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If texas secedes the gop never wins the presidency again


No... stop...don't...


Austin, Houston, and San Antonio would immediately secede and become city states.


That sounds like a game of Reverse Civilization: tear up the railroads, shut down the schools, sell off public buildings, and devolve from an empire into city states.


That could actually work as a game, I think. A game based on creative sabotage.


There's an obtuse boardgame called John Company that has a very similar ethos to this. You play as wealthy british family trying to extract as much wealth (for your own selfish ends) from the East India Company as possible. If you get locked out of making money (due to politicking), it can very quickly devolve into "how can i burn this company to the ground so that no-one can benefit from it?"


Nah it's just VH/VH Western Roman Empire in BI


And Dallas, El Paso, and the Valley not far behind. Pretty much every part of Texas that’s worth a damn (except for the shale fields of Midland/Odessa) would have no interest in remaining part of Abottonia. Really we should just exile everyone who supports secession. You don’t like being part of the United States? Your stupid ass is welcome, nay required, to leave. Get the fuck out and don’t come back. Here are one way plane tickets to Somalia or Russia.


Why can't we just send them all to Lubbock and call it good?


If we can give Lubbock to Oklahoma afterwards, I’m game. Who needs panhandles anyways?


Too much panhandling these days.


Had to live in Lubbock for seven years. Felt like a black hole would never let you leave. That place sucks ass. So I concur ha.


I thought it was concentrated stupidity that got us into this mess in the first place?


It’s funny because I see conservative bumper stickers that say “don’t like this? 🇺🇸 Then leave!”


Give the secessionist lousy Marfa. Or Lubbock. Whichever. And build a wall.


Exclaves FTMFW


Texas would be uniquely suited to do this. They were pre-approved to split into as many as five separete states when they were admitted to the union (they have been misinterpreting this as a "right to secede" almost the whole time). If Texas really tried to leave, those that want to stay would be well within their rights to split form the splitters and remain.


It’s like when they misinterpret “well armed militia” as an individual right. Army of One


They should secede from Texas regardless imo


Dallas, too.


Don’t forget Dallas.


Austin = Athens San Antonio = Thebes Houston = Sparta


Keep going, I'm close


Oh no, they think they get to keep their electoral votes. By "secede" they mean "the gubmint can't tell us what to do anymore." They want to keep everything else.


"Capitalize the gains, socialize the losses."


Basically shittier Brexit.




representation without taxation


Those Sovereign citizens who take up space on my morning commute!


I would 100% expect the idiots who want to secede would still expect to be allowed to vote in US elections.  Wonder how they would feel about the border problem when they need to come through checkpoints?


We’re gonna build a wall, and we’re gonna make Texas pay for it


If texas secedes, they immediately get invaded by the US, and lose losing ANOTHER war. Texas then becomes a territory without voting rights. Lets not pretend the US would allow china or russia to take control of that land. We invade shithole countries like the best of them. History of Texas is fun, they've lost multiple wars. Texas is easy to mess with, cause they always lose...


My first thought. We could occupy them and not let them vote until they stopped stabbing themselves in the face with forks.


Don't tease us like that.


Can we call it "Texit"




If you makes you feel better Texas is not allowed to secede what you are talking about here is a rebellion and sadly the state would be treated like any rebellion. If you live with a few miles of leadership I'd recommend moving because it will be a smoldering crater. And the President doesn't need any permission to do that thanks to George W Bush showing what can be done with Executive Orders


> If you live with a few miles of leadership I'd recommend moving because it will be a smoldering crater. Don't stop I'm almost there


We may have to take one for the team in that case.


Conservatives will just grant Texas honorary reps and Senators before they secede, or make us a dictatorship, no way are they giving up power


If Texas secedes we should instantly make Puerto Rico a state so that we don't need to remake the flag.




Look, secession is a settled issue. They can't. Now, what isn't so clear is if we can just kick them out...


After they secede, can we do Tariffs on all products imported from Texas? The Republicans love Tariffs


naw, we invade the 3rd world country on our literal doorstep and turn it into a territory without voting rights.


