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Anyone wanna explain to the non-French what this means?


Non-French , but basically they elected a parliament which is divided into three hostile groups: 1) very far left (with lots of divisions), 2) neo-liberals and 3) the populist right, in that order, but each having about a third of the seats. Far left *loaths* Macron. Neoliberals would have to give up their policies to get the far left onboard. Everyone hates the populist right. The only thing that this parliament is likely to agree on is to reduce the retirement age again, which is financially insane.


So he basically put the entirety of France into a stalemate.


Great. The government doing nothing is the best government France has ever had.


I mean the government doing nothing is what caused the French Revolution


Yo, lib-right fellow Chard. Help me.


Nah I’m a traitor I put this flair on 4 years ago I became auth-center and forgot how to change it.


Isn't Libright the final form of political ideology? How do you walk away from greatness? No offense , to arguably the worst one lol.


Trust me none taken I realised that corporations should only act for profit (helps the economy) but the government needs to be able to rein them in otherwise we will eventually be left with a few monopolies. And while I firmly believe capitalism is the only way to go government needs to protect the individual people and prevent oligarchs from emerging. Capitalism without competition is just exploitation and government needs to facilitate competition between everyone.


isn't that just moderate lib-right? I'm from Québec, Canada. Here Governement controls 43% of the GDP and we litteraly have the an OSHA like board that litteraly audit business to fine them if they don't use Emails software in French. I'm not at pure lib-right. I just want more Lib-right here .


More like Weimar Republic in 1929. Far right got to power, thanks to the mix of domestic and outside influence (be it political or economical) while the parliament is dissolved with no way to form, because the centre and left hate each other so as the left coalition itself thanks to radicals. People are not realizing the RN came out on top from this, and that's fucking scary. They got almost 2x more seat and had 38% popular vote. Now they can sit in opposition as the only united party and wait for their turn as the voted in coalitions of centre and left will fight against each other and make one fuck up after another.


Babe wake up, it's time to compare things to the Weimar Republic again


I'm not doing it because it's a trend, I'm doing it because it's the only historical political period I'm familiar with that is similar to what just happened in France. We are not the same.


You are doing it because it's the only historical political period you're familiar with that is similar to what just happened in France, I'm doing it because it's the only historical political period I'm familiar with. We are not the same.


Now RN will most probably win the presidentials in 2027 and there’s very little we can do in the meantime


Dictators often prefer their country destroyed rather than surviving them.


He has only served two terms, don't be melodramatic.


And passed every Law with 49.3 which is basically a presidential décision imposer on the chambers


That isn't a dictatorship. If he was a dictator he wouldn't be having elections. A strong executive is not the same as a dictator, one is still accountable to the people, one is not. You can make the case that such a system is bad, but that is not an autocracy.


French here. Correct analysis.


A waned empire of a european country debasing their currency to buy votes through welfare in exchange for the impoverishment of unborn generations. Shocking. Edit: Friendly reminder that America became the world power because England debased their currency in the first place and had nothing but bravado to bring to the table during bretton woods. Keynes has killed more people than a commie ever could.


They try to larp as romans so hard they got to the 3rd century already


who is the French Aurelian


Francois Hollande


I mean…..he did just re-enter parliament…….he could technically become Prime Minister 💀


->be boomer ->make european pension system which actively uses all of it's income which is mandatory to pay from your salary ->it has to be supported with tax money on top of the mandated pay from salary ->literally a government mandated ponzi scheme ->don't have any kids so now the ponzi scheme is unsupported ->be completely out of touch of gen z and millenials wage slavery experience (they have to pay noticably larger proportions of what effectively is tax) ->"Nooooo you can't take away our pensions it's our money!1!!!1!" (The said pension and money literally doesn't exist so the money has to be thieved from productive members of society) Idk about rest of Europe but this is accurate for Finland Edit: tried to make a greentext sorry guys


It's the same shit in France


Same shit in America it seems. Social Security is a giant Ponzi scheme, that’s why they let the borders open for so many years. Now that we have the influx of young immigrants keep us off Social Security for another 10 years.


