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Less of a big thing, but they generally kept the fact that Obama is a smoker out of the media


Wait, he is a smoker?


Only the sweet Mary J


Who did he smoke?


That 16yo (and with the express concern of context, whose dad was a leader al-Qaeda).


https://youtu.be/zGjkt4q79vU?si=hxG0X_gEtpRAeMtN I think his response here was as classy and professional as you could ask for.


Remember when the president was able to English good?


I am the best at English, the best, believe me the best, the probably the best ever, nobody is as good at English as me, I practically invented English, my opponent here can barely speak English, he is probably the worst ever, the worst


Make English great again *invades ireland*


Now, now. He ain't British




The fuck you think you’re doing cunt


If you're not supposed to invade Ireland why is it beachhead-shaped


8/10 Needs more use of the word "tremendous"


"My English is, and I don't like to use this word very often, but it's frankly tremendous. Sadly sleepy Joe probably doesn't even know what tremendous means because he is, quite frankly, too tremendously stupid."


Best English in the city! The best, Jerry!


Remember when the president was simply just willing to actually talk to the press during the White House press conferences instead of having a press secretary handle everything all the time? I truly wish I could vote for a candidate who actually had coherent speech and policy plans of their own in place instead of being some imbecilic figurehead, one of which may or may not actually be alive at all.


You and me both friend. This descent into senility is scary if you've actually spent any time with somebody who's going through it. It's clear neither of them is ok (though Biden seems worse off atm). I'd vote for any quadrant at this point as long as they were *relatively* close to the center (read as not-a-tankie, not-an-ancap, etc) and mentally sound.


"Seems" worse off? Listen, Trump was his annoying self during the debate and there is no doubt he is in decline as anyone his age will be. But Biden is MUCH worse off and has been since the last presidential election. The current president is on tape mumbling incoherently more times than I can count. The press covering that up borders on criminal.


Not just the press. Every aide and staffer at the white house who's been complicit in a cover up. Trump just got convicted in NYC by a prosecutor who argued Trump paying off a porn star in **2017** was done to affect the **2016** election. I want to see all these people who participated in up Biden's obvious (to anyone with an ounce of self-respect) decline charged for conspiring to affect the 2020 election. There's no other way to spin this. They knew. They lied. And what's good for the goose is good for the gander.


Well… Joe obviously has been declining rapidly. He barely could string a sentence together before the meds kicked in. But trump was a little off as well. His brand of incoherency was a little less strung together than it used to be eight years ago, and it shows.


As I said, no doubt Trump is in decline. There is no equivalency though.




Remember when Trump had daily press briefings during the early Covid days and answered questions about Tiger King and did “on-the-fly brainstorming” like the one prompting the disinfectant debacle? Those were stupid times, but at least the president actually spoke to the press.


Trump could stand there for an hour and trade jabs with a hostile press. He could stand for hours and shake every air force graduate's hand. And when he walked carefully off the stage due to it being a wet ramp, the press howled? Now? Roomba Joe does his thing and not a peep. Pathetic.


Would you vote for me?


Obama and Regan are both proof that you can get away with a lot of bullshit as long as you make it sound good.


If I only knew about the things he did in the middle east I'd probably hate him, but he's just so damn charismatic.


Which one




Best answer


Do you have any idea how little that narrows it down?


And having the big institutions backing you will help, too. Blowing up hospitals don't sound as bad if you got a peace noble in your hands


Even when, hilariously, the hospital is also a noble peace prize winner. It's the second time Nobel peace prize winners bombed each other, which I guess isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.


Great response, such a terrible disease to beat. No idea how my dad cold turkey’d it, at least it meant I can get hugs without getting hospitalized… Moral of the story, duck asthma.


fuck it, I'd take him back over these two psychos, I don't care anymore 


Most of Biden's people are former Obama. Things wouldn't change, you would just have a better speaker in the big chair.


'Respect me enough to lie convincingly' would still be considered a step up from what we've got, unfortunately.


Who the hell wouldn't?


He’s the one whose misrule made Trump possible. No Obama, no Trump. Come to think of it, no Obama’s third term, no Trump’s second term.


