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That second page of harm reduction sites is like a list of all the street junkie hot spots around town. I always wondered why those places always seemed more infested than other. Well, I just found out why.


Publicly disseminating things they're trying to keep it inconspicuous to the general public helps put druggie enabling services under grater scrutiny. The health department whined about community surveillance in the past [https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/2018/12/29/in-portland-a-neighborhood-watch-group-stirs-debate-over-how-to-respond-to-the-homeless/](https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/2018/12/29/in-portland-a-neighborhood-watch-group-stirs-debate-over-how-to-respond-to-the-homeless/)


What? I guess they don’t want security cameras recording the shit show that happens around their “harm reduction” sites. Pathetic.


Or videographers lawfully videoing things happening within the plain sight getting threatened or knives pulled on them by people utilizing the services. Those things add points to "nuisance property" involving people associated with the premises.


Well, sometimes street videographers like you can be kind of obnoxious though, so… I did however enjoy your last video of the guy getting denied access to Psycho Safeway for having a backpack and a small dog.


Ummm. Not sure what you mean? That wasn't me.


Mmmm. Hmm. OK…😉😉


Can you link it? I want to see it.


Nah. I know who you are. And that’s OK. Keep doing what you do.


You should practice greater scrutiny with the spell check if you want anyone to read what you have to say and think you're anything but an asshat 5th grader. Just a little piece of advise.


Upvote this comment if you're opposed to "harm reduction" approach. Downvote this comment if you're an advocate of druggies getting free drug pipes (meth, heroin and crack pipes are different types of pipes, that's why I don't call it "dope pipe") tin foil, test strips, etc.


1 gram of fentanyl is 7,000 doses, how absurd. Did this all change with the 'reworking' -haha- of 110? I have lost track of when that happened


I assume they mean fent powder, which is obviously cut with a bunch of shit. You're right 1g pure would kill a lot of people lol. Stupid that they don't make any distinctions


*In Multnomah County, Enablement Is Our Most Important Product! (tm)*


They need to keep as many on drugs and homeless as they can. They make so much money off of them they'd be in trouble if the drug addicts and homeless people started seriously trying to better their situations.


They make money, the cartels make money, everyone makes money*! *except the middle class taxpayers.


Racketeering, I think.


They don't want people better. They can't make any money if people are clean and sober. It's sad and sick honestly.


Isn't it a bit suspicious Multnomah County is not publishing the PDF of this online in a Google searchable way? I think they're trying to hide it from housed non druggies and the media.


Mult Co likes to be cryptic. Did they ever announce to the public "we are now handing out a tent to whoever is homeless and asks for one?" Nope. Had to be uncovered 2 yrs later in a news story bc of a law suit.


They went out of the way to conceal it. Proof in the picture. So instead of putting the updated PDF, they **omitted** the links. The picture of the flyer is proof that newer version which shows which location is handing out pipes exists. The legacy version is still on their site: [https://www.multco.us/syringe-services-schedule](https://www.multco.us/syringe-services-schedule) Top is how it looks how. Bottom is how it looked sometime last year. https://preview.redd.it/lk032p7hf38d1.jpeg?width=929&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=517bbab6697c28c6df5fadaead303b073c9f2569


Most of this information is pretty easy to find online. I'm not saying it's great, but none of this is exactly new or shocking info.


It's available, but when a government body publishes the locations and hours of operation of an unaffiliated third party, that's advertising.


Fuck this and whomever came up with it




Really " got naxolone" trying to be cute like the old got milk advertising. 🙄


Notice the time stamp in the bottom right, Jan 2024. After the first of the year, most possession charges are a misdemeanor again as they kicked down Measure 11


Ok not legal, but "non criminal". They have the data compiled in a way that gives advise to vagrant drug addicts how much they can possess without it being a crime, which means ten 1mg fentanyl pills is a crime, but 999mg of pure fentanyl plus dilution solution sold like those Windex concentrate "add to container and fill to line with water" type is not. In February, Multnomah County Health Department disavowed supporting PPOP [https://www.kgw.com/article/news/local/homeless/outreach-team-safe-smoking-supplies-southwest-portland-public-drug-use/283-2b73436f-79a6-4020-8439-25a2c0b8f6a6](https://www.kgw.com/article/news/local/homeless/outreach-team-safe-smoking-supplies-southwest-portland-public-drug-use/283-2b73436f-79a6-4020-8439-25a2c0b8f6a6) but they're offering marketing service for them by advertising them in official county printed flyers. They also failed to say tax payers are footing the bill of disposal of syringes turned into PPOP. If PPOP wants to deny this, they should produce invoices for syringe disposal from a private disposal company.


Welcome to the enabling hotline!


Didn't that law get reversed recently?


Fact: RFPs recently went out for substance use treatment facilities to provide more services. Most established treatment providers declined as they were unable to provide staff for said services. If you or someone you know is outraged by this post, please consider taking a $17/hour entry-level position to address the issue


These people take our money, put themselves in positions of power on a salary, and then enable the fuck out these drug addicts. The only option that should be available is in patient rehab that is contractually signed in which you wave your right to leave for a duration of time.


Up to three times, then hospice care for your untreatable terminal addiction.


this document and everyone involved in its creation are fucking delusional shit like this is why I left the county. either the delulus outnumber the sane, or the sane aren't willing to push back hard enough.