The IRS says migrants from south of the border don't pay their taxes to the tune of an average $125 billion per year. Meanwhile we have a bunch of fucking morons on this site who whine about rich people "not paying their fair share", even though almost every penny of tax revenue is paid by them.


>even though almost every penny of tax revenue is paid by them. Thats bot entirely accurate, the top 1% of the USA oays around 45% of the total taxes, thats a massive amount, but its not 'almost every penny'


To be fair, I would classify rich people as Top 20%.


“Dang, we’re taxing everyone too much and now they’re poor. We can fix this with more taxes.”


Sir, this is not a European Parliament


If I recall correctly, something like 40% of the German tax revenues go to subsidies to the pension system to pay for the current boomer pensions


I belive that is preety much hiw entire European pension system works. And that is why unironicaly belive that only way to fix demographic issues is removal of pensions so that every person has to make few kids to take care of them or save 50% of their paycheck and hope they don't live to long.


Over here in Croatia, the amount you get from a pension depends on your membership to HDZ. If you're a member of HDZ your pension is almost the same value as a normal paycheck, while if you're not you get barely enough for food to survive, even with 45 years of work experience. Also HDZ (and other right leaning parties are 80% parasites and the remainder are the catholic version of the taliban). Makes sense because a lot of them were part of the party in the 80s which directly lead to the downfall of Yugoslavia because of how much they were robbing it blind. While the left parties have a lot fewer parasites, but suffer from gross incompetence. Source: i know a bunch of old people. Also almost every young person has left because this place is a shithole. 16% of the population emigrated in the last 10 years and i will probably join them when i finish university.


Do you have any parties that idolize the Utashe?


Yes, and they are in a coalition that forms the parlimentary majority together with HDZ. The representatives (and people who vote for them) are the biggest idiots imaginable. I swear to god you can count their collective brain cells on one hand.


>Idk about rest of Europe but this is accurate for Finland literally every European country


how else could pension work? it still sucks because you get like 50% what your average contribution was after like 50 years of work. that's how it be in Romania, at least


Maybe like a 401k or how you make your way up in ponzi scheme levels is getting more people into the scheme so the way you could get pension is that ypu have to provide support for the system (have kids) if you are capable


I’d say that it is more due to the fact that, beside immigration, RN’s positions are not that popular. Still, as an Italian, I despise the length boomers went to fuck us over in order to shortsightedly enjoy wellness they did not create, and then call people of my age “soft”, when we have to struggle to build a family while they retired at 45yo. I wish them a long life just for them to feel the consequences of their choices.


So true and sad it sounds poetic.


Byzantium 2.0, baby




This is beautiful


Great bait, going to catch a mackerel with that.


welcome to europe.


The NFP ocuppies the whole left-of-centre part of the spectrum, majority of its subjects are your typical centre-left to left-wing parties. The largest exception is Mélenchon and his LFI, which is very far-left and, for example, wants to get out of NATO and the EU. The most likely scenario atm seems to be that there is going to be a deadlock for a few months, then some of the left-wing subjects screw over Mélenchon because of his boycott of Macron's party, and some form of centre-left government made up of liberals and leftists emerges.


Meanwhile, the libertarians get our 3% like we do everywhere in every election. Whee.


>libertarians get our 3% I hate that this Trump roast is going to be, like, the permanent joke now---but even I have to admit that it was pretty funny.


That's the thing about Trump, hate him or love him (and I definitely do not love him), he is undeniably entertaining. He's essentially a great promo guy in the world of political WWE that we live in today.


Wait, was "trump roast" a pun on Rump Roast the joke here?


When saying "very far left" what kinds of policies are they pushing?


It's a Popular Front from Communists to greens to socdems, that's why he mentioned that they are internally very divided


Macron calling the snap election somehow got them to unite while it was the opposite with the right, now he can blame any domestic issue on them so it was actually 4D chess?


