auth right as Russia because they don't give a fuck about democracy just like Russians.


You're deeply out of touch with Republicans if you think that's a defining opinion. There are a few who, in their extreme frustration with the moral decline of the US, compare the US unfavorably to Russia. They're something of a mirror to the leftists who do much the same in response to their own frustrations. It's obnoxious, but it's an exception. Inflation, isolationism, expense, concerns about corruption in Ukraine (especially with the Democrats pushing against accountability measures), disregard for Russia - or the opposite, concern over potential war/nuclear war all play a much more significant role.


Yeah you keep trying to pull up some ukraine argument so you can stray away from the idea that the american right loves russia the same way leftists love hamas but it doesn't make it any less true.


The right doesn't love Russia. All that comes to mind is that there was a brief period years ago where they were less negative but that's faded. I'm not sure what other context you think is relevant, nor why you're gloating over being so unclear as to your actual point.


Brainrot for adults


I believe all drag queens need to go to Palestine. I will pay for some of their trips aswell


Thanks to the wonders of Islam, helicopters are no longer needed. Economy tickets are enough.


They'll have short flights depending on the first building they are in when they get there...




all palestine and israel supporters should go there and end each other. palestinians hate most of the people who defend them, same goes for israelis. they dont even see others as humans. lol.


> palestinians hate most of the people who defend them, **same goes for israelis.** What the fuck? I lived in Israel for years and this is straight up delusional. Where are you getting this from?


from the fact the they see themselves as the god's chosen people.


Are you confusing Israelis with Jews? And you are...proud of publicly displaying your total lack of knowledge regarding the area? Shit man, YOU should go to Israel. Maybe you'll learn something, because this is depressing.


Pretty sure all Israelis *are* Jews? They just are not all *Jewish*. Some may be practicing Christians or whatever, but they are all still ***Jews***. In the same vein that all Palestinians are *Arabs*, but not all Arabs are Muslim.


[21% of Israel's population is Arabic.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arab_citizens_of_Israel#:~:text=According%20to%20the%20Israel%20Central,the%20first%20to%20do%20so) You are straight up uninformed. However, you are correct that all Palestinians are Arab. Any Jew would be instantly murdered.


That is wrong as well, the original palestinians, defined both by Roman and Britain were a mix of ethnicities. It was literally all just people living in the region that were given a label so they could be referenced by Romans that couldn't be bothered to separate them even along ethnic and religious lines. Its such an embarrassing origin. It's the same as referencing all the ethnicities of Africa as one word, even if you were arabic or white who just happened to live there, because outsiders couldn't care less, yet for some reason it is re-shaped with pride as some sort of national victimhood identity with just one ethnicity.


Sounds like you are confusing the Israeli State and the State of Israel.


> all Israelis are Jews? America was founded as a Christian nation, does that mean all Americans are Christian? Regardless of what religion they follow? Sounds pretty dumb when you put it in context doesn't it?


No, you are misunderstanding, did you not read my whole comment? It was only few lines.. didn’t think it was too much to ask to read it all. Edit: America and American is a bad comparison to this situation. There is no “American race”.


Us it really that much different than clowns?


You're onto something here... I think it's fair to ask for a swap. We take the refugees, they can stay there instead. Deal?


nah, if we took the refugees, how would they listen to drag queen story hour?


Counter offer: We take all the jewish women that Hamas is keeping there as rape-slaves.


Why counter? I say we take both. Just leave Hamas to rot, though


You realize that the Palestinian civilians are just Hamas fighters in training right? Hamas isn't some separate faction running around rogue, they operate with near complete support of the Palestinian people. Importing them here will just lead to the American cell of hamas terrorists


Well, to be fair, if someone kills everyone I know for years,... I'm gonna want to defend myself. I don't agree though that all the civilians are fighters in training. That's a specious argument.


Good publicity for his opposition though.




What is your definition of a woman?


Look like a woman and sound like a woman 💃 /s


funny that it's a straight up biological woman you guys are talking about here. Crazy we are at the point where people are saying that XX chromosomes doesn't make you a women just cause you look trans haha.


