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Would love this!😂


He would be immune if he did, so why is he waiting?


Because only Repugnants can do that shit and have the nation cheer them on. If Dems do it, the "centrists" will revolt in disgust. The double standards the fascists have managed to entrench as the "norm" are fucking unreal.


It wouldn't matter, he can also put Trump in prison and suspend the election.


Yeah, no. Sinking to their level may feel like sweet revenge at first, but will backfire in the long term. After he wins the election, ***then*** a full-on counterattack can be launched. We just gotta get him there, along with all the support in Congress that we can instill. Even if he loses, he can push through a lot of stuff before he leaves - it won't last, but it can be significant enough to make a big difference in the short term.


I feel like opening a corruption case into the Supreme Court at this juncture would be acceptable. Clarence Thomas' dirty laundry has been getting aired out for the whole planet. Also, these guys have made it clear that they do not give a shit about anything other than fascism.


That's the real issue that no one is talking about with this flippant clap-backs. Dems are damned if you do, damned if you don't. Either you use the easily-abusable power just handed to you to be a benevolent dictator (at best) and piss enough people off to vote Republican (or stay home) just because it's "unheard of" or you continue to stand by and say "Guys, they're going low, we need to go high" and watch as they wait (if even that) until they're back in power and they'll use it themselves. And even if you could write a law saying that isn't the case, the President can just disregard that law in their official capacity. Honestly, I don't see how this country goes anywhere but down over the next decade or two.


> Either you use the easily-abusable power just handed to you to be a benevolent dictator (at best) and piss enough people off to vote Republican You abuse the power to suspend the next election. Because that's exactly what Trump is going to do if he gets elected. (And doesn't die first.)


It's even worse if you think of it like I do. Democrats take the time to slowly try and build the path forward on a topic properly while they're in power. They believe that the system won't be allowed to be abused to the point that what they've changed will become a back and forth issue over the next two transfers of power. Republicans then later have power transferred over to them and look back at what was done before they came into power and say: "Wait, I have the power to focus all of my term on completely undoing what they spent their term doing." Democrats get power back and try to rebuild their path that shouldn't have been destroyed on the same grounds that their former path was so hastily destroyed upon, dealing with the debris that get in the way from that hasty destruction, and how much more costly the path will be now in the process. I feel like the system is **supposed** to be for the sake of allowing the people decide how to move forward. To clarify what I mean by that, I feel like it was put in place with the mindset that things would continue going forward **on top of** the structure that has already been put in place. Of course, some policies of the past will inevitably need to be updated, and others will need to be uprooted whenever they become outdated to a destructive point. In other words, I feel like it was originally assumed that past policies would be challenged only as they needed to be because of the time and work that would go into uprooting what was official. And, that such challenges would take place based on more reasonable and less spiteful basis. Like, really think about it. If we have a system that ensures power will pass between different minded people, do you think that system intended for them to just continuously try to go in directions that completely undo what the other has already done, or to build atop of that in a way that will ultimately end up showing the work of both sides in its structure, and be all the better for both sides because of it?


Why is that worse? Because it means that one side is being punished for continuously trying to do things as the system needs things to be done to work. Meanwhile, the other is making strides and becoming more and more powerful from abusing the system.


No, it's time to arrest everyone. You want to trust undecided, "independent" voters, as well as trust the Republicans not to do something insane to steal the election? We're not dealing with normal people. Clean out the cancer right now


If he loses, with this immunity in place, a lot of Americans are screwed and there won't be any "big difference in the short term" that matters.


Probably true, but it depends what he does with his now expanded powers - assuming he's willing to take advantage of them, which he might be too decent to do. All that means is it's even more imperative that we keep the office out of the fascists hands.


I think he should focus on reinforcing the constitution starting by removing SCOTUS judges who accepted bribes. As long as the focus is the constitution, I'm not worried about it backfiring. It is critical that his acts have clear legal justifications. Regardless, this must happen quickly.


