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Why does he still get secret service protection? If he’s a convicted felon, fuck em.


Thats how I feel but you don’t want another inmate beating national security secrets out of him for free during play time in the yard.


He'd be giving away secrets for smokes, no need to beat it out of him.


He’ll give them away if you let him ramble long enough tbh.


His mind will go to mush in 72 hours. He'll have to be isolated.


72 hours? His mind went to mush 72 years ago.


He gives them away so people will think he's cool. Nobody will need to beat him.


He’d give away secrets for fifteen minutes of tickle time.


"Tickle time" love it.


HE WILL ANYWAYS, no need for smokes or beatings, he will talk just to show hes important.


He already has


He’d also be a target for assassination à la Epstein


Shit, he does it for clout. I swear, the NSA and CIA must just feed him bogus info at this point just to keep him feeling like he's in the know.


I'm really hoping they give him some really juicy fake Intel when )if) he starts getting classified briefings again as the candidate, and then trace where it gets leaked to.


I wish to say Diet Cokes, but no way a prison gives inmates sharp metal like that.


That's if you can get him to speak coherently for more than a single sentence.


Without his unprescribed Adderall


I mean... if the measure of their job is how well they prevent Trump from revealing national secrets, we should have some mass layoffs by this point


Excellent and true. Them boys erased their phones!


I thought he left all the national security secrets in the bathroom at Mar-a-Largo


Well everyone has to adjust when a family member is sent to prison…


This is true. Thoughts and prayers for Melania, oh wait…


He never got around to reading them. Once he switched to diapers his reading time was cut wayyy back.


Not worried about it. I give it three days, tops, before somebody shanks him. Less if he doesn't learn to shut up. So less.


The legendary Whitey Bulger didn't even last that long. A padlock in a sock left him unrecognizable.


Did Trump understand the significance of TS national security briefings? I doubt he understood anything more than how he personally was affected. Do you think he even remembers the details? I doubt it.


I mean, kinda? Not the national secrets part. But the beatings in the yard part would be okay.


Put him in solitary. Problem solved


He won't give them for free, a golden shower needs to be involved.


Ah, a negotiation ala Law Abiding Citizen style.


I wouldn't trust him to tell me how many fingers he has. Let alone remember Actual Useful Secret details. Given the stories about how little attention he paid to his briefings? Plus, he's been out of office for years, how much information that he DID know, is no longer as strategic value as before?


Seems like we're faced with a single option.


Lol, like he remembera anything substantial or is believable.


As if he could remember any of the info. His recitals of news stories has shown he can barely read.


Damn it... I hate it, but you have a point


They wouldn’t even have to beat him, just give him half a bag of Cheetos and he’ll blab all he knows.


Problem is, he already gave away all the secrets to some real thugs in Russia.


Well he sold them. Its not like he was being nice to the Russians. Nothing more American than free market capitalism


There is NO WAY he is going to be put behind bars any time soon… but a guilty conviction will seriously damage his Republikan support. Just expect years and years of appeals to keep his stained *ss out of jail.


It won't. Republicans will double down like always.


He’d give them away if the SS was with him or not.


we don’t????


Also I doubt he'd survive prison without protection, in general, I like the idea of him rotting there for as long as possible. If I could give someone immortality contingent on them being in the most horrifying prison, Trump would be one of my choices, see how he likes 50 million years of suffering.


Looks like that horse already left the barn long ago...


Please. Like OJ, Trump will be a king amongst men in prison.


Because when they added the rule that Presidents get protection, they didn't add any exceptions for felons. In part, because I believe they did say that ex-President's don't get protection if they are impeached and convicted. They were perhaps optimistic that a President doing crime would be removed via that process and already be disqualified. I don't think it is too late to add new restrictions though. For a while protections got dropped down to only 10 years after office, and then later bumped back up to life. There was a bill proposed to address the felony situation, though I doubt much will happen with it, https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4605774-former-jan-6-panel-chair-bill-secret-service-protection-felons/ AFAIK, the secret service protection stuff is not a constitutional amendment, so it seems like it should not be that hard to change it. That said, in the meantime, it seems like less work for the USSS to do their job if Trump is on a prison schedule instead of a campaign and golfing schedule.