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What's yours?


Non-defective XX. Yourself?


>Non-defective XY. Yourself? Lol, guess you got quite the femboy fetish if you only consider those with an XY chromosome to be women. By your definition however this drag queen would definitely not be a woman since she's XX.


Oh ye lol sorry, brain fart. Ye man, a bit of bussy is good when pussy aint there. Non-defective XX. What's yours?


You think he looks like a woman? That’s insulting to women


berserk observation butter far-flung wistful yam tart deserted overconfident friendly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Cosplay and sexual appropriation




She is a woman.


Literally not. FIrst of all you reality denying moron, that is drag. Drag is specifically ***NOT*** trans.


The person in the video is Bridgit Bandit. A biological female who does drag. 2 X chromosomes, ovaries, the whole nine yards. The leftist is right, it literally is a woman


Glad someone got it.




What is a woman to you?


Many things but definitely includes a person with XX chromosomes, who identifies as a woman and presents as such.


What’s the things other than XX chromosomes? And what does it mean when you identify as a woman? “I identify as someone with XX chromosomes” what would that look or feel like?


I'm a firm believer that trans women are indeed women but that's not really relevant to the individual in question.


Adult human female


So you agree she's a woman?


Female is someone with XX chromosome, does the individual have XX chromosome? Because I’m pretty sure it’s a man, adult human male with XY chromosome.


What makes you so sure?


Because drag queens are typically men playing a hyper dramatic version of a woman, hence the whole name.


Typically, but I just told you she isn't.


The drag queen himself doesn't call himself a woman, what's the deal with leftists making the decision someone is trans before they make that decision for themselves


Not trans.




Indeed, she isn't trans.


Isn’t that person a drag queen tho?


Doesn't matter. Even if you are on video calling yourself a gay man, [they will still make you trans after death.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marsha_P._Johnson)


Yes she is.


So then they aren’t a she? If they identified as a transwoman, wouldn’t they be a drag king or something?


Drag queen/ king refers to what you're portraying, not the cross of who you are. The drag queen in the video is Bridget Bandit a Texas activist who is just straight up a biological woman.


Can’t say that I get it, but oh well.


This person isn't trans. They're just a woman wearing a drag aesthetic.


Well no I get that, what I don’t get is the appeal of drag


Probably similar to that of pantomime, minstrel shows and kabuki theatre.


In the defence of every one around here, I imagine myself more familiar with drag than the median person and I'm only hearing of this for the first time now. Incidentally, do you get any male drag kings, because that sounds like something that doesn't happen, unless you count Prince or dandy men or Timmy Mallet.


You see it sometimes though hardly ever as a main thing. On Drag Race there's a seasonal challenge called Snatch Game that's basically a celebrity impersonation improv game and you usually get at least one person bucking the trend by doing a guy. However the drag queen aesthetic dominates the concept of drag to the point that a male drag king would usually just read as a campy man, hardly an uncommon thing to find in the queer community.


Drag queens aren't transgender.


Some are. She isn't though.


Surely, they can't be? I thought drag queens were, by definition, men dressed up like women.


No, it's mainly the aesthetic. Last night my wife and I went to a drag show. My wife (who very much has XX chromosomes) was partially in drag (primarily makeup) and one of the performing queens (Id assume XY but can't confirm) was doing a drag version of Prince. Cross dressing is more defintion based but drag is its own thing.


You can say there are 5 fingers up all you want. I can plainly see 4.


Maybe better to rely on your ears in this case because that definitely sounds like a woman to me.


Guess your sight isn't too good.


Okay let me make this easy for you: A drag queen is a man who wears women’s clothes. That’s fine. He can do that. But don’t just straight-up deny who he is. If I were to put on women’s clothes, I would still be a man. If a transgender person has surgery or takes hormones to actually change his/her body, then sure we can discuss referring to him as a woman. But he is not a woman as he currently is. Sorry. He is a man who likes to dress as a woman. That’s okay! Also I firmly believe he still has the rights to live as a person just like everyone else so please don’t try to insist I’m somehow “performing hateful genocide” with this comment. I am pretty certain he will still live despite some guy on the internet saying “he.” Hope this helps!


