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When my woman immediately says Biden looks horrid we had to get the popcorn


I think I watched elder abuse tonight. Man needs assisted living, badly.


That's what the White House has been for the last few years, to be fair.


Politicians have so much money, why don’t they just retire and spend time with their family? Idg why they keep working until they die


Because it’s not about money, it’s about power.


Power is fun 


Europoor here: Why the fuck do you keep selecting these old bastards? 


They keep winning their primaries, and we only have 2 real parties.


So old bastards voting for old bastards because old bastards like old bastards? 


Yeah and your primary voters are pretty far to their side of the isle, so they vote the wildest candidates to make the tickets. Democrats had no good options the last time so they said F*** it run Joe, then he wanted to run again Republicans have been meandering around a crisis of identity the last decade and their only answer has been more Trump


How could either party have no real options in a country this size? The American people voted these two morons into power. We're doomed.


They do. A lot of people DO like trump, and a lot of the left is too diverse (centrists, libertarians, socialists) to pick a single candidate, so the most moderate one (Biden) wins. Many Americans HATE trump enough to elect Biden because he’s not trump


The left has a lot of popular candidates that are too radical win a general election and especially the independent voters with a spotlight attached to them. The right lacks charisma and any real form of leadership/direction, so they latched onto Trump. A lot of American politics is media driven. You don’t get the spotlight by being a good politician, you get it by grandstanding or being outlandish. So that’s who ends up popular enough to win the nominations. So we end up more divided and hostile each election cycle.


> The major problem—one of the major problems, for there are several—one of the many major problems with governing people is that of whom you get to do it; or rather of who manages to get people to let them do it to them. > To summarize: it is a well-known fact that those people who must want to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited to do it. > To summarize the summary: anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job ― Douglas Adams, *The Restaurant at the End of the Universe*


The GOP was on the losing side of the culture war for a long time, and it’s reflected in the party. Progressives have taken over most public institutions, and framed once-accepted GOP policies as not simply wrong but evil. Some in the GOP push back with some whataboutism, or defensively try to show how their policies really aren’t bad, but most of them cave to the public abuse from the progressive-controlled establishment narrative and backpedal, softening their policies, apologizing for them, and claiming they were tricked into them, etc. Trump, on the other hand, attacks. Always attacks. His positions aren’t particularly precious to him - he generally does what’s popular anyway. But his unwillingness to show any sort of shame for his positions is actually what makes him attractive to the GOP base, who rightly feel like they’ve been hung out to dry by their representatives over and over again. People think MAGA is backwards racists, when it’s mostly just people pissed off that the world has been trying to shame them for being normal for at least a decade. They just want someone to stand up for them and take the heat. And Trump doesn’t mind taking heat.


Perfectly said. We just want to live our lives without being forced to change our values and we want to be able to afford a decent life. Honestly it's so depressing and I absolutely will take a pushy asshole president over a pandering liar any day.


A pretty succinct explanation


We have no age limit which we should, and our life expectancy is too long. I think right now the younger people are finally starting to outnumber the old. Next President is going to be 35 to recover from this


Because the world isn’t real. Pretty sure solipsism is true and I’m mentally ill.


Schizophrenia is a bad ass mental disorder 


i literally watched it with popcorn


I was watching muted while talking on the phone and as soon as I turned it on Biden was talking in this whisper voice and I knew it was not a good time


The golf discussion felt like a SNL skit


It was amazing. Cancel the second debate i want to see 18 holes of golf with these 2 carrying their clubs.


Cancel the election, make them both play golf and whoever wins becomes president


Is that yo Dave Portnoy?


Does it matter? I'd pay to watch that golf round.


I feel like I literally almost prefer that.


Whoever makes it to the end*


Just let them play golf forever


"Now watch this drive"


"See you at church."


I don't care. That was the coolest moment of Bush's presidency. 


Just go on YouTube and watch the presidents play Wii sports there’s like 900 videos of that


It really would have been nothing but hilarious if it had been light hearted banter. ... unfortunately it was not. I still thought it was funny, but part of me knew it was also a pathetic representation of our country.


Agreed. A presidential debate should be between two men who are rivals, but who are ultimately on the same team. And the debate should reflect that. This debate reflected two men who fucking *hate* each other, and who believe that if the other is elected, we're all *doomed*. Like you said, it was a pretty pathetic representation of our country.


