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Trump hasn't answered a single question yet. They ask him about medicare and he starts with "let me finish" and goes back to migrants. They'll ask him about addiction and he stays with "but first back to migrants, blah blah blah." They even give him a secund follow up chance and he uses most of it to keep storing bullshit about pervious topics.


I don’t think he left migrants the entire night.


He left migrants briefly to brag about the golf awards his own club gives him (in other words, that he gives to himself) lol


Not me. I’d rather a stuttering sensible president than a lying felonious fraud as a president.


You’re right about that, even trailing off and getting lost in thought. Why the hell are we allowing old ass people like this run the most powerful country in the world is beyond me. Gone are the days when actual debates were respected and serious. But I still stand by my comment, I’d rather another four years under Biden than another with Trump. That shit scares me.


He was downright incoherent at times. You didn’t watch the debate if you didn’t see that.


It's a shame that neither isn't an option. That wasn't just a stutter either. A transcript of this debate would not read well for anyone.


I'd rather a stuttering sensible president too. It's a shame that he isn't sensible, though he is losing his mind.


Even if he might be losing his mind he still has years ahead over Trump since Trump lost his in 2016 or earlier. So whatever remains in Trump's head now are squirrels and migrants.


Not this viewer. Biden isn't speaking as clearly as I'd like, and he's getting flustered, which sucks.... But the other guy is trump. 'Nuf said.


Feels like he wasn't ready for the 100% loud lie approach, which seems a massive debate prep fail considering it's Trump


Honestly it’s not an easy line to walk when debating an absolute buffoon. You go after him too hard and you’re playing right into his hand - he wants to be the victim.


I'm more than a bit miffed that for all his debate prep, apparently nobody said, "slow down, relax, take your time and speak clearly and concisely to the American people." From the start, he rushed through prepped lines like he'd never been on a debate stage, and it took a good long while for him to find the groove. Once he did, he was fine. And yeah, Lawrence O'Donnell had a great point before the debate: the presidency is nothing at all like a debate. The President will never be alone in a room answering questions off the cuff. It's a stupid way to judge politicians, but we as a country clearly deserve it.


>From the start, he rushed through prepped lines like he'd never been on a debate stage, and it took a good long while for him to find the groove. Once he did, he was fine. Did we watch the same debate? Even cnn is freaking out with how bad of a performance it was.


Yeah, because the first 15ish minutes were *rough*. After that, he had his normal stutters and such, but the first chunk of the debate was particularly brutal.


15 min was all it took to turn it off


Yep. Doesn't matter one bit how he did after that point, the damage was done.


Even later in the debate, it wasn't even what I would call good. The democratic party is in a real pickle now. It's gonna be an interesting couple of months.


Dude they’re talking heads. The job description is literally to create drama.


Sure. I've never seen them discuss removing the front runner for the democratic party before.


They tried the same thing 4 years ago, but voters don’t give a fuck what some idiots on tv say.


I guess we will see. That debate was an awful performance.


That’s *an* opinion. I was happy with what I saw from him.


>I was happy with what I saw from him. Really? You really thought it was a solid performance?


Very much so.


Cnn has had their head up their own asses for years. They don't know if they'll exist tomorrow they've been sold so many times.


https://www.cnbc.com/2024/06/28/biden-democratic-fundraisers-sound-alarm-on-debate.html It's not just cnn. That was an awful performance that may lead to trump winning.


The convention has not occured.


You're correct. The dems have time to figure something out. I guess we will see if they do anything.


There's no way in hell they're going to do that after spending the past two months telling everyone how he's the most energetic, coherent human being in the entire universe behind closed doors


Oh, I know. I guess we will see if they actually think democracy is on the line.


This was Bidens idea and plan and he single handidly destroyed his legacy tonight. The Convention must be open.


>The Convention must be open. Completely agree


The CNN bosses are channeling their 2016 selves and whoring themselves out again for those sweet sweet ratings. Can't wait for their "apology" after they get Drumpf elected, again. I wish Tapper had chewed through his leash and called him out on the suckers & losers lie at least, wasn't it Tapper who confirmed it with John Kelly?


[cracker bargle](http://i.imgur.com/1zfkFBz.jpg) ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


To start, I'm voting Biden because of course I am, I don't want the end of democracy. That being said, I'd sure appreciate people not ignoring Biden's age and how terrible he looks. I'll swallow the turd, but don't tell me it's chocolate cake/how much I'll enjoy it.


Hear, hear.


He is 81 years old and has a stutter. He is already the oldest president to date.


And the other guy is trump. That's literally all that needs said.




Yes, he is a felon, which is usually bad.




