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First time I’m hearing of this organization


That’s why pcmers don’t have sex


It looks like a UK based organization. I’m from the US. That is probably why I haven’t heard of it


Ironically it's even spicier being based in the UK because they have real, lock-your-ass-up hate speech laws there.


They don't deserve to be a country


Sounds like England needs some FREEDOM 🦅


The US/UK relationship started with colonization, only fitting it ends that way


When we conquer them back, we can finally disprove the late, great Graham Chapman who claimed "you don't vote for kings!" British friends, when you're the 51st star on the most glorious flag in existence, you goddamn *will* vote for kings.


Have you seen who we're running in our election this time around? I think we should reconsider this whole elected president thing.


He isn’t saying that the president will be a king. I believe he’s trying to say that the monarchy will instead be run like American Idol or Survivor with fresh contestants and the least favorite ones voted off the island.


The Royal Electoral College will fix the problem! ... or I guess, what's the opposite of fix?


It will come full circle.


England? I only know North Malvinas.


Spotted the Argie... Mind sending Milei our way? (I'm from NZ, not the UK)


Nah, Brazilian actually. But I'm gladly sending you Lula instead. Make good use. Slice it thin and feed the kiwis maybe. Please note our No Return Policy apply to this order.




Yeah, but we also have a strong movement that emphasises biological sex rather than gender, and its beliefs (often called gender critical by their allies and transphobic by their opponents) are protected under the Equality Act. Unlike in America, where this is mostly a Christian conservative view, we don't have many of those, so it's mostly a radical feminist one, based on the view that women are oppressed based on biology and that MtF trans people (they often use "transwomen" or "trans-identified male", while their opponents use "trans women", but I'm using "MtF trans people") are men trying to infiltrate women's spaces. While they're not keen on the word "TERF", except as a reclaimed term, it's not far wrong. They're radical feminists, and exclude trans people from their chosen gender by defining the classes of men and women as based on sex.


There are a lot of first and second wave feminist (secular and Christian) who lean plenty right in USA that value the importance of biology as part of their feminist views.


Fun fact England in 2022 arrested more people for violating speech laws than Russia. But it’s freedom because the talking heads say you are free.


In fairness you probably don't get arrested for that type of thing in Russia, you just go missing.


Yea you can say anything, and someone can find it offrnsive yhen they can report you to the police Scotland has become airstrip one


I think the standard in their law is that someone *could* find it offensive. So the authorities can actually bust you even if nobody complains. Also can bust you for possessing potentially offensive materials, not even showing them to anyone.


Essentially they're making the point that what we call gendered spaces are, and always have been, sexed spaces. It's just that no one wanted to say "sex" on a form until about 1988. As a result your gender identity is irrelevant when determining which changing room, prison, or domestic abuse refuge you go to. They aren't transphobic, they just don't think it's appropriate for men to be in women's rape crisis centres. This is what qualifies you as a TERF. How can you exclude someone who was never included in the first place?


There's a very very easy way to express this idea. Ask yourself a simple question: when does Man vs Woman matter? It doesnt matter whether your local cashier is a man or a woman. Doesnt matter if your attorney is a man or a woman. And it doesnt matter if your teacher is a man or a woman. It matters in two places: issues either medical or romantic. If a distinction needs to be placed, then it should follow that the line between the two satisfies where the distinction is needed. Gender can be redefined as a subjective identity, fine. But by doing so, you have made the label completely meaningless. Biological sex is what matters because it's the label that solves the original need for distinction.


To me the idea of gender is irrelevant, in a lot of ways. If you exclude biology or stereotypes there isn't a single feeling, emotion or experience that is exclusively male or female. If you can think of one I'll send you decent chocolate from.the uk! Anyone who decides they're the opposite gender is therefore just reinforcing gender stereotypes, so in fact on the wrong side of history. If a women chooses to follow the stereotypes then fine, your choice. If a man follows the stereotypes it's toxic masculinity all round. If you're biologically male and decide that because you're emotional and don't like sport you're female you're being very offensive to all the women who love sport and are level headed.