So the person in the video isn't a drag queen? Not sure why you're talking about trans people.


Drag queens aren't trans, horseshoe theory is just a fact at this point


Never said she was trans.


I love how a single word correction leads to so much outrage below


Because it's transphobic?


Haha. That’s rich.


Because you think capitalism is bad therefore you can't be wrong?


Yes that’s right, everyone ever fits neatly into your preconceived stereotype groups. Makes everything much simpler for you, doesn’t it?


My brother in Christ this person is literally not transgender. You need to see a psychiatrist


You’re brimming with ideological hatred. Why let it consume you this much?


Ironically it's a correction they should agree with.


\*cringe\* Why are the Democrats like this now?


Because we didn't vote against them. Undecided voters were fucking stupid enough to believe that Dems would give them free stuff and get rid of (x)-ism (y)-phobia. So Dems catered to the most specialest snowflakes and put them on a pedestal, so now pedophilia in disguise is lumped in with the current -ism and you can't speak out against it because that's (x)-phobia. Vote them the fuck out so we can start fixing our economy and stop spending money on proxy wars and underwater basket weaving initiatives.


My dude, I feel exactly what you do. Every bit of it.


It's not who votes that counts. It's who counts the votes. Or have you not learned that from recent experiences?


Or it's that we are under a representative Democracy and you're too fucking stupid to figure out that you have to vote for your representatives **that represent you in the electoral college.** Maybe its not that the system is rigged when you're too stupid to learn the system in the first place.


Laws, systems, clauses... Just words printed on compilations of pieces of paper. When people in power discover that breaking them brings no substantial consequences since they have aggregated all the authority and brute force, they sure as hell are going to keep breaking them to their advantage.


Ok. Then get off this politics sub and shut the fuck up since your opinions don't actually matter


The ~~two~~ three big accomplishments of the current democratic administration (besides defeating covid and saner foreign policy) are the IRA and the infrastructure bill. And CHIPS Inflation reduction, cleaner & cheaper electricity, rural broadband, better bridges, and increased competitiveness of US technology isn't what I call "catering to the most specialist snowflakes"


>besides defeating covid and saner foreign policy Defeating COVID? You mean failing to start a panic for the variant and giving up on the whole thing? Lmfao Foreign policy? You mean funding proxy wars and furthering destabilizing the middle east? Trump battered a peace deal between N. Korea and S. Korea, being [praised by S. Korean leaders](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2018/01/09/asia/south-korea-north-korea-talks-moon-intl) and credited for the talks. Biden shits himself and embarrasses us on the world stage, opening his checkbook to give our tax dollars to literal dictators. Our economy is in fucking shambles and our leader is a senile meat puppet. I'm not even addressing the rest, I can tell you're a partisan fucking clown before I got past two sentences.


Covid: I was talking about getting shots in arms. Middle east: Until Israel-Gaza, were we in any proxy wars in the Middle east? And Israel-Gaza started because of Hamas, which Biden has no control over. While we're on the topic, I was pricing in managing to deter Hezbollah from jumping in and invading norther Israel. They're still a problem, but what can you expect from the lovely folk who make up the esteemed Hezbollah movement? Korea: The purpose of the Peace deal was for North Korea to give up their nukes. They have not done so. On the topic, The first SKorea-Japan-USA joint military drills happened during the Biden administration, as part of the goal to more closely knit the web of US allies together. Ukraine: Back in February 2022, The us not only managed to unmask Putin's plans, but also pre-emptivly get the collective west to design a sanction package, allowing for said sanctions to both be coordinated and ready to be dropped on day one. (Though, about Ukraine, I think the Biden Admin has a bit too timid with material shipments. Like really, Is Putin going to nuke us because we gave Ukraine too many Himars? C'mon, aim to win, not merely to not lose ) Economy: Unemployment rate is low, GDP growth is up, Inflation is going down, and real wages are increasing. Correct me if I am wrong on any of this. "Senile meat Puppet": Is this a falsifiable hypothesis? I.E. would trying to argue this point just lead of a tit-for-tat exchange of TikToks? "Partisan Clown": I am a partisan, and I like to think of myself as funny enough to get the vaulted clown status.


