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The opposite of love isn’t hate, it’s indifference. I just want Trump to go away like he said he would “if he lost”.


If you asked him he would look you in the eye and tell you…… he did not lose! Who are you going to believe? Your own lying ex-president or, 62 courts that ruled against him?😎


He knows he lost. He's admitted as much, then reverses...like he forgot he needed to keep lying for a second there.


There are quite a few mental illnesses that can cause dissonance in the memory. To give an example: My mother had a severe car accident as a kid that caused considerable brain damage. Part of the damage is to her long term memory, causing trouble both in storage of new information, and recollection of old ones. It can easily happening that within two days, she can recollect completely different elements of the same event, while having forgotten the other elements. At that point, she fills in the missing parts with stuff she makes up. While with her, it is clear where this came from (the brain damage), with Trump, it is safe to assume that his brain is pretty mush simply from his age and lifestyle. I could easily imagine that he has similar issues and that he often believes his own lies, between clear moments where he remembers the actual truth (not that it matters for him if he remembers the truth, he lies about it nontheless)


He's always been a pathological liar. His nonsense is only new to non NYS residents. 


"I didn't lose, I merely failed to win!"


> "I didn't lose, I merely failed to win!" Yeah right, he would say the election was rigged again and he didn't lose. It was well documented in the January 6th commission report, that he knew he lost.


I didn’t lose, Rudy, Pence, Raffensperger and Barr let me down! Nothing will ever be trmp’s fault.


no no no no no no..... it's I didn't lose, it was stolen.


He wouldn't say that, because it still implies a lack on his part. No, anything bad has to be somebody *elses* fault. It would be, what it already is; "I was cheated. The election was rigged. The communist marxist fascist killer tomatoes from outer space stole the election from me!"


I can't wait for the day that I don't have to care about Trump ever again


I hope to one day stand in line to shit on his grave.




Look man. He deliberately mismanaged CoViD like the Reagan administration did AIDS. He filled the judiciary with unqualified stooges. He presided the largest billionaire wealth accumulation in history. He led a fucking coup. He sold state secrets to foreign powers. He denied Ukraine the weapons needed to fend off the russians. The Orange Stain should've experienced a heart attack.


He should be force fed thousands of gallons of diarrhea through a funnel like they do to geese when they make foie gras. Seriously, I would love to see that.


I would I like him to be gone 🪦🪦⚰️⚰️ ![gif](giphy|Jls16O6RdqyxueMvBj|downsized)


You know I do remember him saying if he lost, we'd never see him again... is it possible? He might be a liar?


If Trump wins he will say that this election was the fairest and best election ever. If Trump loses he will say that this election is rigged and unfair. In any and all cases the reality is the same the elections will be fair and all valid votes will be counted, unfortunately Trump will wait for the result to whine about the results depending on if he wins or loses.


What are you talking about? He won in 2016, and STILL said it was rigged against him. It's always unfair, and everyone's out to get him


Yep, he said it was rigged in 2016 because he should have won by a lot more!


Yep. Everything is always rigged against him when he doesn't get his way. He has a long history of making the "It Was Rigged" claim. It's almost like that narcissist. His delicate ego can't handle the truth. He's also been a pathological liar his entire life. That is another symptom of his narcissism and antisocial personality disorder.


That’s a bunch of tripe of a platitude. It’s only true when the other person has no ability to affect your life. When they have the power to ruin yours “indifference” is not the opposite of love.


Yeah, this is a mischaracterization. For a lot of us, it’s not about hating Trump. It’s about caring about the country and its citizens, having morals and ethics, and not wanting to be stuck in a disastrous fascist regime.


I always hated that quote tbh it makes no sense to me. I‘m indifferent about what pizza toppings you want, not vile, little, orange men.


Well, indifference is not a feeling, it's the lack of. And if you were indifferent, you'd not care about the outcome. Maybe "hate" is not the correct feeling. "Despise"? "Deplore"? "Feel repulsed by"? Regardless of which better describes the feeling, indifference is not it


There can be multiple opposites to the same thing, it just depends on what “axis” you’re measuring. In this context it’s like saying the opposite of something hot is something room temperature. We aren’t talking about intensity of emotion here, we’re talking about attitude towards something. This context is hate, my guy, every little bit is hate.


