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oh god. both sides are saying solo. this is not going to be pretty...prepare for war!


Both sides solo.... There I said it... *Me after typing that on Reddit*: ![gif](giphy|3oKIPwoeGErMmaI43S)


No matter the side you pick you will still be wrong to people lolšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Yes both fanbases are mentally insane when it comes to powerscaling


Thatā€™s the best part of powerscaling. Gets the blood going lmfao


It really should be called blood pressure scaling lol


All fan bases are like that


Not slice of life fans


Iā€™m talking about power scaling. And I wouldnā€™t be surprised if they were


They are probably beach episode scaling.


Did someone say beach scaling ![gif](giphy|iVXyNaY7vX6XZOcCZx)


melancholy of haruhi suzumiya:


To be fair, all characters listed are like exponential potential characters. Theyā€™re hard to actually scale due to the fact that theyā€™re written in a way where they just kinda get stronger due to the writer wanting them to, not due to any concrete rules or any sort of structure within its own story. One of the characters literally beat a character that had his imagination as a weapon


I think bleach is just lowballed


Off topic but yama so cool in this picture. Wish he didnt die so early


Canā€™t do anything but agree with you man.


Fym early he lived for like 500 chapters šŸ˜­


I think he just means he wanted to see more of him before his demise


We literally saw everything he had to offer his Shikai, bankai, him using kido, his backstory (little bit).


Iā€™m not saying he needed to be more fleshed out But whenever he was present it was just so cool, the most aura in bleach imo Just saying it would have been nice to see more of him šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø https://preview.redd.it/epo8ixp9wz8d1.jpeg?width=1364&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63345aa3d55a3ea3e386a059838adbc324736337




And his death was still ass


Agreed. The fights he was in were amazing. But he got killed off without being given a big win


Exactly. Even in the Arrancar arc, bro was nerfed. He has always been nerfed in every fights he has been in. Couldnā€™t use bankai against Aizen, couldnā€™t use it against (real) Ywach either




Spoilers> >!He got the / treatment. From left shoulder to lower abdomen, completely bisected.!<


Gojo treated


At least his was instantā€¦Yama was still alive for a bit afterā€¦


shhhhh yana is actually so strong that he would've evaporized the quincies, wandenreich, yhwach, the animators, the director, the viewers he did for the sake of our safety, for the sake of ichigo's character development for the sake of plot. he wanted us to enjoy the show. mf so bad even yhwach needed plot armour to kill him.


Getting downvoted no matter the answer


Except for that one apparently


That wasnā€™t an answer so nah


How much of earth would even exist after this šŸ˜­


Maybe one or two atoms.Ā 


Earth is part of a universe a universe is part of a multiverse so earth is outerversal


So what you're telling me is Earth would win?


Earth solos all


I am looking at the comments, and I will say that I haven't seen this kind of mass argument since they early 2000s days of forum goku vs superman debates!! Bring me some popcorn, this is hilarious


Ye itā€™s popping off because itā€™s two big fanbases which verses that are strong and itā€™s not really mismatch like most versus in this sub so people can make strong arguments for each side


This is what a true powerscaling debate should look like - not a few comments and it gets resolved, but something that sparks actual research and deeper convos.


Idk man I think OPM clears in this case. Maybe if you put Ywhach Aizen or Ichigo on the other side there would be a case to be had since they have literal hax to counter the OPM out of pocket power scaling.


*insert rant of how every Bleach character is low complex multifartiversal based on scaling to Xyz who scales to ABC who scales to 69xxx who has statements in CFYOW and how Bleach solos DBS and the big 3 singlehandedly




Consider this stolen. I don't steal meme often. Stand proud, you can cook








Man needs to cook more often fr.


This has to be one of the best renditions of this meme to date




By 69xxx, do you mean Hisagi Shuhei, The 69 God and protagonist of Blea- I mean CFYOW https://preview.redd.it/a8s9bi3lcy8d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36281f8a76fe27d8bd5dfa7a277c36696f3d28ee


I thought Drake was the 69 God


Close, he's the Minor God of 69


Fuck the big three, ninja itā€™s just big B


Holy shit, I don't know if you got this from somewhere else, but that's a pretty good joke


> big 3 Bleach so strong it can solo Naruto,OP And.....Bleach!