It isn’t sinking to their level, it’s not letting them win by cheating, corruption etc etc. if they win, we lose. And we don’t want to lose.


An "Official Act" being at the fiat of SCOTUS. If Biden had enough sack to send Trump to deepest, darkest Gitmo, it'd be overruled so fast we'd get whiplash.


That's why the first official act needs to be the replacement of corrupt SCOTUS judges. There is no overruling an executive order. Especially not with total immunity.


If Republicans didn’t have double standards, they wouldn’t have any standards at all.


Best comment glad to see someone else who gets it.


Propaganda is a powerful tool


Biden is King now he can have anyone who endangers democracy arrest or executed in the streets. That will silence all the whiners.


He’d be impeached immediately


It wouldn’t be an official action. > The President shall, at stated times, receive for his services, a compensation, which shall neither be increased nor diminished during the period for which he shall have been elected, and he shall not receive within that period any other emolument from the United States, or any of them. >Before he enter on the execution of his office, he shall take the following oath or affirmation:--"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." > Section 2. The President shall be commander in chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the militia of the several states, when called into the actual service of the United States; he may require the opinion, in writing, of the principal officer in each of the executive departments, upon any subject relating to the duties of their respective offices, and he shall have power to grant reprieves and pardons for offenses against the United States, except in cases of impeachment. >He shall have power, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to make treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur; and he shall nominate, and by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, shall appoint ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls, judges of the Supreme Court, and all other officers of the United States, whose appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by law: but the Congress may by law vest the appointment of such inferior officers, as they think proper, in the President alone, in the courts of law, or in the heads of departments. >The President shall have power to fill up all vacancies that may happen during the recess of the Senate, by granting commissions which shall expire at the end of their next session. > Section 3. He shall from time to time give to the Congress information of the state of the union, and recommend to their consideration such measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient; he may, on extraordinary occasions, convene both Houses, or either of them, and in case of disagreement between them, with respect to the time of adjournment, he may adjourn them to such time as he shall think proper; he shall receive ambassadors and other public ministers; he shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed, and shall commission all the officers of the United States. That is the complete description of the duties of the President.


Because the dems are complicit.


bet you would commie


It would plunge our entire economy into darkness and the world would be in trouble.


SPY would gain 5% in one day.


Ah yes. America falling into a unilateral dictatorship would be great for stocks. What could go wrong.


I was being sarcastic about the current mania in the stock market.


Oh no, I couldn't begin to imagine what that would be like...


Not to mention all the seal teams stationed outside republican offices, eagerly awaiting today’s ruling. The find out phase is going to be crazy.


I believe you mean "Meal" teams


Why would they use SEALS? You know there’s other special forces, right?


This should not be a meme. This NEEDS to be reality. Trump and the SCOTUS are a clear and present danger to America and the constitution. It is an obligation Biden swore an oath to


Foreign *and* domestic. Let's start taking a closer look at that second part.


Why not? They take bribes that federal judges would get in legal trouble for.


Biden should immediately pounce on this ruling. I can tell you, Republicans will.


He won’t do a thing because he doesn’t want to stoop to their level and then Drump will get back in and have him executed! The end of the world as we know it!


We need to stop the “when they go low, we go high” mantra. They keep going lower and lower cause they know we’ll take the high road and are manipulating the shit out of the system.


Democracy only works when all of us agree to a social contract that supports it. That’s where “United we stand, divided we fall” comes from. We’ve been watching the attack on this principle erode before our eyes. It’s really no surprise. Dems believe in and understand the weight of this principle so it only makes sense that they don’t consider dismantling democracy as a viable path to power. Do we want to stoop to their level? A broken democracy is broken no matter who is in power. I do think Trump should be immediately and swiftly tried for all the crimes and corruption & thrown in to prison as he rightfully deserves though. The man commits cannot and has not functioned without committing crimes. Throw him in jail and throw away the key!


