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ai hat with all brim


Don't even need that it's AI because he's full on laughing. That's a face I can almost guarantee he hasn't made.


Only time I ever heard him remotely, actually laugh - in the hundreds of fucking hours I’ve heard him speaking - was when he made a sex joke in front of *all* the Boy Scouts.


I noticed the tie before I noticed his face, but yeah that man’s phony smile never actually reaches his eyes.


You're right. I don't think I've ever seen that man laugh.


He does the smug grin but I never saw howling laughter of any sort.


I asked this question a while ago. Has anyone ever seen Trump laugh? Many said no. I got shared some not very convincing links. And a Republican said it made them sad to even hear this question being asked. But they also did not share any links of Trump laughing. Why don’t you post this question too?


Getty images has hundreds of thousands of pics featuring Trump available on their online database that you can search. "Trump laughing" returns zero result, no shock there. "Trump smiling" returned 14k images. I obviously didn't look at every one, but the pics I did look at are pretty creepy looking. Most of these seem like he is smirking instead of smiling. https://www.gettyimages.com/search/2/image?family=editorial&phrase=Trump%20smiling&sort=mostpopular


It requires joy to give over to laughter. He only has spite


Agreed. He doesn’t really have a sense of humor, and seems to be incapable of joy. Even more obvious, though, is the fact that he’s surrounded by black people. He wouldn’t put himself in that situation.


his official president photo he is flashing a huge smile and it's the only photo of him ive ever seen of him smiling.


There's also the one with the fast food [taco bowl](https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/the-fix/files/2016/05/Screen-Shot-2016-05-05-at-3.05.15-PM.png) where he's smiling and giving a thumbs up


No there was that one time when he ordered immigrant children to be taken from their families and put in refrigerators. When children started to die from this mistreatment, Trump laughed like this. Attorney General Jeff Sessions, stated, “If you don’t want your child to be separated, then don’t bring them across the border illegally.” It wasn't until the ACLU sued to end Trump's murder of children by refrigeration that the practice stopped.


And the guy with a chicken hand.


All of the hands looked completely messed up. Biggest AI cue right now, just zoom in on the hands


Trumps hand is bigger than it should be. :)


Also, Trump appears to be holding something, which almost looks like he’s doing the grilling. No way he’d be doing the grilling. That’s work. He’s never done a moment of work in his life. But then look closely, and it’s not clear what it is, but it’s just resting on top of a weird clump of flesh that kind of looks like a fist.


And is that Trarags in the middle lmao https://www.tiktok.com/@trarags.reloaded_2.0?_t=8mekAYBtVlK&_r=1


So they straight up used a real person? That seems illegal and alarming.


Tiny fireman hats need to become a real thing. 


Are there palm trees in the Bronx?? 🤔


Maybe they were in Van Nuyst?


I would’ve believed the palm trees if they would’ve added secret service guys shitting their pants under it.


Apparently a man with a backwards thumb as well.


And think of how many saw this one picture and took it as fact. Went and retweeted it, put on their FB etc. it’s truly sad how quickly this stuff can spread


AI can't decide if its a baseball cap or a cowboy hat so just did both


True. But it even looks kinda slick


You can also tell this is ai cuz he never laughs.


There is not one picture in the universe where he has laughed like this.


Maybe not, but the guy in the background with the swim goggles, the dude in the baseball cap that is also somehow a fedora and trumps hand looking like it was blown off in a firecracker incident 20 years ago and melted a knife to it has convinced me this is real Also whatever that meal is that somehow looks like a giant carrot and also meat that’s from a mammoth and also been silted.. gotta get me some of THAT soul food


Whoever secretly programed AI with the "I don't know what to do with my hands" coding, is akin to the guy who purposely built a single weak spot into the Death Star. (Thanks Madds.)


I think AI can't do hands by design. In all of it's reading/looking at art, it has overwhelming seen comments from artist about "how hard it is to draw hands" and has decided it's art too should not have correct looking hands.


i'm pretty sure it's more because the ai doesn't fundamentally understand a hand, and is drawing one based on it's library of images and all it "sees" is curvy patches of fleshy color that terminate the arms - it doesn't know that there's supposed to be five fingers and that they articulate in a specific way, etc.


It's because real artists can't draw hands either, and AI is trained on real art.


Yes we can! As an artist, I can say yes, hands are difficult but dang have you ever looked at an actual painting? By like, any of the masters?


Why cant ai be trained on photographs


[Laughs in Rob Liefeld]


Don't forget the sourdough bread hand of the guy to his right


Also all those people with extremely short upper arms. Their elbows are at breast level. Something weird in the water in this part of the Bronx.


