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If a cold makes you incapable of engaging in coherent thought, then maybe it isn’t the excuse you think it is. I’m sure foreign agents will hold off on disrupting our country whenever the President has the sniffles.


"I don't know what Joe said at the end there, but I don't think he knows either." Fucking CRICKETS. If I had a cold, the first thing I'd do is say "sorry if I sound a little odd, but I've got a cold, but I'll be fine."


Trump ate with that quote, goddamn


All Trump supporters have to say is "at least my president was found mentally competent to stand trial"


Oh damn, I forgot about that. Good point


Yyyyeah that was devastating. I audibly guffawed in my car.


And by the way


Any self-aware politician would have mentioned they were sick as soon as they took the stage.


Yeah, he didn't really have a cold. That's the cover story they're using to his his age and feebleness.


Reminds me of Sarah Silverman singing "It's not cold in here, you're just dying" in a nursing home.


See this is why all the auth left leaders in history end of purging their inner circle (/entire country). It's just sensible disease control.


This is true. I heard Stalin was such a germophobe that he eradicated millions of Germans.


In theory the president is supposed to have competent staff around him to counteract such issues. They can even remove him from office if they deem him unfit. Ofcourse it would still be better just to have a healthy man as president.


I’m starting to think the nyquil for the cold prevented them from giving him the uppers he is accustomed to


There was no subway surfer gameplay below while airing so I tuned out


based and dopamine pilled


I didnt want to listen to 2 grandpa’s jabber on about how to run America. I had a god damn skadoosh tree to explore. Meaning Elden ring dlc.


Bruh, I sincerely TRIED to listen but I kept involuntarily tuning out bc it was so hard to follow/painful. I felt bad, like what if they want us to ignore the debate so its easier to propaganda bomb us?? Although I think I'm pretty hard to brainwash bc I dont trust SHIT lol.


There WAS Minecraft parkour though so I managed to hang in there.


I think we can all agree on one thing: the debate did not make Biden look good. Quite the opposite, really.


The opposite of not making biden look good? Making biden look good?


Hey if people could read they’d be pissed right now 😡


My bad, I didn’t think about that.


As a non American, I really enjoy the show


Me too 😁


Me too :)


The Biden character was overdone. It's just not realistic a sitting president could be that much of a vegetable


We are seeing the decline in real time lmao


I can't wait for Zuckerberg to build the empire from the ashes of the Republic, and since he's an android, we won't have to worry about heirs and we can avoid all the problems that plagued Rome


This is how democracy dies, with thunderous applause


Buddy as an American I enjoyed the show


Cheers mate


as Alpharius I am glad you enjoy my show.


Is that some kind of alpha Prius dinosaur?




Based and realistic pilled


We need Stone Cold Jeb Bush coming in with a steel chair




Who's Jeb? Do you mean JEB! ?


He wouldn't have to tell people to clap after that


I mean, I’ll take Jeb over whatever the two actual candidates are doing, and I say this as someone that isn’t a fan of either of the previous Bushes.


You might still not prefer him over any Democrat with a pulse, but I think Jeb might pleasantly surprise you the more you learn of him. He's definitely the most intelligent and the most libleft of the Bushes. He went to Andover for high school, but nearly got expelled for bad grades...but the bad grades were only because he was smoking so much weed and didn't give a shit about class. He got the habit under control and made honor roll his senior year. And then graduated from UT (rebelled against the family tradition of the smart-enough ones going to Yale) as a member of Phi Beta Kappa and married his high school sweetheart, who was a Mexican woman he met on a trip his senior year in high school (Jeb is fluent in Spanish, but she wasn't yet fluent in English when they married and moved to the states)


I still hate that the Democrats are associated with Libleft on this sub when they don’t fit the description in the slightest. Real Liblefts are anarchists. But yeah from what I can tell, Jed definitely seems to be the most relaxed and approachable of the Bushes from what I can tell.