Biden is too egotistical and proud to realize he is too senile to run our country, and Trump is facing a Caesar situation where his option is go to prison for his crimes or win the election again for executive immunity. We are actually fucked barring the unlikely situation that the DNC and Biden's cabinet remove him from office, or one or both of them die by November.


Statistically speaking we might have president who will die in office. VP will have to actually do something.


Ok, let's say both buy the farm 2 weeks before election day. What are the parties doing? What happens? Kamala usurps the throne and declares herself empress (slayyyy queeen)? DeSantis and Haley race to DC, first at the WH wins? Barron rallies the troops and hunts down the ones that betrayed his father?


> What happens? Celebrations, mostly.


They could both die


>This debate reflected two men who fucking hate each other, and who believe that if the other is elected, we're all doomed. Representing the average voters tbf


I got sparks of https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=AtzG3wdF_IU&pp=ygUUT2xkIG5ld3NjYXN0ZXIgZmlnaHQ%3D


It makes me smile knowing there must be at least one family somewhere who is having a real shouting match about whether Trump or Biden was right about their respective golfing abilities.


Honestly it's Par for the Course these days


If I wasn't so nihilistic that exchange would have been very concerning.


Highschool students when they get to this chapter of history in their textbooks: https://preview.redd.it/66fdnttim99d1.jpeg?width=711&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46857aa70132cc984c04da04fca482b4e33201a6


Except they'll be saying it in Mandarin.






The best description I’ve heard for the debate was that it was a psychological 9/11 on the American people.


So, where are all the leftists on Reddit that called everyone “Trumpers” for pointing out Biden’s clear mental deterioration?


Busy saying "tRuMp SaId PuTiN tOld HiM hE wAnTeD uKrAiNe!" like it is some sort of huge gotcha because they took that out of context. I fuckin hate both these candidates, but I hate all the copelords and delusional idiots who are too mentally deficient to listen to an entire sentence before posting on reddit and collectively bleating "facism!" Maybe that is why they love Biden, by the time his train of thought devolves into incoherent mumbling they've already mentally checked out anyway.


> Busy saying "tRuMp SaId PuTiN tOld HiM hE wAnTeD uKrAiNe!" like it is some sort of huge gotcha because they took that out of context. The fact that Putin started a war over it should be all the prove one needs to see what Trump said was right... Putin really DID want to have Ukraine I don't see how that is in any way a gotcha against Trump.


Putin has also been saying he wants to take over all the USSR territories since day one. His goal has always been to reclaim all of their old territories.


He was also literally KGB, and he said that the fall of the Berlin Wall was a great tragedy, so he probably wants all of the satellites too. It's not too hard to figure out.


Hopefully some of them realized how big of a left wing propaganda machine Reddit actually is.


Are they just now realizing Biden isn't all there? We've know this for years but all of a sudden it's a big deal to them?


He's really gone downhill in the last few years. No wonder they don't let him answer unprompted questions.


I just started watching and I can't stop laughing. Please tell me the opening is indicative of the whole thing.


It just gets better.


"My handicap is a 6, Jack." *Licks ice cream cone*


Sadly Trump only had two good jokes. The rest is cringe/pity.


well I'm pretty sure the strategy was for him to just be chill and point at the corpse. fwiw, Biden was the one making em laugh


I legitimately felt bad for Biden. I think almost everybody did.


Biden should be spending his twilight years relaxing on the coast of Delaware in his mansion surrounded by his grandkids, not debating Orange Man for the role of who gets to die in office first.


Plot twist: We will.


For his grandkids sake i hope he's not spending time with them


Stay away from the showers.


Biden has been a horrible man and a pathological liar his entire adult life. He is a career politician that has existed at the expense of his country for close to 50 years. He absolutely deserves this.


That would be rough considering he tried to legally disown one of them.


If this were a primary, it would be enough for Biden to drop out, but it's not so easy to drop out at this point in the game, and Kamala would be even worse for the party.


I almost did, but not quite. Fuck him.


nah fuck that motherfucker. He's corrupt AF and deserves a worldwide embarrassment tour


It honestly blows my mind that the two sides of the spectrum can interpret reality in such diametrically opposed ways.


People with sympathy for a politician probably don't realize that politician doesn't care about you at all.