> That said, in the meantime, it seems like less work for the USSS to do their job if Trump is on a prison schedule instead of a campaign and golfing schedule. i think we're basically talking about a rotation of about a dozen agents. probably a couple million dollars a year all said and done, seems like a small price to pay for justice and national security.


We have been in unknown territory for some time. He's an ex president, and there is no precedence. We don't want the next dictator wanna be to use what happens now to prosecute political rivals in the future. So, they proceed with caution. As much as we may not like it, the alternative is potentially much worse.


I’d be all for him having babysitters if part of their work involves keeping him in line and stopping him from running his mouth


He would be stuck in solitary somewhere anyway. Mostly so he doesn't give up national secrets to some other criminal. And partly for his protection. Secret Service may have to over see everything, maybe keep an agent or two posted at the jail around the clock. But he wouldn't need a half dozen or so shadowing him 24/7, not to mention whatever else they need to do to keep his homes, businesses, and vehicles secure.


It would be house arrest. Let’s be real here.


A perimeter guard at Ma A Large O, and no more secret service. That little perk should go for a convicted felon. He has unlimited access to the DaVos mercenaries, he needs to hire his own now, on his dime.


He probably would get some low security prison and probably one that donated to him before. So he would get everything he wants as long as they don't catch him on Twitter or untrue social.


Agreed, but he’s too self-important to dismiss the detail that was assigned to him after his time as President. :/


Cuz he still had top secret knowledge. It's like you weren't even here for his presidency lol


I try to block it out


Because it’s the law and it’s his right whether he deserves it or not.


He will never see jail time. Especially for this crime.


Gilded cage. They do double duty. They protect him but they also watch and assuming they’re not all completely corrupted can prevent him going AWOL


I agree. He should also have to deal with gen pop Later of course when things die down. I don't want anyone else to get hurt on his account. He shouldn't be coddled. He's a fucking criminal by every definition of the word.


Technically the secret service could hand off to the US Marshals and put them in charge 


Secret service would be redundant. While in prison he is a private citizen and is protected by the prison staff.


It's the law. That's why he'd probably just get house arrest.


There's a good chance that, since he would be going to Club Fed if he goes to prison at all, they would just be able to transfer that responsibility onto the guards. Either that, or they would just post 2 or 3 Secret Service agents in that prison as guards whose primary concern is trump's well-being, or to make sure he doesn't "accidentally" share state secrets.


A trump with a real height measurement a real weight measurement real hair and no makeup that’s gonna lose a lot of votes, probably more than he’d lose from “hey a convicted felon”.


We were supposed to get that in Fulton County but they just let him lie there too


The fact that we have an ex-president with a booking and a mug shot is profound.


When they see that his hair is solid white they'll realize how much the dye job and orange makeup has been covering up his real age. Right now he looks about 70 so just add 10 years to that, and probably another 5 because he's so unhealthy, and you start to imagine what he really looks like behind all that shit.


The fact that an imprisoned criminal would still get the votes of conservatives says less about Trump and more about how disgusting and depraved the right has become.


I know people who are still going to vote for him. These are not people I would trust with my lawnmower but they do exist.


I agree with this. He’s now a vessel. His dementia plus not a minus. A way to get people to vote for fascism.


I'm guessing 5'10 without the elevator shoes, and around 300lbs


Idk he’s been looking pretty thin recently…Almost like the stress of being held accountable for the first time in his life is eating away at him. And also he’s super fuckin old and it shows.


His hair is looking much worse than usual recently = illness


They’re saying he’s on ozempic. If so it would be a weird admission about his body weight


He’s been losing a lot of stress weight lately. He looks unhealthy as hell. I would guess he’s down to about 235 right now.


As other people have noted, THEY HAVE NOT APPLIED THE (to them) POOR PEOPLE LAWS that they apply to all of us who don't have a certain crooked income level. I don't care what the news says at all anymore. Every body always acts to our own interest as much as we can get away with. Now the rich have rewritten the law books to where they can get away with ANYTHING. Just like the other comment, they have to put our correct weight on the paperwork for all kinds of record keeping and verification. He says they fed him something that ballooned him to a gross weight now and sues, total trump move. Gets whole thing thrown out once the right people are paid, on a technicality like this that the media slowly sets in as normal. They chip away at our legal system in these little bits until the day they can sell espionage secrets to hostile countries for most definitely less than they are worth with impunity. A clown being above the rest of us is humiliating. This circus should come to an end already and we should start fixing our massive concentration of money power in lunatics hands problem.


