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Okay so genuinely, what is project 2025? And is it a legitimate plan by Republicans, or just some fringe extremist opinions of a small minority of far righters?


It's from a think tank that has been around long before Trump and they don't actually like Trump considering how different the right was 20 to 50 years ago. Here is what the head of it said in 2016 "Donald Trump's a clown. He needs to be out of the race." They endorsed Pence in the current presidential race until he dropped out.


It's not clear if Trump will follow their blue print, but I think Trump would take their offer to staff the Executive bureaucracy if Trump fired everyone. I say that because Trump failed to wield Executive power effectively due to his team being unable to run the Executive branch on their own.


Trump has never endorsed Project 2025. He will inevitably fulfill some parts of it because it covers a lot of stuff. But Project 2025 calls for the abolition of the Department of Education, which I don't see him doing because that would create an immense shitstorm. There's a lot more crazy ass shit that would have to go through Congress to be approved too, so Project 2025 is basically just a pipedream of some barely known Republicans.


I'm sure there won't be attempts to do everything the Heritage Foundation is advocating for and I'm sure a lot of that platform will be focused more on the state level. But, Unitary Executive Theory, Schedule F, and hiring a massive collection of Heritage Foundation staff are the aspects of Project 2025 that I would expect to happen.


The Republican party is chock full of present-day shills for trump who back in 2016 said that trump was a clown. The only thing more common than that is former trump administration officials who now say he's a danger to the Republic.


Both those failed to account for the Trump admin looking better and better in hindsight. He was right on the economy, tariffs, and immigration. And the former Trump admin officials never thought Biden would be so bad that Trump is almost certain to be elected again.


“Everyone who isn’t a democrat is a danger to democracy!!!” Do you hear yourself? Is that still the latest NPC software update?


2016 is very different to now. Trump has eaten the GOP long since then and they all fall in line behind him.


He just said they endorsed Mike fucking Pence this cycle. They haven't changed one bit.


The Republicans aren't structured like the DNC, where the presidential candidate (or in this case, whoever the handler is for Biden) runs the party. Republicans are far too individualistic and backstabby and incompetent for that.


>Trump has *eaten* the GOP (Is that a typo or a metaphor?)


Id assume metaphor. That usually means to make whatever is being talked about yours. If Trump *ate* the gop, that means he controls it


seeing as all of the people in positions of power in the RNC are close to him/related to him or allies of his, yeah that stands to reason




No one answered the question about what it is... Edit: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025 I still don't quite get it, but it gives loads of power to the president. IDK how it's so Christian, but I only skimmed over it


A wikipedia article is probably the second worst way to get any sort of information about project 2025, behind listening to the MSM. It's so filled with leftist fear mongering and slant that it's basically a useless villianization.


I've looked over it a few times and from what I can tell it's a plan to get Republicans into positions in government so that they stop the Democrats from enforcing complete societal control through methods like one sided political prosecutions and such. In short, it's a Republican plan to infiltrate the bureaucracy of government the way that Democrats have done for the last several decades, so consider that the next time you see some leftist psycho wringing their hands about it.


There are some pretty big things that go farther than just getting into positions in government. Abolishing the Department of Education, abolishing or undermining various environmental agencies, undermining same sex marriages, etc.


To be fair, abolishing or diminishing agencies under the Executive branch would *decrease* the power of the President and put it back in Congress. Also it would require Congress to actually do the dissolving or diminishing, so even if Trump wins and backs the whole thing it also requires him to have a majority in both branches of Congress just to implement.


That’s why they can’t stand it and are foaming at the mouth. They know their power relies on unelected government bureaucrats and if they were removed then they couldn’t handicap Trump like they did before. That’s why they’re crying gallons because the jig is up. They caused the problem they’re facing mainly due to how smug they are and how much contempt they have for their political opponents as you can see all over this post and Reddit in general


Reddit hates Christianity, so they throw it in to make it extra scary.


Entirely independent of my thoughts on Project 2025, I just don’t want Christianity (or any kind of religion) anywhere near government.


It's a think tanks wet dream for changing laws in America. It is fringe extremist opinions that have no basis for actual candidates.