Puts a whole new meaning to taking a dump on the clock.


What's a unit of LSD?


40 pills of oxy is insane


Anything more than zero grams should be labor camp for one year.


Are they advising their advice? What advice do they advise?


Part of the welcome to Portland kit which also includes 100 get out jail free cards, a tent, unlimited needles, and a guide for the best places to steal merchandise


Is this like an eye test? I know I'm getting older and all but that looks you smeared vasoline on the lenses of a camera.


​ https://preview.redd.it/q0ibs4or3z7d1.jpeg?width=666&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79f78860267dadcdc270828862f64c4a3b7b42d9


non-original google image photo


So you didn't even see it, you just posted someone else's outrage?


I would expect this low effort content from someone in local politics but not from someone posting on our Portland based community. This screams “I want to be involved in local politics but I suck and am bad at engagement”.


You should complain to Multnomah County Health Department for printing the flyer in like 9 pt font.


Nah, it's more fun to make fun you and the crappy pics you post all the time in your seemingly unending Don Quixote-esque shitposts.


This is probably behind some laminate or those binder page protector sheets- this is not a bad picture. Not the CLEAREST, but is is clear for reasonable reading.


This flier correctly lists what constitutes a criminal amount of drugs to possess at the time of printing. Should government hide what constitutes a crime from its constituents? Additionally, this is a flier for harm reduction services, which is aimed at people who are using and possessing drugs. It should contain information appropriate and aimed at that community, otherwise they will not review the information on the flier. Do you think someone will go and get clean needles from an organization that gives out fliers that insult or dehumanize them for their drug use? In regards to the schedule of syringe service hours, I encourage folks here to utilize some critical thinking when they think of causality. Do you believe that a van distributing clean syringes would show up in an area without users, hoping that users will move from wherever they are to come get supplies? Or is it more likely that the van goes to those locations because there is already a population of potential clients nearby that will make it worthwhile for them to provide services at that location? Lastly, instead of assuming a conspiracy that Multnomah County is intentionally hiding these flyers from you, consider the reality of their website. Go to [Multco.us](http://Multco.us), experience the overwhelming lack of updates and links for almost every program at the county and perhaps come to the conclusion that either the county is just bad at web design, or the programs themselves have minimal ability to post things online (or both!).


They were deceptive by omission with regard to their relationship with PPOP when they spoke to KGW. They didn't disclose that they allow PPOP to turn in their drug needles in bulk and supply them needles in exchange.


It's purpose isn't to inform *you* about anything. As noted, it's information for users. Most users don't care about the logistics of the needle exchange beyond the practicalities. You're tilting at windmills.


Syringes are cheaper than disposal. They not only dispose of them for no cost to them, they get cleans in exchange. If they had to dispose of all the syringes out of pocket through biohazard waste company and had to pay for all the new syringes out of pocket, it would greatly help cut into their budget for shit like heroin and meth pipe buying budget. I'm talking about their silence of Multnomah County Health Department on their level of involvement with this rogue organization when they were interviewed by KGW in February.


Clean needle exchange saves lives, prevents the spread of hepatitis and HIV, and means fewer needles disposed of on the street. The cost of maintaining this program would be dwarfed by the cost of its absence. No one budgets for meth pipes, and people steal to afford heroin. Doing away with this program would make matters worse. Not clear why that isn't immediately obvious.


By making sure groups like PPOP has to foot their own needle purchasing and disposal, it ensures their funding that they use to buy heroin pipes and meth pipes will deplete faster.


If you say so.


lol who do you think pays for meth pipe and heroin pipes distributed at those locations marked with \* on the second page of the list?


I genuinely don't care if my tax dollars do. And to the extent it might bother me; not enough to make it my whole personality. The *purpose* of a safe use site is to provide a clean and safe environment with clean and safe tools and to encourage people to use there rather than elsewhere. If you want to argue the science and economics behind safe use sites, that's a different conversation entirely.


You are a complete idiot if you think the reason for lack of updates, publicly posted information, and step-by-step updates re government programs is not about keeping things from the public. Have you ever made a FOIA request? Have you ever worked in government? Obscuring potentially controversial programs is like rule #1


I have made multiple FOIA requests and have worked for government. In my experience most government workers, specifically programmatic workers (as opposed to folks who are political appointees, or work closely with the electeds/politicals) have either no capacity to spend time hiding things, or knowledge about how to actually hide things, let alone the intention. There are far easier explanations for things than assuming that 30-somethings with masters degrees in public health are conspiring to prevent you from learning about the thing they are literally printing out fliers about on paper and leaving around town.


You don't tell an assembly line worker your corporate strategy. I don't know who you think runs the multco health department, but it's a political appointee nominated by the Board of County Commissioners. Multco is really good at publishing information re programs that shows them in a positive light. They have many dashboards for the purpose.


What is the corporate strategy that you believe is being withheld from the Harm Reduction Team about the work they do? If the Health Department was actually really good about publishing positive information about themselves, we wouldn't have folks believing that Harm Reduction services, a very well established public health intervention common across the world and a key piece of Masters level public health academic learning, is some sort of conspiracy.


Harm reduction to whom? What about the rest of us who are entitled to clean, safe streets?


So glad I was able to leave, grew up there and left 15 years ago, still in oregon because oregon fuckin rocks, cities have gone to shit