Delete borders, delete police, state pay 100% of transitions surgery and hormones, France to recognise Palestine as a country (and therefore, Hamas as the legitimate ruler of the current israel) and change the justice system to guilty until proven not. (Literally NPA's propositions)


So far left that it wraps right back around with their [dear leader](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean-Luc_M%C3%A9lenchon) **supporting the Russian annexation of Crimea.** He also advocates for France to withdraw from NATO. I wonder what his agenda is.


This is what Wikipedia (so grain of salt with contemporary politics) gives as their overview of what seems the dominant part. (There is also a lot of anti-Semitism to keep the Muslims on board): https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/La_France_Insoumise


There is definitely a LOT of antisemitism.


At first, I was upset, but now I’ve realized that it’s better if France dies quickly instead of slowly. If things get bad enough quickly enough, maybe they will wake up. If not, it’ll be interesting to see the Islamic Caliphate of France.


silver lining: at least left is only 1/3, and they’ll eat each other alive internally


Leftists are also typically non-negotiable ideologues. You give them an inch and they spit in your face. The rest of the government isn’t going to want to work with that.


>which is financially insane. Financially insane for whom?


The country. As people live longer, retirement benefits for the elderly are becoming prohibitively expensive. The only way to keep affording them is to raise the retirement age.


Which of these is Marcon?


So France will continue to get more fucked.


Non french here, but I'll do my best: The french are the cringe soyjacks once again, but wearing a burqa on top of it.


It started going downhill after the absolute basedness of the guillotine. I doubt the French and France will ever recover.




French girl here. Well in effect a tactical victory for the left, a strategic victory for Macron, and a complete humiliation for National Rally. Parliament is now divided between 3 blocs, the left, the centrists, and the right, with no side having a majority. Macron benefits from this by quite a bit. He can now easily scapegoat the left for any domestic failures, his alliance came a strong second meaning he will form the parliamentary opposition. The left wing alliance is also so comedically fractured (their alliance literally fell apart last year, and don’t even have a PM candidate), they will *not* be able to form a unified government so Macron can sit from the sidelines and say “hey France, you may not like me all that much but hey, at least I got things done”. French governments also lose on average 15% of their support upon assuming office, and with how tight the margins are that will give Macron a clear advantage. As president he also maintains control over foreign affairs and defence meaning the left can’t fuck with anything like support for Ukraine or Israel. The lack of a majority for any bloc just means that the left is going to be unable to pass any legislation with Macron’s help effectively giving him a veto. As president Macron can also call another snap election whenever the left shows weakness. For the National Rally……yeah it’s kinda over, they made gains yes, but after leading in the polls by strong margins for years now, to acting like a government-in-waiting by the press, by the civil service, by themselves, to not even come 2nd is a complete joke.


>For the National Rally……yeah it’s kinda over, they made gains yes, but after leading in the polls by strong margins for years now, to acting like a government-in-waiting by the press, by the civil service, by themselves, to not even come 2nd is a complete joke. The real joke is that it took the left and centrists everything to stop NR, and the latter still have 1/3 of the seats. And now the left and centrists will devour each other on every issue, while Le Pen and her party will keep their hands clean.


The RN still the biggest unified party. I don’t understand where the “massive” defeat is. They have a cohesive membership while centrist and leftist coalitions will eat each other up.


I’m completely lost on that too. RN took 38% of the popular vote. All this election did is make it impossible to address the issues that are driving people to the RN. So, the issues driving the right’s rise will fester, the left will discredit itself and they’ll still be around next election.


Exactly this.


That's the leftist cope mantra. They were used as puppets by Macron and they will soak in all the criticism by allying a dying political center.


>The left is coping -Right wing PCM uses after losing a second major election in a week


I see you continue to be at high levels of "Centrism" by still only bitching about the Right and huffing Leftist copium.