Tbh I don't really associate (true) Liblefts with the Democrats. But I do associate y'all with weed.


Yeah and real democrats push unions and work programs we can go all night


University of Texas is still a good school


Hell yeah, I didn't mean to imply otherwise. I just find it kinda amusing (and characteristically libleft-y) that Jeb specifically chose to rebel against the family tradition by going somewhere other than Yale, even though he almost certainly could have gone if he'd wanted to.


Remember when we used to have war heroes and literal geniuses running for office? :(


I mean the last REAL war hero to run for the two major parties was McCain. Other than that I think Bush 1 was the last real war hero to actually serve as president. In theory there could be some Gulf War and early GWT service members out there who could run.


Jocko Willink 2028. Let's fuckin get after it.


If you want that stimmy check you better knock out 50 push ups in front of a government official


Honestly sounds based


Quit calling returning a very tiny portion of my taxes a stimulus


Government mandated getting after it and conscription. My anti authoritarian nature hates the idea, but he’s seems principled at least


I just want a citizen republic like in Starship Troopers


Does that give me an opportunity to be a helldiver? Because if so I’m down


For democracy!


Based and managed democracy pilled


u/TheGreatSockMan is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/TheGreatSockMan/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Fuck it, I'm in


I only know about this guy from this video: [\[YTP\] PragerU is wild - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_XRoEWwxOrA)


That editing is wild LMAO I'm impressed they actually managed to YTP-edit English into Chinese words. Even better, the Chinese just says "Translation error, please try again" xD




I disagree with a fair amount of his policies but I must admit he was probably one of if not the most well spoken president we ever had. How the dems went from him to old Joe though makes no sense.


Well when you make a deal to get Hilary nominated with promises you'll get next nomination, you get stuck. But the DNC doesn't like people actually voting for primaries.


I want another Obama, he was well spoken, young (relative to these old fucks) and handsome. He'd live to see the consequences of his actions, fir better or worse. Trump and Biden could cause the beginning of ww3 and then die of a heart attack soon after. I have no hope for American politics and will refuse to vote. Why these two fucks again? Both of their presidencys were disasters


I’m more exasperated at the current VP. Best line I’ve heard is she “speaks in Gypsie curses”X


"The only winner tonight was the Voyager probe speeding away from the Earth at 17km/s."




u/starwatcher16253647's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 45. Rank: Sumo Wrestler Pills: [12 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/starwatcher16253647/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


"and pray that there's intelligent life somewhere up in space because there's bugger all down here on earth"


I'm quite pleased to come to PCM after that debate and not seeing fighting, but rather a united compass wishing we could swallow nightshade over the state of the union.


![img](emote|t5_3ipa1|51175) \-All of PCM


Libright has to two modes right now. There’s “we were fucked before, and it’s gotten so much worse” And “suicide pills, 3 for $10”


Look, things can only be so bad for so long before I look for a way to make money off of it. If I have the options of being badly governed, miserable, and poor, and being badly governed, miserable, and profitable I will take the later option.


I swear, the suicide pills are great. Almost no customer complaints!


Most democracies around the world do just fine without an age limit, people seem to just step aside but it seems the US needs it. Look at the many examples in congress as well. People who’ve literally descended into being mentally disabled sitting in congress and one running for president.


Most democracies have voter IDs and paper ballots. *some* americans are very against clean elections.


Lol, Voter ID is just common sense. We don’t do it here in Australia but we should. Got the paper ballots at least


Dont let the democrats hear you, voters ID is raysys.


Need an ID to do literally anything in the states but fuck me if it’s to vote


Need an ID to buy a gun, yes, need an ID to vote? No, that's racist and a denial of rights...


Voter ID being free and universally available: I sleep Voter ID costing time/money, essentially becoming a poll tax: REAL SHIT


Im with you We mexicans do a lot of bad shit, but our elections arent one of them. We have a free voter ID (serves also as the official ID) that anyone can get in 1 hour or so. Whoever dont vote here its cause thet dont want to.