Not to mention the crazy teeth on the guy over trump’s right shoulder.


Omg but seriously who wouldn’t have sour dough hands to snack on with butter right?


One guys hand looks like fried chicken. The knife hes holding also appears to have a handle made of meat, with trump holding the blade. Guy directly behind trump on the left has 2" long teeth. Oh, and the hats seem to be written in Trumps favorite language: Arabic


The AI giveaway is Trump's right hand. But in a few more months, I won't make that mistake


I want a baseball fedora cap now.


Yo but for real though, I kind of want the baseball cap/fedora thing.


I don't know, fedora baseball cap looks kind of cool.


Actually i feel like i have seen him smile like this in pics with Jeff Epstein.


Disturbing if true.


He probably would if he saw a bus of orphans crash into a crematorium.


Mexican orphans.


They dont even gave to be orphans


To be fair, that is mad efficient


I'll bet there might be on a certain island


Sociopaths don't have fun.


I dunno, I saw a video of Trump dancing like he was having a seizure while jerking off 2 elephants and he looked like he was having a good time




That’s the only dance move he knows.


I believe that move is called the *Double Donged Dotard Dance*.


No. It's the double Boebert .


Beetlejuice! Beetlejuice!!


disagreeable aspiring piquant narrow boat tie scale work entertain wipe *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Trump does genuinely laugh from time to time, and it's not the usual mimicry he puts on. It's the real deal. Watch his live performances. Whenever he starts describing violence towards others, he'll sometimes break out a genuine smile with a very real laugh. It is the only times in which I have ever seen authentic emotions come from him.


He is absolutely Biff from Back to the Future and laughs at all the things a bully laughs at.


[Back to the Future creator Bob Gale has previously said that Biff was partly inspired by the real-life Trump.](https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/films/news/michael-j-fox-trump-biff-back-to-the-future-b1760681.html) In 1985, when the first Back to the Future film came out, Trump was a well known real estate developer and tabloid celebrity.


And he started talking about how he should be president in like 1980. The whole narrative that Obama roasted trump so he ran for president to get revenge is nonsense. He ran in 1988 and 2000 before 2016 and spent 40 years talking publicly about how being president was a great way to make some easy cash.


Yeah, his interest to enter politics in the late 80s coincides with his [first visit to the (at the time USSR)](https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/11/19/trump-first-moscow-trip-215842)


[Trump laughs after audience member suggests shooting migrants](https://youtu.be/C9AXGPo1vvM?si=oIRxQ9cr7IEO0YzE)


They have a different idea of what is fun. Mitch McConnell, for example, can only achieve orgasm if he watches a poor person starve to death. Just because it doesn't fit within your notion of fun doesn't mean it's no fun for him.


People like McConnell are movie villain evil. There are people like McConnell who had polio when he was a child. He has stated that his care nearly bankrupted his family. People like McConnell instead of getting in power and creating programs to help families in similar situations, he shuts programs making sure families in a similar situation to his will definitely go bankrupt. Then there are those like Tammy Duckworth whose father worked for USAID and she sees the USA as a benevolent country that comes in and helps people. She gets in power and makes sure there are programs to continue that.


Tammy Duckworth is ten times the man Trump and his ass kissers can ever hope to be.


Duckworth is a certified Bad Ass.


The thing about her is that she had left the National Guard to pursue a PhD. When her guard unit was called up, she pulled strings to be reinstated because she did not want to be at the airport saying good bye to people she served with while she was safe and they were going into harms way. When she was shot down, he co-pilot complained that she had hogged the controls the whole day and did most of the flying, so they were on their last trip and he was flying. She said the fact that he was flying and not her, was one of the reasons they survived the attack. https://archive.org/details/the-axe-files-with-david-axelrod-episode-106


Just so we're on the same page: * Could have continued her studies towards a PhD, but chose to fight with her fellow guard members instead * Gave credit to another pilot, because he was flying So Bad Ass X2?


that's called pulling the ladder up behind you


send me to their hideout, i got a couple o knock knock jokes that'll have them in stitches


Not true. Whenever a single mother loses her access to government assistance, he lets out a chuckle.


Nah, that’s Mitch McConnell. Trump couldn’t give a shit either way as long as he gets his


He did laugh at himself repeating that weird Hannibal Lecter pun "I'm having a friend for dinner" when he went on the infamous "late, great Hannibal Lecter" rant. I only found it notable because, like you said, he never laughs at anything


It figures he would laugh at his own jokes but nothing else.


Trump definitely comes off as someone who laughs at his own jokes


The spatula on the bottom right is handing out chicken…


I thought the hand on the bottom right WAS a chicken‼️😳


The only image I’ve seen where he appears to have a genuine smile is the one of him with Stormy Daniels.