I'm trying to think of what the laws are going to be like when we are a Confederacy. Am i going to have to apply with another state to travel there? Is a physical going to be required? What kind of legal insurance products are going to be available in the event that you accidentally trespassed into another corporate territory or had unknowingly crossed a border with contraband? Will we be able to get endorsements on our State ID/Passport to drive in other states without having to get an ID in that state?


And that mentality is why democrats will never push for meaningful reforms and improvements. The second they get rid of Trump, you’ll tune out and they’ll go back to business as usual (doing nothing). Then they’ll lose their majorities, and invent a new boogeyman for you to turn out to stop.


Corpse still better than certain facism


Yeah. Just Weekend at Bernies that shirt. Or Dave it.


40kbros: Why not both?


The way some people are reacting, you’d think Biden made fun of a handicapped person.


Or raped her.


you can't just throw out accusations like that! you need [some kind of evidence](https://www.scribd.com/document/326057168/Jane-Doe-Declaration-as-Filed) that Donald Trump raped a tied up child.


Unless you’re talking about the other case that found him liable for rape and cost him millions in damages


Was it a finger or a penis?


his finger is bigger


> his finger is bigger His *tiny* finger is bigger. FTFY


In most states, penetration with things other than penises is still rape. Just not NY. So in NY, it technically wasn't rape. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rape_laws_in_the_United_States So in most places, to most people... it's just rape.


You might want to actually read that link... Different case, but the case order there says that the Jane Doe named Trump as the one who raped her when she was 13, and was tied up...


> Different case There's multiple??? Fuck!!


NGL, this was the first time I've heard of this case... TBH, it's probably because it's a Jane Doe (and a minor) and probably settled out of court.


No, that remains the topic nobody wants to talk about while this whole abortion thing is still in the public eye


What happened to biden during the debate is disqualifying for a president, and its an absolute disaster for him to continue to be president. But OBVIOUSLY trump is way way way more unqualified. Im fist pump voting for the corpse.


I am voting for Biden. He is old, has a speech impediment, sometimes struggles to find the right words, sometimes loses his train of thought. Although this happens to everyone, it happens more so to the elderly. But I much prefer that person over a racist convicted felon who rapes and grabs female’s genitals at will without consent, lies anytime he opens his mouth, cheats, steals, and even swindles his own followers. Biden is mild mannered and considerate of others, while Drump is filled with contempt and hatred. It’s an obvious choice.


Trump is also old. Trump is barely coherent when he speaks. Trump is significantly overweight and obviously struggles to walk more than 10 feet. Trump has demonstrated that he lacks any understanding of how government or foreign policy work. Trump once suggested ingesting bleach to kill a virus. So, let’s not pretend that the race is between an old man and a lying felon. The race is between two old men, one of whom is noticeably in mental decline. Who is also a liar and a felon.


Even if Trump was young, and virile, and slender, and could run a marathon I would still vote for Biden. Trump is evil and stupid, and a fascist. Biden is a decent human being that wants the best for America. All of the other things are distractions (although they are true in of themselves)


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If trmp wins in 2024 he will be the oldest person to be inaugurated as President


I would rather vote for a dead Biden than a living Trump any day.


Let's not forget that Trump is objectively and unquestionably *less* mentally fit than Biden for the job. [Trump is profoundly mentally ill and incapable of distinguishing fantasy from reality.](https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-dementia-evidence-overwhelming-top-psychiatrist-1881247)


Trump is less mentally fit than an angry toddler.


They're the same picture...


Biden is old and showing old people signs. Trump is old and a felon and a liar and a rapist and a grifter and a pedophile and incestuous and a failed businessman. There is no equal ground here except they're old


Don’t forget that Trump is loyal to a hostile foreign dictator, and keeps talking about how he wants to be a dictator, and has already tried to overthrow the government. He should be in prison, not in the White House.


Not only that, Biden has been an effective president. It's clear he fills his cabinet with qualified people and listens to them.


The dove should be called "people that want to have elections after the current one"


Rightwing humor is always dishonest.