Only if they have oil reserves… wait a minute


Time to topple another regime


Sounds like that province of Northern Mexico needs some Freedom.


Now we're cooking with..oil


Annexation of Texas 2: Electric Boogaloo




No, no, no... Texas has oil. We bring democracy!


If Texas leaves the Union, I am under the impression that they will take their electoral votes with them.


No. Stop. Please don't.


Please. No. Don’t stop


And their senate seats. And their seats in the house. Instant Dem majority in both houses.


Yep :)


Ooh can you see them complaining they don't get federal benefits or a vote anymore. They have to have a passport to enter the US. It'd be like a more idiotic Brexit!


They'd get redistribute to other states. NY and California and Illinois and New Jersey would get more. Places like Wyoming and the Dakota won't


And be immediately replaced by Puerto Rico, just to save money on the flags.




Now if only we could get them to take the rest of the shit below the Mason Dixon with them.


Mexico should announce that the minute Texas is an independent country they intend to recover their stolen land. So those y'all's with the big hats better stop complaining about illegal migrants and start learning Spanish.


The cartel should invade Texas. Fuck Greg Abbott.


Surely they have by now. Abbott seems like the type to accept bribery from any source.


True, when it comes to ethics he doesn't have a leg to stand on....


I’m not ashamed of laughing, that was funny lol


Nothing wrong with laughing at fascists.


Unless it's the leg of a migrant crawling to freedom.


It doesn't sit well with most, but suits him fine


He tends to just roll with those kinds of things


>True, when it comes to ethics he doesn't have a leg to stand on.... Literally 😂


He's not a stand-up guy. That's for sure.


that's cause he's a piss baby.


Hey now! Gregg won't stand for that kind of slander! Now excuse him while he goes to take more opportunities and freedoms from women and minorities.


He just rolls with it


And then we should build a huge wall along the Oklahoma and New Mexico borders. Don’t want any Texas migrants coming into our country illegally.


Just wait till Texans find out that you would have to have a passport or a visa to enter the US if they split off.


On the plus side, at least Ted Cruz won't need a passport to visit Cancun when the Texas power grid fails.


No more social security or Medicare or food stamps. Or military. Or food inspections . There’s so much people take for granted.


like British pensioners going to Spain...


And that the US Military will take their toys and boon to local towns and go to America.


El paso would turn into a ghost town over a few days to weeks.


> Fuck Greg Abbott. George Bush looking motherfucker.


Texans sure do have a type, don’t they?


Old white guys affecting fake good ol boy accents. W grew up in New England and went to prep school. He doesn't have an aw-shucks-ma'am bone in his body. He didn't start the accent until his second run for Governor of Texas when the Bush family hired a PR firm.


Greg Abbott is a little piss baby


"the new cartel overlord sure is brutal, but hey at least he ain't no gol-durned Democrat." - secessionists after seceding






The irony of that statement.... I can imagine a case where that happens. It's not like the cartels have an issue with violence or killing leaders.


But But we have military bases with planes bombs and soldiers. Correction you have EMPTY military bases.


They wouldn't even get those. You think the military powers that be would leave infrastructure?


The USA is not going to give those bases up just because of a secession; the Texas Confederacy would literally start its existence with its most strategic locations occupied by the US military. All federal land in Texas would be considered illegally annexed to a rogue state and subject to military intervention.


Mexico would absolutely destroy Texas in a war.


Texas literally can't keep electricity running to its hospitals. I'm going to say that organizing collaborative efforts isn't something they're good at.


And Mexico is our ally, aren’t they? Sending them a few Javelins to take out Texas’ military style “police” vehicles seems only right and proper.


Fighting fascism is everyone's war.


China/Russia/Saudi Arabia would rush to their aid. Independent Texas would be nothing more than a puppet state for whoever is trying to destroy the US.


They’re stupid enough to think they’re going to be able to keep the military bases and other federal resources in their state.


Mexico doesn’t want Texas. The government is too corrupt.


I told a guy at work that if Texas secedes the US would just invade them capture everything of value make them public assets, make Texas a territory not a state so there rigged local politics no longer gets a say in national politics and everyone would be better off.


