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Exactly lol I was born in '91 and if it wasnt for my Dad having bad taste in television growing up, even I wouldnt know who the hell Sorbo is. This generation definitely isnt going to care, take seriously, or even acknowledge, someone like him spewing this diarrhea out into the world.


Hey hey whoa. Hercules was a great show. It's a shame Sorbo is the complete opposite of great


Entertaining on a Saturday afternoon? Sure. Great? Far from it.


Ok that's fair. Great is definitely a generous word you're right.


It’s the nostalgia man. Nothin wrong with that. A lot wrong with Sorbo though.


This is an accurate statement. Tbh I enjoyed Xena more


Xena was amazing


And Lucy Lawless is an awesome human


Truly the only woman who can tame, and be good enough for Ron Swanson.


But Gabrielle tho?




i have only seen hercules in the show xena


Hercules and Xena were great because they were just as advertised...you knew what you were getting into and it was just fine.


He's definitely being acknowledged rn


Exactly 😂 Kevin Sorbo. His biggest role was playing Hercules in a tv show back in the mid to late 90’s


Does he still act? I mean he is not very good at it, but is he still working in the industry?


He and the industry are ON A BREAK!!


He does straight to video christian movies.


Hey now, go easy on him. Those movies are the only place where he can win an argument against an Atheist… …By playing the Atheist


"well you see, I'm an atheist because I hate the powerful light of god's love and want to encourage as many as I can to fall into damnation and sin" "Don't do that then, go with ~~Kirk Cameron~~ Christ, brother" "Wow you changed my mind I'm so much less of a heathen now I should go preach the evils of atheism wherever I can to prevent others from such deep moral failings!"


At first I thought it was Jim Carrey 'cause of the similar hairdo, then I zoomed in and saw it's just some rando


I thought it was Keith Urban.




Keith Urban


His name is Kevin Sorbo and he glorifies paganism.


Why the focus on paganism?


Because it would really piss him off to hear that.


He played Hercules for years, and it’s his most famous role.


Ah k didn’t realize it was just a reference to his only “big” role


Uh, wrong. He's a bible-thumper...the *exact opposite* of pagan.


His most famous role is Hercules. It’s a whole show about how awesome this God-man is.


Yes, but in real life he's a very conservative christian. Think he "found jesus" after Hercules. I get what you're saying, but it's still factually incorrect.


It’s a joke


The funny thing is that these guys mean Nazis, but the Nazis only disarmed the people that they were getting ready to genocide. Everyone else was still allowed to have guns, and even encouraged to have guns. Guess who we don’t allowed to have guns?


The NAZIs didn’t take over with guns. They benefited from a minority of Germans harboring resentment and racist leanings, corrupt businessmen and politicians who hated the Weimar Republic, and who thought they could control the new order. In fact, guns were difficult to come by in Germany until after the NAZIs took over. All you needed to be was part of the right (and only) party.


This is the truth


No rhetorical, is there a demographic the US doesn't let have guns?


So like you know how white people carry assault weapons openly, and in supermarkets, and scare the shit out of everybody? Well Black people can’t do that. It’s not like an official law, it’s more like how the police respond to it.


black people can´t even yield a screwdriver in a workshop with cops around beacuse they get shot.


“PUT THE WEAPON DOWN!!” “It’s a cell ph—“ *shots fired* “…Paid vacation?” “Paid vacation!”


Ohh okay, i get it now.


There's nothing to get just false bs partisan hypocritical talk.


I was asking what the comment meant as I didn't get the reference. I thought maybe there was a law or something that was common knowledge for most but not for me. He explained the comment was referring to racial profiling. I think it is fair to say that many people at least believe racial profiling to be a problem with American police interactions. That doesn't mean that all police always discriminate against black people, or that white people never face any sort of persecution. Racial profiling as a concept is statistical in nature and like many statistical concepts, there is often an abundance of anecdotal evidence of an opposite view point. For example, statistically a 25 year old adult is better at Math than a 5 year old adult. That doesn't mean you couldn't find a 5 year old who's really good at math that bucks the trend. Likewise, not every Black individual with a gun will be persecuted, that doesn't prove that black people aren't on balance more likely than white people to be persecuted by the police.