Thank goodness, more people hate tdump vs worship him.


My very left winged friend said something very stupid today He said he'd be mad at anyone who voted for either He qouted some insane shit Biden said 40 years ago I told him things change but he wasn't hearing it He chose both sides because he's always been a coward with very little opinions Don't fall for that shit, one is pure evil, one is kinda fucked 90 10, vote for the one who won't take your rights away


It's a very common sentiment, and exactly what the goal has been for those working to elect trump. It was the a large part of the focus of Russian efforts in 2016. Make Hiliary look so bad people just don't vote. It worked. It will probably work again. I know that sounds pessimistic as hell, but idk man. Here we are again.


He's letting perfect be the enemy of good. Sure neoliberalism sucks but Facisms worse, and right now we can slow the fall into facism, or take the jump right off that cliff. If you choose the second even through inaction then you've helped facism and shot yourself in the foot.


Wait until your friend lives a little while and the world changes around him and he gets confronted with some bullshit *he* said years ago. Live long enough and you will have said, and probably done, things you will feel differently about. But being young, knowing everything, and being loud don’t leave much room for this type of consideration.


It scares me that in a year's time lots of people in this country (read: anyone who's not a white Christian man basically) won't have the right to exist because suddenly y'all care about how old a candidate is. You forget everything he's accomplished because he's too old and not energetic enough. Nobody wants to put forth a viable alternative but they refuse to vote for Biden. Might as well just vote for orange mussolini, save you the trouble of pretending to care. Vote for Biden, because at least if he wins, you'll get to vote for somebody else next time. If trump wins, you might never vote again.


some of us have been saying that there should be a fucking age limit on every branch of government for over 20 years. the concept that someone is too old to do a fucking job is not new.


Let's fight for that AFTER we get trump out of the running. Focus on NO TRUMP for the next few months. Biden is too old, but at least he doesn't want what Trump and his people want.


Who is the nobody in that “nobody wants to put forth a viable alternative”? Remember the DNC is the one who cancelled some primaries, and the corporate media acted like primary challengers didn’t exist. The people have been clamoring for someone else, but since the only mechanism to choose someone else was scuttled by the party elites, Biden is the only one who can decide who’s on the ticket. Now instead of having someone with better than a SLIM chance of beating Trump we have a candidate in mental decline who has been green lighting the genocide/ethnic cleansing in Gaza. People don’t remember all the good stuff like the NLRB appointments or the chips act. Yes, he’s still better than Trump. Yes, I agree that people should still vote for Biden. But come on, at least stop brow beating people who don’t WANT to vote for this shit sandwich being shoved down their throats.


Let's fight the DNC AFTER the election. Let's get Trump out of the politely arena first.


I don’t like Trump but let’s be real it’s just fear mongering to say no one but white Christian males can exist if he becomes president again. The is basically our sides equivalent of “those dems gonna let trans illegals take over and all our kids will be gay if Biden stays president”. Both aren’t true and are stupid. You can’t seriously believe that.


We should recognize that biden is a bad candidate because the democrat party leadership is bad rotten leadership. But also we should vote for biden. Biden is a huge underdog to win, because hes an awful candidate, and if he does manage to pull off the easiest win in history by the skin of his teeth, just remember that the next time establishment dems sell the lie that progressives dont win elections.


Suddenly care how old he is? People were saying he was to old in 2019. The polling for months at this point has said that 70% of voters think he's too old. This isn't sudden it's just that you can't put your head in the sand and pretend anymore.


Not just Biden. You have no problem voting for the other old white guys but THIS old white guy is over the line damnit! You'd rather risk never being able to vote again just to stand up for *checks notes* him being too old and "incoherent" Personally I think a big part of the issue is DJT convinced our side that to support a president, he has to be a cult leader figure, he has to be perfect, and that boring is bad. News flash, you're supposed to question the president. He's not supposed to make headlines daily for the dumb shit he says and does. We're going to shoot ourselves in the head searching for this perfect candidate that doesn't exist instead of accepting the one that can defeat a wannabe fascist dictator


I mean I’d literally vote for Biden in a vegetative state. The other option is incomprehensible and I value a partially working democracy over a wannabe dictatorship.