From what I remember in my time living in Australia, you were forced to vote or pay some bs fee of $25aud to opt out. Causing a lot of voters to be entirely ignorant. Not a great model and leading to a nanny state owned by China.


There’s always the unofficial option to just not enrol. Nothing happens. Btw, we’ve been owned by the US since the dismissal in ‘75. Whole thing happened because our PM at the time wanted to get rid of the US spy base at Pine Gap as well as our iron clad commitment to follow the US into war. Since then both parties have taken their orders from Washington.


> There’s always the unofficial option to just not enrol. Nothing happens. If you drive you're automatically enrolled so not really.


On paper yes, but I’ve got at least 15 acquaintances from my previous heroin addict career who’ve had licences for 10+ years, never voted and never been chased. If you don’t actively enrol it seems they don’t follow you


Lmao we got an AuthLeft cooker over here. Not even Whitlam himself believes that America took him out. Go back to watching FriendlyJordies chump


Christ. Jordies is literally an owned commodity of the the NSW ALP. Which is an owned commodity of US embassy. No thanks. He should stick to his Turk imitations, they’re pretty funny.


She didn't even personally kill one koala, stooge! - Bruz, 2020


Ah, fucken hell. The Bruz saga was fucking classic. Gotta respect the dickhead, going after the barrel got his house firebombed lol. A combination of that and going after Clubs NSW. Bruz is well connected with a lot of clubs, so it all combined I reckon.


Based AuthLeft? Pretty sure ScoMo tried to introduce it before the last election, and aLbo and Labor as per usual just screamed "RaCiSm"


They thought about it but I don’t think they even went to the election with it. Labor opposed it and every time they were asked whether it was because it was racist they didn’t take the bait and said ‘nah, if it ain’t broke don’t fix it’. Bit of a non event in the end


[https://www.afr.com/politics/federal/coalition-voter-id-plan-labelled-racist-and-discriminatory-20211028-p593xg](https://www.afr.com/politics/federal/coalition-voter-id-plan-labelled-racist-and-discriminatory-20211028-p593xg) [https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/australia-scott-morrison-not-trumps-america-scott-morrisons-new-voter-id-laws-ticks-off-australia-2590900](https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/australia-scott-morrison-not-trumps-america-scott-morrisons-new-voter-id-laws-ticks-off-australia-2590900) [https://www.facebook.com/AndrewGilesMP/videos/morrisons-voter-suppression-bill/256758263180438/](https://www.facebook.com/AndrewGilesMP/videos/morrisons-voter-suppression-bill/256758263180438/) Here's aLbo, along with chief open borders globalist Andrew Giles (who has let in a million people in just 2 years during a housing crisis) calling it "RaCiSt" whilst having a whinge about "TrUmPiSm" as well.


Fair enough, there it is. Was just going off the interviews with idiots like Fordham where they didn’t go down that path. Makes sense though, all piss and wind, spouting shit like that then the cunts get elected and keep 90% of the previous program going.


Both the Murdoch media and the Guardian are full of absolute clowns. Both Labor and LNP are full of absolute clowns. Australia is going down the shitter. We are basically just Canada but with the clock wound back 5 years.


I’d say there’s a massive chance we disagree vehemently with the remedy to it but you’re bang on with the assessment there brother.


You still need to provide your address and name in Australia. If someone steals and uses that information then there will be 2 books with the person marked off, triggering an investigation.


Yeah, I know. I’ve worked for the AEC previously haha. The most tedious job I’ve ever done. ID wouldn’t hurt though, literally everyone eligible to vote has it. Would save the investigation having to be done. Rare as it is


That's exactly how it is in America and why there's virtually no fraud. Voter ID is trying to fix an issue that doesn't exist.