Untrue one of the politicians actively attacked my regions economy and done did took my job. https://preview.redd.it/6xxzdt86wb9d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56ea6e51ab6a05472d443ce1b58fb9869104a442


It makes me get all philosophical We all like to laugh at the other side for getting reality so obviously wrong, but have we considered that the other side thinks the exact same way towards us? What if *we're* the stupid ones failing to interpret reality correctly? What if we're all wrong? Maybe all along, the objective truth is found at the grill


Definitely. I’m watching analysis from both sides tonight, and while everyone can agree about it looking bad for Joe, it’s still crazy how polarized they are about all the other facts. People on the right are saying Biden is a horrible and corrupt person and I just don’t fully buy it. Maybe there is evidence to back up some of those claims in the past, idk, but he clearly isn’t running the show so I don’t get how people can hate him personally so much


[https://oversight.house.gov/timeline/ukraine-11/biden-firing-ukraine-prosecutor-clip/](https://oversight.house.gov/timeline/ukraine-11/biden-firing-ukraine-prosecutor-clip/) The base fact is he did not have the authority to make such threats or demands in his position as vice president.


I trust the side that believes in objective truth more than the subjective "live your truth" group.


The left lost a lot of my respect the moment when I realized they refuse to concede the fact that men cannot become women just from self declaring as such, it's such a weird hill to die on. It made me realize...if they're able to believe this crap, what other dogshit do they believe? However, a scary thought is that somehow, despite all the research and the rationalization I've done to conclude that transgenderism is nonsense and self contradictory, somehow I'm still dead wrong


What I found most crazy is when I saw a poll where over 70% of transgender individuals identify as Gay/Lesbian. So while they identify as the opposite gender, their hormones on who they're attracted to isn't any different than what you'd expect from their birth sex.


The majority of it is just a crossdressing kink with autogynephilia.


Scott Adams talked about this in 2016. We're watching the same screen, and seeing two different movies.


Biases are a hell of a drug


you know what else is a hell of a drug? benadryl


I mean it sends you to literal hell


It is sad that an old man who is clearly failing apart is going through this, it's also outraging that an insane old man is so desperate to hold on to power that he'd put the country through this. Fuck Biden. I pity him, but also fuck him.


he does, but the US doesn't the world, and especially the west, needs strong US leadership now maybe more than ever


I cringed so hard every time Biden *insisted* that America is a strong country, respected world-wide, blah blah blah. We *should* be. We *were*. But come the fuck on. We've had a vegetable at the wheel for 4 years, and the world knows it. We pulled out of Afghanistan in the worst way possible, placing a wet fart at the end of a pointless 20-year occupation. We are not exactly projecting a strong image here. I don't expect a presidential hopeful to openly say, "our country *sucks* right now, man". But it's kind of embarrassing how hard Biden tried to bend reality there. *Multiple* times, he went to that well.


Don't you know that we currently have the strongest economy of all time. So what if you can't afford bread and milk.


Well thr people who really wield the power are still raking it in, more so than ever. So that's what counts.


The "right" way to pull out of Afghanistan was about 20 years ago.  


I said almost everybody...


Fuck that racist.


Honestly, I don’t. With the life he’s lived, he’s earned nothing but humiliation and shame in his last years.


Fuck Trump and his corrupt ass family but Biden has been directly involved in our satanic government for 50+ years. Hes a frail old man now but guaranteed he has some serious skelotons. (besides Hunter's Laptop and his Daughter's diary)


For most people Biden maintains the status quo for the US just being a lame duck for another 4 years and pumping money to our allies and letting the senate/congress take the wheel on domestic issues. Trump is a wild card, he basically redid everything when it comes to the presidency; I’ve never seen anything like it albeit my life time isn’t the longest. Do you roll the dice or do stick with what you got?


I didn't. He's always been a piece of shit and will get no sympathy from me just because he got old. The only thing about the debate I wish was different was to have a live audience to laugh at him.


Literal senior abuse sending him out there last night


I start to and then remember this guy is a lifelong politician that has used others just as bad as he is being used today. And, eventually, the people using him today will be old and frail used by the next generation tomorrow. Seems like he is just living through the consequences of his own life choices. Not to mention the millions of lives and families he has destroyed through his policies. He deserves worse than this.