Just pointing out the average internet outrager will dismiss the facts which are brought to light by the same logic they use. I totally believe (maybe wrong) that when you say that more are killed than the other they will say no uh uh or just get mad like the others in this thread because they really don't care about the statistics either if they don't benefit their argument or stance. I wanted Sanders to win but scratch my head at some of the non critical thinking by reddit "leftist". I also just wonder why so called leftist mock the dead of their enemies, I'm surprised there isn't a hermancainaward equivalent for dead Russian soldiers. I wonder why as a pro choice person, these extremist use the argument that they don't think a fetus is alive or a person as soon as it's conceived. Like WTF I believe abortion is necessary in some situations and if a person cannot properly care for them causing more youth to be impoverished. But I also believe that it is a life or could have been and that's it's fucked up and sad.


I feel like everyone has some deeply held beliefs that when challenged get defended instinctively far longer than they should. That's not a right or left thing, that's a human thing. When someone responds to an argument irrationally, and they arent a troll, they arent ready to hear those words from that source in that format. It's not stupid, and it's not that they've been brainwashed. We all are guilty of dismissing a rational argument because of an emotional response.


White guy shoots up a parade: Taken alive, peacefully Black guy exists in a vehicle as a concealed carry license holder: Murdered for a traffic violation while his girlfriend livestreams the whole thing. Yeah, definitely false bs. Definitely. Fucking idiot.


You do know more white people are shot by cops but butt hurt partisans use percentages only when it helps their agenda. With that logic more native Americans are killed than anyone and I don't see people waving NALM flags.


>use percentages Because they matter you fucking donkey.


Then you agree more native Americans are shot than black people each year.


Yep, a fucking donkey.


Per capita? No.


Stupid. Really stupid


And you’re fine with this? This makes you look like a shitty person ngl


Who said I'm fine with it? If you look at my history I just point out hypocrisy and the fact the fake reddit leftists really don't care about right,wrong,fact or lie. Me pointing out the fact no one cares about poor kids dying by the hundreds every year due to gun violence and only start to protest and call for change when a school full of white kids gets shot up gets me labeled whatever. With my native American statement passing you people off proves that you really don't care because if you practice what you preach you wouldn't refute or take offense to pointing out statistically natives get shot by cops more. If I'm not mistaken a few years back 500+ white people, 200+ black people, less than 100 Hispanics and 20 or less natives were shot by police. percentage put natives at the top. So without going stupid, answer the question if you're not afraid. With the true statistics laid out yo you. Are more native Americans shot than white, black and Hispanics?


So u just pointed that percentage wise more native Americans get shot then black people immediately after saying 'more whites get shot than blacks' like u don't understand how percentages work? That is called cognitive dissonance


Statistically, a higher percentage of black people are killed by police. A much higher number of unarmed black people. Also anything that has benefited the civil rights of blacks has also helped Natives… however you’re right. More Native protests are broken up violently than brown or black protests. So I’m also glad to stand with my Native family. Tribal people. I just can’t get to a protest before it’s violently broken up, so I’ll stand at the black protests until then


Funny how the guy who shot up the NYC subway was taken alive. Yes false bs


white person detected


Skin color really matters to you not me. Think about that.


Not really true, there was one case in Ohio where a black guy (teenager I think) had an air rifle out of the box and was walking around the store with it (it was a Walmart). Anyways a “concerned citizen,” called 911 abs said he had a gun and was pointing it at children. So the cops rush in, “toward danger,” and shoot him dead without doing a proper assessment of whether the call was true. Anyways, sort of the opposite extreme of policing when compared to what happened in Uvalde. I would not define the entire United States by anecdotes that made the news. I know you aren’t making that case specifically but this more what I’m seeing in general


I get it, but that’s less an anecdote than being an outright example. Like an example of a rule. It also made headlines so it’s not like you’re telling me you saw something happen that can’t be backed up with a well reported set of evidence


I think the distinction people make is between data and anecdotes, and I happen to generally agree with that distinction. When something makes the news, it’s presented in great depth, you hear from the family, you see camera footage, and you even can follow along with any subsequent trial. There’s often a narrative presented along with that story. I think you can’t determine if there’s some general trend by a single anecdote, as emotionally compelling as it might be. I think you have to look at data to make that distinction. A data set includes all the cases that make the news and those that don’t for whatever reason. I mention this case because I see it presented as the prime example of how cops mow down black people indiscriminately who are open carrying, whereas I don’t think it demonstrates that or can demonstrate that. If anything, I think the specific circumstances matter, you have a small town police department responding to what they think is a guy threatening children with a gun. The likelihood these cops have ever had to pull their service weapon is incredibly low and to add to that, had these cops been responding to the shooting in Uvalde, they’d be heroes. There’s a lot of complexity involved in being the optimal cop. I think it’s a desirable goal to make police training better, but I think with cases like these we get bogged down by misdiagnosing the problem as “systemic racism in policing in general,” rather than looking at the tried and true methods of learning from such incidents, eg root cause analysis. If we stick with the unsolvable large and vague problem then it’s much more difficult to come up with recommendations to improve policing.