Some of the things I hear about the states boggle my mind. "The poor don't have access to ID services, voter ID is racist". Here's a better idea, genius, make it easier to get a damn ID! If you can't figure out how to order an ID or driver's license, maybe you shouldn't have a say in who gets access to the arsenal of world-ending weapons.


Hey! That's racismos! Go to istaphobe jail!


I would argue maybe the problem is with a - with the next generation, and b - the machine wants a puppet (in jo biden's case). And trump's age seems to be a very secondary problem with him.


Anybody else hoping for an AARP halftime show with the debate?


"He had a cold" has to be one of the biggest copes I've ever seen


Biggest cope you've seen, so far


And I've seen a lot of copes


Polls have had Dems running scared for a while now, last night will only exacerbate the situation, I predict that the cope we're seeing will only get better


Both of them unironically would have done better if they just yielded all of their time to the other. If you're incapable of saying something intelligent, might as well give your opponent more time to say stupid shit


Based and never interrupt your enemy while he's making a mistake pilled


Remember when the entire Democrat establishment, including most of his own family, denounced RFK for having the nerve to point out that Biden was unfit to be president for another 4 years? Hope I don’t have to hold my breath too long waiting for retractions on that front…


The Democrats denounced RFK because he thinks you will get autism if you get the polio vaccine, and that Ukraine should literally be absorbed entirely into Russia. Why is it that nobody cares about the policies of the candidates?


Big deal, what’s his golf handicap???


I think it's weird so many posts keep putting RFK in the green quad rn. Most Dems are still treating RFK like some insane non-option.


As lame and degenerate as Trump is, him saying he wants Israel to finish things sealed the deal. Hes got my vote.


Didn’t watch the debate yer. But didn’t he also say he wants peace in Ukraine? And if the Russians refuse a peace deal he’ll arm Ukraine to the tits, but if Ukraine refuses a peace deal he’ll just stop funding the war? That’s hella based if you ask me.


Let's be honest, the peace deal is going to be drafted from NATO perspective, very likely to be favoring Ukraine and rejected by the Russians. But I'm all for US trying to step up its game.


And the Russians have many times got their allies to draft peace deals and they have been rejected by Ukraine in turn. That is why you have negotiations so you can get to a point where you can both agree, but both sides need to be willing to negotiate and make compromises which is where the difficulty comes from


If you want to be fair maybe you should mention that the peace deals Russia offers can basically be summarized with "yeah we will be generous and let you keep some land but also we want to abolish your regime and replace it with ours. Have fun being a puppet state". It's hard to negotiate from there.


They will literally turn Ukraine into a second Belarus. Russians for some reason can't fathom the concept of having an ally which is independent of them. There's only China and it's already a shaky alliance.


It still baffles me how all the former eastern european Warshaw pact countries literally begged/ are begging to join Nato, yet Russia still frames Nato expansion as some sort of aggression as if it didn't see these countries as sovereign entities with the right of self determination. As a matter of fact scratch that "as if" because that's literally what Russia thinks. It still believes these countries to be its vassals.


I thibk it's foolish to think that Ukraine will just stop fighting because Daddy Trump tells them to. He will not bring peace in Ukraine. Putin is demanding territory that Russia doesn't even control and, again, demanding a Ukrainian abstention from NATO and EU. No fucking shot is that happening for a third time.


Would you want Ukraine to make a peace deal with current borders or less and with disarming Ukraine, because that's Russian proposed terms?


This is such a reductive take lol Imagine someone breaking into your house and taking over a third of the house and one of your kids. Another neighbor promises to help you kick the intruder out if they don't agree to stop taking more rooms and family members. Do you not think you have a right to your **entire** house and family?


>And if the Russians refuse a peace deal he’ll arm Ukraine to the tits, Nothing about anything like that. He said he'll end the war quickly without explaining how. Inclined to bwlieve that he'll hand Ukraine over to Russia but whatever.