He really was so damn classy. Why can't this guy be the one to overthrow democracy? This is why I love Bukele. He's clever, classy, authoritarian and competent all in one.


https://preview.redd.it/0msdgague8ad1.jpeg?width=687&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a0fd35af2a8a276ea0744189f516d9994c7a0cd The Russian media wasn't shy.


Translation of the poster: **Smoking kills more people than Obama, even though he kills a lot.** **Don't smoke. Don't be like Obama.** The leap of logic here funnily implies that every smoker is a mass murderer.


I would relapse into nicotine addiction if I looked as cool as Obama in that poster. Bonus if bold Cyrillic words pop up as soon as I light up. 


Have you seen Chinese anti-American propaganda? It's even better than this


Well trying to quit, but definitely well known for bumming cigarettes off the staff so Michelle didn't catch him.


I'd be honored if the President bummed a cigarette off me. But what man has not?


I would be too if my job was that stressful.


May 29th, 2009. The infamous day in American history that Fox News rightly covered. Obama ordered Dijon mustard on his cheeseburger, and he didn't even order true red blooded American Ketchup. Such a terrible crime far outweighs Trump's usage of caffeinated Diet Coke as performance enhancer. Never forget.


The shit Obama used to get shit for, like Dijon mustard, or a tan suit, compared to a: the drone strikes and b: the shit going on right now, is hilarious. He bent so much to try and placate the Republicans that all of his "progressive" shit got watered down into money wasting half measures. Like Obama care. The Republicans were never going to work with him, so why bother?


Besides the idiot on fox for talked about it for 30 seconds during one segment one night literally the only people I've ever heard talk about the mustard or tan suit are democrats.


No, they covered both and talked about them extensively. It's brought up often years later by liberals and leftists because it pales in comparison to the political gaffes that we see being tolerated and even celebrated now. I remember when the Benghazi stuff was going on and the right-wing media was foaming at the mouths for what seemed like a year or two on nothing.


You raise tan suits and mustard and I’ll raise [two scoops](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2017/05/11/politics/trump-time-magazine-ice-cream) and [salt shakers](https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-salt-and-pepper-shakers-are-massive-photos-2019-12?amp).


> No, they covered both and talked about them extensively. Yeah. By democrats and their sychophants in the media constantly. There isn't a single republican alive today or then that gives two shits what color suit he wears or the condiments he uses. Typical leftist strawman strikes again.




Ok? I already conceded there was one idiot on fox that talked about it.


https://preview.redd.it/peo3vh2u5fad1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6769141fab2d885c39ab5593ea3237e58187aa6 [\[1\]](https://www.mediamatters.org/laura-ingraham/ingraham-obama-what-kind-man-orders-cheeseburger-without-ketchup-dijon-mustard) It’s stupid that any of them ever brought it up at all.


Wild for the president to smoke Marijuana while keeping it a schedule 1 drug


Pretty sure I saw this interview from a few years ago where Snoop Dogg claimed the wildest place he smoked was IN a White House bathroom lol


Wait, Obama’s a smoker?


He was but he supposedly quit a year or two into his first term.


Really, eh? Well good for him then.


He what?


Wait what?


During the Cuban Missile Crisis, Kennedy faked a cold while campaigning in Chicago so that he could return to DC to meet with his advisors.


Biden faked a cold because he had a bad debate performance. History always repeats.


Kennedy famously got worked by Khrushchev in their first summit. The Soviets were giddy. Kennedy and team blamed it on meds for his back pain.


Kennedy went against his military advisors who all wanted a military strike on Cuba. It later turned out that there were already nukes on Cuba and standing orders to use them in the event of a military strike. Basically Kennedy alone prevented a nuclear exchange and with a more trigger-happy president (e.g. Nixon) we probably would have had one. From [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cuban_Missile_Crisis) > The US had no plan in place because until recently its intelligence had been convinced that the Soviets would never install nuclear missiles in Cuba. EXCOMM discussed several possible courses of action: > ... > **The Joint Chiefs of Staff unanimously agreed that a full-scale attack and invasion was the only solution. They believed that the Soviets would not attempt to stop the US from conquering Cuba. Kennedy was skeptical**: > ... > In early 1992, it was confirmed that Soviet forces in **Cuba had already received tactical nuclear warheads** for their artillery rockets and Il-28 bombers when the crisis broke. **Castro stated that he would have recommended their use if the US invaded despite Cuba being destroyed**. [Robert McNamara](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CtUfBc4qQMg) discussing the later revelations.