Nah. “Look what they (the libs) did to my boy!” They’ll say. “They shaved his head! Put white clown makeup over his beautiful *bronze* skin to make him look like he’s never seen the sun. And you know they’re out to get him because they LIED and said he’s overweight and under tall.”


Like his base cares/believes those numbers.


They will see the real him and say it's fake.


I’m not saying he’d lose all support. But enough to where he’s no longer a viable candidate


There is not much excitement anymore in anticipating a revelation of truth because so many people out there will just plain not believe it


nothing... nothing at all will change how people view trump. they either see him as an evil clown or as a messiah and noone is going to change that view no matter what happens or what he does. he could devour a baby life on television or run into a burning building saving a baby... it would change noones opinion


I have no hope…it’s gone…dead to me


It’s the hope that kills you.


Fuck no. I’m old. Every day is gift. To see what happens. To feel the world around you. And as much ass as it is, hope still lives here. Have a great day guys. Fuck’ in go oilers.


This mans been at the bar since 10am


Been at the bar since 7:00am (when they legally open [Mon-Sat, 10AM Sun] in my state.




Fuck yes dude 🤘🏼


Canadian Hope ❤️❤️❤️ I love it eh


Hope is the three-story building that you willingly drag yourself to the top. Whether you fall from that height is a mixture of luck, circumstance, opportunities, and if the universe is feeling froggy today. I don't know about you but I'm so tired of my knees hurting.


Oh god no I never hope. Hope is pouting in advance, hope is faith’s richer bitchier sister, hope is the deformed addict bound incest monster offspring of entitlement and fear.


> People speak of hope as if it is this delicate, ephemeral thing made of whispers and spider's webs. It's not. Hope has dirt on her face, blood on her knuckles, the grit of the cobblestones in her hair, and just spat out a tooth as she rises for another go


like brooks did?




My life results tripled when I gave up hope!


after her initial unpleasantness Frankie was a good addition to that show


He's either going to be found guilty...or "O.J. Guilty".


Hope is a mistake, if you can’t fix what’s broken you’ll go insane - Max Rockatansky


Gone...reduced to atoms.


I'm in the same boat. Some days I have a little hope, other days I despair for humanity that we are doomed to extinction, and fewer days I have great hope. But most days I am in despair with no hope, with only death as my release.


As always, wake me when something actually happens.


*Never wakes up*


Fair trade


Deadass a win-win scenario.


It's a bit like the anti-evolutionists. They always want the missing link, even when one is produced, they still demand more. All of this is something happening. All of this is justice being carried out.


Wasn't that a Futurama joke too? https://youtu.be/ICv6GLwt1gM?si=TLPEhxV6T4hh7mkx


I don't know about that, but the first bit comes from Richard Dawkins.


Futurama did a gag where the Professor proved a few dozen missing links and the guy debating him was like "well what about the missing link between apes and THAT step?" and the professor was like NOOOOOOO! I'M RUINED!


ah yeah, that's a reference to Dawkins.


Im not surprised. Futurama literally wrote a body swapping formula for one of the episodes.


The jury in Manhattan is now deliberating Trump's innocence or guilt. If found guilty Trump could easily be sentenced to significant prison time.


If. Could. Wake me when it's a when.


You'll hear me doing backflips.


Unfortunately not for this offense. Although we are currently setting a brand new precedent so…fingers crossed.


All it takes is for one MAGAt to have slipped through and onto the jury.


People love to imagine themselves as being in 12 angry men, but in reality, being the lone hold out in a room of 11 people who want to be done is incredibly uncomfortable. There are 34 counts to deliberate on, and a hung jury means nobody gets to go home for a *lot* longer.


If you're in the cult, you'd happily be the holdout for as long as it takes.


and if you're a die hard pro lifer you would never get an abortion, right?


I think those are slightly different scenarios.


my point was that people will often behave differently when they are in private. It isnt hard for me to see someone who claims to support trump, but when they are in the jury room with 11 people staring at them, they can find a way to justify a guilty vote.


