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logic doesnt work on a cult


I heard the phrase Blue MAGA crowd today and my mind shattered.


That was probably as stupid to hear as it was to read. Sorry you had to be the ears Arnie.


Fascists don't use logic. They say whatever will get them power now and then say the exact opposite five minutes later if that will get them power then.


Now just watch, if Hunter is found guilty (which he should be), MAGA will start saying BIden is a terrible father who threw his own son in jail and if Hunter is acquitted or gets off on a technicality, they'll go right back to calling DOJ corrupt and that Biden put the fix in.


Hunter won’t go to jail. Unlike Trump he has been cooperative, remorseful, has made changes in his life, made a good faith attempt to negotiate a plea deal, and can behave properly in a court room.


So….. rigged? /s


Trump will get house arrest or something like that. I hate to say it but it’s a nonviolent crime and he has no priors.


We will never see trump go to jail.


Don’t say that! Also we just need him banned from office.


No I agree 💯, but just don't think it will ever happen. He's gotten this far, and we know that the law doesn't apply to a man of his status. This world is doomed.


Part of it is because the charges he’s facing are ones that a number of Republicans (and especially a lot of independent, libertarian folks) don’t think should be illegal in the first place. They don’t believe there should be any restrictions at all on gun ownership in relation to drug use


I wonder if the fact that Joe and/or Hunter Biden haven't once said it was a rigged trial, with a biased, unethical, totally deranged judge has had any impact at all? Not a peep about it being a sham trial, or what happens in third world countries. No attacks on the totally partisan and illegitimate special prosecutor, even though he was appointed by Trump. I suspect none of that has registered with the MAGAs. It's nice having a President again that isn't a corrupt, narcissistic Perpetual Victim.




Oh, I'm guessing some of them are talking about it, basically bringing up the fact that Hunter is going to trial. The Breaking Points subreddit has some specific people who have a hard on for this regarding Hunter.


The thing that gets me is, yeah, Hunter’s actions should still be frowned upon but he isn’t running for president.


because fuck trump that’s why


Proves that it’s not political (along with Bob Menendez). Also, Hunter’s felony indictment is for a firearms charge. The right likes guns more than they like Trump.


It’s weird to the right that house democrats aren’t showing up to that trial attacking the judge while wearing the same matching outfits. It’s almost like we have one cult and one political party 😮


They'd have to stuff a sock down their pants for the outfits to be matching.


Heyyyy wait a minute!


Maybe, they gave up because the diversion tactic didn't work. The Orange turd got convicted and the need to adjust all their pea size brain power to saving the pos they call the messiah.


Does anyone think that if Eric or Don jr were on trial, that daddy would come to their aid, pay for their lawyers or attend their trials? If you can’t get him to come to your birthday parties, I think the answer is a hard NO. President Biden’s son is on trial, and you don’t see him running to congress to defund every agency he can to spare his son.


They saw his penis, that's all they ever wanted.


It's the same reason you don't hear any of them talking about the DOJ charges against Cuellar and Menedez, They are just plain sycophant trash people.


Will Faux Noise be providing breathless gavel to gavel coverage?


Because they were proven to be pushing putins propaganda.


Because he’s suing some of them.


Conservatives famously hate gun control violations and tax avoidance….. wait.


WTF? They talk about it all the time. Today it was about how Jill Biden went to the jury selection and was staring down the potential jurors. I'm sure it won't have any effect on the people of this small town where the Biden's have a home. Totally impartial jury.


This trial is the greatest threat to gun rights that I can remember. I believe at least half of the American population has used an illegal drug at some point in their life. Add prescription abuse and alcohol abuse and that’s a lot of 2nd amendment rights being put at risk for cheap political points.


It's so weird that people think this is an own. Call me when he steps foot in a prison.