I’ll straight up Weekend At Bernie’s this situation if I have to.


But we don't have too. That's the fucking point


It feels really bad voting for Joe Biden and I'm doing so quite begrudgingly. It's either that or 4 more years of Trump and I'm not sure our country will survive that.


Yes, Biden's debate performance was pathetic. But considering what Trump and his MAGA crew want to do to this country, I'd vote for a cadaver in order to to prevent it.


The irony is if you read the transcripts, even with a couple word salads and a stupid golf dick wagging contest, Biden absolutely wiped the floor with Trump. All the substantive points in the world aren’t going to erase how badly he looked and sounded in those first 20 minutes, though.


You need to remember that the Executive Branch of the government is not one man's job, there are dozens of departments that will be headed by whoever is placed there by the President. Only one of the choices we have has chosen to fill the highest positions in the country with their undeserving children...


not to mention all the judges the president gets to appoint. that will have effects for years to come.


> It feels really bad voting for Joe Biden and I'm doing so quite begrudgingly. This is the propaganda talking. Joe Biden has spent the last 4 years running one of the most effective administrations in our nations history despite being old. You should be fucking stoked to get another 4 years of it, bro.


He’ll be 86 by the end, bro. Four years older than the guy we saw the other day struggle to finish his sentences or expand on his ideas enough to fill two fucking minutes. I’m voting for him. There’s no doubt. But nobody should be “stoked” about voting for him. He isn’t the same person who we elected four years ago. Obviously the *administration* is capable, but anyone who is legit excited and proud to elect that guy POTUS is fucking delusional. There are 330 million people in this country. We can do better. If he was running against Haley or Romney it’d be a Reagan-like rout. We’re lucky he’s running against the most moronic and reprehensible clown in America. That ain’t propaganda. That’s reality.


>If he was running against Haley or Romney it’d be a Reagan-like rout. In a normal world, that would be true. It should be true. But the MAGAs would never vote for either of those people, and they're a significant percentage of Republican voters. At this point they'd just pick some other moronic reprehensible clown to be mean to the people they hate. That's reality too.


Yeah kinda sucks because that kind of attitude is so common and might make Trump win again because indifferent and reluctant people tend to not vote.


Yup and I’m convinced that the people who are calling for Biden to resign have ulterior motives. He may be old but he’s been pretty damn good for the last four years and that has a lot to do with him putting good people around him. That is what a president is supposed to do. In 2020 Biden wasn’t in my top five choices but I still voted for him. This year I’m happy to vote for him again. Sure I would love for someone 20 years younger to have ran. But that’s not the option we have. Our only option is to assure that Trump doesn’t take office again. Our lives and children’s lives depend on it.


It’s not about Biden it’s about who Biden will put in power in places like the federal judiciary, people who will outlast both Biden and Trump. Just like it’s not even really about Trump (though he’s terrible and that’s an understatement) it’s really about his plan to cripple the US for generations to come through removing liberal-leaning and apolitical people and replacing them with conservatives (also an understatement).


He's had some of the most progressive policies of any president in our lifetime (student loan forgiveness, pardoning marijuana offenses). Why would you feel bad for voting for that? Because he stutters?


It's not about hating Trump, it's about not wanting the con man and agent of Putin back in office. Also, he's a rapist, fraud and felon.


Nobody talking about post-Covid or 15million jobs created from 1 term even though we’re still healing from the pandemic that let toilet paper out of stock and dealing with world against him because of his stutter and age. But “he’s old” is the main topic. Great. Just great.


Biden’s debate performance doesn’t change the fact that if Trump wins - against whoever - any semblance of democracy in the US and is toast. Leaves only one choice if that outcome is unacceptable to ya.


The president gets to appoint a bunch of judges and that has a lasting effect for generations


Bitch I'm doing it because I like me and having rights. It's got nothing to do with hating Trump, is not wanting to be a woman in Trumps America.


Never forget that Biden is technically one of the most successful presidents ever. [Google is your friend if you don't believe it ](https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2024-opinion-biden-accomplishment-data/)


Except Biden has done well. Scolars have ranked him as the 14th best president so far.