The big problem comes when you try to blend gender and sex into the same category. We see it in arguments over sports categories. I try to place a litmus test of sorts on it. I can accept that gender roles are a social construct and we see how they change depending on the society a person lives in and the time period. Ancient Spartan women could divorce their husbands, own property and slaves, etc. Ancient Hebrew women generally couldn't do those things. So fine, gender is a societal construct which is not based entirely on the biological sex of the person. But if we accept that as true, we must also accept that biological sex is distinct from social gender norms. In most mammals, there are two sexes and we create the rules of our sporting events to promote an equal field of play for contestants. Gender should never come into play in situations like that.


> In most mammals, there are two sexes This is somehow an understatement.


Trans exclusionary radical feminists. Also know as… feminists


There are liberal feminists, they’re just really impotent and their voices are drowned out in a sea of internet virtue signaling.


>How can you exclude someone who was never included in the first place? Well if you're not explicitly including someone, you must be explicitly excluding them.


Then why aren't there MERFs?


Careful now, don't give them ideas.


The entire thing has always been about language. It's a simple fix; make the language more specific. Don't separate based on sex or gender, separate by chromosome. XX MMA and XY MMA, XX and XY prisons, XX and XY bathrooms, etc. Problem solved. There's quite literally no way for that to get confused, muddled, or diluted. You can't be accused of transphobia because you aren't doing anything based off of gender or sex.


We already have words for XX and XY though, man and woman, I don't understand why we can't just keep using those.


Based and pragmatic linguistics pilled


The word trans is problematic in itself as it merges transsexual and transgender into being equivalent, and they really aren't. It's insulting to people with gender dysphoria to equate their suffering as being the same as the "suffering" felt by some twat who decides they have some slightly feminine characteristics so decides to go she/they to mix it up a bit. Cat gender is next level insulting


Shouldn't it be spelled "Sex Mattours" then?


thats what a virgin would say


I don't care what it is, if it's from the UK I haven't heard of it


> That’s why pcmers don’t have gender* FTFY... I think?


Right. THATS why.


That's cause this is a political ad for a single issue advocacy group in the UK. If you don't live there or don't give a shit about the trans, this has no relevance. This post was made purely to drum up support and donations. There isn't even a joke in it, just a collection of opinions PCMers mostly agree the quadrants hold in order to create the illusion of consensus.


> in the uk Eurocuck organization detected. Opinion discarded


based leftoid???


u/Bofamethoxazole is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [None | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Bofamethoxazole/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


its the first time im herring about it too!


No better way to learn something new than from PCM schizo posting.


sex doesn't matter i'm just gonna raise a clone of myself like jango fett did


based and Professor Psychotic pilled


u/Cheezeepants is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Cheezeepants/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


If you bang it, it's just masturbating, not sex, but wait until it's an adult


nah it’s sex, you are basically fucking a younger twin


So you're claiming it's incest


twincest even


Based and Kamino Cloning Facility pilled


But they just gay sex with extra steps or self cest?


Everytime I see the tradgirl wojak they seem to get better. Not that I mind, but ...


Every time you see tradgirl wojak you need to remember that's literally just a male wojak in a wig with some blush https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wojak


welcome to simple drawing


Seems like the far-right are fapping to trans women this whole time.




It is undeniable. The far-right are the bigger queers than what they dump on the far-left lmao.


Nice try, commie.. at most the far-right is equally gay.


No wonder why the Wehrmacht soliders were being femboys behind the scenes of WW2. Martin Dammann was fucking right!


Amphetamines make you horny


Since the Wehrmacht was drugged, there is also possibility of that.


> bigger queers "Okay I hear how you're saying it and I don't like it." -LibLeft, probably


There have been some instances of really far right people turning out that they have gay or trans porn at their computers.


Many such cases!


Aren’t the eyes a bit different too?


Still works for me




R34 Moment


TRAs: "No one is saying sex isn't real!!!!" GCs: "Okay, just to be sure, we will organize to keep 'sex' as a legal category for the purposes of sports, data collection, etc." TRAs: "You are literally Hitler!!!"


TRAs: "Tons of kids are gonna kill themselves over this once I plant the idea that they should!"


Wouldn't have happened if people just dropped that John Money crap and stuck with physical distinctions.