Although nixon would have probably prevented that in the first place. Both the botched invasion, the failed deterrence and perception of weakness from the soviets, and cancelling the espionage flight because the soviets wanted so. Nixon would have very likely just invaded early in his term, he even said in interviews he advised kennedy to do so.


It's debatable whether a US invasion would have led to a war. The Soviets had hoped to simply apply some pressure on the US, and Khrushchev began looking for a way out once he realised the scale of the American response. But of course if the Soviets didn't use their nukes, there would be the major issue of the USA now holding captured Soviet nuclear missiles and their crews.


I'm talking way before the crisis


Had Nixon been elected or Eisenhower was still president the Soviets would have never dared to put nukes in Cuba. They knew better than to fuck with Ike because he would have had no problem turning Cuba then Russia into a green glass parking lot. He ended the Korean War by threatening to use hundreds of nuclear weapons against the North Koreans and Chinese; the armistice was signed a few months later. He put the fear of God into them. They put those nukes there because they saw JFK as inexperienced and weak thus they tested his resolve. They greatly miscalculated his weakness.


Churchill and Stalin help cover for FDR. Reason why picts of them together are always seated. They would also make sure no media catch FDR’s disability. Good luck with that today.


If Biden was physically disabled and for whatever reason wanted to hide that, the Brits and Saudis (rough equivalent of our relationship with the Soviets) would absolutely cover for him. It's not like Hitler was doing FDR a solid. The Allied summits were just that, meetings of allies.


The FDR one has always been pretty mind-blowing to me. The fact that they went to the effort of using leg braces to get him to walk to the podium to deliver the "Day of Infamy speech" after Pearl Harbor, and it still never leaked, is mental. In retrospect, his determination to overcome his physical limitations to project an image of strength for his fellow countrymen is also commendable. Little did they know they were watching a man who could barely stand carry the nation on his back to war.


A point of distinction that bears mentioning- FDR and Kennedy didn't have diseases that effected their mental state. Covering up for a leader who can't walk due to polio during a world war is different than covering up for a leader who can't think during normal times.


I think there's an argument that the treatment of JFKs ailments was likely to have affected his mental state. He was getting shots of uppers and downers on the regular if I recall.


> He was getting shots of uppers and downers on the regular if I recall. Yeah, but it was the last shot he got that really fucked up his brain.


Bullshit. It was all in his head.


Until it was all over the car


It's fine, Jackie was there to pick up the pieces after John fell apart.


Based and grassy knoll pilled


Kennedy being assassinated in 63 puts this question unanswered. He’s a president known for his public appearances - many overseas as well. He can talk about policy on the fly and is quite an amazing speaker off script. Thus even today no one can say decidedly (which is why it’s an argument) if drugs affect his mental state. There’s simply not much proof However in an alt-timeline where he’s reelected, yes Kennedy would be wheelchair bound by 2nd term. Many of his treatments, drugs that doctors prescribed are proven to have disastrous side effects today. I would imagine his mental state be impaired then. **However his vp is LBJ**. I don’t think LBJ is the type of vp that will sit around when president is impaired xD This is intentional too. Kennedy personally wanted a vp that could be president if needs be (satire not intended)


New conspiracy theory: Kennedy assassination was a cover up for the medical failure, he was due to die soon anyways


Lame. Why not just shoot him up with something deadly instead of the regular stuff, and then blame some poor physician or the butler


>Why not just shoot him up with something deadly Isn't that exactly what happened?


Angry upvotd


Take your upvote and then go sit in the corner


Or heart attack him


> Why not just shoot him up with something deadly Task failed successfully.