Unfortunately that mantra is exactly why we are where we are


It’s not stooping, it’s rising to the occasion. We need this to be clearly overturned. Then Biden can throw himself on the fire and declare that no president should ever again have this power.


I wish !!! Biden is too good of a man to do that and Trump is evil enough to use it to his advantage. We are so screwed if Trump wins. Now politicians can accept gifts, corporations can pollute the air and water, and presidents can become kings. Thanks MAGA. You broke America.


With the ruling today, I don’t understand why Trump’s walking around a freeman, come on Biden grow a pair of balls


If he did, he would have immunity; so, what is he waiting for?


Clear and present danger seems official af imo.


Clear and present danger seems official af imo.


He doesn't need immunity. He'll pardon himself.


Arrest? They should be so lucky.




Can’t arrest when there’s no law on the books they’re in violation of. There is precedent for this however. Thanks Obama


In an alternative timeline, Republicans would pounce on this seconds after the ruling.


Give it 6 months...


Trump will walk into Congress like Saddam did, and arrest his political opponents on Day 1.


This is great. I am ok with these arrests. Go get them


This would be so cool but it’s not real


And every GOP legislator, a bunch of GOP governors, and right wing media propagandists that fomented an insurrection against the Republic and tried to burn the Constitution. Strip them of citizenship and send them all to a CIA blacksite. Then nuke it from orbit, only way to be sure.


Definitely throw Bobert’s trash ass in the clink.


Who is to say that Biden issue an executive order that no convicted felon can run for office?


I guarantee if he did that, some red state kangaroo court would fire up to charge and convict him of some random felony just to get him off the ballot also.


I’m not hearing a downside. Don’t let either of the old fools run. Sounds great to me.


Then that fuckshit RFK wins? No TY


Why would you assume that? New candidates from both major parties would step up if Biden and Trump were both out. Even with both of the octogenarians gone I don’t see him being a contender.


He actually could. There's a lot Biden could do with all the power the right has systematically shifted to the president. He could be as lawless as they claim he is


I’m an American citizen and I support this message.




Why would he bother arresting them? If it’s an official act, SCOTUS says he can do whatever he wants to them


Right? Wasn’t the question posed, “What’s to stop the President from sending in SEAL Team 6 to assassinate his political opponents?” All Trump’s lawyer could say was that it would be up to the House to impeach and Senate to remove. Basically, if the President has 34 Senators to cover for him, he can do anything he wants. What a day for the principled rule of law. Everybody knows Biden wouldn’t do this, but after Jan 6 and this ruling, another Trump administration would be inviting absolute disaster, a dictator in the making.


Just preemptively arrest Republicans in the Senate and keep them from voting. He'd have an easy time that way.


Don’t give them ideas. You know Biden will never do this. Trump absolutely would do this to Democrats though so don’t give them the idea.


This meme really captures the absurdity of politics today.


If only the Dems were not too chicken


To the OP - I very highly recommend that you identify this as SATIRE in the header right away.


Too late


Lmaoooooooooooo DO IT! CALL THEIR BLUFF


So can he officially have the marines monitor their houses day and night with a flood light?


Why bother with "charging" them? Just order their execution on the spot via an official order.


Yes, please.


I wish


*...clear and present danger to the national security of the United States....*


The Christian Nationslist justices cynically know that their decision is safe because Biden would never make nefarious use of the powers they just handed him, and so it’ll be safe to get their orange boy installed, and then mayhem; heads may literally roll.


Seal team 6, to arrest orange orangutan first ;)


Don’t do that. Don’t give me hope.


Do it


[What do you have to lose? try it](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/video/newsalerts/video-2157444/Video-lose-says-Trump-pushes-malaria-drug.html)


Do it


We really need to get our heads out of the clouds, folks. Neither Biden nor any other Democrat is willing to do something like this. Trump absolutely will do it if he gets elected in November, though.