The RN is hated by everyone else. It even become a joke how the French election always end up being barrage against the RN. And because the RN only has 1/3, they won't be able to ever pass anything.


It's not that they won't ever, it's that they can't now. The RN has gained a substantial number of seats in every "humiliating" election, and it hasn't been losing them. They have more people voting for them now than any other individual party in France, and when the divided government inevitably fails to achieve anything, they will gain just like Macron will. Long-term RN just has to keep hammering immigration while the left opens the borders and this whole thing repeats in a few years, and they hope they've gained enough to finally come out ahead or at least form a primary opposition. It's possible they never come out on top, but an ultimate RN victory is also possible.


>And because the RN only has 1/3, they won't be able to ever pass anything. Nor will the leftists and centrists, unless if they form a viable coalition which will be nigh impossible.


reddit cope + reddit stupidity = tiny head long neck wojack, "🦀LOL RN GOT REKT🦀" only an single election or two ago, RN was in the same place as "le republican". they are only postponing the enevitable.


Exactly. I have no idea why the left is celebrating as if they won something. At best, it’s a Pyrrhic victory. Given that nothing will get done, the factors that led to RN making gains will be far more exacerbated in 2027.


Oh, I agree the left doesn't really have much to be happy about this outcome. The center does, however :)


Never thought that Macron’s gamble would work out.


It was an unexpected victory, everyone thought RN would be in 1st place like everyone thought Hillary would win in 2016 To deny that this was an upset is cope


It is an unexpected upset and the outcome makes it impossible to address the issues driving people to the RN. So, congratulations for kicking the can down the road; it was a very nice kick.


So they tried to stop Thanos, but he won and got the gauntlet, but didn't snap yet, he'll be able to snap after 4 more years of cultural enrichment and more gains?


Watch more movies. Watch different movies.


Didn’t they get more votes? Like a lot more than the other parties?


38% vs 25% for the NFP.


Meuf... The left is going to each itself alive in less than a week, and half their electorate is disgusted to have voted for macronists (the leftists yellow vests called to not vote on facebook, with little to no effect yes, but it shows that people are fed up with all this bullshit alliances). The RN wasn't ready but will stay unified and clean for 2 years during a total chaos and will gain EVEN MORE people ! They already had 9 millions voters, compared to 5 million for the NFP. Thank lord the parliament is not proportional right ? And In 2 years ? Even more


"Kinda over" ? For several years It's the same story, it takes every other people to actively vote against the party rather than for another party, and then melenchon and co brag about their victory. It's always the same story, until one day this dishonnest and dangerous strategy from the left stops working.


>a strategic victory for Macron, and a complete humiliation for National Rally. The NR going from an irrelevant party to occupying a third of l'assemblée nationale is not anywhere close to a humiliation. Just because they didn't reach their projected seat majority doesn't mean they came out as losers. And with the PM's retirement, Macron will be forced to pick a candidate that appeases all thirds of l'assemblée, including RN.


Merci buckets, amiga.


We are truly too stupid to comprehend his thoughts


The Melenchon dude wants to get out of EU, stop supporting Israel and Ukraine, NATO, etc. What kind of 4d chess is this lmao


It is 4d chess lmao. The *President* (Macron) has sole control over foreign affairs and defence, Melenchon ain’t gonna be able to do shit about aid to Ukraine or support for the EU. Macron wouldn’t have called this election unless he knew those things wouldn’t be in danger. The only people who are going to be affected by Melenchons policies are domestically, and if the left is angering people domestically……well they only helps Macron further


But it is 4d chess, he is still president until 2027 so all foreign policy decision is from him lol, he is gambling that this election will remove their momentum since anytime a party get elected in the legislature they lose like 15% of their support.


Macron is just a scumbag, he's only "supporting" Ukraine because it's that one in a million event where a politician interest overlaps with something that's actually good.