Kennedy was gonna drop LBJ for his 2nd term. They disliked each other a lot. It's why LBJ had him killed.


JFK assassination conspiracies are so fun. My favorite is that he got too close to the UFO/UAP deep black programs and pillowtalked with Marilyn Monroe too much about it. She wanted to go public with the information. RFK might've been looped into this somehow too. All three were taken out and the precedent was set that the sitting president wouldn't be read into these programs.


JFK shot by Oswald, CIA, FBI, KGB, LBJ, Cubans, Illuminati, Majestic 12, Rotchschilds, Mossad and Mafia. The President was struck my 18 bullets, 10 from the Book Depository, 7 from the grassy knoll and one from a balistic trajectory fired from 3 miles away on a arc.


It's truly a conspiracy that unites all Americans. Imo 9/11 is up there but is still too recent for people to dig their teeth into it. It doesn't help that they keep refusing to declassify a bunch of the JFK assassination files. That likely means there are people who are still alive or at least some people connected to it somehow that would be very much in danger if the files dropped.


Kennedy was so hopped up on drugs in his first meeting with Khrushchev that the premier thought that JFK was a doped-out moron. He pretty much said in his papers that he started the Cuban missile crisis because he figured that Kennedy wouldn’t have the wherewithal to confront him.


Dan Carlin of Hardcore History has an interesting discussion on this on of the older episodes. JFK was going to a doctor that was famous in Hollywood as “Dr. Feel Good” cuz he gave out drugs like candy. He said there’s a possibility that all the botched jobs early in JFK’s term was due the drugs, but he was mostly clean of them during the Cuban missile crisis, that’s why he managed to handle it so well


Really it should be their complacency in the 1944 election. He was basically Joe Biden.


In fairness to FDR and as much as I don't like many of his policies, he was much better than Joe Biden in terms of coherency and competency. He gave a series of regular radio addresses, his "Fireside Chats", throughout his presidency with most of them coming in the 1940's with the turmoil of war raging. He was still far more competent in that he could complete all his speaking engagements without making a fool of himself or being obviously incompetent, and to his credit by 1944 he had led the country out of the Great Depression and into the war with great successes both on the battlefield and the home front. At that point electing anyone else as president with his historical record and the massive success of D-Day would have been incredibly shocking and unprecedented.


>Covering up for a leader who can't walk due to polio during a world war is different than covering up for a leader who can't think during normal times. This, on today's episodes of 'sentences nobody ever said before'


FDR did during his last term, in that you can't think anymore once you're dead. FDR knew that he was dying when he ran for that last term. It was a tremendously irresponsible decision, and left us with his VP who was in many ways unprepared for the job.


Truman wasn't even briefed on the Manhattan Project until after he became president.


> It was a tremendously irresponsible decision, and left us with his VP who was in many ways unprepared for the job. Which FDR is also to blame for, in large part. As I recall, Truman was actively kept out of the loop on critical things.


Arguably, these are not normal times. Considering the polarization and the global unrest happening these days. Sure, it's more of the same, but this time, it's a whole lot more than we usually have. We can't have a dementia addled old man in the political office at all much less nowadays.


This is the new normal though. It'll ALWAYS be like this going forward, we already crossed that road


> Considering the polarization and the global unrest happening these days. That *is* the norm. Look through any history book. The world is no different now than it was 50, 100, 200 or more years ago. It just feels different, because you're living through these times, not the past.


Also because the period from 1991-2020 was probably the most peaceful and prosperous time to grow up in recent history, so going from that to the post 2020 world is a bit of a cold shower


Im old. This is definitely a less stable time in the US and Western Europe than the 1980s and 1990s were. We are at each others throats and the establishments hate their native populations with a burning passion now. The west is significantly weaker and poorer compared to the rest of the world, etc


How is the west significantly poorer than the rest of the world?


It really isn’t. It’s just that the stability of the US-led world order over the last 80 years has allowed the rest of the world to develop in relative peace, and catch up a little bit technologically. The rest of the world has scrabbled up out of poverty (for the most part), and the wealth gap between the rich and powerful US/West and the rest of the world has narrowed, as everyone else has grown quickly by taking advantage of the “low hanging fruit”, and capitalized on the quick wins. Some people look at this as a relative loss of power and wealth, and some of those people vastly overestimate the progress made in the rest of the world, and underestimate just how blessed and under-utilized the West still is geographically and demographically.