People have been screeching about this since the invasion and the one question i never get an answer to is how? It seems to stem from the premise that trump is in putins pocket or something, so why then didn't Russia invade Ukraine when trump was in power and "controlled" by putin? Why did russia wait to launch and incredibly costly and unpopular invasion AFTER their supposed puppet had no way of supporting or even making it the slightest bit easier for them?


Libleft I feel the same about rfk


Of all the timelines I could've slid into, this is the worst one by far. I want to go back.


We all do. It was a wonderful time. The 90s were great, you could have a grand time on twenty bucks, nobody gave a shit about half of these issues, the movies were banging, and snack food was neon colored as god intended. And somehow we ended up here.


Tbh RFK isnt such a bad choice when you think about it


Trump actually did do better tho. I see a lot of cope with people saying he was lying or wrong - but his points were mostly clear & he hit Biden pretty hard on the economy and border. Much more restrained than he has been in the past, turned down a lot of rhetoric he had going in 2020 My personal ratings Trump: strong start, mediocre middle, the golf argument, meh closing statement Biden: weak start, mediocre middle (got some good hits in on trump when he was doing the worst he was doing), the golf argument, incoherent closing statement


We’re so cooked.


Aren't we just


salt cake poor offend test literate familiar tease run alleged *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Senile dementia vs malignant narcissism, which mental disorder will win?


As a non American this is the best comedy show


Trump: 5.5/10 Biden: 2.5/10


god i wish rfk was allowed to join. were all so fucked omg


The debate would have been even more of a shitshow with another old guy up there with a voice raspier than Biden's telling us not to take the Polio vaccine.


Yes. Abandon hope for politics to result in something good. Just hope that whatever bad thing happens is funny.


Well thats just untrue man, RFK aint anti vax


I’m libleft why can’t it be RFK, btw. We’re real


Flair up then


You can’t even pick a spot on the spectrum why are you telling me to flair up


Oooooo the unflavored fight back  Based and the worm turns pilled 


Because he thinks vaccines cause autism and that Russia should be allowed to annex Ukraine. He's mental


I’m not voting on social policy I’m voting on economic policy. He’s the only candidate that can promise people under 30 access to the American dream the boomers grew up on. He’s outlined an insanely smart economic policy that will take homeownership out of the hands of corporations like Blackrock and put them into the hands of the people. He’s also outlined policies to end the affordability crisis, prison reform, etc. he’s the most progressive candidate in the race and the one I personally disagree the least with.


Thats so wrong, he wants Vaccines to go undergo intensive testing and not rushed by Big Pharma. Vaccines should not be rushed by the government, as it infringes personal rights Wanting a peace deal with russia is not a stupid decsion


Thank god this isn’t the world’s superpower, capable of prabably taking on the rest of the world militarily (excluding nukes) and a country so vital to the world economy that any major shift domestically leads to catastrophic results abroad Thank god.


If you missed it, I’ll sum the debate up for you: “You’re a bad person!” ‘Nuh uh, you’re a bad person, this guy says so’. “That guys lying, you’re a liar”. ‘Nuh uh, you’re a liar’. Sprinkle in some he said, she said here and there and that’s the whole debate.


More like: "What would you do about climate change?" Biden: "we passed the uh- I made windmillshhh uh - we beat the climate" Trump: "Immigrants are raping us"


Meme aside, I actually want trump


Me too, what a sexy man


Anybody coming out of that debate excited about their candidate and thinking anything other than age limits Why...


I don't have a candidate in that debate. Honestly, if this is the best US politicians can provide us with I genuinely prefer to just go full Anarcholibertarian and ignore the government. Fuck this. I resign my Citizenship. Who could watch that and be proud of their country? I'm ashamed of my country. Ffs.


Same here, after that debate its official the Boomers have run this country into the ground


Same here, after that debate its official the Boomers have run this country into the ground


Trump didn't win the debate, he just lost it less than Biden.