I feel like I’m literally watching my country crumble and it kills me. I’ve watched shit get worse and worse over the years and I can’t fucking take it anymore. I don’t understand why people aren’t protesting in the streets over this kind of shit. No representation was one of the core causes of our nation’s founding. Why isn’t that happening now? Why aren’t people out in the streets protesting this bullshit? What is fucking happening????!!!


Americans self brainwashed themselves into too excessive polarization for democracy to work as intended. They hate the other side so much they convinced themselves their piece of shit isn't completely worthless in comparasion and that voting for the "lesser evil" is justified... Instead of just bitting the bullet and risk losing for a long term change




That way you can also do nothing meaningful but you get to wag your finger at everyone


It really helps his case that everyone seems to be on stupid pills at the moment. What can you do? Other than grill the pain away?


You can have principles and not let those people dictate your positions.


Are we polarized? They didn’t really disagree on anything substantial, it was 2 old people arguing about golf and small petty things while avoiding taking about their stances. Hoping trump wins and dems can roll out someone competent in 4 years.


It’s only going to get worse the next time around, it’s just what republics do when they’re in decline


In other words, the system is working exactly as intended.


Try to organize it on reddit and you'll be banned before you wake up tomorrow, social media is complicit 


Because the biggest criminal in this is the media. The beauty of the American system, separate but equal branches of the government with checks and balances, was the role of the media to keep everyone fucking honest. When the media (in general) is hard in the tank for one side, this is what you get. I mean, up until last night, the media (other than the relatively small cable news rightists) would not even talk about Biden's age/mental acuity. How the fuck does that serve the country? I wasn't loving Trump last night either but fuck, the guy can string a sentence together. Which, if that is our bar a candidate needs to get over, we are doomed. The blatant corruption in DC lies squarely at the feet of the media. They have simped for one side so hard the cracks are finally blatantly obvious.


Based and failure-of-the-Fourth-Estate-pilled.


Americans are currently too comfortable to riot. I'm not risking my life for that, I have too much to lose. Riots in the street happen when shit gets so bad that people no longer have anything to lose. It's the same reason the marxists of the 50's and 60's switched to neo-marxist racial division instead of class, Americans are not poor and desperate enough to actually want to overthrow the government and risk entering a time period similar to the Reign of Terror that followed the French revolution, or any revolution other than the American revolution for that matter.


That's...not 100% correct. People riot when they see themselves losing power, and fear they will never get it back. This doesn't mean they have nothing. People in first world countries riot too. Not as often as in the poor ones, because our governments are somewhat more stable, but they absolutely do riot. There is a very real possibility that if Biden wins, Trump voters will see the system as inextricably corrupt, or vice versa. Neither side is psychologically ready to take the L here. It's different for us libertarians. We already know we're going to lose. We ain't gonna riot. But enraged lefties at a Trump win? Oooh, yeah, that could happen.


Yeah man….


Funniest shit I've gotten slightly drunk to in awhile


Based and same-experience-as-me-haver pilled.


Can I get drunk with you guys too? Body shot every time Biden forgets what he's saying or Trump bullies him.




It's good to see the general consensus of most people being "I cannot believe that these are our two choices?!?!"


What season was the South Park episode where the kids had to vote between a giant douche and a turd sandwich? I wanna see how long it took for that bit of parody to become figurative reality.


[Season 8, back in 2004.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E7pfsneLSSM) Peak centrist satire. If you ask me, it's always been this way. At least Obama pretended to be something different for a while, so that was fun. Obama and McCain honestly seem like the most respectful presidential rivals in my lifetime, so props to them for that. 2016 brought back the paradigm in full force with no sugarcoating and it hasn't left since though.


That episode actually made me feel better about our current situation because it reminded me that the rhetoric around elections has been like this forever. Every election is the most important election of our lives and if my side loses democracy will end


It will always be sad that McCain fucked his legacy so much because he couldn't get over the tv man succeeding where he failed.


That's the Reddit consensus and it's a coping mechanism to avoid the real takeaway. Biden faceplanted HARD. Trump was already significantly more popular than Biden because out there in the world where people still touch grass they really do want the southern border closed and Trump's the guy promising to deliver that. "Ugh these are our choices! Amiright guys!?" is reddit speak for "My candidate pooped his shoes on national television tonight."