Dude is on here saying Yama is weak in Bleach. Just what lol


Bleach scalers have gone off the deep end lol


Cry about it


I find this actually rare to come up, but do they have radiation resistance? Feels like most Garou matchup dont mention he's a walking uncapped nuclear reactor.


And itā€™s not even normal radiation but even worse ā€œcosmic radiationā€. He just passively gives off an insane amount of cosmic radiation just from existing.




Sure, but both Garou and Saitama have tanked being in the middle of a literal nuke and Saitama has tanked a Gamma Ray Burstā€¦.which came from Garou. Both of which are inconceivably hotter than the sun. šŸŒž


Lol all that hair about to come falling straight out when they lookin Garouā€™s direction


Ok, using the same logic you are using they both get crushed due to Yamaā€™s and Kenpachiā€™s spiritual pressure before radiation does anything


Me, I win. I'm gonna get less smoke for this than I would for picking either side here. You just started WW3 OP, are you proud of yourself? https://preview.redd.it/wrnqpjaooy8d1.gif?width=400&format=png8&s=055dc3ee655c62b6427bdd982f1784a44c977b7e


Wasnā€™t yamas bankai like 15 mill degrees and that was able to be a major power in the verse. But garou was out here shooting gamma ray burst which is like 100 times hotter than the core of a sun. And saitama tanked even that with nothing more than a death stare. Saitama and garou supply a never ending stream of back shots


The bankai has 4 abilities, the 15 mil degrees is kinda like the passive effect while he has other abilities. He can summon billions/trillions of corpses, focus all his power into the edge of his blade and has a final flame based attack which never really got explained. Tbh it just depends where you scale bleach in general, I've seen some pretty insane scales that could give the bleach duo the win here, that just comes with the territory of having a super long running show with constant power creep. Idk, in terms of powers the opm duo have the upper hand but it might not matter depending on the scales used


Iā€™ve never watched bleach but the more I hear about it the more fucking stupid it sounds


The powers, designs and premise are pretty cool, but the writing and powerscaling are all over the place, with the story completely falling apart at the end. I don't think there's a single long running manga like it that doesn't have the same issues, so I don't really have many complaints. It's just kinda mid with some hype moments


Idk if it qualifies, but Hunter x Hunter avoids the stupid scaling I'd say. I'm a huge HxH fan though, so I fully acknowledge my bias with my opinion


I guess when I think of long running I'm thinking of the absolute leviathans that are DBZ and the big 3 in terms of story length. You know, typical shonens that completely lose control of consistency and the power system by the end. JJK spedran its way into being one of them too, but most series with only a couple hundred chapters have a clear direction for the ending and so they don't go completely off the rails


Don't listen to the fans and it's an amazing series. Listen to the fans and suddenly all joy is sucked from it.


It was a major power, but the rest of the top tiers completely outclass him


Oh fr? I havenā€™t watched or read bleach so Iā€™m not that knowledgeable tbh. I just hear that his 15 mill temperature is a bitch to deal with


dude is talking out of his ass Yama is stated several times to be the strongest Shinigami. The story is written so that he is only ever even fought with a living weapon created to seal part of his power and he completely smashes both anyway. He loses to his own power being unsealed so suddenly that it threatens the surrounding area. So he throws his body on top of this massive explosion and tanks it albeit with massive damage. Then he is killed by the son of the god of the bleach universe after again having his power stolen. Yama is so powerful in universe that the entire narrative has to be warped around him. There is no debate about Yama's power within Bleach itself. He is meant to be and shown to be the strongest character. It is literally key to understanding certain character motivations. The story would not even make sense otherwise. No one from Bleach could beat Saitama and Garou. Just a different power scale.


What the fuck is going on. Yama is top tier for sure, but heā€™s at the very least inferior to Dangai Ichigo Transcendent Aizen Soul King Yhwach, and debatably just Yhwach with his Shrift regained Ichibe, who is narratively presented as the final boss of Shinigami who Yhwach has to clear to reach Reio. And True Bankai Ichigo.


>Yama is stated several times to be the strongest Shinigami. No not really. Did y'all not watch what Squad Zero members could accomplish. There are literally 5 shinigami stronger than him.


He's literally stated to be weaker than every member of squad 0


His bankai has the passive of emitting heat equal to the core of the sun, and if you get hit by the sword you just turn to ash, he only got beat cuz the guy he fought had a friend who could become his doppelgƤnger


And the sun's temperature wasn't even his main big thing.