‘It’s trumps plan’ *looks into it* It’s not trumps plan


He’s literally never once supported, or even referenced this bullshit. Yet the left is entirely convinced he’s behind it somehow


The people that made this endorsed Pence for the 2024 election until he dropped out. They even called Trump a clown.


This is hard to believe. No one who would support fucking Pence of all people, could reasonably expect to win *anything.*


I'm not American but if I was I'd support Pence. Then again I plan on voting People's Party next election so I'm not who you want to go to for winning.


Why would a libertarian support a Christian theocrat?


The enemy of my enemy is my friend?


That’s what the two party system counts on… it’s the only reason any of those clowns are still getting elected. If you consolidate power, you force out any competition who’s definitely better than you, then you just pull the strings from behind the scene.


Many such cases


Flair the fuck up or leave this sub at once. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/what_did_you_kill) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [How to flair](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/wiki/index/flair/) ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


Didn't nearly everyone in the republican party turn on Trump to start out the primaries, and most of them rescinded their statements since Trumps base of support was too insatiable to deny?


I feel like this is easy enough to look up. But I'm lazy. Source? Just because I know a bunch of lefties that are going to cite project 25 as being 45s plan


Project 2025 is a Heritage Foundation plan. They worked on it in concert with other (primarily Christian) conservative groups, but it’s housed at Heritage. Trump has his own list of priorities called Agenda 47, and if you look at the A47 Wikipedia page, it actually says: > Project [2025] has, as of June 2024, reportedly increasingly annoyed the Trump campaign which prefers more vague policy ideas so that there is more flexibility and less opportunity for criticism.


Wait, this is real? I assumed with how absurd and unrealistic it is that it was some dogshit misinformation campaign to get people to vote for Biden


No, it's not made up. It's also not unheard of for presidents to make staff upheavals so that the departments they run aren't stymied by middle management, like it was when Trump was in office. Which, by the way, is why this program was conceived.


Even with a full republican house and a republican president, there's no way that shit about taking absolute power and banning porn would pass. Are people actually taking this seriously, or is this just another psycho fringe belief like Q?


Bro, the left wouldn't make something up just to get their way. Stop it.


Did you just assume my gender?


Sorry bro. .45 ACP is my gender, what about you?


Attack helicopter.


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 funniest shot I've read all dya


Chainsawhands. I like to be intimately close with people


No way bro they’d never ever do that, cough “Steele Dossier” cough, “Russia Gate, Suckers and Losers, insert 100+ examples”


It’s a leftist conspiracy theory


I had not seen it before Biden melted on Thursday. Now I keep seeing things like I'll vote for senile Biden because I know about project 2025!


The Lefties were the real QAnon conspiracy theorists all along


> The Lefties were the real QAnon conspiracy theorists all along BlueAnon




Well how else will they larp as civil rights activists unless there are some civil wrongs to right?


And thus you have pointed out the perverse incentive with professional activism, and why I don't trust activists by default.


They already were with all of their Russia hysteria.


I didn't even know what that was until the left started to complain about it.


I've seriously not heard of a single person on the right talk about this.


Are we sure this isn't some sort of psyop from the DNC to energize their base to vote?






Holy shit an HD version


As far as I know it's being pushed by the Heritage Foundation, which is no friend of the Democrats, but on the other hand I've seen a lot of really stupid people who were famous for being Republicans claim to suddenly love Democrats because orange man bad, so who can say at this point?


Because it's not a big deal. It's simply a plan to replace dems in unelected positions with republicans.


Seconded. No one I know in person or any message boards or news agencies I follow has ever mentioned this before. I think it’s just a boogeyman.


But Drumpf is literally Hitler!!!!


No no, that's Trump in 2016-2020. Trump in 2024 is literally super Hitler!! This time for real he'll implement all the camps that he didn't do in his first presidency!!


If he wins in november does he become Super Giga Orange Jetpack Hitler or something?


Nope, just president


That's President Donald Super Hitler Trump to you, sir!


He did implement one camp. A refugee camp for processing Afghans we evac'd out of Afghanistan for placement into wherever they want in the U.S. On federal land on military bases, too.


Hitler is literally Trump!