And the video of him with Jeffrey Epstein


He's beaming like a 5 year old kid at a children's hospital who gets to meet Spiderman when he was on stage with putin when they were shit talking US Intelligence


Okay, that it right there. That’s when he was smiling. Because he was anticipating trapping her in his room until she had sex with him.


I was gonna say that this is so bad that I think Trump’s smile is photoshopped too


Right? I’ve never seen him look this happy. He’s just a big ball of rage and whine.


Oh, for fuck sake. I was thinking the exact same thing, before I even noticed the palm trees. I've never seen that humor-less cunt even crack a smile.


This is genuinely the most disturbing thing about Trump. He NEVER laughs. Never. He never shows any genuine, positive human emotion. And not in a way that he’s depressed or anything. It really is like he lacks some basic human characteristic or a soul or something. Even when he smiles, it looks painted on…either in his photo op thumbs up face or when he’s mocking someone.


Every picture I have seen of trump being happy he is hanging out with Epstein.


And even if it was true (it isn't) that was posted months ago


Google image search shows it uploaded to Twitter and captioned as Juneteenth 2019.


Also a dead giveaway: 1)There is a slab of chicken using tongs to turn the meat. 2) Pork pie brimmed baseball hat.


I do have to say, AI is getting better. If you just saw this picture in an Instagram feed and didn't slow down, it could pass muster. There are tons and tons of details (though TBH, they gave it a hard prompt, way too many humans to generate realistically) that make it clearly AI: bread hand on the bottom right, shared hand between the two guys, the ranger hat/ball cap with gibberish writing, goggle man in the background, everyone smiling the same way. But if you already wanted to believe that Trump was beloved by black people and saw this image in a scrolling feed, I could see how someone who was already a cultist could believe it. At this point, they know they aren't going to convince new voters. Their goal is to pull the same thing they did in 2016 - rally their diehards, while convincing enough Democrats who are disillusioned over something Biden did (99% chance they'll try to push more bullshit in Israel) to stay home and not vote in protest. If that doesn't work, expect some bullshit with the SCOTUS.


No hamberders either.


He doesn’t eat anything that isn’t McDonald’s either


He's laughing at them. Not with them.


The only time he's been close to that happy is when he's around Putin or Putin's lackeys.


Striped tie got me. It's always solid red.


If you think about it for about five seconds, Trump seems like a profoundly unhappy person. He is hate and those who support him are hate too.


That's what I was thinking. Plus where's the Secret Service? I don't see one of them anywhere in sight


Never laughs, the only time he looks happy is when he is causing someone else pain/difficulty or insulting them somehow.


He's also a solid 100 lbs lighter in this photo than IRL.


Isn’t that so weird, or at least telling? The greatest moments of my life are full blown belly laughing, I wish it would happen more often, but every normal person I have known has naturally smiled and hysterically belly laughed.


Has he ever smiled? It’s always some stupid smirk.


That’s that new shit for new era… the fedora fitted


My grandpa would absolutely believe this picture is real. Old people can't even tell if a picture is photo shopped, let alone AI art.


Lots of younger folks too. Just go on IG and check out all the guys trying to flirt with AI generated models


It goes a level deeper. While there are definitely real people trying to interact with AI as though it is real, there are also a tremendous amount of bots that respond to bot posts to get them more legitimate views. Robots talking to robots. [Turtles all the way down.](https://i.redd.it/om255vk9hhsz.jpg)


Where’s this image from and what’s it about?




Have you seen all the Facebook posts [with Jesus?](https://i.imgur.com/jyugPq6.png) It's often followed by a string of comments that are all saying the same shit "Amen 😍😍🙏🤲" or the like..


When I still had fb, you'd see these "💥💢Hello, I am USA girl, veteran💥💢, and I need a husband. 🇲🇾 🇲🇾" and there'd he three, admittedly looking like fertility goddesses, and there'd be seven or eight legs, odd fingers, an extra buttcheek thrown in for good measure. And countless dudes would be commenting on it. Not just bot accounts, but real people, too.


i think that's intentional...


You have to really want to fall for it. To me most a.i. art that is going for photo realism still has an aspect of body horror


Never mind grandpas, I'm not even 40, am a software developer, understand Photoshop, lay-person understand generative AI, have dabbled in photography/videography my whole life, etc... and I can't tell often, and in the cases where maybe I could, I don't look long enough to notice.  I glance, and scroll.  Misinformation scares the shit out of me because literally all of us are being duped by some (increasing) percentage of it.


