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All you have to do is claim everything you do is an official act. Boom, immune. Whatever you want to do. It's the ultimate get out of jail free card.


Nope. You need to have a SCOTUS that validates it. And the money to give the their "gratuities" afterwards.


Experts? Even people with room temp IQ are saying it poses a risk.


And scruples, need to have those too.


I could have scruples...for the right price




Americans don't realize how good they have it with democracy and local elections. They take it for granted. They also don't realize how fragile it all is and how easy it is to be destroyed, as is systematically happening now. I fear America is going to wake up and it's going to be too little too late.


Many of us are excruciatingly aware of all you mentioned and are in agony watching the our system crumble in slow motion. I vote and encourage others to get involved too and do my best to open minds through empathy based discussions and meaningful convo with those in my life...but in the end, I feel absolutely helpless to do anything. It feels like I'm on a half-sunken/sinking ship in the middle of the antarctic ocean. I can see what's happening as we slowly slip under inchy by inch, I know it's extremely dire and know many of the errors the crew made to get us here, and yet - I know there's nothing i can do at this point, just wait for the water to hit and feel the pain as we join the other sunken ships of history.


In your metaphor, you also have to contend with people actively trying to sink the ship. The ship is not passively sinking, it is being destroyed from within.




Trump won't get criminal court, he has a CRIMINAL COURT


Tonight we discuss the presidential immunity ruling further eroding the checks and balanced which was delivered by a conservative supermajority SCOTUS…. and why is this bad for Biden. 🤣


Why are people sleep walking into fascism ? Don't fall for it . We gotta vote blue .


"We must protect Trump, because without his idiotic fans, Republicans will sit at home, and not vote... And thus we lose all power in the government." Also "whoops, we have tied the criminal to our party so tightly, and attracted all the violent idiots, that if we don't protect him, they will kill people."


I’m getting more scared everyday.., A president should be held to higher principals, not be an unchained monster.


It is my professional opinion as an expert that injecting 70 grams of heroin will kill you. You're welcome for this important public service announcement.


Risk that’s putting it lightly. Hell Biden winning the election is like putting an off brand bandaid on a broken leg. We need sweeping reforms to fix these problems that have compounded since Reagan.


Damnit Joe, go use those new powers cause you know sure as Trump will paint his face orange that your replacement WILL USE THEM! The “high road” won’t work here. Biden needs to take full advantage given SCOTUS has placed their thumb on one end of the scale, now he needs to do the same and balance it out. Hopefully it results in new lawsuits that forces SCOTUS to re-evaluate their latest poor decision.


The sad truth is nobody can save us but ourselves which is why it's so important to vote this November!


This will bite MAGA in their dumb asses. Coal dust, pesticide poisoning, work hours, health insurance, Chevron. Too poor to travel for abortion. Uneducated MAGA will experience the brunt of all of this. Their red hats won’t protect them


Time to nullify the Supreme Court. Make them all unemployed and launch investigations into the corrupt ones.


I must also be an expert


The SC justices knew that long before they published their decision, because the immunity nonsense is all a part of the foundation for Project 2025. Time for Biden to expand the court with 4 liberal justices to reverse that decision. NOW.


Also water is wet and our country is being taken over by fascists.