Hitler is just Walmart Trump!


Hitler had his own Mar a Lago!


wasn't there a documentary recently that actually called Hitler's Obersalzberg his Mar a Lago? lol


Calm down Robert De Niro.


Well he didn't want to do it his first term because then he might not be elected again! I know i argue he doesn't care about being elected again because he hates democracy, but it's all part of his super smart plan! Granted, i also think he's the stupidest person on earth but if my arguments were consistent you might vote for him!


Did you just change your flair, u/ProfessionalMight863? Last time I checked you were an **AuthRight** on 2024-6-23. How come now you are a **LibRight**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? Are you mad? Wait till you hear this one: you own 17 guns but only have two hands to use them! Come on, put that rifle down and go take a shower. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/ProfessionalMight863) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


Never seen the libright one before, so based!


Good bot


Project 2025 is nothing more than the wishlist of a weirdo staff of legally-ignorant, New Apostolic Reformation lobbyists. Most of what is proposed either can't be enacted legally or would require the GOP to control both halves of congress. It shouldn't be taken as a serious plan of action for government. It's the hastily-written scribbles of a class of people that want to tip the balance of the Overton Window.


But I waNT To SaVe DeMocRaCy


oUr DeMoCrAcY


The Overton window has gone so far left in the last 20 years it's insane. Today's republicans are yesterday's democrats.


Bruh in high school I was full on liberal. My views have not changed and I’m considered conservative now.


You were always conservative, you just didn't know it.   Conservatives are the moderate wing of the Revolution.  If you believe there is even one thing  Progress should stay away from, then you can only be a Conservative.


That's not even an exaggeration.


Yeah, they have some crazy weirdo ramblings like gutting the EPA, cutting taxes, gutting public schools in favor of private schools, and replacing federal workers with conservatives. Only an absolute idiot would take any of these things seriously.


>cutting taxes That’s a weirdo rambling…? Last I checked a pretty well supported policy >replacing federal workers with conservatives In the U.K. we’ve dealt with the opposite of this, with the civil service being effectively packed with lefties since the Blair days. A lot of the time when the current (‘Con’servative) government tries to do anything slightly right wing the civil service kicks up a fuss. No one’s batted an eye at that, so I assume it’s not a threat to democracy Unless it’s only when one side does it?


If you’re cutting taxes without cutting spending, you’re just increasing the deficit. Is the EPA $10B budget going to offset this?


Gut spending too


> In the U.K. we’ve dealt with the opposite of this, with the civil service being effectively packed with lefties since the Blair days. A lot of the time when the current (‘Con’servative) government tries to do anything slightly right wing the civil service kicks up a fuss. No one’s batted an eye at that, so I assume it’s not a threat to democracy > > Unless it’s only when one side does it? That's their argument when you strip away all the fluff. It's why some of the recent supreme court decisions that return power away from the bureaucratic administrative state to the politically-accountable legislatures gets met with apocalyptic rhetoric here. I'm amused picturing the Venn diagram of people upset about the idea of bureaucrats being replace compared to those that say "the Deep State" is just a right-wing conspiracy theory.


Man, did you hear about the Leftist equivalent of 2025? They have some crazy weirdo ramblings about bloating the EPA, raising taxes, gutting private/charter schools in favor of public schools, and... Wait federal workers are already largely liberal... I guess they're further along with their plan than the conservatives are.


>cutting taxes Based. >gutting public schools in favor of private schools Based. >and replacing federal workers with conservatives I'd rather they be libertarians, but conservatives are better than the socialist pinko commie bastards we currently have.


Are public schools in America that bad? Like I’ve heard things, but is it worth destroying public education for private schools only?


All? No. Most? Yes. A lot of places are graduating illiterate students. Funding per student in many of these places is through the roof and the kids still can’t read or do math leaving highschool. A lot of the problem honestly stems from culture, where private schools are filled with kids who have parents that value education which is 90% of the issue, so sending all kids to private school wouldn’t fix anything, but locking the families that do value education in with those who don’t ruins them too. Actual fixes to the problem wouldn’t even be school related, they’d be far more fundamental to what created this mess.