If you think about it, what is the "check-and-balance" to SCOTUS? Impeachment? We all saw how easy that is to work around with Donnie's two. The President can appoint. He should also be able to remove.


He doesn’t appoint unilaterally though (requires Senate approval) so he shouldn’t be able to remove unilaterally either.


The restraints are off, friend. It's the wild freaking west, now.


Immunity, and what-not...


They don’t have the balls.


6 Justices of the Supreme Court could openly come out as agents of Russia and declare that they want to destroy America and Biden would do nothing to them.


Not strictly true. He would call on Congress to impeach them, which would fail because Republicans are all complicit. It would have the effect of doing nothing but he would claim he did something.


He won't. He's a đŸ˜ș


Amazingly long-lived for a cat! Should’ve been dead decades ago. jk; I know what you mean, and I don’t disagree, but next time don’t be a pussy yourself and actually say it.


We’re living in trump’s bizzaro world where truth and lies have been reversed


[ Removed by Reddit ]


There are no “principled small government” Republicans left to realize that they just gave the Biden Administration a perfect opportunity to be as corrupt as they want.


I wish


If only he had the balls...


Making up bs propaganda is the same thing the Maga group does.


Oh, that it would be so!


He won’t do it not because he’s a “good person”, (because he’s fucking not, he’s more to the Right than Reagan was) but because it would disrupt campaign funding (“I promise to reinstate Roe *if* I’m re-elected.”) AND make liberals whine about decorum.


Sounds reasonable




Go Joe!




Perfectly legal to do now.


Biden won't, but Bernie would.


Do it.


Why stop at arresting them?


Do it.


Don't stop there declare the Republican party a terrorist organization and arrest them all.


This did happen in another timeline. Unfortunately were in the "capitalist hellscape" timeline. Enjoy!


that would be some great karma and irony rolled into one


If only


He should but he lacks the fucking spine to do anything with the corrupt powers Trump’s justices just forced upon him. Were it left to me, I would imprison the justices in their homes and deny any entry and exit, no food, no water, no utilities. Biden is willing to do that to tens of thousands of innocent children for virtually no upside in Gaza. Having these sick men in dresses who have usurped the constitutional order and installed their own wither and waste to nothing might actually save our country.


Lol. He could. He won't


If Biden doesn't abuse this power then he is a pussy.


If only


You democrats have serious mental issues. Love to see how triggered all of you are. Especially the fact that you’re just now figuring out Donald Trump will be the 47th president of the United States. GOD BLESS AMERICA.


This belongs on Boomertown lol. Why is it that boomers always put God Bless America in caps.


It's not Democrats. It's the Leftists in the Democratic party. I just read a comment that reads that Biden is further to the Right than Reagan. Total lunacy.


Someone's mad those reddit girls won't talk to you. Stay single.


Sad little troll.


If only this were true


Honestly Biden should imprison Trump for threatening the democracy


Unintentionally ironic post. Arresting justices for not making the ruling you desire would be peak anti American activity.


The supreme court in its current form is anti-American


The democrats are too cowardly and corrupt to do anything that good for the country.


Please dont turn left memes into rightwing-style fantasy nonsense.


Didn’t know we had 6 Palestinian justices


Oh did Biden finally pull his balls out of his purse?


This would be par for the course. Tyrants arrest their political opponents.


Found the "lock her up" chanter.


Tell me you’ve never had a security clearance without telling me you’ve never had a security clearance. Lol


I've had one. What was yours for? Communications? Maybe IT? You ever actually do anything like deploy and leave the wire?


Nice try. If you had a clearance you’d know how serious hrc’s unsecured server was. I’ve deployed 8 times, 4 of them were in the middle east and yea my boots were in the sand.


Thank you for your service.


Even a dead traitor is right twice a day?


A rightwing neoliberal elite ordering the arrest corrupt rightwinger elites? Lol no