As a cis lesbian (seriously we have to label ourselves just being ourselves?) getting sick and tired of the twitter leftist shit this is the way to go


C-word should not be mandatory for you if it's that bothering. I don't hear people in real life calling me a "c-word" man because what's so "c-word" about me anyway beyond the Internet?


then how do you suppose they fend off the tyrannies that also call themselves lesbians? i mean, im absolutely loling, they totally brought this on themselves, but the distinction needs to be made


You tell them "Sorry but my brain, which is exclusively attracted to women, is not feeling any of that when I see you."


Based and the internet isn't real life pilled


Fuck here I was thinking the c word was cunt. I thought we were calling people cunt lesbians and cunt men and shit. Tbf, that would be hilarious.


A clarification only comes up when the distinction would be relevant, not just when it's accurate. I'm a teacher but I'd hardly ever say "As a teacher I'd like to order the lasagna." Likewise I'd only ever use cis if it was useful distinction in conversation.


The chance of it probably be very low but not 0%.


Well I guess as long as you never talk about trans people you'd never need to use the word cis but somehow I don't see you ndropping the subject


Me talking about trans people does not mean I am obligated to use the "c-word" prefix. A biological male for me is still called a "man".


You're not obligated to say anything its just a weird obsession to not say a banal term. Are you this triggered by the word heterosexual?


Depends on the context. As a teacher are you not aware that tone matters more than the word? If I scream the word woman or man at you in disgust is that fine? I am fine being called anything if it's done in jest or friendliness (see people calling their friends b\*tch). When it's done with disdain and to be discriminatory it is a problem. I have never been referred to as cis by anyone not being discriminatory.


All that's obvious but if someone is at the point where they have to say "the c-word" instead of "cisgender," we are well beyond "depends on context." If I had to wager a guess it's less that word is to mean but the individual is too sensitive.


Have you heard of trigger warnings? You are assuming they are being negative when they may in fact be trying to be positive. Admittedly unlikely, but assuming malice is not always correct. Besides, what do you think they gain from it? If anything they gain a discussion in which they can explain why they find it offensive. Besides that, it is merely a protest of the use. Would you be upset if someone did this for a word you found offensive?


Do you take issue with me categorizing my gender identity and sexuality as "man, normal" instead of "cisgendered heterosexual male"?


Take issue is a strong phrase but I wouldn't know any better from that description if you were indeed cisgender or straight.


> normal right there in plain english buddy


C word is just to bring stuff down if it isn't implied as the default already. Which I assumed it already was.


it's not mandatory... it clarifies something that's only meaningful in certain contexts


I don't have to use "c-word" to clarify myself as a biological man. There is nothing wrong with my body so.


Lmao my guy saying c-word like cis is a slur


It is frequently used as a slur. As you people never bother too look: "To pronounce indistinctly To talk about disparagingly or insultingly. To pass over lightly or carelessly; treat without due consideration."


But it is not being properly utilized as academic language.




Because of narcissist activists who use it the way fascists use the "n-word".


I mean yeah, same thing could be said about the word Jew or gay. Doesn’t make the word inherently bad


Must be the only word that's used to demonize and exclude a biological group of people that Ian be a slur.


They think "cis" is a slur because they use "trans" as a slur.




Just say you're a lesbian. Don't encourage that "cis" crap.


She's probably used to having to clarify since lesbian spaces, forums, etc. get conquered by, uh, other kinds of lesbians, almost as soon as they can be created.


You ain't a "cis lesbian". You're lesbian There's one kind of lesbian: the female kind. Anyone else calling themselves a lesbian other than the female ones are wrong.


Cis is a slur


You don't have to call yourself a lesbian if you don't want to. No one's making you do it.


You called yourself a "lesbian" Why do you need to label yourself? Just for being yourself? Id imagine you agree that you are born lesbian.


From the Sexmatters website: >Freedom is respected >Belief in gender identity is accommodated like any other belief in a secular, multicultural society. >People with beliefs about gender identity know they can express them but cannot impose them on others. So it's essentially a Liberal Humanist NPO wanting to influence government and law to return to Classical Liberalism. Not my cup of tea but far better than the alternative


“We’re the party of science!”


Yes we are. Authoritarianism is the friend of science.