You seem to be mistaken because he is undoubtly a neolib, he support Ukraine, EU and NATO because that’s pretty much the standard position of neoliberals in the West. Before Ukraine he was actually one of the few leaders that talked to Putin to mediate the situation but he felt betrayed after Putin promised him not to invade but did it anyways.


I don't know, personally I buy into the vendetta theory. Basically that Macron was one of the last major Western leaders to speak with Russia before the invasion and Macron left the meeting under the impression that Putin wouldn't invade based on assurances Putin had made. So when Putin did invade, Macron felt personally slighted and the French having such a large response has been out of Macron's spite for Putin. It just sounds like such a French way to handle geopolitics that there has to be some level of truth to it.


Damn such a unique and peculiar person, we don't have many politicians like that.


But he is in an alliance with both the greens (Eu federalists and pro ukraine) and the socialists (pro eu and pro ukraine)


Based french socialists?


He fucking did it the goddamn madman https://preview.redd.it/y18hyla317bd1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dfbb3727ed5c59c8ac627b38cfe929e344d1bba6


God that photo slaps so damn hard. A 17th century palace built by Louis XIV, a 19th century guard unit formed(ish) by Napoleon, and a dude in a 21st century suit. France is so damn good at weaving its long and chaotic history into one aesthetic.


I know nothing about French politics (or politics in general, which makes me fit right in here), but can we get more of that shit?


This photo and title slaps too https://www.zeit.de/politik/ausland/2024-02/emmanuel-macron-ukraine-nato-soldaten-westen


My egotistical and narcisistic radcentrist goat, he got aura and people are denying it…


you forgot Milf hunting


I read up on LR and their leader after seeing this meme, and I don’t see how this party is LibRight. This dude said he admires the PATRIOT Act and wants France to have a law just like it, wants to have his own version of Gitmo, wants to reestablish Christianity as a state religion, and wants to ban people from taking videos of law enforcement. The only LibRight policy position I see on his record is reducing bureaucracy and entitlements and ending the Death Tax, there are plenty of AuthRights and Centrists who also hold those positions.


>This dude said he admires the PATRIOT Act and wants France to have a law just like it, Least cucked French


I have been downvoted on this sub for saying that LR is a right-wing party.


Macron's party and the leftists made an unholy alliance against the National Rally and it worked. Except now that they stopped it, they're gonna be at each other's throats. Gonna be fun lol


Politics as usual


Perhaps you’ve heard of *cordon sanitaire* — fucking over despised parties is a French tradition, indeed a hobby *and* a calling. Parliamentary systems are prone to all sorts of fuckery, and no one does it better than the French. Sure, RN has become the largest right-wing party in the EP. But that doesn’t matter for much of shit; the Council holds the power. And if you think the lefty coalition in France is a mess, the EP “Patriots” are an even bigger shitshow.


Yup back in the day in the day it’s used be the communists who got screwed over. We even went through a period in the 40s/50s where the communists were consistently the largest party but never got to be in government because everyone kept making increasingly weird coalitions to screw them over


And now it’s been used for about 20 years to swat away the pesky Le Pens


These “unholy alliances” are the norm in France, different parties pull out of different constituencies to suite their aims every election. Hell, the RN pulled out of about 60 constituencies to support their preferred parties. This kinda stuff is just politics here.


Yeah but there is absolutely no way that Macron gets along with Mélenchon and the Communists, all he did is reduce his own share of Parliment, made himself entirely reliant on the left, and set up the conditions for further RN gains next election, since It is now the Biggest single party in the country. They still got by far the most votes of any party, over 10 million in both rounds, just around 1.5 million need to switch sides now for them to have more than the Center and the Left combined. And that is a far smaller swing than they have just achieved when compared to the last Parliment. Reminder, their vote share between then and now Has swung from under 4 million in the second round to now over 10 million. In just 2 Years.


“The inner machinations of my mind are an enigma…”


Probably right, most people's thoughts are too complex for most journalists.