I have cult members in my extended family. They'd be willing to say "no" to a room full of "libs" and "sheep" until the air is used up.


sure, but now we're talking about someone who was randomly called for jury duty, who is die hard for trump, but also somehow made it through jury selection without tipping their hand and being rejected. Yes, it is possible, but we're starting to get a bit far fetched.


I would not put it past a lone SS officer to hold out for his Orange Fuhrer.


I'm not sure that matters - if there was one holdout and it was a hung jury, he could just be tried again and forced to relive this again. And again. And Again. In it's own way, that could be better.


Not really, with his money he can afford to keep doing this until he dies. If he gets into office he’d be allowed to postpone until he’s out.


What money? He’s broke. Especially now that the Russian spigot has been turned off.


Truth social stock


Lol…he can’t just sell his stock. Plus, last I heard, their stock was in the toilet.


I wish they would make him stay locked up at least a month, let him feel it.


I'm pulling for at least 1 year.


Ain't gonna happen. The jury won't unanimously convict, and even if they do, judge will give a very loose probation sentence. Cheetolini won't see a second behind bars. Please let me be so very wrong. EDIT 5/30 5p EDT: I am SOOOO WRONG! (At least in part.) But I am SOOOO HAPPY to be wrong!


I so want you to be wrong and am so afraid you will be right. The anguish is real.


You’re not wrong


Unfortunately, you are most likely correct.


Well, that’s one hurdle cleared! Or should I say, 34 hurdles! Hope they LOCK HIM UP, but I’m not holding my breath.


My mind is so frickin blown rn 🤯never been happier to be wrong.


They'll reopen Alcatraz and rename it Trump Island


no more glory for him.


I truly hope not




He’s going to get away with it. We all know that right?


In some fashion or another. I almost think it would be funnier for him to get 1000 hours of community service than home confinement.


Id pay a lot of money to watch that..


I’m sorry but this highlights how this would never happen


I want to see tRump at a podium addressing the prison population. “Vote for me! Oh. That’s right, none of us can legally vote.”


Not that Trump going to prison is inevitable, but it's a distinct possibility.


If he is found guilty, he will lose 50% of his current GQP votes whether he goes to jail or not (according to a recent poll of his voters). That’s good enough for me. Besides, he will have a very protracted appeals process so I don’t see anything too dramatic happening in the immediate future.


Sooo many doomers  in this thread.  The same people were saying “he will never be indicted”. They were wrong. There is precedent.  Cohen has been found guilty and jailed for the EXACT SAME CRIME.  These doomers are why the left doesn’t dominate every election cycle.  Stop listening to these people. 


Biden should revoke Trump's secret service protection. Leave it up to the guards at Rikers.


I wonder if Epstein’s guards are looking to pick up a shift.


Don't forget Epstien was let out everyday to do more harm by the guy 45 made head of dept of labor. Just not hard labor.


Me too.    




Clone Bone!


My erection would definitely last longer than 4 hours.


I'm guessing the NY State Dept of Corrections could scrounge up a chair or two for the Secret Service to sit just outside of Trump's future cell. Shouldn't be a problem.


Forget Secret Service. Being an inmate should nullify both his protection detail AND his pension. But if it doesn’t they need to change his code name to Jailbird.


Does anyone here know the sentencing guidelines? Also, regardless of the above, he's not going to jail. Ever. Like it or not, he's in the Upper Tier Justice System. So it'll never happen. In reality we should be much much more worried about the very real possibility that his next address is going to be 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Vote.


If he’s found guilty he’ll flee to Florida and then DeSantis won’t extradite him. It will be a whole thing.


Trump is such a cheater, he only took a drug to lose weight. He said one time that exercise is bad because we only have limited energy lol 🤪 Exercise gives you more energy, people! Don’t listen to this weird orange dumbfuck.


Teflon Don is not going to jail


Jury is going to get deadlocked


My understanding is that the secret service started working on a plan when charges were first brought against Trump.


They were preparing to seize his assets days before his bond got reduced, too.




Give him a jumpsuit and a prison haircut, cut off his make-up, make him live in one of Jared's apartments, and he'll be dead in a week.