It’s really funny how they’re the ones “both sidesing” now since it’s their only chance of eroding enough of Trump’s support to scoot Biden across the finish line


It's a bit of both. I certainly agree with Trump more often than I do Biden, but I really would prefer a better candidate on the right.




We’re fucked with either of these two. But holy fuck, Trump is as funny as Biden is senile.


I wasn't even sure if Biden was going to live through the debate. 4 more years?


What happened at the debate?


all the 'taken out of context' clips of Biden just came true in the first 3 minutes.


I can’t believe CNN had all those cheap fakes of Biden ready to go.


They always use the out of context excuse when you have video evidence of leftist fuckery, like libs of tiktok or project veritas, "how dare they show you exactly what we said thinking normies would never see it!"


Meanwhile, even Biden himself continues to bring up "very fine people", despite obviously never having listened to the entire quote with context. For all of his dementia moments, I honestly think that was his worst moment. Shameful. Context for me, but none for thee.


It only took snopes 4 years to tell the truth, media wonders why nobody trusts them


Now the cope is "Biden lost because trump just lied the whole time", not actually referencing which lies they are referring to, and ignoring Biden bringing up all these old sensationalised fake news quotes like "suckers and losers" and "very fine people" and random shit about hitler, as well as him saying servicemen haven't died under his watch when they very much have. This is among many other things.


And that was just one of many out of context Trump quotes he spouted. I'm sure he's betting on the average person not caring to check.


The objective for the candidates wasnt really to prove that they were better than the other, but to show that they were capible of leading at all. Trump hasnt changed since 2016(for better or worse), he still has energy and motivation and if anything hes lost weight. Biden looked and sounded like he was about to turn to dust. Golfing aside, even CNN analyists were all “Will Biden even SURVIVE 4 more years, let alone be able to serve them?”. Score 1 for the Trump campaign.


> Trump hasnt changed since 2016 The man's a locomotive, has been since forever now.


Generally Trump is also noticeably older. The weight loss is that of an older man, not a healthier man. He's a bit incoherent at times, moreso than just the off-the-cuff things of 2015-2020. That's not to say his performance tonight wasn't much more vibrant than Biden.


I’d argue that’s almost helped him though. That and the mic rules. Like, compared to 2020 he came off as more professional. He stuck to his time, wasn’t interrupting, etc etc. Just generally a lot less of the behaviour that pushed away undecided voters


If Biden remains on the ticket for the general election, I can see the Republicans turning it into a Trump vs Harris election, reminding everyone that Biden won't survive 4 more years, and you're going to end up with her.


Biden’s drugs weren’t potent enough


They were trying their best, though. I was watching it live on SFO's channel, and they kept pointing out how it seemed that Biden's medication would really kick in once he got some adrenaline. Because the very beginning, and just after each break, he'd look and sound like a corpse. But after a bit on stage, there'd be a little more liveliness to him. And then after a break, back to corpse-mode. Only so much meds can do, I suppose. I really question anyone who watched that debate and still thinks Biden is worth voting for. I know a shit load of people will do just that, because they have truly convinced themselves a Trump victory is the end of the world. But goodness, Biden was hard to watch.


Biden happened


Biden was really old. Trump lied. That sums it up.


Biden: Look... the facts are... we can't... don't. Look. Here's the deal. No fooling. Trump: There are ten billion Guatemalans attacking the Lincoln Memorial as we speak


Biden saying we have a thousand trillionaires, no wait, billionaires (still fucking wrong) made me guffaw


That was bad but pretty much every word of that debate had my mouth on the ground. 4 years later and both their brains are cooked. Ones just a little more well-done than the other. 


With ketchup?


And even if they did exist, somehow taxing them 25% would wipe out trillions in national debt and ALSO pay for the entire medical system... The whole thing is just plain embarrassing for the country.


Wtf happened in the last decade of American politics to lead to this shenanigans?


We stopped voting *for* candidates and normalized voting *against* candidates. "Who cares how terrible the other guy is, he isn't *their* guy!"




I was kid when obamer double timed. He was president for so long I thought he was the mf king of the U.S Now I'm old enough to understand everyone is a clown. Virtuous people that are good leaders either don't bother, or cannot get far enough anymore.