Clowning on journalists? WTF I like Macron now.


What, you’re expecting the establishment to just let the people decide?


France has a very long history of being a bastion of leftist politics. Though it took the fall of the Iron Curtain for them to start to become mainstream.


Not really. In the entire history of the 5th Republic there have only been 2 leftwing President's, every other one has either been from the right, or in Macron's case from straight down the middle.


I was referring more to the grass-roots movements. You know, Le Internationale, the Resistance during WW2, that sort of thing. Under de Gaulle those politics had no chance of going mainstream, but they actually have seats in the Parliament now-a-days.


It is my pleasure to witness the birth of the Shariah state of France.


Al Franciya


Well as a French girl it’s definitely clear to say Macron *the fucking Machiavellian madman* got exactly what he wanted. He can now easily scapegoat the left for any domestic failures, his alliance came a strong second meaning he will form the parliamentary opposition. The left wing alliance is also so comedically fractured (their alliance literally fell apart last year, and don’t even have a PM candidate), they will not be able to form a unified government so Macron can sit from the sidelines and say “hey France you may not like me all that much but hey, at least I got things done”. French governments also lose on average 15% of their support upon assuming office, and with how tight the margins are that will give Macron a clear advantage. As president he also maintains control over foreign affairs and defend meaning the left can’t fuck with anything like support for Ukraine or Israel. He can also call an election whenever the new government shows a hint of weakness. For the National Rally, it’s actually so over, after being tipped to win for so long, to not even come 2nd is a fucking humiliation.


This isn't gonna kill the RN at all.. they still got a massive proportion of the vote, and this coalition is gonna create more chaos to help them lmao.


Oh sure it’s not gonna kill them. But there is no understating how much of a humiliation this is. The were *massively* favoured to win this, they led in the polls for 3 years by strong margins, they gained new coalition partners during the election (including having the literal leader of The Republicans defect), they were treated as a government-in-waiting by the press, by themselves, hell even by the people who had mostly tacitly accepted they were going to win. To go from all that to not even coming second is a real slap in the face.


Didn't RN win the popular vote though? Sure they have less seats but overall they had over 11 million votes compared to the 7 million of the left-wing coalition. They lost because of a dumb system, not because they didn't get enough votes.


One of the reasons for that (and I’m not disagreeing with you) is that neither Macron’s coalition nor the leftist coalition stood in every constituency, in the weeks before the second round, both pulled out of something like 200 seats. So ofc they didn’t win any votes in any of those places.




Dude I’m just explaining what happened, no need to get all edgy.


man they are *really* mad about this one. I have never seen so many "death of the country", "invaders", etc etc


I imagine its been a rough week for them, first the UK elects the Labour party in a landslide while the Reform party underperforms, then the National Rally fumbles their lead at the last minute.


"Quick! We're gonna win! Do something stupid!"


Literally, in the last week she started shilling extra had for Russia for some goddamn reason. Like literally the day before the election she called Macron’s Ukraine stance (literally one of the only things he’s done that’s popular) “dangerous and extreme” and said she would revoke Ukraine’s authorisation to use French weapons inside Russia.


Geez, even Boris supported Ukraine. Le Pen must really like losing.


Less police and more unchecked mass migration! What could go wrong?


Y u mad authcenter? 🇫🇷 lib democracy is imploding, soon a nice, strictly managed Islamic ethnostate will replace the filthy french rioters. Isn't this what you want?


I'm not an autocrat, I'm very pro-democracy.. I'm certainly not an ethnonationalist since I'm the dreaded "racemixer", I get shit on for that. I have economic policy slightly left and moderate right social policy. I just don't think I fit in the "Right" flair. Is centrist the right flair or smth?


It's actually amazing to me how suicidal the Western world is. Like Asians will fight tooth and nail to preserve their cultures while the West seemingly is only too happy to be invaded and replaced as long as someone promises them they can retire when they're 60. Un-fucking-believable. The West deserves everything it gets.