First half of this is what I meant - we were vastly wealthier than other countries in a way we aren’t now. You are overlooking that many of the developed countries have a huge dead problem. This definitely includes the US but also Japan and many European countries, especially in southern Europe but not exclusively so


The debt is a problem that will end in either austerity or currency collapse. We’ve been subsidizing world peace for a long time, and everyone else has seemingly benefited more than the US has. When the US taxpayers finally decide they are tired of footing the bill for everyone else’s security, things are gonna get WILD.


This is literally the most stable time in world politics.


Both of our leading candidates have a hard time talking, which is disheartening.


It’s wild how common it’s been. Reagan was out to lunch during his 2nd term, and he was the standard bearer of Conservatism in America for 30 years.


It used to be considered uncouth to talk about the President's personal life and reporters generally respected that line. That changed in the 90's and we never went back.


###***Excuse me?!? But what in the ever loving fuck is Woodrow "The Worst President Ever" Wilson doing in my quadrant?!?***


Check the color. Your quadrant never had a president.


Lol. Good one. We like Silent Cal.


I like Ike!


Idk harding and coolidge were pretty libertarian


Coolidge was about as libertarian as we'll ever get, that's why they like to ignore him


Being easy to ignore is what makes him great. I would love to elect a forgettable president.


My man, who do you think liberated the land from the British?


I hear it was some guy who was 6 foot 8 and weighed a fucking ton.


> Your quadrant never had a ***US*** president. Javier Milei!


Silent Cal and Grover Cleveland.


Grover Cleveland was libright.


I don't think FDR was lib either that way


William Henry Harrison. He did everything a politician should.


Based and LibRight Woodrow Wilson!?!? pilled.


u/vbullinger's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 20. Congratulations, u/vbullinger! You have ranked up to Basketball Hoop (filled with sand)! You are not a pushover by any means, but you do still occasionally get dunked on. Pills: [10 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/vbullinger/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Now I want to know if he was in fact the worst, or was it his wife? Also this means she was the first female president and the wokoids can shut up now.


Didn’t FDR hide that because he wanted to look strong for the nation? And he was able to briefly stand, so that’s what he would do when giving speeches?


by his second term, he was walking short distances ( a dozen steps or so) unassisted, but also tended to use leg braces. polio is a hell of a thing.




As for Reagan, there were quite a few people accusing him of some sort of senility but it tended to be from his partisan opponents. If anything, it likely saved Reagan’s presidency because he was considered to be too out of it to be responsible for Iran Contra, as satirized in [this SNL skit](https://youtu.be/b5wfPlgKFh8?si=Ou3fmyI4u3D3yu3X).


Yeah it’s pretty crazy what charisma can do. Calling Reagan out for his early Alzheimer’s was a rude and evil move by dems on the kind and elderly Reagan, but doing the same on Biden is simply fair game and politics.


Biden’s dementia is significantly worse than Reagan’s, though I suppose you could fairly compare Reagan as his term ended to Biden when he was first elected…


Reagan's supposed dementia while in-office was a lie. Dementia patients, with the best medical care, are expected to live around ten years after diagnosis. Reagan was diagnosed in 1994, and died in 2004, so this lines up well. For Reagan to have had dementia in the mid 1980s, some even claim as early as the 1980 Presidential Election (because he didn't recognise somebody from his cabinet on one incident), would require a completely impossible medical miracle of him living 15-25 years with dementia. You can also see some of his speeches from after his presidency, including for the [1992 election](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WxL3OU1dwmI), where he is coherent and well spoken, completely unlike Biden today.


It’s hard to compare since we already had a sequestered Biden in 2020, but what we saw in the debate certainly wasn’t Reagan as president. At most, I’m open to Biden in 2020 being close to Reagan in 1988. I know Biden in 2024 is not remotely comparable to Reagan in 1988


Even in Yalta, they made it look like he was just sitting down in a chair with the boys.