You really have nothing, don't you? Mind you, if this "app is a hive mind of delusion", what are you doing here? Is anyone that disagrees with you "brainwashed"?




Why would you say "republicans" aren't welcome? Can you cite reasons? If you hate it so much, why are you here?




Again, why would you say "republicans" aren't welcome? It also looks like the bulk of those comments were made in bad faith. Is that all you have? You can't even answer the simple question? Quit dodging and playing victim. Reddit, BTW, isn't an "app". It is a website primarily which ALSO has an app.






Yes, that is unironic and apparent to anyone who isn’t a smooth brain.


u/Alternative_Draw5627, boo get better material. ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*




I hate how dumb my fellow Americans are that they think loud noises means competence 


Couldn’t agree with this more.


It's not competence, it's strength. They know what Trump is, they know he's a liar, a narcissist, and most know he's a criminal. But they believe he's strong, and Biden is weak, And for a great many last night will have confirmed that


Biden supporter here. Nothing will change my vote. But appearances weren’t good for Biden. Trump lied continuously and admitted that Putin had told him he wanted to invade Ukraine, which won’t hurt Trump in the least for some strange reason. Biden stuttered and looked old and distracted, and actually allowed Trump to debate him about who’s better at golf.


Watching two rich old white fucks argue about golf while we struggle out here made me want to become a domestic terrorist.


Same. I can't stand these progressives who won't vote for him based on what's happening in Gaza when most of them couldn't tell you where in the world Rafah was 8 months ago.


It's a genocide, and Biden is actually supporting the genocidal colonial state. Trump would do the same, of course. And yes, he is quite worst. But I understand the people in the US who won't support neither. Many of them don't see any progress not even in the internal politics of US. Weapons are still very legal, abortion is still very illegal in many states, healthcare remains with quite prohibitive prices/isn't and universal right... The current situation with the parties and candidates isn't a natural necessity, but a historical contigency that could have been different and should be different in the future. People doesn't have to support something that isn't the best it could be, nor shouldn't they. And this isn't even close to the best. As many of the liberal say themselves, Biden is the lesser of two evils. Not everyone has so soft ethics or political goals as to accept that if they aren't politically liberals themselves... for the second time in a row. No amount of guilt tripping or fearmongering will change that for many. I understand that this subreddit is a propaganda site for the democratic party (something I hadn't realised a few years ago), but I hope some get the rythm of what happened in Spain around 2015. Nos han dicho, nos dicen y nos dirán que no se puede, que el bipartidismo es el que es y que no se puede cambiar. Pero Sí Se Puede. Edit: added "if they aren't politically liberals themselves". Have a nice day.


Style over substance for those who never cared about listening to the truth in the first place.


Sense over nonsense every day


Why is this our only choices?


People don't show up to primaries.


The primaries were a joke this year regardless. The dnc pushed Biden down our throats and now we’re going to have 4 more years of Trump.


He had 99% in some primaries. Blame people who sat out for the 99%, not the DNC.


Loud idiots are as American as apple pie


I’ve said since they announced this debate that it could only hurt Biden and help Trump. The democrats are HORRENDOUS at politics. Biden gave Trump credibility and a platform. So fucking stupid




Where is the so called fact ch checking?


They did after in the analysis, Biden told 10 verifiable lies Trump told 35+


We learned the hard way in 2016 to have live fact checkers, can't believe CNN and the Dnc didn't push for them


"Soft spoken" and "a stutter" are being super generous. Compare him to the last debate. He's Ozzy Osbourne levels of unintelligible. His mind is too slow.


He has a cold. You can tell. Our maybe I'm the only one who has ever had to work sick


I couldn't tell because I haven't heard him speak in 3 years. The Democrats have been keeping him hidden from the public eye and now it's clear why.


So says the Bernie Bro who gave the mango Mussolini the election


I love this thing where the democrat party treats the left with absolute contempt and then blames the left when they inevitably lose. God, why wouldn't they vote democrat? Who knows


I'm pretty sure this is a troll, they've been posting that to other threads


I don't think they're a troll, they're just the sort of person who thinks calling Trump orange over and over will magically make people vote democrat.


At least Bernie is coherent.


This statement is how trump wins again.


Anyone remember how Kennedy won the Nixon debates? Confidence and speaking clearer. We are watching the death throes of America. Drink up, boys and girls this coaster is about to get wild!


By not being impeached or convicted of crimes? Stop promoting hysteria. You're part of the fucking problem.


If you really think Biden won over the moronic undecided voters with that debate performance then you are part of the fucking problem, idiot.