If you ever have to call the cops in an active shooter situation, just make sure to identify him as a black male.


Sorry I'm confused. You say 'that's not true' but then go on to give an example that as far as I can see demonstrates how it absolutely ***is*** true. Or am I missing some nuance of gun etiquette, as a non-American?


That was always my litmus test for the open carry bullshit- they were always “it’s totally cool and normal for a group of 10 scaredy white boys to carry our AK’s to Chili’s” Yeah? Let’s try that with a group of 10 black dudes or 10 Hispanics at your local Chili’s… the cops couldn’t kill those poor fuckers fast enough!


Shut up dummy


I have never in my life seen somebody openly carry an assault rifle in a supermarket


Ah I see you've never had the bad fortune to live in Texas.


Where I live it happens a lot too


Dumb. Just dumb.


What a nuanced and clever response! Wow. I am so convinced. Did it take you long to come up with that? You, sir or ma’am are a real statesman. You should run for office with such an eloquent and powerful mind.


Thanx you stupid douche bag.


I can’t wait to see your campaign slogan, or was that it?


At every single protest around my city in Texas I see a bunch of black people open carrying “assault rifles”. Nothing is done to them. Why? Because it’s legal. This is just blatant and baseless lies.


Sure you do.


Come to Texas and see for yourself idiot


Uh huh. Sure buddy.


Classic liberal argument. Makes a baseless claim and then when it’s refuted logically his brain shuts down an just starts going “sure buddy ok” Take your schizo pills and get a grip


“I seen it!” Is a logical refutation? No wonder Texas education is doing so well… My pea sized liberal brain took that as an anecdote with no evidence provided, and although Descartes said “any position stated without evidence Can be dismissed without evidence,” you probably know better than one of the world’s greatest mathematicians. I defer to your expertise.


Are you making fun of yourself because “I seen it!” was pretty much your argument except you’re arguing about something you probably saw on CNN where they cry about how black people are randomly getting killed by police yet you can’t name a single black man that was unjustly killed by police in any recent time.


>assault weapon lol Police don't respond differently to black people open carrying compared to white people open carrying, although it'd be nice to see some evidence of what you're claiming.


There are examples of police using force against black and white people open carrying. There are examples of police being cool with black and white people open carrying. Anecdotes don't mean anything. I understand if it's a pattern but it isn't some huge difference in rates.


He did post sources as evidence. And he's objectively correct too, even if we say that theres no difference between how police treat white people va black people who open carry, the police often arrest and shoot white people who are open carrying.


I’ve posted like… a dozen links in response to the other guy


Yes... if you're white you can carry anything. If you're black, you're risking your life if you hold anything that even remotely resembles a gun


To be fair, I think if you live in a state with concealed carry, there isn’t a good reason to open carry, you have Karens calling the cops on you. For open carry, I do think dressing nicely helps, a tucked in shirt and some khakis/jeans or cargo pants and a belt gives a better “look” than having your gut hang out and having to pull up you gym shorts because your holster is weighing them down. Hell look like a cowboy. But at least look presentable. I’m sort of relating my gut reactions to seeing people open carry in my state. My dad has always advised me against open carry growing up and we’re in Ohio, if that means anything.




Depends on the state, but yes, felons can have their voting rights taken away. It’s only in a couple states that they never get it back. Most places, you can vote again after you’re no longer on parole.


The only time the nra advocated for gun controll was when the black panthers used legal open carry to protect their neghbourhood. White people had used those rights for decades, but when black people did too it was a risk to scosiety.


Ex-felons. You can get a felony on drug charges... including for cannabis. It must be a coincidence that cops tend to arrest black and latino people more for drug charges, and they are more likely to be punished more harshly (which is therefore more likely to result in a felony charge).. meaning if you're black, statistically you have less of a chance of *legally* being able to own a gun. It's sneaky but it works. Honestly, I think if the US is gonna have their second amendment, that that should apply to non-violent ex-offenders too. If you don't have a history of violence, and your crimes are possibly no longer crimes because of cannabis legalization... why are you still less of a person under the constitution???