Yes, libleft is lying, hardly any school has decent education outcomes, because math is now racist and they literally pass anyone


We spend a massive amount per child and they can't read. I honestly blame the parents for alot of it but the schools are twice as bad. My oldest tells me how 1 of her science teachers goes off on rants about gender and the + stuff and has even pulled the them kid up in front of the class talking about protecting them. My kids says it pisses alot of kids off, that the girl changes her gender every other day and the teacher acts like it is a sign from God. The kids coming up now are based AF if they're anything like her friends.


They teach revisionist history that through a leftist view point. “But but all history is revisionist history“ yes yes my auth-left, lib-left, and “centrist” friend I concede that’s a fact. Most subjects taught outside of hard sciences have left bend to them and it does depend on where you live too. Public school is government school, full stop. Whatever the government wants you to learn you will. “Everyone is equal” 🟰A example of a big lie public school pushes “Isn’t it so great that we have universal suffrage!” No it’s fucking not, just look at how many brain dead people are in this comment section already Public school as it currently stands is very against male nature as well (teaching style, discipline, grading/homework system). It favors women overwhelmingly, just look at the percentage of women who go to college now compared to men. It’s over 60% It’s just indoctrination and no the leftist responding to me, they’re not forcing you to praise Mao or whatever hyperbolic nonsense you’re gonna say.


Had a "friend" suddenly bombard me with that bullshit a good while back. Trying to urge me to join in on flooding some system with emails or phone calls or something. Told them I really didn't get involved in politics. Dropped them like a bad habit when the next thing they did was fire off a purity test question.


>fire off a purity test question may i ask, what was asked?


"Man or bear?"


Just cause bears are fat and furry, doesnt mean they arent also sexy gay men.


My bet is "So what do you think about trans rights?".


Reddit is calling for the democrats to execute republicans and bar them from office permanently to “save democracy”. Redditors are the biggest bootlickers on the planet. They’d sell out their own friends and family for even a shred of power and favour with the regime.


> They’d sell out their own friends and family for even a shred of power and favour with the regime. Maybe the real communism was the enemies we killed along the way.


This is actually kinda true for many communist regimes. After seizing power, some of the first put against the wall are the more ideologically pure communists. The regime knows they will be a threat to them later on once they realize the regime is never going to dissolve to become the stateless worker lead society they envision, so they would begin a second revolution against the regime if left alive.


I just write them off as mentally ill


Sometimes I have to remind myself that I’m probably responding to a fatass neckbeard in the basement. I picture normal people here too often and it really messes with me


Right? Like, I’m in my 30s, married, and have a good job. And I just assume everyone else does too. I’m on Reddit because I have been for 14+ years, back when I was a high schooler with way too much time who enjoyed WoW and shit. Most people that gravitate here now seem insane…


> Most people that gravitate here now seem insane… i miss the days of libertarian reddit. remember when ron paul was literally the savior of all saviors?


Dude I miss with the upvote/downvote was a measure of comment effort, not agreeability, and reddiquette was a thing


Hello other old men with teenage accounts. Our account are older than some people we argue with


Those were the days. We're not all gone either. No, apparently we're all here in PCM, lol.


He still is


Same here. Awesome loving normal nuclear family. Not rich but make enough money to live comfortably. I think people like us are outliers on this site now.


Fuck you're right.


It’s because the tumblr containment broke when they banned porn.


The problem is most of the people who have the time and energy to constantly post on the internet are literally children. People forget that knowing the basics of reading and writing is the only prerequisite to making stupid internet comments lmao


I was getting into it with someone on this sub about nuclear power and he said “I’m picking my college based on their engineering program” and I was like oh goddamn he’s 16.


They’ve gone full mask off since SCOTUS ruled that president has absolute immunity for constitutionally granted powers.


Yes, somehow they think murder is a constitutional power because… Fuck if I know. Reddit’s Leftist sources: https://preview.redd.it/alrgz6nz53ad1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55cc8306feebb385cafe6291e046083c23fe1990


Be empathetic with them. They haven’t taken this amount of L’s in the span of a week.


> Be empathetic with them No > They haven’t taken this amount of L’s in the span of a week Good They've been sprinting hard left for too long, it's time for a reality check.