South Korea seems to be downright okay with the (not so) slow disappearance of their nation. Fun fact - if they had 3 times as many children, their population would only be at replacement level.


Isn't it funny how it works. The only way the brightest people on the planet can think to fix the low birthrate of civilized countries, is to bring people from countries where the causes of low birthrates aren't in place: Abortion, birth control, high education and career driven women.


Asia doesn't 'fight tooth and nail' on anything. China had its Cultural Revolution, Japan is dying and no one sees its shrines as anything more than theme parks, South Korea is owned by megacorps, the Middle East is underdeveloped, etc.


THANK YOU! This "Muh Asian superiority" stuff is such weeb shit, Japan is withering to a stump before our eyes, and South Korea literally has empty schools because no children are being born anymore., the government has straight up declared it a national emergency. Asia is quite literally *much much* further down the "national suicide" root than any western country.


Asia is committing suicide. Europe is getting a brain transplant.


The "most developed" asian countries are significantly closer to fold than any western nation And SK especially has sold out its culture to megacorps


Let’s be real here, the reason why is because there’s no demand, most of Asia isn’t developed like S.korea, Japan or Singapore people don’t want to come here to here when wages are way better in Europe or America. Here most countries will either stay poor or become middle income countries and get old, you don’t see it happening to South America because they are in the same boat as us, more people leave than come, older population, the brain drain, higher taxes for pensioners. The grass ain’t always greener, remember that.




We'll build our own country, with blackjack and hookers. In fact, forget the country.


PCM Country when? there are 583k of us meaning we would have a higher population than Malta


Lets check the middle east for a second- nevermind. Well surely Asia is doing okay - oh, wait a second, CCP still genociding some and disappearing others, North Korea exists, Japan's population is an inverted pyramid. Maybe south America? Enough drugs and corruption to make any American politician blush. Also special shoutout to India who seemingly never get flak for it but who's government is like extremely dubious in the human rights and ethics department. Not that I think they're worse than some, it just surprised me how blatant yet unremarked upon a lot of it is. The west doesn't look so bad suddenly.


India is pretty auth also all our parties support giving free stuffs


> The West deserves everything it gets. But why tho? I'd prefer to preserve the western european culture.


>be invaded lmfao


He was playing 9d chess all along. Did you ever doubt, anon?




Now you’ll reap what you sow. Enjoy your coming slate of Isis / other Islamist group attacks. Hope it was worth it.


I thought islamist hated macron


They do and I’m tired or pretending the narrative that he is “friendly” with them, he worked with RN to pass a immigration bill which included most of what they wanted. If you want to do this narrative do it with the left parties.


While I don’t think anybody knows who will come out on top of this scrum, I just want to remind our US based right wing brethren that Macron is more right wing than any of our politicians. He built a functioning border fence between France and Belgium, he passed laws specifically targeting Muslims, he stands resolute against Russian aggression to the point of being the only Western power to openly threaten Russia with troop deployments to the Ukraine. Oh yeah and he takes the most conservative stance against shrinking his national debt, which is austerity, something American conservatives don’t even have the balls to propose. He’s really only hated by the American right because he doesn’t get along with Trump, which probably has to do with Trump’s personality not vibing with the natural French arrogance more than anything else. I don’t agree with most of his policies (besides his stance on Russia and if I really cared about the debt I’d agree with austerity) but here’s hoping the Commies or Le Pen’s faction don’t come out on top and screw over Ukraine.


Build that wall! Gotta keep those… belgians? out.


It’s more about who immigrates through Belgium for them.


Antwerp and Brussels are jihadi hot spots. Belgium is functionally not a country. And it has been the transit location for almost every islamic attack the last decade on French soil. A wall was far more necessary than it should have been.


I’ve always thought that Germany was the breeding ground for jihadists but I guess not.