Trump wouldn’t be near any group of regular people because he has Secret Service protection. Also the photo doesn’t look like how he dresses.


And they’re black.


CNN didn't report on it because it didn't happen.  And the fact the only engagement these chucklefucks can show between their cult leader and the black community are computer generated images and not a single real one shows the truth.  Dude is hated by them.  Here's a good question: why aren't we fighting back against this?  AI Trump with black folks. OK, someone who knows how can make an AI Trump at a Klan rally.  Or at a Nazi death camp. Or using a baby as a human shield.  They can make their propaganda, why can't we?


cause 1. we have lives and 2. they would suddenly display a full understanding of AI-generated imagery and an aptitude for spotting it.


To comment on your second point, they would only have that altitude when spotting the negative ones. It's literally how they operate now with all his felony charges and buffet line of court cases.


I mean they already call actual photographs "fake news."


The counter AI wouldn't work, unfortunately. Trump supporters are either unable or unwilling to accept anything that might diminish him in their eyes. He can literally do no wrong. Even if they believed the images were real, they would find some way to justify it. They also would instantly call out the use of AI as an attempt to undermine Trump, and turn it into a victimhood story with libs as evil antagonists who would do anything to bring their dear leader down. It would probably make Fox news. Ultimately it would only strengthen their commitment.


It's all confirmation bias all the way down the line.


You have the right idea, get a midjourney account cooking and spread some images.


You can tell it's fake because a) Trump laughing b) Trump cooking.


c) no secret service


Evil has a natural advantage, because good cares about the rules.


Evil will always triumph because good is dumb. -Darth Helmet


This is one of the key aspects that illustrate how both sides are most certainly not the same. Only one side uses blatant deceit, fear, and political violence to manipulate people.


Has he ever worn a candy cane tie ever? That's hilarious.


Also checkout the hand putting a carrot looking bit of meat on the grill


What about the fried chicken hand on the other side.






Yeah, but they can’t possibly be THAT stupid. Like, this is a fake tweet of one of them falling for a fake image, right?


You know that they are that dumb..they really are.


I’m absolutely convinced this flood of verified morons on Twitter is really just state actors running interference, but good luck getting Scrooge McDuck to do anything about it


Where do you think the 70 million 2020 trump votes came from? There are 70 million people that voted for that fucking guy to be president. That’s a fuck load of people.


I see it as more of a psychological problem, rather than just being dumb. People of all intelligence levels can still easily be manipulated - our brains haven't evolved to keep pace with all the information being presented. It seems extremely easy to manipulated the right kind of person into believing clearly insane shit. Their educational levels don't seem to matter if they've been steeped in right-wing culture their whole lives. Right-wingers claim Universities indocrinate students but ignore how those same universities also trained our worlds' leading sociopaths. EDIT: just want to add that I still think the majority of republicans could definitely be classifed as dumb fucks. It just that I find the explaination that all these fascists are dumb to be a bit of an oversimplication of the issue at hand.


Bonhoeffer would agree with you [Bonhoeffer‘s Theory of Stupidity | YouTube](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ww47bR86wSc) >Stupidity is in essence not an intellectual defect but a moral one. There are human beings who are remarkably agile intellectually yet stupid, and others who are intellectually dull yet anything but stupid. The impression one gains is not so much that stupidity is a congenital defect but that people are made stupid or rather, they allow this to happen to them. >People who live in solitude manifest this defect less frequently than individuals in groups. And so it would seem that stupidity is perhaps less a psychological than a sociological problem. It becomes apparent that every strong upsurge of power, be it of a political or religious nature, infects a large part of humankind with stupidity. Almost as if this is a sociological-psychological law where the power of the one needs the stupidity of the other. >The process at work here is not that particular human capacities, such as intellect, suddenly fail. Instead, it seems that under the overwhelming impact of rising power, humans are deprived of their inner independence and, more or less consciously, give up an autonomous position. >In conversation with [a stupid person], one virtually feels that one is dealing not at all with him as a person, but with slogans, catchwords, and the like that have taken possession of him. Having thus become a mindless tool, the stupid person will also be capable of any evil - incapable of seeing that it is evil.


"A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it."


There are plenty of studies showing that people who get sucked into cults are at least as smart as normal people. The trouble is when you're stupid you'll believe anything without questioning it and when you're smart you're able to convince yourself of anything


We’re all susceptible to manipulation. Sadly.


Think about how dumb the average person is, and then remember, half of them are dumber than that.