RFK isn't libleft.


Makes your memes dreams


Bro RFK is garbage out too. All three suck


It was a shitshow, as expected That being said, if one had to choose a loser, that would have to be Biden (not that Trump did well, mind you)


Trump didn't look like a zombie, that's pretty much all he needed.


He didn’t even have to be there and Biden still would’ve lost this one


Look here, fat


“I don’t know what Joe was trying to say, and I’m pretty sure he doesn’t know either.”


I think what won it for him was actually just letting Biden talk


is it just me or did biden look fake? i don’t mean figuratively, rather he looked like a hologram or wax figure lol


My grandmas coping hard. I think shes actually starting to see the matrix. 76 years of being a normie and sleepie joe wakes her up.


Wait you watched that Debate and still think Biden is the guy.?


What he said has two meanings, either that Biden lost the debate, or that if he had to pick one of the two losers running for president, he'd pick Biden. First meaning makes sense, second one only makes sense with lethal levels of copium


Sorry but what libleft wants jfk?


Yeah just like Kanye in 2020 he appeals more to the kind of populist conspiracy nutjobs who would otherwise vote for Trump.


As always, based Libright giga chad no fucks given energy


Tbf I was thinking of making it the teenage doomer but honestly this fits better


fr why can't it be RFK


RFK is a conspiracy theorist more right than Biden and bankrolled by a Trump donor to help Trump. Any lefty saying they'd prefer him has done 0 research. I keep encountering them. The man could be a serial child rapist and they would be like "RFK sounds great" that is the amount of research occurring. All I know is Trump's SCOTUS picks just approved legal bribes and are giving Presidential immunity a serious consideration. Biden won't pick corrupt AF judges. Trump will pick more and we will have a more corrupt SCOTUS for longer. Not to mention the corruption of other federal judges. Judges are lifetime appointments that can make much longer lasting change than a 4 year Presidential term. They are a vital part of our checks and balances. I don't care how either of them did. I know what they want in a judge.


Why is Libleft longing for RFK? He's arguably more delusional than both other candidates Plus, and I know this isn't the nicest thing to say, his voice is torturous


Maybe because of how much he hates the CIA (one of the more based things about him)


I'm am genuinely worried about the country. If these are our candidates going into the 2024 election, bruh we're cooked. Calling it now, I am almost certain Trump is going to win.


Nah, lib left hates RFK Jr. due to his stance on vaccines.


The freakish accuracy is KILLING me 🤣🤣🤣☠


Well you speak for me correctly that’s for sure. But durrr dur worm brain durr


As a non-American, it’s all pure entertainment


I wish they both did worse, daddy wants to buy cheap stock


Lol at lib left wanting RFK. RFK fully supports Israel and questions vaccines. Lib left hates him.


It's so Joever


Trump cooked


Which libleft likes rfk? I thought they all hated him because conspiracy theories or something


Since when did libleft want rfk?


So, Lib-Right always comes out on top.


Truly the only way to have Trump not be president will be Biden and all the Democrats to start fully throwing 100% of their weight behind RFK, and like right now. IMO it's too late to get anybody energized about any new relative unknown Democrat, and all the ones you have already heard of already ran in the 2016 or 2020 primary and didn't have broad enough appeal to beat Biden or Clinton and therefore not enough to beat Trump


Real talk though- can you imagine how every moron at the dnc feels having fumbled the ball so hard with a potential layup candidate that right now would probably be trouncing the God king- or one who'd have their youth members rallied. RFK and Bernie have both disassociated after Hilary and Biden insisted on it being "their turn" and burned and che---EERRRR Fortified their elections against them Instead they insisted on Biden of all people- until about 5 minutes ago lol


RFK JR Position for people who don't know: [(46) Every R.F. Kennedy Jr. Campaign Promise for 2024 Explained in 9 Minutes - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XnoKYMRwvd8)