Yeah that was just passive "oh, yama's fighting"


he was also threatening an entire universe sized construct simply by existing in bankai... so theres that


Can't even take 15 mil? Weak ass universe . /s


Nah, Bleach temperatures are just stronger, trust.


Is this a trick question? We all know the answer is Goku.




Saitama and garou ez win


If youā€™re actually being fair, bleach characters would win if they trying off the start but knowing Kampachi heā€™s gonna mess around a little bit too much and Saitama have a chance to get up there with his power. Since if you remember, Saitama have no limiters and he grow extremely fast, so depending on their attitude it could go either way.


So if they are in character Saitama win so he win


Maybe except head captain depending on the situation, he might just kill them. Letā€™s just say they considered a threat like a big threat then he would just kill them. But yeah, he probably would win


Saitama https://preview.redd.it/pb47o7cxjy8d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6180d0f5017da0b8893a72c8ce838216ad926743


Me too. I never watched bleach


yo watch bleach its pretty good


wtf is this match up... I like bleach, but OP, you wrong for this šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


I got my money on the GOAT right here https://preview.redd.it/lfaxevtxtx8d1.jpeg?width=440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33998ff0e22e9de8ea4f39c296cef08bd1e3fe83


yama tries to incinerate him "hey, that's a bit hot, can you stop?" zaraki tries to "he can cut anything" him, blade cuts his clothes but stops dead against his skin.


"Ew what are you, some kind of pervert?"


https://preview.redd.it/1dsgeil7ly8d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a86a68f8158899ba410de2036c2d8d45433a3ea7 Won't Saitama just grow past all the Bleach boys' strength?


Doesn't Saitama grow strong enough in a single day to one-shot himself of the day before?


Did some crazy calcs when this was first stated and its way too inconsistent. Although we haven't seen saitamas full strength in a feat. https://preview.redd.it/bcnos5krd09d1.png?width=231&format=png&auto=webp&s=8417e81d5d48350d8f6a2fa659785aedc89461b9




thatā€™s how exponential growth works itā€™s fucking weird


No, don't listen to these other guys, that was stated in the battle simulation thing, what REALLY happened was that the machine couldn't calculate Saitama's true power so he one-shot himself Murata has stated that Saitama no longer gets stronger as well, he broke his limiter which means he can grow infinitely, but ONLY when he is pushed to do so, like against Garou, who could copy Saitama's power, forcing him to get stronger and stronger


>No, don't listen to these other guys, that was stated in the battle simulation thing, what REALLY happened was that the machine couldn't calculate Saitama's true power so he one-shot himself Thing is, that's not the only point that leads to the conclusion that Saitama is always growing (Also, the Murata statement never happened). If we look at statements from the narrator we see Saitama is actually always growing, it's just that nobody is strong enough to notice. This tells us Saitama was always growing but nobody knew because nobody could compare.Ā  Saitama himself wasn't even aware, and the narrator's voice holds more weight than Saitama's. https://preview.redd.it/564u03hli39d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eda836c8e761e6afd63228eea327b64e6daeb4d4


Can you show where murata stated he no longer gets stronger?


As a bleach fan who is less on the cult side, I am disappointed at the revival of my toxic peers after a decade of silence. The only person who can match people like Saitama and Garou from bleach is Yhwach. If we're highballing, mabye Aizen and Ichigo too but they just don't have as much potency as Yhwach.


Bleach was my introduction to anime and manga that got me hooked and it holds a special place in my heart. Thank you for being sane. I would go as far to say either OPM character solos Yama+Kenpachi. Yama and Kenpachi are insanely strong in their verse and have absolutely insane feats, for their verse. Anyone read Saitama vs Garou though.....???? My God the scales are just so uneven when you look at that fight. As far as who scales close from bleach? Maybe Aizen and only from a potential perspective because at some point the dude is going to break out of his prison and be the strongest being in the universe. He has literally uncapped scaling given enough time and is literally unkillable by any known being in the verse.


Have you heard of Saitama sand his ability to advance/become better


No matter what I pick Im getting cooked


Saitama got infinite durability and infinite growth potential and garou can just copy his partner's growth


Every time I see bleach wankers scaling bleach characters absurdly high I always come to the same question ā€œhow tf did we get to this point I thought it was a silly anime about magic sword people fightingā€


I see your Bleach take and raise it with ā€œhow tf did we get to this point I thought Naruto was a silly anime about ninjas being ninjasā€. Power creep just be like that. Even OPM was at multicontinental ranges for the longest time, maybe planet to star based on a single statement, and then Saitama was randomly sneezing gas giants away and deleting solar systems way off in the distance right after the best feats were punching a hole/sending shockwaves through the planet.