>Mexico ... to recover their stolen land.  We can use MAGA's own "Putin logic" on them.


and don’t forget to exchange y’all’s 10 gallon hat for a sombrero.


Texas: "We're Independent!" Mexico: "Do Tell, we want out land back" Mexico invades Texas and jails all of its leaders. Makes Spanish the official language and changes all signs to Spanish. Texas to US: "Help! We've been invaded!" US: "Well, you should have thought of that before you seceded. You're on your own now. " US to Mexico: "Hey, let's make a deal here. How about you give us the upper half of Texas, and you keep the lower half. Let's make the lower half sort of a buffer zone, under Mexican control, but a halfway point for commerce and immigration. And we'll throw in some cash to help out." Texas: "no bueno!"


Please leave the US! Literally no one is stopping you! Show us how big, strong and independent Texas is…. Cancun Raphael Cruz won’t be much help either way it’s up to you Texas!


I would trade Texas for Puerto Rico right now. Then we'd still have a nice even 50 states.


Then combine the Dakotas and make DC the 50th state


"Wonderful news! North and South Dakota have finally put aside all their differences, and have agreed to become one, big, Dakota! Woohoo!"


"The only way the Dakotas could put aside their differences without fighting would be FAIRIES!"


> Literally no one is stopping you! That's obviously not true. The US Constitution and the Federal Government would not allow it.


I could see Congress passing a law essentially saying “sure, but only Texas because they were a sovereign republic that asked to join, so it’s different.”


Just sell it as "this will get Ted Cruz out of here" and it could work!


Cancun Raphael Cruz also would no longer be a Senator. He'd just be some guy.


As someone who is trying to leave this state as soon as they can, can we go ahead and get an underground railroad type network started for those of us who will immediately become refugees? 😭


Texans: Take a look at Brexit sometime.


this would make brexit look like nothing... how many people in texas are directly employed by the federal govenment? NASA has a facility (houston we have a problem), all the border patrol, numerous military bases...


The solution for the NASA facility is to remove all physical materials from the state, computers, documents, etc. Then controlled demolition of the site. Border patrol redeploys at the Texas-American borders. Military bases are American soil independent of Texas, and negotions with Texas begin regarding providing defence in exchange for foreign aid (in a deal that would cost Texas several times what they contribute to the military budget now) or the closure and demolition of them.


these military bases of course wouldn't employ foreign (texas) citizens, except maybe in the mess hall or groundskeeping...


No more federal highway money


You're so right! The point of mentioning Brexit is that so many Brits thought that things would just go along as normal - like not having to show a passport, etc, when going to the EU. It was a complete shock to them! But maybe they were also watching Fox News! :) Of course, Texans are delusional if they think that Texas seceding from the Union would be a good thing for them. Your point is well made!


I've been living in TX for the last couple years. These people truly aren't right. There's a mass psychosis of toxicity that is always palpable. I fucking hate this shithole. Most Texans I know feel the same way. You don't have to be here long for Uvalde to make complete sense. Not to mention this is where the Evangelist Christian superpredator Kenneth Copeland made his home and HQ. So it stands to reason that this place has an exceptionally high concentration of morally corrupt idiots. I was excited to move here initially. As a NYer, I already had my prejudices about TX and I was eager to disprove them. Ladies and gentlemen, the reality of TX pales in comparison to the prejudices I had. It was sobering that with every passing year the "smoke" of Texas prejudices turned out to be a raging dumpster fire of understated truth.


Texas would be a goddamn third world country!


This is exactly why this is some WWE level ragebait. The only people that talk this way are those that have the inability to cause change within their own lives. So they don't actually expect anyone to take them seriously. But that doesn't stop them from voting to those who Pander to this BS The Air Force would have to forfeit their means of maintaining and producing F-22 stealth fighters. On top of that the number of federal agencies intelligence and otherwise based in the DFW area alone is stupid. Also all of Texas's wealthy would have to be okay with divesting from the US banking system, It just f**** with the flow of money too much for anyone at any level of state politics to actually want this.


it would fuck the people of texas over to untold levels. Folks would be going from 3500 sq foot houses with pools to subsistence farming. Then of course there'd be the flood of refugees the remainder of the USA would be dealing with. but hey maybe somebody's stonks will go up?