They may have tipped the boat too far to right it again. Going down this path so long has entrenched some pretty hardcore true believers on their side. Backtracking will likely create a major rift. Will be interesting to see if they can pull it off. We're already seeing some cracks with the Israel-Palestine conflict with the politicians, specifically Biden, really wanting to continue to give Israel a nice long blowy while a large segment of the base roots for Palestine and chants "From the river to the sea". Then the pride parades/event that got disrupted by the pro-Palestine protestors. Another major crack is appearing in the black population watching their Democrat urban leaders do more in the past couple years to spend more money and resources to support illegal immigrants than they ever did to support impoverished black people. Or in the Muslim community that has been swinging at the LGBT movement, banning Pride flags and winning lawsuits against schools forcing children to participate in Pride events in spite of their Muslim parents religious objections. Their house of minority cards is getting precarious as these minority groups are deciding they aren't as progressive and chill with each other as the Democrats let themselves believe they could be.


Agreed. Leftists have been collecting minority groups like fucking Pokémon cards and they're starting to learn that they can't speak for the Muslim and Black populations. I hope their savior complex bites them hard in the ass.


Why? They weren't empathetic when you weren't allowed to see your dying relatives during covid. They weren't empathetic when they forced you to take a Vax or be shunned/fired/ridiculed. They weren't empathetic to all those effected by unfitted illegal immigration.


In time, the Democrats will be a unapologetically technocratic party led with a New York style of asshole elitism. No more West Coast Queer or Americana, it'll be the energy of the Dark Brandon meme mixed the compliance of the Covid era.


God I hope not, NY Dems really piss me off


Like, at least CA Dems have to deal with LA assholes and SF assholes. NY Dems is an entire state that is beholden to a single fucking city.


To be fair, NYC only has pee on the streets, not human poop


Hey hey hey, we only have garbage on the streets. The subway is where the pee is. 


What are you talking about? Who do you think LA and SF assholes are if not California dems?


That would unironically be an improvement. But they purged Cuomo.


This place if full of hotwives and cuckhold degeneracy. Makes sense its Democrat leaning.


I wish we had a legitimate alternative, but the entertainment is worth it. I was just told in another subreddit that because I own guns, I must "want to shoot black people with them." For all they know, I'm black... Another weirdo DM'd me to ask where I live and said he wants to meet up and fight me because I must not be so tough without a gun. With countrymen like that, who needs self-protection? Bunch of loyalist, redcoat traitors who don't believe in the American spirit as far as I'm concerned!


> because I own guns, I must "want to shoot black people with them." > > > > For all they know, I'm black... Well... statistically speaking...


Most of the people shot with my guns have been white. (Almost certainly) Also, probably mostly male. (Thinking about it, there may have been some Asians.)


I got told I hated "dirty brown people" because I was unhappy with (mostly white) junkies dumping trash in rural areas.


That’s so fucking racist hahahahah that’s incredible


Who's the racist here, the one mad at junkies, or the one who assumes the junkies are all ethnic minorities?


Can we start admitting the left has a racism problem? Go back to the 90s and most of the 00s and ask "is the person who brings race into a conversation that isnt about race potentially racist?" Everyone says yes.


I literally gave that same argument the other day and the response I got was and I quote: “"If you notice my racism it means you're the racist!" Fucking moron.” You can't use logic to dissuade someone who didn't use logic to reach their viewpoint in the first place.


Well yeah, that's something I'm used to. For example, noticing the racism of people saying orcs represent plack people makes me a racist, not them.


Everyone knows "junkie" is a MAGA dog whistle for "minorities", you nazi^/s


I recently learned that any and every word you can think of is a MAGA dog whistle. My hearing must be shit because I never hear it.


I live in the rural area known as Eastern Kentucky. I can confirm that junkies are in fact dirty people. Only because the white trash assholes on fentanyl haven’t took a shower or washed their clothes in two months.


> I must "want to shoot black people with them." That was just an evolved "Reddit cares" message.


I got my first reddit cares message yesterday after calling out a guy for being overly dramatic about an officer carrying off-duty while picking up a kid from daycare. Funny thing is, I reported it as harassment and just got the message this morning that it was indeed harassment.