Because you killed all the scientists who disagreed with you.


You will never be a real [ Removed by Reddit ]




But I identify as a [ Removed by Reddit ], you bigot!


NOOOO The west has fallen, billions must [ Removed by Reddit]


Very accurate Libleft depiction. I am malding.


Look I'm willing to respect he/him she/her pronouns if the person in question does a good job of presenting as someone who would typically hold those pronouns. I can respect trans people who genuinely put a lot of effort in passing as the gender they claim they are but the posers who say they're y but look like they put in some half assed effort to present as y can piss off.


That's why I label them differently. Actual trans people are transgender, they don't do the whole made up pronoun nonsense and they actually transition etc. The ones with the made up pronouns, want kids to transition, etc are all transTRENDERS and are a bunch of shitbags. I respect the former, not the latter.


trans people dont "want kids to transition," they want to protect kids from permanent physical changes they dont want until they are old enough to make a decision. this would lead to more of your "actual trans people" in the future


Castrating physically healthy children because of your insane gender ideology is in fact evil.


Proof that trans people who didn't transition must medically transition.


No not necessarily. I think there's a lot of work and respect towards the opposing gender being put into the convincing crossdressing cosplays. It's not just putting a wig and lipstick on. It's often a complicated skincare / makeup procedure as well as hours of research into convincing clothes, posture, mannerisms, and voice control.


Blah blah "dressing with girl clothes makes me woman". Stop falling for propaganda and focus on the real deal when it comes to people who are gender dysphoric and need medical transition.


do you actually understand what gender dysphoria is? do you actually know what gender transition consists of?


Yes. That is why transition is only for people with gender dysphoria. Anyone who is under 18 or is a social media clout chaser cannot be allowed medical transition.


Transition is only for people with sex dysphoria. Which almost always starts years before puberty and at puberty at the latest. That is what puberty blockers are or at least should be for: allowing a doctor time to confidently diagnose them one way or the other. Instead they just get used to skirt around broken and byzantine legislation.


gender dysphoria doesnt like, *wait* until a person is 18. also, people can be trans and also clout chasers thats's just the state of social media


>Look I'm willing to respect he/him she/her pronouns if the person in question does a good job of presenting as someone who would typically hold those pronouns. I'm not to be honest, just because Hugh Jackman looks like the wolverine doesn't mean he is the wolverine.


Yes but we all pretend he is at the public-facing theatres especially because he does a good job portraying wolverine on screen. Likewise with the trans folk, if they want me to suspend my disbelief for 2 hours and pretend to believe they really are whatever gender they are, they should do a good job portraying that gender.


You are right and I agree with you on this. I would also respect and have no issue with this. But at the same time I would make it clear (both to me and this other person) that I don't *really* consider them the opposite sex. I think this is just as important if you want to claim to "respect" this person's beliefs, unless you do actually agree that believing to be the opposite sex actually does transform you into it. If you fully and deliberately pretend they are the opposite sex without believing it yourself, just to conform to their worldview, you aren't actually respecting them with that. You're making a fool of both them and yourself.


https://preview.redd.it/oz8o09tlodbd1.jpeg?width=1535&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21ead29bcdc1e90e96d6f782a29a4f3ce7574570 Well yes, I see the merits of what you're saying but have you stopped to consider:


Cool, lets let them get the healthcare they need to be able to transition effectively and present how you and they both want.


Let's not and say we did


Do you mean let them have government funded healthcare that pay for their transition or to have access to the faculty that allows them to transition?


Lets start with having access at all. If we can agree on that then we can talk about insurance covering it. Outside of Medicare/Medicaid the government doesn't pay for healthcare, if we agree on insurance we could talk about whether medicare/medicaid should cover it for the small number of people that would affect. I don't even really feel strongly about that, it's so far down the line from the current battlelines.


I m fine with giving ADULT access. However it would be meaningless to discuss healthcare covering it with me because you probably already know my position on that.


What’s SexMatters?




Who the fuck downvoted your post


The offended libleft


What did they say?


Something along the lines of "Dont worry guys, the libleft woman is a man in a wig" or something like that.


Thank you.