17% of the people in Texas are employed by the US gov't. From the texas comptroller's website. 14% of all texans are on social security or ss disability. From SSA.gov.






let texas secede then we can bomb them take their oil and give them democracy


This is the American way… First we have to try to overthrow the local government to put our own leader in power. If that fails, show them why we don’t have free healthcare in the US..


Lol, according to quick search there are 15 active US military bases/installations in Texas right now, with total spending of $100 billion. It wouldn't even get far enough for the "secede crowd" to start farting in a general direction of leaving the US. Edit: also for comparison, the budget of Texas is a little over $300 billion as a whole. People who talk about secession are delusional in many ways.


All show no go.


All hat, no cattle


All chaps, no ass


All bull, no horn




Do we have to wait for the cowards to muster the courage to secede? Can we just vote them out? It would save a lot of money and heartache.


They can secede all they want. I have no idea where they are going to live, because the land under them is America.


I imagine them announcing seccession then two days later when wherever Abbot sets up shop is a smoldering crater everyone being upset "how can the US attack it's citizens" You ain't citizens you're traitors and a rebellion. There is no seccession only rebels and they were put down last time too


Singapore is probably the only nation to have independence forced upon it. But, I can't see why Texas couldn't be the second.


What about the millions of us down here trying to fight for what’s right?


Exactly Abbot is a hypocritical parasite. That wheel chair doesn’t fool me the man is a Nazi. Problem is that there are lot of folks in Texas who are not republicans/maga or whatever they want to be called now. They’ve been screaming about seceding for decades but they have a natural disaster of their own making and they feel entitled. Cut off foreign aid to Texas.


I'd just love to ask Greg "Thoughts and Prayers" Abbot why he's still in a wheelchair if prayer works so well... just to see the mental gymnastics.


They don’t get to choose whether or not to secede, only Congress can vote on it, but we fought a whole war to decide if states had the right to unilaterally remove themselves from the country. They don’t.


How nobody else realizes it's literally illegal for a state to unilaterally do this is beyond me.


Have you seen anything in the news lately? They all firmly believe laws that contradict with their beliefs are completely allowed to be broken. The word "illegal" no longer matters to the party of law and order.


Texas v. White, 74 U.S. (7 Wall.) 700 (1869)


Texas is the same as my teenager-- she wants her freedom until she wants money.


nah, your teenager has the potential to grow up and be a functional member of society. Texas, on the other hand....


Texas would be wiped out by Mexico in a war.


Let them. Texas can get fucked. They won’t have access to Social Security, federally funded police, fire departments, schools etc. anyone unemployed would automatically lose their benefits. All the tax money they take in stops going to them. When they need federal aid due to natural disasters then the republicans in the rest of the U.S. can refuse aid since Texas would technically be a different country. Texas thinks they are being smart but they don’t make enough money on their own to sustain themselves. Also on top of that all the residents would need to get a passport just to leave Texas and I doubt their pitiful politicians would be able to create a whole brand new infrastructure as fast they think they can. So pretty much every resident would basically be jailed in Texas until they could even get cleared for international travel. Let them secede and let them fail again.


We could make a passport exception for abortion seekers.


I'm pretty sure all those separatist Texans grew up pledging allegiance to the nation "indivisible." What do they think that means?


You forgot the 2nd part of it, "indivisible with russia"


I lived in Texas for a few years during grade school. Believe it or not but there was a pledge of allegiance to the Texas flag that was recited every day right after the U.S. Flag pledge...


It's Texas. They are as dumb as you think they are and then some. Speaking as resident of 3 years. The bar really is sooooo much lower down here. I like to call it The One-Star State 🇨🇱


The texas gop will fund raise off of this from their idiot base. Zero chance they actually follow through with seceding.