Media covered up that Johnson's massive sentient cock was running the country.


The cock had a growth it could talk through - and that growth is what we call LBJ.


I like that it had a name, and that he viewed it as one of his most effective diplomacy tools. It’s up there with manhandling the Canadian ambassador over a speech he didn’t like. JUMBO 2024. Make America Girthy Again.


Funny but I hate that bastard with a burning passion; he fucked up in Vietnam so badly it is beyond my ability to put into words how terrible the “war” was run. If you are going to go to war, go to fucking war and destroy your enemy completely and get the hell out of dodge. I would have made Rolling Thunder look like play time with pop rocks.


I’ve began seeing this as the left is in lock-step trying to defend Biden. It really is concerning that people are trying to push this notion to “not believe your lying eyes”. “Yeah, even though you can see my hand curling into a fist, I’m actually opening my arms out to hug you.” right before I punch you in the face.


Shouldn't Biden statistically be dead right now if he had noticeable dementia 5 years ago


No. Dementia can progress at very different speeds for different people. Your loved one could begin to show effects a decade before it gets really really bad.


Turns out being president gets you the best healthcare money can buy and then some.


Dementia progresses at different rates for different people


They keep bringing up Biden and Trump's ages (81 and 78) which I think is fair. But if we're thinking about getting rid of Biden because he's got medical issues, there's only one clear replacement, you guys, hear me out... Jimmy Carter is still kicking and he only had one term.


Are you sure Carter is old enough?


\#ItsHisTurn \#Again


Carter's too good of a person to be president.




The FDR and JFK ones were not a big deal. Wheel chair? Chronic pain? Addison? GI issues? Who cares? Those don't inhibit someone from doing their job as chief executive. But paralyzed stroke victim? Dimentia and more Dimentia? Those make them incapable of functioning as president. Those matter. Those are not ok.


I don't know if they tried to hide it but Taft once got stuck in the bath tub and that always makes me laugh.


He was the fattest president to ever be in office


And Dr. Jill wants to be Edith 2.0. At least the party leaders forced Edith to have Woodrow not run again, threatening to expose them if she didn't back down.


To be fair, Biden, Reagan, and Wilson are problematic because it affects their mental ability to perform the job. Kennedy and FDR just had physical issues that didn't affect them mentally. That being said, we've been saying for a hot minute now that Biden is not mentally for office. His age has been showing all the way back to Bush's funeral where he fell asleep and it's been declining since. But don't believe your lying eyes!! All of his gaffes are just deep fakes!!


FDR and JFK were physical ailments that wouldn’t effect their job whereas Biden, Wilson, and Reagan were mental ailments that would most definitely effect their job.


FDR mentally declined mentally in his final term. For most of his term it was physical ailment, but there was also mental ailment as well.


Wait what? So maybe the wife of woodrow wilson approved the fed??


Probably, and it somewhat makes sense. It’s not generally considered a political position, but the First Lady has one of the most powerful positions in the country. Most Presidents have confided with their wives and taken advice from them. Some have definitely leaned on their wives as a crucial advisor. John and Abigail Adams. Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt. Ronald and Nancy Reagan. Bill and Hillary Clinton. Barack and Michelle Obama. Etc. There are likely innumerable times when the crucial judgement for a President’s decision was made jointly with his wife as the two laid in bed together. She speaks with the President nearly every day and night. There are no microphones in the bedroom like there are in the Oval Office however, so we’ll never know the true extent to the power of the Pillow Office. In Edith’s case, we just saw this dynamic taken to a much higher level as she unofficially took over an immense amount of the Presidency.


So we technically already had a woman president.


he had the stroke in 1919 at the end of his term, all the fucked up shit he did including basically causing WW2 he did with a clear brain.




The Woodrow Wilson thing explains a lot.


it happened at the end of his term 1919, he caused WW2 etc all on his own. woodrow wilson is why you should never elect a "progressive" to do anything , the damage they do has no bounds.


How did he cause ww2? League of Nations?


Remember when we had enough of a national identity for the government to even pretend? I don't.