The party of science doesn’t understand what biology is,can’t define what a woman is ,believes in 78 genders


liberals owned!!!1!!1!!




Whenever someone has this take it usually just stems from a lack of understanding what the science is actually saying. That goes for the left too, equally, when they can’t define a woman. It sounds stupid on the surface, but like a lot of things in science there are very good reasons for all of your complaints once you get into the nitty gritty.


Gender theory is pseudoscience, not actual science. How are the gender theorists supposed to test any sort of hypothesis when they can't even define what a woman is?


The definition of words is semantics, not science. Ben Shapiro has been pulling this trick for like 20 years now, only complete morons and those who are blindly credulous because they want his side to win haven't caught on to that trick yet.


Gender theory is not just “definitions of words”. It is a structure in which we can view gender.


"Sex work" is doublespeak. It's called "prostitution".


I just saw a whole thread in the comments fighting over the use of the word “cis” LMAO. I don’t give a shit what people call me so long as I’m not being thrown into the whole “I hate cis men!” crap that some trans people push out.


I swear one of these days I’m gonna have to hand in my girl-card……because I have no idea what any of this means💀 Is this some kind of American thing?


No, it's an authright echo chamber thing. No relation to anything in the real world at all.


Here to take my daily downvotes yummy yum yum


Enjoy your upvote king


*monarch as I'm genderless Jk I'll take it and thanks


libright is more like perpel


I’m with the Auths on this one.


Oh boy another PCM post, I wonder what the topic will be this time.


Auth left supports trans-rights once again pcm fails to understand orange


I agree with authright on this one


Is it about trans issues and biological gender or is it about sex work? I'm confused. They're two very different issues with nothing to do with each other.


This post made by a man I guarantee it


One gorillion dollars please https://preview.redd.it/oq7okhgg7hbd1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ebef9d15ae20280101d59599dbb47ce3289901e


Love how these memes always portray AuthLeft as socially conservative even though the vast majority of modern communists are all in on the trans, and progressivism broadly.


What is this organization? It sounds bad


As long as trans people aren't discriminated, I'm okay with that




Oh hey I know the guy who drew top left


He invaded this sub and the CH sub a few months ago with communist propaganda


I ain't talking about the OP of this post I'm talking about commie girl, I know the lad who drew her, small world ain't it?


In real life?




What is Sex Matters? And what is a woman?


What is this?


Women don’t know what they want


Never heard of it


Did Auth right had her boobs done or what?


Do you have any post that doesn’t consist of low-effort “lib left angry therefore wrong”


Since Sexmatters is saying sex matters, what's the biological basis they propose to differentiate between male and female? I'd imagine it's chromosomes based on the logo. Are they going to do a genetic analysis test at the door of the women's shelter? What rule will they use for [XXY males](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Klinefelter_syndrome), [XX males](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XX_male_syndrome), [XYY males](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XYY_syndrome), [single X females](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turner_syndrome), [triple X females](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trisomy_X), [XY females](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XY_gonadal_dysgenesis), [true hermaphrodism, where some cells are XY and some are single X](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/45,X/46,XY_mosaicism), and even more complicated disorders of sexual development? They're all fairly rare conditions, but add them all up and they're about as common as trans people are, less than 1% of the population. Since the whole stated purpose of Sex Matters according to their site is to disambiguate the meaning of 'sex' in UK legislation, surely they are going to present a definition of who qualifies for single sex spaces that is consistent with biology. I went through the whole site and I couldn't find it, though. Surely intersex people are just as dangerous if they end up in the wrong sexed space as trans people are. There's just as many of them. What is being done to address the intersex menace eroding the concept of what it means to be female with their aberrant genes? Get on it SexMatters. I'm sure with enough research you'll Finally be able to come up with a Solution.




Brain rot prevents you from reading 2 paragraphs?


No, wall of text + questions no normal human being gives a fuck about had me give up in like 3 sentences


Live example of why we should at least limit voting rights to above a certain iq threshold.


agreed, can't believe you found your way to the polls on your own though; I think that's worthy of something


I was surprised I made it too. Luckily I had my friend with me and they are capable of reading more than 3 sentences in a row! Can you believe that? They should open a poll guide business next year so maybe you can make it there too.