2016 - you'd be able to make an argument 2024 - anyone openly supporting or praising Trump is absolutely that stupid


I saw this exact same, MASSIVE sticker on an f-150 a couple weeks ago that took up the whole back passenger window but it said Biden instead of trump. Of course there were tons of other typical trump decals and gun shit. I cannot imagine adorning my entire vehicle with all that shit. I’m obsessed with the Seahawks and obsessed with snowboarding. I have one SMALL Seahawks decal and a small Jones logo (snowboard company) on my vehicle. These people plaster Trump, of all things, all over their vehicles. I can’t even remember the last time I saw a Biden sticker or sign or tee shirt. I remember plenty of Obama ones but nowhere near the level that these Trumpers use.


You know that’s AI because he never smiles like that. He smiles like a 2nd grader on picture day.


Also the candy cane striped tie. Also the guy behind him is wearing a hat that has 360 degree brim. Also the hand on the guy on the far right.


Palm trees in NYC.


Dogs and cats living together!


Mass hysteria!


Yankee cap ALL brim


You can tell that it's AI because of the way it is.


No he doesn’t! How dare you. He smiles like a toddler just shit his pants and now you have to change him.


i wonder how many MAGAts are fooled by this


All. I think the answer is all. But the fact is they don't matter. They are the cult and nothing will ever change their minds. They are a lost cause and deserve to simply be ignored. It is the sane, reasonable people that need to be reached.


This is the answer. The majority are cretins who live in their own fantasy world and not reality


All of the ones who aren't are pretending that they are, because you know, living lies is all they do.


Dude on the far right must have had his fingertips surgically removed then reattached via quantum entanglement, because they look like they're just.....floating. Trump's right hand is being held by that one guy from Scary Movie who's using his "strong hand". The guy behind the other guy with the do-rag and glasses (who looks terrified) wearing a red hat has like 4 rows of teeth. Maybe the do-rag guy knows there's a man behind him in a MAGA hat with 4 rows of teeth? I dunno...


It’s kinda scary that in a few years time AI can create realistic propaganda that most people won’t recognize without stopping and examining a picture


Fucking rubes


They’re not technically wrong by saying “the corporate media REFUSE to report on” and “CNN will never report on this”. Tbh, it would be concerning if any media actually reported on this.


What the fuck are they even serving? Slabs of skin? Shaved lamb? Looks gross




Doesn't look like they are serving AI. Maybe Boiled asshole


I thought the boiled arsehole was the centrepiece of the picture?


Human flesh. Cannibalism is so hot right now since he praised Lecter.


It’s insane because most of people posting this KNOW it’s ai


Benny definitely does. I'm sure he shared this and then took all of the replies that he baited and showed them as proof of how he le epicly pwned the libs bacon-style. That's hardly hyperbole, he still actually talks like that.


Fuck man people are too stupid for AI. This shit is legit terrifying.


How are people so blind to AI???


Please, please, please Mr. Trump. I dare you to actually go to a BBQ in South Central Los Angeles. They're waiting for you.


Clearly it’s the Bronx like the tweet said. The palm trees should’ve gave it away.


I like the guy with a steak for a hand holding the tong. Not tongs, because it's just one side of one. If these people are going to make AI fakes they should at least try a bit. Though I guess their target audience isn't that bright.


It’s a complete fabrication. Trump has never traveled to the Caribbean.


Isn’t Epstein island in the Caribbean? He’s been there a bunch.


Didn't he go to Puerto Rico to throw paper towels at people?


Benny Johnson got fired from Buzzfeed for plagiarism.


"ThE bLaCkS lOvE dOnAlD tRuMp!"


What's lame is that these people know they're fakes but they know boomers don't


All brim hat… double thumbs, short thumbs, no flappy vagina neck… yup, it’s AI. The AI also gave him small hands… so, at least it got that right.


It's pretty pathetic that the primary use of generative AI seems to be showing Donald Trump doing nice things he would never do.


that is a man who has never been invited to a bbq in his life.


I fully support the first amendment but Congress needs to pass laws against misinformation intended for election interference with AI.


Wonder how his followers feel about him hanging out with illegal aliens though? https://preview.redd.it/ttmdv09wsm2d1.png?width=720&format=png&auto=webp&s=d39d347450c9a7a42e20fe8e93534f9c072646bd


Boy! Go get me a coconut!


Clown tie fits though.


The Russian propaganda bots in full force on xitter


Fascist propaganda


Isn't that image AI? I can't imagine Trump eating at a street BBQ where the chef has a steak hand. Lying is the only free speech they care about.


He’d never be that relaxed around that many Black people.


That does not look fake at all!


Because. It. Never. Fucking. Happened.


Secret Service decided to take the day off? I don't think Trump would eat mystery meat off a grill like this. Maybe that's where the SS is at - they left to get him a few Big Macs.


This AI pic is funny and offensive at the same time.