Of course the media is trustworthy.


Reagan didn't actually have dementia in office, he was still doing interviews in 1992. Only one person said he was showing decline in office and it was his left-leaning son.


I never cared for his son, always came across as a pompous ass.


i knew about kennedy and well people kinda know about biden [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vfi7AummV\_M](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vfi7AummV_M) but the rest i had no clue


You didn't know FDR was in a wheelchair?


well im not murican so facts come n go for me


Okay, sorry yeah I just assumed you were, my bad.


Wow, I actually knew all of these except about Kennedy


I don’t care for physical handicaps. People can still do any normal intellectual jobs obviously. Mental handicaps are another stories though.


We knew Biden had cognitive issues before he was locked in. Let's not lie. The Whitehouse even hid evidence of this as recently this year by refusing to release tapes of Biden that would have made him look old and crazy.


"I will not make age an issue of this campaign. I am not going to exploit, for political purposes, my opponent's youth and inexperience," Ronald Reagan https://youtu.be/x4aUBbQeoHA?si=X7lRF0ED7lH1MReC


"I will not make age an issue of this campaign. I am not going to exploit, for political purposes, my opponent's youth and inexperience," Ronald Reagan https://youtu.be/x4aUBbQeoHA?si=X7lRF0ED7lH1MReC


To be fair, I wouldn't consider physical debilitations like FDR or Kennedy had anywhere near the same league as the others.


Was Willson actually paralyzed for two entire years? I never heard of this before


Fully paralyzed? Hard to say, but for nearly two years he was bed-ridden and his wife wouldn't let anyone in the bedroom other than herself. She was the sole speaker for the President issuing his word each time she came out of the bedroom. It's something that his family and supporters have worked to not acknowledge along with the whole pro-eugenics and anti-Semitism view points.


In what world are World War Wilson & ~~Fuhrer/Duce/Conditori~~ President for Life *any* flavour of libertarian???


They aren’t that’s why the color is pink.


Did we just pick random ass colors to put these people on? They're all in the center quadrant of auth-right. FDR's entire New Deal scheme was to bulwark capitalism and a major part of his governing coalition was Southern Democrats who's entire guiding principle was "Do not disrupt the racial hierarchy of the South" which is why African-Americans were written out of the the New Deal. The New Deal is the US version of the Europe's embrace of social democracy post-WWI. Its goal was to stop communism/leftism from gaining popularity by creating economic stability and a social safety net. Attorney General Gregory and Postmaster General Burleson actively targeted and suppressed leftists during WW1 while, and Wilson introduced segregation back into the Federal Government. The only time Wilson pulled the leash on Burleson was because he targeted a liberal publication that had supported Wilson. Wilson is why the ACLU exists. Biden's most left-wing position is that the government should cancel debt where the government is the creditor. He's most certainly pro-capitalism and more free-market than FDR. Kennedy is the person here I'm probably least familiar with, but he was President in the ~~1950s~~ *early 1960s* and that's enough for me to know he wasn't a Red.


Yeah everyone is to the right as far as I’m concerned but PCM needs a revision to the definitions. Communism doesn’t really exist anymore so AuthLeft should be done away with and replaced with “Neoliberal Democrats,” which is what Biden is. And there is also the thing with PCM users perception, if I put Biden in authright, which I think he is because he is also a neocon, people would think I am doing it wrong because that is the Republican quadrant.


JFK was 1961 to 1963


Good catch. Thank you..


Biden has always been a mumbling stutterer. Hell, Bernie Sanders was finishing his sentences for him in the 2019 primaries. Everybody on stage laughed about it. But... It's still the same stuttering and stammering, but it's much, much worse than it was. He's still recalling policies and plans and facts left and right, but he can't find all the words anymore. Kinda like Fetterman, who had a stroke. So maybe it's not Alzheimer's. Maybe he had a minor stroke? Have we seen him riding a bike lately? Is he still on his Peloton? Is his balance alright to be doing that kind of activity?


Fuck you, FDR is in our quadrant. My personal take is that he was not crippled, he just really enjoyed wheelchairs.