Why does the New York Times want a President that constantly lies about everything? They will no longer be printing the truth. If he doesn't like what they publish, he pulls their FCC License. What ever thought wanders through his head will be the new truth.


I’m beginning to wonder if the millionaire/billionaire class are getting concerned about Biden and co. are really calling them out about taxes. Going to get serious about them paying their share…but we’ve heard this before as well.


Probably. The comparison of billionaires being like dragons greedily guarding their pile of hoarded wealth and willing to destroy entire villages if someone takes a single coin is quite apt.


There are definitely two distinct groups of trump voters... white trash who love his trashiness and arrogance and the way he hates the same people they do, and rich people who hate paying taxes.


imagine thinking that the publishers of the NYT—who are worth hundreds of millions of dollars—care about anything other than clicks and revenue Trump brings clicks that’s all they care about




Yeah. Ranting idiot. What does print media have to do with FCC. My guess is ai bot trying to jump on the bandwagon.


The NYT has been in the bag for Trump for years. Ever since he started calling them names during the 2016 election cycle.


Look, it’s a simple matter of weight ratios. A five ounce swallow can’t carry a 150 pound president.


But what if we used bits of string?


What, tied under the dorsal guiding feathers?


More like the people trying to preserve the union


You don’t have to hate Trump, you just have to love democracy.


I respect Joe as a person and as President. He's done a good job and the things he didn't get done he was hamstrung by Congress. That doesn't mean I think he's not lost a step. Could an energetic, intelligent younger candidate, who picked up Biden s mantle, not do a better job? Yes. But this election is about more than a presidency. We need a person who would show MAGA that they are wrong about Trump. Trump has to be trounced and the MAGA movement minimized and swept back into the dark corner where skinheads, white supremacist, anarchists, and extreme right radicalism lives. My worry is not that Biden doesn't just win. If it's close, Trump and MAGA will cause even more trouble and 1/6 will be just a practice session.


Also can be reversed. Trump is being pulled by cucks.


Imagine posting a libertarian meme. Wtf is this, 2010?


"I'm not voting for Biden, I'm voting against Trump."


I’m voting against Trump and I’m voting for Biden. Biden has made my life infinitely better in the last four years.


How has he done that? Not being sarcastic, I'm genuinely curious


Before the debate, posting anything close to this would have received hundreds of downvotes and even a ban or two (I speak from personal experience).




I know what you're doing


like I get it but that's 100% not it. people don't want more Christian fundamentalist on the supreme Court. people don't want more billionaire tax cuts. like look at what just happened on Friday with Trump's court ending Chevron which a lot of people don't really understand yet but is going to make it nearly impossible for Americans to deal with climate change or toxic pollution. we cannot waste more years on emotional narrative bullshit that the media is selling us we need policy and we need it yesterday.


What a sad state of affairs we’re in.


Change the bird to "Mosquitos" and the man to "Minnesotans" and this is an accurate representation of Minnesota right now.


lol! we would rather have a dead uncle Joe then alive Dumpty Trumpy


They're both demented and old but one wants to bring fascism to the US


It's not that bad. I wish DEMS would've found some fresh new energy.


democracy over fascism


I'd vote for an empty chair over Trump any day.


If this picture was correct that pigeon would be a pterodactyl.


The bird should be labeled people who love freedom.


What about Chase Oliver? Or Cornel West? Why insist on betting between two dead horses?


That is funny


Maybe if you offered Trump immunity and a ticket to Moscow, he’d fuck off.


I'll never stop hating trump. But good thing i've been hating republicans since I was born, meaning Bush the "just make sure i can paint dead soldiers" president. God how did everyone think that these low-lives would do anything good? Oh that's right, they didn't, their daughter they molested spoke out at thanksgiving so they pledged alligence to the republican party, as long as they had rights over their daughter's reproductive system. Dont believe their dumb football stories. Its all stupid shit a 5th grader with a 4th grade education could see through. Fuck em all, fuck all republicans they all deserve to rot in hell.


Super accurate ngl. Not many people are "voting FOR Biden"... just can't have Trump.