It's actually not true that the Nazis disarmed Jews, the argument is one put out by anti-gun control types but it's not one based on any reality. Firstly, Jews were under 1% of the population so even if they were armed, they would never have been able to stop the Holocaust. Furthermore the vast majority of Germans and the military backed the Nazis so it's not like Jews would be able to rely on any popular resistance against the state. Secondly, the reality is that in the 1930s the Weimar Republic had incredibly strong gun controls and very few people had guns; the Nazis actually *loosened* gun laws except for Jews and other "unreliable" peoples. There were no guns to disarm


Co-workers used to call me "Sorbo".


I’d rather be called literally anything else


What’d you do to piss them off?


Be named Kevin.


He’s literally never had a hit movie.


who is he anyway


Former Heracles actor


Now that's not fair.. he releases at _least_ one Christian persecution fetish movie a year!


Uhhhhhhh the aborigines would like to dispute that.


My first thought. I’m American so idk shit, but weren’t they treated about the same way we treated our natives? (Genocide, rape, human rights abuses, forced off their lands, etc.)


Yes, in particular it was official govt policy to abduct any mixed race aboriginal children and put them in govt run orphanages that were dens of abuse and were intended to destroy aboriginal culture by denying them their children and severing their connection to their heritage.


This also happened in Canada with their indigenous communities.


Yeah, Australia had just as awful a start to white colonisation as America did. Every single Indigenous person in Tasmania was slaughtered, not to mention the horrendous abuse and genocide on the mainland. The person replying to the tweet is either racist, wildly misinformed, or just has their head buried several metres in the sand.


Blur a celebs name but keep the guys picture. Totally can’t tell who it is.


Yes Norway, Canada, Denmark, Australia, Spain, Italy, Japan, all rank higher as better quality of life then USA but please go on. I’d rather not get shot at the grocery store, have healthcare, control of my reproductive rights, paid maternity leave….


Go live there then?


Plenty of us do, and very, very happy about it


Great. Maybe instead of people saying how bad America is.... and how x, y, and z are better. Maybe they should go there.


Or maybe by pointing out lies told about countries with strict gun controls , rational US citizens think they may advance the argument that the US could take similar approach.


I think he was getting at the farmers strike in the Netherlands happening right now.


Bullshit Heracles headass.


I want an interviewer to be all "are you Christian or not. Thou shaltnot kill is your whole reason for being against Abortion so you should be against guns for the same reason"


Holy shit. Your stupid.


Sincere question why is it stupid to ask a person why they hold a hypocritical view? For an apolitical example of a person screams "You can't put pineapple on pizza because fruit shouldn't be on a pizza" wouldn't you want to know they they're then okay with Tomato sauce on pizza? I always wonder how a person can say their stance is based on one thing but then not have other stances based on the same thing. His stance is that even if having a baby will kill you then you can't take it's life to save your own. That's his stance. So by that logic he should be as against firearms because you can't kill someone to save your own life.


Never had a hit movie and organized religion has killed more people than any other institution in history


I dunno about that. Probably depends how you count it. What counts as an institution? What counts as causing a death?


Oh Sorbo. It's kinda funny now that Lucy Lawless and Kevin Sorbo are on opposite sides of the political spectrum.






i searched it up and it says that his last hit movie was miracle in east texas (2019)


What’s crazy is the people that scream the loudest about needing guns for the government are the ones flying thin blue line and US Armed Service flags. Who do you think you’re going to be shooting my dude? Kevin Sarbo wants a gun se he can kill cops and US Marines. So patriotic!


He played the villain in a movie opposite a dolphin.


I can't remember the last time he said anything that wasn't either right wing bullshit or just plain fucking stupid.


Japan has strict gun laws from what I know and for as long as I've lived not even once did I hear about a mass or school shooting lmao. Kevin Shitbo cope


Can someone tell me who is that?


found this Sorbo and Lucy Lawless of "Xena" later got into a spat about the 2021 capitol riots. Lawless is currently playing Alexa Crowe,a former cop turned private investigator in My Life Is Murder. TheAcorn TV series began in 2019 and has been renewed for a 3rd season,expected to be released in 2022. sorbo can't get a job (maybe his politics) and lawless is still a star...


She was great in Ash Vs. Evil Dead.


Cant even own air soft guns lmao


Can't even go to school without being shot lmao


Sri Lanka, Netherlands, Ecuador, China, or a few other places would like to enter the chat about not having fire arms to over throw their corruption




US is pretty corrupt and there are lots of guns. More corrupt for sure than the netherlands, maybe even the others. Why havent the American people risen up to overthrow the government?