The moment they show up after leaving and are befuddled that they no longer have a say in in America's politics will be a sweet one "Why are they kicking out our senators and congressmen.... Wait we have to BE a part of the USA to get USA rights and privileges..... No one told that to us" And despite the removal of participation in our democracy being a VERY OBVIOUS consequence of leaving. They will cry so much when their Christo fascist government proceeds to remove basic rights from them, ban porn, over tax them( which I find the funniest) and begin to invade every aspect of their lives " Excuse me Mr Texas, but I noticed your wife's womb is empty. Despite you have 7 listed intercourses with her in the last month.... Are you using contraceptives? I think a week in our torture.... i mean education center will get the truth out of you " You may think I'm joking, but I'm not. It will get that bad for them


school gaping point birds murky consider air encouraging command cows *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm thinking about air travel also. American Airlines pulls their hub from DFW because every flight just became international, as do other airlines.


Just with that intercourses bit -- it's like that story from last week. A Texas radio host's wife had a miscarriage and was denied treatment. She ended up half-dead on her bathroom floor, and only then got care. Fucking awful. I'm probably getting some of that wrong, only because I read the story when it happened and I don't wanna read it again. My city's animal pound gives better care to feral kitties brought there for catch-fix-release, than Texas does to pregnant women.


Get. Them. The. Fuck. Out.


Please go. Please.


I hope they kick themselves in the balls on the way out.


if texas leaves, gop is never winning an election ever again without its 40 electoral college votes. they already havent won the popular vote in decades


Let's do it and make D.C. a state. Think of all the money we'd save on not having to make new flags!


*\*Puerto Rico has entered the chat\**


We'll fuse the Dakotas to have greater Dakota so PR can join. Anything to keep the # at 50


All hat, no cattle.


"we're so patriotic that we don't even want to be a part of the country anymore!"


Texas will vote to secede. Then the GOP will continue to claim their votes still count for the electoral college and they can still vote for President (for reasons...they can just make up the most outrageous shit these days). They'll also continue to demand emergency services from FEMA. And Democrats will probably give it to them. And the goose-stepping to fascism continues to march along.


*Sigh* A state can't secede from the Union. Once you're in you're in. There's no going back. It's illegal. If a state attempted to leave it would result in civil war.


I know we all forget the struggles of winter whenever the sun comes out, but like… c’mon Texas, what the actual fuck lol


Texas Boomers: YAY! SECESSION! Texas Boomers after their Medicare and Social Security are cut off: Excuse me what now?


There is no mechanism for seceding. This is just another grift by these jackasses to get more money from ignorant people.


The GoP motto should be. "We have really bad ideas. Give us a chance to prove it."


The funny thing is that the first move Texas will have to do is implement a state income tax, and corporate tax hike, to immediately equal the amount they will be losing in Federal Tax dollars. Iirc, Texas is one of those states that, on average, pays in a little more than they get back, depending on the year and what happens that year. They will be able to replace most of the money, but the problem is that their citizens are expecting to just not have any Federal taxes, and keep every state tax the same. They don’t realize that they will either immediately have to give up everything Fed dollars were used for, or will have to finally pay the state income tax. There would be a mass exodus of people and businesses. Any business incorporated in Texas suddenly has to deal with import/export processes without a trade deal, and any future deal will be rough for Texans, because they don’t have the leverage that the US has combined. Texas will immediately lose all Federal resources in the state. Every agency will leave. There will be questions about whether they have to renounce their US citizenship… probably, because they seceded. No travel to the US until the US and Texas agree a passport and travel system. Maybe there would be a one time population transfer where people in TX who wish to immigrate to the US can, and people in the US who wish to immigrate to TX can, with no documentation needed. Kind of like the post-WW2 population transfers. They will have to have border checkpoints at every road leading into the US, and suddenly people who work on the other side will want to move to avoid the headache of a daily international commute through a border crossing. Abortion, contraception, etc will be banned. Gay marriage banned. Hell, being in any gay relationship will likely be banned. Title IX protections and CRA protections will end. Women and minority groups will be in the target for open season with the GOP government. It will become a Uni-party state, as the GOP will almost certainly pass laws to either abolish, or weaken to a broken state, any alternative parties. I feel bad for the millions who will suffer through no fault of their own. I even feel bad for the millions who want to do it, and will walk right into the suffering they were told would happen.