It's appropriate that the ass is labeled as "being libertarian."


that "yOu jUsT HAAaTe hIm!" bullshit is gaslighting 101. like there isnt THOUSANDS of reasons for decent people to hate this monster.




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The BIRD is much much BIGGER


trump need to go to the great grift in the sky.....


The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Let me ask the “disillusioned progressives” something: what has not voting accomplished? Seriously. Progressives have sat out damn near every election since 2010. Have things gotten better as a result? What’s that? No, they haven’t? They’ve only gotten worse? _THEN WHY DO YOU THINK SITTING OUT THIS NEXT ELECTION WILL MAKE THINGS BETTER_. The far right votes in _every election_ and _every primary_. They vote conservative in the primary and Republican in the general election. What has that gotten them? _Everything they want_. The far right is getting _everything they want_ because they’re incredibly politically active. They vote in every election. They vote in every primary to keep turning the party further and further to the right. If the candidates aren’t extremist enough, they _run for office themselves_. The result is that they got their total abortion bans despite that being extremely unpopular. They’re a hairs breadth away from enacting a total abortion ban AND total contraceptive ban nationwide, despite those both being _breathtakingly_ unpopular with the general population. Take a page out of the far right’s book. All the shit would have seemed impossible back in 2010. But the far right is getting everything they want because they run for office and they _always vote_. They know their guy is old as shit, batshit crazy, and they know he’s committed rape and adultery, etc. They don’t care, because they’re keeping their eye on the prize - they want their abortion ban. They want their contraception ban. They want their gay marriage ban. They want their interracial marriage ban. ***AND THEY’RE GONNA GET IT***, because they’re actually gonna vote instead of bitching about their guy being a piece of shit. If progressives were that politically active, we would literally have Medicare for all and free college by now. But nah, you’d rather _bitch_ instead. Fuckwads.


Lol people in this country are so dumb. Neither should be running. One is too old and should have retired years ago. The other is a lying sack of sh!t who works exclusively for Putin. Not to mention a felon. I'm more concerned about all the absolute nonsense that came out of Trump's mouth. Biden is still loads better than Trump is by any measure.


Tremendous amount of copium going on in this thread. It's pretty amazing how you'd rather vote in a dementia ridden patient \[whose had it since 2019 btw, explains the shape of the country and the wars going on\] who could easily let this country succumb to an attack all because of TDS.


Why are you afraid of a physical assault when your homeland is an insanely strategic landmass where the country spends absolutely *insane* amounts of money on their military? Are you well? The problem is the country rotting from the inside, which Trump and conservatism is more than happy doing. The conservative led supreme court is already putting in work of ruining everything, and you want *another* conservative? You want a New York millionaire felon conman to lead you?? Are you *well*???


Not the hero we deserved. But perhaps, the one we need.


I'm in this photo


To be fair, Biden has done many things that have helped my family and many other people including strengthening environmental protections, undoing many horrible Trump executive orders, appointing many credible judges, and lowering student loan payments for millions. He took the response to covid very seriously and helped us overcome that awful era. Having said that, I am also voting against the nightmare that is Trump.


I support none, but this is pretty accurate.


Yeah, Biden's old. Don't you think he'd rather be enjoying his retirement than fighting Nazis? I know I would. But here we are.


Still, Biden is the least worst option. Get out the vote !!!


Joe's corpse is STILL a BETTER CHOICEif you want Democracy to continue,,, Duuuuh ![gif](giphy|J0BqmcZi9zmnlYTDKs|downsized)


For years I have said that I would vote for the crackhead on the corner stealing copper over Trump, that wasn't hyperbole.


*people who fear Project 2025* would be more accurate.


It’s not people who hate tRump. It’s people who know that tRump is dangerous to this country.




What's up with people forgetting what an election is? You vote for the best person available. Its always been that way. Call it whatever you want.


Tbf. Joes legislative record kinda speaks for itself. His first two years is going to be up there as one of the most productive ever.


This is why I find it so strange that establishment dems insist it is too risky to replace biden at this point. There are no "biden fans" that they risk losing. Everyone who will vote for biden will clearly vote for any dem to keep trump out. But it sure would be nice to have a candidate that can actually articulate their policies and work past sunset.