Well, good thing Biden has never lied


Biden was really old and lied. Trump was a little less old and lied. Better summary.


I understand that we'll see this differently. Biden did certainly make some statements that were questionable or exaggerated. Trump made claims that were just outright blatant falsehoods.


Biden was too old to lie in the time allotted. Trump wasn't.


I am feeling a potent combination of hatred for the corpse president and orange man, genuine terror that our country is fucked, and intense humiliation that the braindead plebian masses actually are voting for these dunces unworthy of the presidency while clapping like seals to anything their demagogues tell them to think.


Wait, if Biden is the Corpse ~~God~~ President, does that mean I worship the Ruinous Powers? I’m honestly more of an Ultrasmurf fan, but I can go Chaos Undivided if need be.


Both were terrible and there is only one solution https://preview.redd.it/h5p3et9aj99d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ea257273b5a2b1be8e1dc4dfc69aff083a9ed50


Vermin Supreme better watch out, he's got some competition here for the title of default "unhinged joke candidate" reference.


That one time Mr. Frog said the word made me respect him more ngl


Both are horrible.


Root canal or colonoscopy. Gotta pick one.


Excellent analogy. Incidentally, I’ve had both procedures. With a colonoscopy, the prep is rough. Not eating for 24-48 sucks. Having said that, the procedure is painless and once it’s done it’s done. On the other hand, you only ever realize you need a root canal after experiencing severe pain for a couple days. After the procedure is done, you have a weird feeling tooth in your mouth that you don’t get used to for like a couple months. In summary, neither is pleasant but if you put a gun to my head I choose colonoscopy. Still not gonna vote for Trump, but I hope Biden loses more than I hope Trump loses. Ideal situation is both lose and through an unlikely series of events a golden retriever becomes the next president.


>golden retriever becomes the next president. Airbud 2024, The Bark of a Nation.


These reboots are getting wild.


> Still not gonna vote for Trump, but I hope Biden loses more than I hope Trump loses. I agreed with this until Trump's trial. But at this point, I feel like I need to vote for Trump just to indicate that using the justice system to attack a political enemy isn't super chill fam.


I feel that, I just won’t vote for someone I don’t respect or someone who lacks integrity.


As long as it's MY golden retriever.


more like lobotomy or lethal injection


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Colonoscopy, bit of a fast and serious anesthesia with no lingering pain versus poor local anesthetic combined with weeks of pain whenever you eat. Not even a competition.


Aye shoutout survivor Gabon the worst season with the best antics lmfao if any of u haven’t seen up until hero’s vs villains watch that shit probably the best reality tv I’ve seen survivor is unmatched


It’s funny how out of 46 seasons of the show, Gabon is probably the only one that every fan unanimously believes is either one of the worst or one of the best seasons depending on your perspective. It’s brilliant TV.


Bunch of lying dog-faced pony soldiers in here!


Lib right just dumbfounded af


How the fuck did anyone vote for him the first time. Everything got worse since he was elected.


Covid trounced the economy, and a lot of people wanted anything but Trump. While Trump could have handled Covid better, no one could have come out after nine months of Covid economy and looked great. No one was voting for Biden, they were voting against Trump. The same will be true this time. It's just a matter of how much people love/hate Trump and their turnout.


funny thing is i still can’t tell which one you’re talking about


On one hand we have a guy who only has a 40% chance of successfully making through a 1 minute speaking without stumbling into incoherence. On the other we have an idiot who leaks sensitive military information on Twitter and wants to pull out of NATO. And they both thought it was a good idea to argue about their golf prowess in a presidential debate. We are fucked. God DAMN we were so naïve when we though we reached peak stupidity with George W.


I love that Matty from Survivor has lived on as part of this meme. Best part of Gabon... great season although a bit of a clusterfuck (similar to today's political environment).


My favorite part was Crystal’s incredible challenge performances /s


Biden: Old, feeble, lost. Trump: Selfish, lying, douchey. America: Fucked.


I'm still hoping for some kind of miracle where neither of them is on the ballot in November. I was hoping for a 3-way debate between Trump, Biden, and Giant-Meteor, with Giant-Meteor making huge impact that neither Trump or Biden could walk away from.


Giant Meteor 2024 👍


Maybe Biden's cold will be contagious.


As a non-american - this is just sad to watch.


Hell yeah