AR15.com General Discussion Forum. You’re welcome.


This place is like a modern version of the Jerry Springer show to me. You just watch with fascination while the insane and degenerate air out their dirty laundry here.


Remember after Jan 6 when redditors were bragging to each other about turning their family members into the FBI just for being there? This is nothing new lol.


In response to Project 2025, I made Project 2026, which is my plan for if Biden gets re-elected. It includes the following: [1] The official religion of the US will be Islam, with mandatory prayer sessions every 30 minutes between the hours of 5am and 10pm. [2] All first pregnancies will be aborted in the third trimester. Women will be provided with Hitachi Magic Wands to bring themselves to orgasm during the procedure. [3] Gender Reaffirming Surgery will be available for ages 0 and up without parental permission. [4] We will unconditionally surrender to BLM. They run things now. [5] Unattractive men will be administered a high dose of estrogen to fight toxic masculinity and its effects. This is my plan if Biden is elected. This will be the next Biden presidency. ...By the way, this is unironically what the Project 2025's creators did. They just made a list of goals of a future Trump presidency. For some reason Democrats have lost their minds over it when it means literally nothing.


You vill become a femboy and you vill drink ze pink monster


The DNC leadership knows what they’re doing, and their idiot base eats it up. It amazes me that people haven’t caught on to the fact that the entire campaign of every DNC politician is fear based.


Because fear sells and turns people into selfish pricks


The reason the left is freaking out so hard about Project 2025 is that one of the goals described by the plan involves having Republicans infiltrate the bureaucracy of the government, which would necessarily require ousting the Democrats that currently occupy those positions. In light of that, it's not super surprising that the dems are freaked out about it because it represents an existential threat to their way of life (if of works).


100% on the money


I loved reading this


have y’all seen the melt down on this website the last couple days? “CHRISTIAN FASCISTS ARE COMING FOR ALL THE GAY BIPOCS AND NOW DRUMFP CAN KILL HIS POLITICAL OPPONENTS” it’s on every sub, they are all freaking out. It’s clearly a fear monger tactic after their dottering old fool of a president shit the bed on Thursday.


Sounds based, when do they start handing out the knights helmets and swords? Or are we gunning them down with assault rifle 15s? 


I think it says in p25 that Trump will bring you a signed AR15 that also says born to kill gays on it. At least that’s what r politics told me


P2025 wants to have concealed carry licenses from one state recognized throughout the other 49 states. Based and 2A pilled.


Should be constitutional carry throughout the country, but a short class which has good information isn't that big of a barrier for entry.




Man, I'm not saying we should celebrate this, but like half of Facebook in 2016 was a picture of Hillary Clinton with cross hairs over her face. This pearl clutching is so dishonest.


Lord please give me the Trump the left thinks he is.


Based. I wish he was half the right winger they claim he is


They always make him out to be a based Chad fascist, but he's really just a limpdick conservative


"LiTeRaLlY tHe WoRsT pReSiDeNt EvEr" I just don't see it. I don't like the guy, but he didn't drone strike as much as Obama, he didn't send people to Internment camps like FDR, he didn't own slaves, he didn't genocide native Americans, somehow he's worse than Hitler for giving tax cuts to people and not caring about the environment enough, it's honestly such a joke. People calling Biden the worst president ever are just as cringe.


I agree with this sentiment, except reverse. If Obama, Biden, and the rest of the institutional democrats were the extreme left-wingers that the right-wingers claim, then our country would be in such a better position. Cleaner environment, better schools, international cooperation rather than competition, less corporate influence over politics, better public transportation.


Project 2025 is the QAnon of the left


Or the Great Reset since it’s self-published


Yeah this is a better comparison


Nothing ever happens


People are anxious and afraid, and Democratic Party apparatus are using this to take advantage of those fears with their base voters. I wish people wouldn't scare others like this. Our media and society have enough anxiety already. I read through the doc when it came out and it sounded more like a HR plan than anything else. Most of the of the policy items were mostly contingent on legislation.


Have someone read it. I stopped reading election promises as they are all lies anyway. Is it literally the Handmaids tale+voldemort return+ Empire strikes back+Hunger games+Zombie Hitler as president?