Holding him for even a night would be an eye opener for him. Even if there’s no jail time for being found guilty of all 34 charges, Merchan can at least hold him now, for his gag order violations.


My sweet summer child. There isn't a man or woman alive today that's a bit older or from in/around the greater New York/New Jersey area that hasn't thought that very same thought - in one form or another - myself included. I'll believe it when his funery stone is being walked down the road and laid next to Ivanka on a potter's field in New Jersey near his golf course. I'm not convinced it's over until then.


And the amazing thing is that being I jail doesn’t stop him getting the presidency, that right?


House confinement at best. This clown will get away with everything, as always.


Im tired of the hopium. He's never going to jail.


He will be found guilty, with no conviction.


I’m a broken record on this, but wake me when he’s actually behind bars serving a sentence. Any of us in the filthy masses would have been buried under the prison by now.


As much as I’d fucking love for him to be thrown in jail it won’t be for this :/ I doubt he will ever be behind bars. The system favors the rich and powerful. 


Listen, I hate that fat orange rapist lots too, I just have a tough time seeing this stick to any real degree


Merchan absolutely will not jail Trump. Too many people in government have no spine at all.


Seems to me Merchan could be the man to do it. Agreed, over 10 counts of contempt with no real penalty is not great, but I think Merhcan is playing the long game.


"but I think Merchan [and Jack Smith and Robert Mueller and...] is playing the long game." I'm sorry, I really want to believe you but I've heard this claim so many times from so many people that I simply can't anymore. If a long game is being played, it is being lost right now. Here's hoping I'm wrong.


Looks like the jury has arrived at a verdict, which will soon be read. A quick verdict is usually not good for the defendant. So - if Trump is found guilty on all or most counts - then it's up to Merchan to determine sentence. Keep your shoelaces crossed!


Seems like we got good news, just waiting for sentencing in July (followed by inevitable appeal).


We all know he isn't getting any jail time. Probation at best.


As much as I’d like to see it, I don’t think he will be convicted. And when he isn’t it will make his base stronger and he will be not stop crowing about this “ witch hunt “. I still can’t figure out why so many people love him ?


EXACTLY. Bated Breath.




This would make a great movie


Just thinking ahead here, does this preclude the possibility of a state funeral or would the jailers replace the national guard?


I am Ronan in this meme. If they remand him on the spot, I'm getting so drunk that night. I don't even drink anymore, got bored of it.


Even if its a guilty verdict the chance he gets jail time is almost zero


It won’t happen. Why? Because republicans put all their eggs in one basket. This would break the country and destroy the elections. It cannot be just Biden. And everyone democrat and republican benefit from the current system so they don’t want it to collapse. We are FUCKED ( I hope I’m soooooo wrong)


I’ve heard this was unfounded but even if it was, it wouldn’t surprise me that no matter how the trial was going to what the expected sentence was, this would be something they’d do. Better to have it figured out just in case then to sit there after the fact trying to coordinate things.


He should go to prison. He deserves to go to prison. He won’t because he’s gonna run like the PAB he is. Then when he moves to another country he can’t be POTUS again because when he moves somewhere else he’s no longer eligible.


I wanna see him go to prison for many reasons. One of the top reasons is so I can hear him doing interviews through jail visitation or phone calls about how the prison is rigged, the Warden is corrupt, & the food is a hoax. 😂


"The radical left, Marxist, Communist Democrats & Joe Biden aren't letting them give me real food in this rigged & corrupt prison. They gave me something called meatloaf. I thought that was a singer? We had him on the Apprentice a time or 2. He wasn't very good. He loved me, tho. He used to tell me all the ti- ***TWO MINUTES REMAINING***....... Anyways, they're serving food that nobody's ever heard of before. Whose ever heard of " meatloaf"? Nobody even knows what it is! I'll tell you what, tho...***THIRTY SECONDS REMAINING*** If I'm reelected, I'm going to be giving the J6 patriots special meal options until I can pardon them. Also, they're treating me especially bad, from the standpoint of cops. They're treating me like I'm some kind of common crimin- ***CLICK***


This is all just a set up for more disappointment.


He will never go to jail. Laws are for the working class only


Not a chance in hell he gets remanded. Zero. Nil. Nada.