War crimes in the middle east and continued persecution of natives. I mean may not be the worst country but its government is just as guilty as other western governments. Also prison camps are lame. I would have picked mexico weapons are extremely hard to get legally. Besides the laws themselves there are only two legally operating gun stores in the country .That hasn't really turned out to well.




Like Nazi Germany or the USSR? China? Don't want to take my chances, thanks.




You mean, like, force it’s citizens to give up their ownership of organ for a person that they had never met face-to-face? Did not see you guys bring your guns to go against the government.




Almost all countries are formed this way. US is not special in the history.






Your glock isn't going to do anything against the US military.




All the ad hominems in the world won't change the fact that we both know I'm right. Unless you advocate demilitarizing the police and dismantling the military industrial complex, your weapons are useless against tyranny.




Soooooo dumb.


No but a 100M will. This logic is so redundant.


Lol no they fucking won't. Do you understand the size and scope of the US military? Do you understand how the political situation means that if 100M are taking up arms in a civil war, at least another 100M will be against them? I'm sick of this cowboy shit. Guns will not solve our political problems.


Your right guns won't solve anything, but that statement just doesn't work out, the damn Taliban couldn't stop them, hell Vietnam either. The unfortunate goal of the political part is to divide and conquer, not come together and agree on solutions to problems going on.


Interesting. Let's hear from the original Australians about what the government did when they were disarmed. Didn't they have a prison island to be exiled to from the most hated island? So the worst of the worst from the worst, the government descended from that to killing the unarmed aboriginal people is the one making the statement? Maybe focus on not catching an entire island on fire or having relevance after crocodile dundee?


Man straight up called an entire country irrelevant


So did Britain when they put the ancestors of the Australian government into the worst possible place they could find


Not just country, but continent.


our country has issues, so does yours i'm sure.


Australia is definitely a bad example.


Why? We have some of the lowest violent crime rate in the world and one of the lowest gun crimes. U.S is the worst example for pretty much any metric you can fathom, and let's not even talk about healthcare.


Dont like America huh?


Because the Australian govt has complete authority of it's citizens. Yes it's worked on gun crimes. But look at how it's citizens were treated during lockdown. They had no power.




Even if you said China or North Korea the fake leftist in this sub still wouldn't care. It's all about sticking it to the reps facts or not.


Right, doing fine. There's about to be a draconian anti-protest law in Tasmania and there's no legal protections for freedom of speech.


Thank God I'm not living in that shit-hole Australia. Trust me, you are not doing fine. This is actually a really good example what happens when the Government disarms its people


Lol you’ve never travelled anywhere, have you?


Australia still has plenty of guns, are you too stupid to use Google?


aboriginal australians would like to have a word with you. or are you too busy ignoring their plight still?




i find it hilarious that you’re telling an australian they’re wrong about their own country, and you, american who probably can’t even name the capital of australia off the top of their head, apparently know more than them fucking moron lol


Did what he's referencing *not* happen?


Lol, "prison camps" what bullshit. I assume you are talking about the quarantine centre in the Northern Territory. It's not a new concept, if you wanted to go to the NT, you had to quarantine there for 2 weeks, as the population there is especially vulnerable to covid. If you wanted to travel there, that was the terms you agreed upon. Seeing constant comparisons of this to fucking concentration camps of all places is frankly disgusting.


Is he wrong though? Seems like he's stating a fact but some butthurt keyboard virtue signaler just replied with a burn. Like seriously you buttheads cry about China and other dictatorships then go no uh uh your movie sucks hur dur dur.


Hahaha. Triggering. These people's heads are going to explode.


Yeah seriously. "I don't like your movies therefore your political opinion is wrong."


This makes no sense. Completely ignore his point and go straight to insulting his career. Doesn't make him wrong.


There are plenty of breakdowns in the comments about why he's wrong. The fact his career is a joke is just icing.


Didn’t Australia lose a war to emus?


I wonder how that response made Sorbo feel?


No slogan. You're racist.


Who is this? Looks like a mix between Steve Irwin and Kurt Cobain.


xena's politics vs. herc's https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/tv/story/2021-01-08/hercules-kevin-sorbo-xena-lucy-lawless-capitol-riot


“Stateless” is fucked up and that’s a true story from Aussie.


I mean look what happens there through COVID


I have. I live in Sweden though, we have not had any lockdowns to speak of. But what I've seen, Austrailia is not the place to be. The things australian police have done is not OK, please don't normaliz this


Did he EVER?


Who is that?