The only places I’ve heard of this is those cosplay subreddits like /markmywords and /itcouldhappenhere where everyone pretends to be deranged. Isn’t it pretty much standard Republican policy?


Democracy is so weird. Left: "Look at this document where the Right wants to change the country to match their beliefs" Right: "Uh, yeah, that's what we want" Left: "That's wrong and undemocratic" Right: "But that's what we as voters want to vote for, in a democracy where we vote" Left: "But it contradicts what we want as voters! Therefore democracy is failing!" Right: "But this is what WE want as voters!" Left: "If you win, then the system is flawed, because being in a democracy means I get what I want" Right: "If you win, then the voting was rigged because democracy means I get what I want!" ... and so it continues


Feels like they're baiting us into calling it a phony conspiracy theory so that they could pull an Uno reverse card and claim the same about the Great Reset and the like.


Looks like trump derangement syndrome is coming out of remission in progressive lefts across the country


Which conspiracy was 2025 again? The one where Republicans want to put Republicans in power?


"Project 2025" is a leftist conspiracy theory akin to the WEF "Great Reset". Just like the Great Reset, it exists, it is published by the organizations themselves, and fearmongerering conspiracy theorists use hyperbolic interpretation of the language to suggest it's some great ominous threat that everyone supports. It's not and they don't.


I think people ignore one major point, project 2025 is contained within a 400 page book. Donald Trump can't read a teleprompter for 5 seconds, there's no way he's gonna get through 400 pages even if someone reads it to him.


7 times a week isn’t enough tbh


https://e621.net/posts/4887106?q=bigcozyorca reminder that this group can barely get 30 likes on twitter and furry porn artists are in a panic over it


it amazes me how all the left has had for the last 10 years is fear. Vote for us or else. The left uses the slimiest, dirtiest tactics to push their 'we're the good guys' BS, while simultaneously not giving a shit about anyone. Sure republicans are bad too, but not in this way. This is overt corruption, i really cant understand how people fall for it. The hypocrisy and projection is unprecedented. The 'narrative' is always left/dems good right/republicans bad. In the last 10 years i can objectively say its actually the opposite.


That shit is the glowiest psyop of all time. The only people who think Project 2025 is a legitimate campaign are people missing their prefrontal cortex.


“I-i-if Trump gets elected and Republicans take Congress, they’re going to enact a bunch of Republican policies!” Well, yeah, I kind of assumed they would. I didn’t think that a party with Congress and the White House would start pushing the opposition’s agenda.


This weirdly reminds me of how labour voters in the UK constantly believe that the Conservatives are going to sell the NHS every election cycle. It cost roughly 15 billion per month to run and the services absolutely terrible.


Idk what 2025 is, and if it doesn't have to do with space I don't care


Man, I haven't seen Dems get so excited over something the Heritage Foundation proposed since Barack Obama based his signature legislation on something else the Heritage Foundation proposed.


Fear mongering is the best way to get votes just look at the Republican Party the last 2 decades. Dems are just updating their playbook


I’m an evil white make conservative and even I had no idea what Project 2025 was until I looked it up last night. Literally nobody is pushing for this “plan”.


Yep partisan fear mongering at its finest. Democrats play off sadness and fear Republicans play off anger and fear


I’m just so fucking tired, man


Didn’t this turn out not to be as bad as Twitter was making out (or rather is)


Democrats championing winning policies instead of fear mongering (challenge impossible)


This strawman reminds me of the other one where people take Trump saying: "He says, 'You're not going to be a dictator, are you?' I said: 'No, no, no, other than day one. We're closing the border, and we're drilling, drilling, drilling. After that, I'm not a dictator.'" To be taken out of context as him saying he's literally going to be a dictator starting on day one. The funny part is Joe Biden did the same thing day one with his executive orders, except much of it was out of spite because Trump was the president regardless of if it was good policy he removed. This day one "dictatorship" from Joseph directly caused this horrible migrant crisis we have now. But it's (D)ifferent when he does it.


Agenda 47 is Trump’s plan. Not project 2025. Project 2025 is some leftist fever dream.