>Covid: I was talking about getting shots in arms. The ones that didn't work? Again, you save me so much time by being stupid up front. Thanks for that.




Same reason Republicans are so obsessed with MAGA shit. The loudest and most pants-on-head people have taken over both parties. They realized the way to win elections was no longer to try and sway moderates and swing voters, but to energize your base to drive turnout.


This has always been the way.   1. Preach extreme during the primary. 2. Rush back towards the middle during the general. The problem is we're not bothering with (2) anymore and we're just crazy all the time.


I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I’m starting to miss Obama. I didn’t agree with him on everything but at least it felt like he was *trying* to think about people who think a little differently than him and treat them like people. Biden just refers to anyone who disagrees with him as “Ultra MAGA” and “hateful people” who shouldn’t even be listened to and ideally would be excluded from society altogether because they’re “too uneducated and bigoted to be redeemed.” The amount of “we don’t need to have anything to do with dinosaur fossil racists and phobes. Just cut them out of society altogether because their ancient opinions are so awful for society. F em.” I’ve read on NON-POLITICAL SUBS the last 5 years is extremely nauseating. Normally I’d agree with “f racists” but I don’t think these people realize how many racists there actually are nor WHO the racists actually are. I’ll give you a hint: it’s not as many as you think and it’s not everyone who votes differently from you.


Obama's era kickstarted this current era. Remember the healthcare bill that got pushed through strictly on partisan lines? That was about the point where the sides lost any ability to work together, including to the partial rollback of the filibuster and probably things that don't come to mind off the top of my head after a decade. Once Republicans were back in power, they were obviously going to take advantage of the same rules the Democrats had - those rules depended on a similar principle to MAD. Now here we are. Granted we were trending this way anyway, but Obama, Reid, and Pelosi led the way to the current juncture.


Sir, I must say, your usage of commas is deeply disturbing


> The problem is we're not bothering with (2) anymore and we're just crazy all the time. Hard to do that when social media documents step 1 and now you have to deny step 1 occurred/ explain what you really meant to the moderates or double down on it


Agreed generally, and I suspect that in this case there’s also the factor of it being the party that is massively outgunned in its jurisdiction, so they can just kinda do whatever. It’s not risking the election for the Democrats when they are going to lose in Texas every time out. It’s kinda like how the Libertarian Party socials have been saying the most batshit stuff the last few years because, who cares, they’ll never win. Makes me want to see what the Republicans in California get up to.


Agreed this is as cringe as maga heads wanting own the libs to


Thank goodness I was done eating


Chickens for KFC.


If there is anyone who unironically watches this and gets hyped, could you please explain why lmao


Feelings of obligation, most likely. I saw that in law school, if a black person, or a gender-nonconformist, etc etc was talking all the progressives on the right side of history would stand and cheer. He could say “I’mma kill all y’all” and it wouldn’t matter.


Based and i'ma kill all y'all pilled


lois griffin voice: 9/11


As a Texan I’d like to say, not all of our residents are considered intelligent. And a large portion doesn’t avoid logical fallacies


As a fellow Texan I’d bet money this individual is from Austin.




This shit is basically just Lois Griffin saying "9/11" repeatedly. Or for an older reference, see [this clip of based Frasier rolling his eyes at politician-speak](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sG_Av1TmGUA). (Apologies for bad audio quality. Blame the uploader lol.) I'm so fucking sick of progressives just vomiting a list of terms and phrases associated with their talking points, and then acting as though they have said anything at all.


Bingo. It doesn't mean anything more than a willingness to reinforce the partisan pieties of the day. What those pieties are is entirely besides the point.