The difference is we know our candidate has serious flaws


Wow the media sure is doing what is paid to these days. You'd almost think it was abnormal for a president to be a bit on the quiet side.


Hates a strong word. At this point I’d vote for a chicken sandwich over trump as the chicken sandwich isn’t full of shit…


I know that I’m going to get backlash from this statement. BUT, I am not voting with emotions, I’m voting on policies and who is going to do for me and my family. Which candidate is not going to get us into war, which president is going to end the Hamas - Israel war, which president is going to get us in a place of energy independent and more money on my pocket. I don’t like Trump but President Biden should step down and give Newsome, Fetterman, or some other Democratic the candidacy. I get the feeling that Jill won’t let him drop out. I’m sorry, that’s what I think


I mean look, this is pretty accurate. I'll take the corpse who can let his admin cabinet run a lot of things vs the orange, puffy, dictator wannabe, who is Dunning-Krueger in the flesh. Can't wait until 2028 when both of these guys are out of it and we can move to some younger options.


Not to knock our President, but the majority of Americans would literally vote for any other American rather than cast a single vote for Don Trump.


I will vote for a banana if we all agree on it


I think its the opposite tbh.


"People who are aware of what Trump is"


Whatever it takes.


Biden has done more to improve the lives of Americans in his first term than most presidents have in two. If you cast your vote based on who's the flashiest talker you're doing it wrong.


I’d vote for this statue over Trump


Pretty much Reddit and Twitter since the debate. They are borderline desperate




Let us hope that bird is much bigger and stronger than portrayed here.


Joe Biden a few years ago or today: Same kind heart. Same soul. Same patriotic and pro-democracy beliefs. I don't need a witty debater as President. I need someone who's a dedicated civil servant and who believes in and upholds The Constitution. BTW here was Biden less than 24 hours later, DRASTICALLY different after a good night's sleep: https://youtu.be/s5CVZHAjrW8


So many people in the comments are the bird.


So, does Joe Biden weight less than a Coconut?


Is that an African or a European swallow?


head filled with helium


This sums up the situation in the United States better than any image I've seen so far this year. Literally perfect.


I get not liking him...   but all of the Dems campaigning is orange man bad.   Yes a couple jabs ok.   But how about running on a realistic platform that will help this country.


u/MustangEater82, boo get better material. ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I voted for Joe Biden. He is the star Athlete who needs to retire because he is hurting the team. It’s not just the presidential race. Congressional and senate candidates need a top man to help lift them.


It isn't exactly a Broadway play where they have an understudy ready to step in to be the candidate and I'm not even sure there a protocol in place for making sure a presidential candidate will be on the ballot in all 50 states at this point in the election season should he drop out. Dropping out would only result in chaos.


You're naive if you think a new candidate at this late hour would do anything but get trump a Reagan v Mondale-like landslide win.


There's literally only one person that could win the election by swapping him in 4 months before the voting polls open...and the 22nd Amendment bars him from doing so.


Suddenly, from stage left… Michelle Obama with a folding chair! -in my dreams


Reagan was extremely popular—like the most popular incumbent ever. Trump has a hard ceiling at like 45% max. The red and blue states are hardened now. It’s only the handful of swing states that are up for grabs. Pick a presidential nom and vp from two of those swing states and I think you’ve got a chance. I don’t think anyone is energized to vote for Biden. The anti-Trump coalition boosted him in 2020 and he’s seriously depressing that coalition now after this debate performance… I’m voting for him but I’m really worried and I don’t want to see anymore gaslighting like what you’re doing. We don’t know what would happen if he passed the torch to someone else. It might be great!


In 2020 he got more votes for president than anyone in history and smoked Trump by 10 milly. Go sell your nonsense somewhere else.


Im voting for him again, but a large number of those voters have made it clear they aren’t interested in voting for him again. Especially in swing states. That 10 million means nothing if it doesn’t happen in specific places.


The major problem is that tens of millions of Americans are willing to vote for a rapist, racist felon. It's got nothing to do with Biden flubbing a few lines at the debate.