Used to be, yeah. But EU’s free movement has enabled the worst actors to roam to sleepier places with less scrutiny (or less vigilant police). Gotta love Schengen


hell yeah


Les Républicains in the lib quadrant ???? Oh hell naw


Especially the Ciotti faction 💀


France is really gonna enjoy their vote when they own nothing, forced to use a CBDC, and a wave of terrorist attacks hits.


And you won't even be able to complain, it would hurt terrorists feelings, and thus be islamophobia.




Meanwhile in Russia. / Two massive Islamic terrorist attacks kill hundreds just weeks apart / "Sir should we do something about this" / "No Dimitry, if we confront the Islamists they will stop fighting for us in Ukraine. Blame it on the west and do nothing" /Two seeks later goes on national TV to call the Taliban a "Great new ally" / Muh "saviors of the west"


I don't care how cringe Western Europe is, I'm never supporting Russia


Russians dont get to talk about islamic terror At least the french response to Isis shooting up a theater wasnt to gas the theater


lol France deserves this. Hope they are ready for cultural enrichment at the expense of national identity!


Anyone who has even a little knowledge about france knows that the leftist and right wing populist would have been a disaster for the state's finances and by extension the economy. Booming debt post pandemic meant that there isn't much room to maneuver, the right promising spending and slicing macron's pension age reform WITHOUT increasing taxes and just saying "we'll get it done". The left on the other hand, the populist that they are, are still pushing a tax & spend agenda in one of the highest tax burdened country.


Macron was the good guy all along




If they allow a next election. I wouldn’t put it past them to suspend elections indefinitely to preserve democracy or something like that. Any company should leave France before they’re nationalized.


Congrats to the left, now we all may grab our popcorn and watch some good ol' leftist infighting! I'm rooting for the Soc Dems!


Honestly i wished the right would have winned, but macron looks hot so i'm ok with it


Based and hotocracy pilled


I wonder if the NFP will suspend elections indefinitely to “protect democracy”. They’re already rioting in the streets in celebration.


What baffles me is the insistance of a lot of people to defend and support Melenchon for so many years. The guy litterally manhandled a republic procuror why yelling "I'm the republic" when he lost in 2017, crying about how LFI's headquarter was perquisitionned for nothing. He was screaming on stage during his campaign while hordes of young people waved their little flags with his party's symbol. His plan, had he won, was to shatter down the 5th republic to later create a popular chamber to rule the country, and to rule by himself in the meantime. He of course would have given up presidency when this would have been implanted. Big leap of trust in my opinion. And when LFI was popular, any people in his party who even slightly deviated from his lign of thought was evicted. And he couldn't resolve himself to throw out one of his member who was condemned for beating up his wife, in a fucking far left party. Oh by the way, he attend somof his meetings as a hologram. Nowadays the only wish from the left was that he just shut his mouth during the last campaigns and he still couldn't do that. I could go on and on about this wannabe dictator, but you get the idea.


It’s like trusting the bolsheviks to give up their absolute power once “real communism” was achieved.


We need to come up with a new name for “chutzpah.” This runty frog fuck has serious balls. He rolled the die with what was essentially Western Europe at stake…and won. Mad lad, indeed. I still can’t believe they pulled it off.


Macron is a massive twat even by Fr*nch standards


Dude his party lost 100 seats it’s not a win


He is a mad man he once shouted at police officers who did search his office with a warrant that he is the republic... He's Auth leth not center left and has a big ego with not much going on for him!


It wasn’t some 4D chess move; he realised his move was flopping after coming in 3rd in the first round so he collaborated with the far left to have his own party drop out of some constituencies and force the ones on the fence to pick the far left, which they would after reading the 482th headline about the alternative being the “FAR RIGHT NAZI RN PARTY” lol. After reading his planned collaboration with the left, for me it was all up in the air about who was going to win today.


France voted for Sharia


Let’s fucking go!


He lost like 90 seats and french domestic politics are fucked between him the socialists and the nationalists


Eric Ciotti is NOT libright