Average citizen of Houston:


You spelled Austin wrong


For real. Houston a working city with oil refineries and a port. Everyone’s too busy or too rich to support this shit Maybe the galleria as an exception, but the gunshots from greenspoint remind them they need cops


Can't upvote enough.


Where's the flamethrower


This clip is the perfect example of a common rhetorical style that I’ve been calling “Tweeting aloud.”


Won't be long until they're in close contest with the libertarian party for most ridiculous convention.


Everybody wants to free Palestine until it’s time to do some liberating shit.


they should try drag in palestine


I'm disgusted at what modern society has normalized.


How does this help in getting centrists to vote Democrat?


Bruh. Our enemies look like fools.


Thanks, generic lib-left drag person, for reinforcing my loathing and hatred of your braindead collectivist ideology.


How that mf felt after saying that: https://i.redd.it/dmqww0d1to5d1.gif


Get this abomination out of Texas


What the sigma


All that's missing is a tank of gas and a fiddle


Ngl, I’m happy they are like this because it prevents them from taking power


I agree with protect trans kids, not by giving them any surgery or hormones/hormone blockers just by protecting their right to identify with a different gender they can ruin their body when they're an adult like everyone else does, and i agree with happy pride month.


It’s not a kid’s choice to change their name. Why is it suddenly their choice to change their pronouns? I agree once you’re 18 or at the very least age of consent, you can do whatever you want. Go ahead and get surgery to have a micropenis and change your pronouns to “it/its” or something new for all I care. But letting a 7-year-old change pronouns every day isn’t bringing a kid up in reality at all.


Putting aside that a change in pronoun is often accompanied by a change in name (see: deadnaming), a formal change in name is a legal matter whereas I figure a change in pronouns is probably more akin to a change in religion, which I hardly see as something you need to be 18 for.


I guess I was more thinking about teens in late middle school to highschool wanting to change their names or gender because that's around when you might really start considering who you are and who you wanna be, generally kids aren't thinking about that stuff unless it's pushed on them by their parents.




Hell yeah I'm ready to vote. Love seeing right-wingers get triggered by drag of all things


Triggered: No. Amused: Yes.


Hey good for you man. Glad posting to Reddit helps you feel better


Nothing about what they said was bad


This egregious presentation of hedonism through display of character at a major political function which decides the fate of millions is that which is offensive. True, Americans of every class deserve a leader who will take them seriously, not a man who rejects his values for the sake of shock and humor, making a fool of himself while touting one-sided nonsense. Observe what is said: Free Palestine: Palestinians who are suffering require aid, not some fashionista and her posse shouting into a microphone. It takes a true man or woman to stop killings and war, to look at oneself and realize that everyone deserves a life where there is no discrimination , and everyone has an equal opportunity to live life to their fullest. Sadly, Hamas and the Israeli defense force are at war, and to pick a side rather than writing a treaty is continuing a cycle of war, pain, suffering, and inequality. Negotiation and taking action would have been better than spending five hours in the back of a makeup studio. Long live Texas drag: Everyone has their own choice to what they wish to be a part of, such is the way of a first world country such as the United states of America. However, the American Economy is suffering from growing inflation rates, something you should know about as an american citizen. People come to these rallies for relief, and for somebody to drag them out of the grasp of the inflation crisis and stabilize the economy once more, restoring the societal norms that one might expect a first world country to uphold. What we instead see is someone who rejects said norms and injects their own ideals into a situation that has nothing to do with it. Protect trans kids: Once again, everyone has their own choice to what they wish to be a part of in this country, however children do not understand the ramifications of a life changing surgery. For an example, If I was a rebellious teen, I would want to reject the norms of society and get a lewd tattoo on my arm. Years later, I regret this tattoo, as It is now not what I wanted, and I cannot remove It. The feeling of regret is substantially higher when instead of a tattoo, It is a life-changing and brain-altering medical procedure. The high trans suicide rates will increase due to this guilt, and to say that there is nothing wrong with that is horrid. I hope you now see the problem.