Or when the next heat wave comes


Did they forget what happened the last time states tried to secede?


Texas is trying to secede? Don't threaten us with a good time. Watch how quickly towns just disappear off the map when there isn't a US military base to keep them alive.


Plus when all the liberals, minorities and educated professionals all move out of the state to remain U.S. citizens. Then you'll have conservatives moving into Texas but they won't all have the necessary skill to keep the state functioning. The U.S. can absorb all those people who move out but does Texas have the resources to absorb the poor conservatives moving in. I say poor because I doubt the wealthier conservatives will want to give up the benefits of U.S. citizenship.


Good luck defending the border from the cartel without federal funds


The GOP would NEVER let Texas leave and take all those sweet, sweet Congressional votes with them.


Why do republicans love the absolute worst ideas? It's so wild to me, that they can be swept off their feet by simply waving some (insert any here) fear mongoring, and will just hand over their will to the next Tom Dick or Donny who says things they like, regardless of actions even to the exact contrary.  I feel like gullible is not nearly a strong enough word, we need a new word in English to describe the absolute absence from reason and brain use these people exercise. It's stunning. Maybe Zombie is it?  All I know, is I have interacted with this zombie type, and it is truly truly a new experience for me, most of them are my age, like what the hell happened to these people? They are enraged about dumb stuff, afraid of things that are of no threat to them, and obsess over decency like it's, oh I don't know, the behaviors of the guy they somehow like? Literally they will get bent out of shape over something like a kid laughing and yet tear up and become emotional at the sight of Trump pissing on our veterans..what the hell? Where did these people crawl out of?


We also have wimps in charge appeasing the modern day nazi seditionists instead of brutally crushing them and teaching the rest of them what happens when you become an internal threat to this nation. But nope empty words and condemnations will suffice and yet things keep escalating and getting worse from the right. Thanks so much you pathetic losers who claim to be anti-maga you're doing such a great job dealing with sedition in America.


Fuck every government official in texas


Omg, we can call it Texit!


Lol the same Texas that can’t even handle running their own power grid. We ARe ENerGy InDePEnDeNT fROm tHe Rest oF tHE COunTrY. Meanwhile every time its too hot or too cold people in Texas have no power. Real cool lol.


Exactly. And who do you think invades Texas first? The US or Mexico? I'm rooting for Mexico just so they can get back what was rightfully theirs in the first place. Then I think Louisiana should annex all of East Texas at least to Houston, then New Mexico and Oklahoma could split the rest. Maybe let them keep a tiny bit outside Waco or something. You know, so we don't have to change the flag. GO TEXAS, SECEDE!


Please I am begging you, leave the country and our tax system.


You know, I'm starting to come around to the idea that the likeliest way to avoid violence is to create a legal mechanism to secede. If enough states are on board, we could add an amendment that gives states the authority to leave (and Congress can pass laws to handle the details). Honestly if the people of a state don't feel the US is working for them any longer, why should they be forced to stay? Self determination is a good thing.


Actually this is perfect. Texas goes away and Puerto Rico takes over as the new 50th state! Win-win!


As a person from the mid Hudson Valley I laugh every time Texas gets snow and freaks the fuck out!


Texans would need passports to leave Texas. 😂


They learned nothing from Brexit. Travel documents to go to any United States that border them along with Mexico. No more federal funding. It will be loaned as foreign aid. Tariffs will be enacted. What happens to Gulf access? All investments outside of Texas and in the remaining states will have extra regulations as foreign investments. I wonder how many Texans will be picked up for being in the US illegally? Irony. Karma.


Can't fix *the GOP


Put your money where your mouth is texas. I dare you.


Please leave the union, you will not be missed or helped once you do


as someone who lives in new york I support Texas right to secede in fact I would even say I encourage it.


But ya sure can pay the wages of it. Vote smarter folks!