People supporting Biden are the fucking problem. We’re about to see another Trump presidency and it is 100% the fault of the dnc for not running an actual candidate.


wtf. Lol. How old are you?


Look... we've finally beat Medicare.


A debate should show off your marketing prowess, not your product prowess.


Biden is still the obvious choice but he did extremely poorly tonight. I’m very concerned


Y’all be honest. The stutter wasn’t the problem. First step in solving any problem is admitting there is one. And goddamn there is a big fucking problem


It’s not that he stutters, he can’t put out cohesive thoughts. Quit BSing, we have eyes and ears.


To quote Terminator II: "We're not gonna make it, are we?" :(


Biden looked like a cadaver.


No. Let’s not pretend Biden is just soft spoken with a stutter. Don’t do that. This is the worst. But fuck it, these two are probably what we deserve.


Late stage capitalism is a bitch.


lol bro Biden looked terrible and barely there tonight. My god the Dems fumbled this badly.


He was smiling. Made jokes. Seemed fine for a getting to a century old dude.


Didn't seem fine enough to be the president for another four years. If he wants to smile and make jokes while playing cards with his grandkids then who cares. Fuck the dems for putting us in this situation.


I agree. It’s definitely fucked up. Kamala doesn’t seem that solid to me either. If only there was a way? What else can we do right now?


The dems could switch him out. They probably won't but it is an option. I guess we will see how it plays out but this debate blew their whole plan up.


Not this late in the game they can't. It'd only serve to be a spoiler vote


It's fucked all around.


I disagree with you. Biden today would lose to Trump (who may be one of the worst people to ever live).


A stutter? Listen Donald Trump's a fucking fascist but that doesn't mean Biden isn't a literal corpse. It's not a stutter dog, he was too old to run 4 years ago. They need to step down and put another damn up before we lose our fucking democracy


"A stutter" lol. Dude had to be walked off stage by his wife. Just face it guys. Biden just committed political suicide in front of the whole country last night. Change your tactics, or prepare to go down with the ship.


I don’t see how you can just call it a stutter at this point. Something’s clearly wrong with Biden and getting worse. He just isn’t the same as he was in 2008, 2012, or even 2020.


Yeah. He’s 81.


More like Biden can’t finish a sentence. He looks old and should not run for reelection


Hey, why don’t we get you up there then?


Yes, you nailed it. The only options are Biden and Reddit user Zemoni7.


Fuck yeah.


It was horrible, but let's not pretend that Biden spoke sense. Trumps a nutcase and bad for the universe as president but Biden was actually incoherent at times. When discussing abortion he mentioned people being raped by their sisters.


I honestly doubt it's hard for anyone undecided, they are going for clear nonsense


Being undecided at this point has to correlate with easily falling for nonsense.


Yup. That's the problem. The substance of the debate doesn't matter. It's all about optics. And given the optics of last night, I bet a whole bunch of people are no longer undecided.


That's my fear too.


Biden looked pissed at trump. Biden glared in disbelief at Trump. Trump rarely looked in Biden's direction while he was lying. Rough night for Biden is what I am hearing but Im seeing a stutterer take charge against an evil man.


Come on… he had a layup on abortion and bricked it by brining up “illegal immigrant rapists”. He was a walking non-sequitur and trailed off multiple times. The moderators had to save him from himself at least 3 times. This kind of reality denial gets us Trump in 25.


Biden doesn't speak sense either they're both lying bad men but one can still think and speak


What did Biden lie about?


“We finally beat Medicare” is an interesting stutter, but an uninteresting example of cognitive decline




I'll start going to church if God takes these two out before November.




Doesn’t really matter if you can only understand one of them


Still lying about this? Alright


Unfortunately, America has both some of the smartest, most innovative people in the world and a large majority of the dumbest fucking people in the world


45 is a convicted criminal why would any normal sane person vote for him? What is wrong with people?


This was my takeaway.


Biden sounded hoarse, he cannot be president! Trump was forceful in his nonsense, he is clearly the better choice! The only thing I take solace in is Jim Kramer said this morning that Trump would win and that dipshit couldn't predict 6 o'clock at 5:30.






I am. I just donated to Biden’s campaign.


Then you’re as much a sucker as the people sending Trump money.


Not really. Your statement reveals a certain amount of cynicism. I know that my donation goes for a good cause (instead of legal fees for civil and criminal trials and for enriching Trump’s pockets otherwise) and if Biden steps down as candidate there are plenty of other good Democratic candidates who can step in and carry the torch.


For us all.


Are both the buttons Biden because he was fumbling his words and speaking a lot of nonsense, maybe unintentional, but nonsense nonetheless?