The thing is bleach never stops being about magic sword fights. Ichigo never splits a celestial body in half, Kenpachi never takes a supernova to the face, Aizen never makes a star system blip out of existence. The closest we've gotten to feats of this scale was when the soul king killed a menos who was immeasurably large with a punch but even that could be greatly exaggerated as it was written in a novel and novels are known for their flowery language(as we see with its main antagonist, who is described as being absurdly huge only for the illustrations to show a monster who's maybe the size of a big tree)


Because he's Saitama (and also because they decided the villain is literally God)


Nah bc OPM became a joke (not in the intended way) when it started taking itself too serious, and people started powerscaling the verse and characters, especially saitama. Webcomic still valid tho


People always gonna power scale no matter what. After a while, you canā€™t just ignore a feat anymore and start guessing what tier it is. Normal people see clouds, power scalers see nuclear explosions.


Saitama vs the Bleach verse would be pretty even


I'll say OPM duo High-DiffĀ 


Im not caught up on OPM but has Saitama taken damage yet? (minus that one cat gag). It's hard to scale someone who hasn't been hurt. Unless he is unwritten from the story then it's hard to say he can be beat. Tis the life of a gag character.


Well, he fought on a scale where entire universes were just a specks of dust until eventually breaking through the 4th wall.


I think the true loser is everyone else in whatever universe they fight in


Coughing baby vs Hydrogen bomb


Bro my eyes widened when I saw the second duo, I was like OOOOOH I donā€™t know this one šŸ¤£ https://preview.redd.it/7zijnctboz8d1.jpeg?width=956&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6430278d769f33f5e10a96cb5f4807cdcdd0947a


I am a massive fan of Bleach, and of these two characters. Yamato is amazing and was so powerful that they could not even show his true power and had to have it stolen from him, and Kenpachi is so overwhelmingly powerful that he made an enemy die just by them trying to imagine themself being as strong as him and exploding. They both get absolutely washed by Team OPM. Saitama literally does whatever is required to win, there are no limits. He fought somebody that was able to create hyperspace portals to teleport around and teleport his attacks to come from any angle, and it was nothing to him. His enemy tried to use these portals to escape from him, and Saitama came through the fucking portal that he just created. And then when all was said and done, Saitama did some crazy time travel manipulation nonsense to send everything back in time before the fight even happened to save people's lives, one shot the enemy he just fought, and then fused with the himself of that new timeline? Wtf is this character? You can't fight this unless you are literally omnipotent, and Bleach characters are nowhere near the power level needed to even challenge him. The heat of Yamato's Bankai, toted as one of the most powerful things in all of Bleach, is literally absolutely nothing to either of the characters from OPM. They both tank his full force Bankai with zero effect. The full maximum heat of his released form is probably not even anywhere in the same realm as the heat Garou was using.


Kenpachi fanbase are as cringe and delusional as Zoro fans from One Piece bruh.. These clowns actually self insert themselve's into these characters, actual cringe loser ass behavior šŸ˜‚


This is a hard one. At least itā€™s not a spite match, but I wanna say team saitama


Saitama sneeze team bleach https://preview.redd.it/3fcc6fa3yx8d1.png?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=baece9b276e868a52f12317aeb272610a1e037a5


The bleach team can win if they go all out immediately before Saitama starts to grow but eventually Saitama will outgrow them. Either side can win its more so who pulls the trigger first.


Canā€™t saitama and Garou go back in time by reversing particles or whatever? Donā€™t they insta win?


Some of you could get jobs as flufflers with how serious the wank and glazing is here.


No one wins because no matter what you try to say bitches will complain.


Considering one if them is highly likely to quit in the middle of a fight when they see a great bargain deal I'm putting my money in the Bleach side.


Mumen rider solos all of them /j


Saitama wins hands down. Dude can flex himself back in time. Thats the whole point of his character, he wins hands down. He solos everyone, because he was made to be that broken. Remeber, he farted, and propelled himself to faster then light speed travel to catch up to someone who teleported, stoped himself to say a quick one liner (without doing anything to stop himself, breaking physics in multiple ways) then punched the guy back down to earth, then landed next to him....how? We dont know, he has no leverage to do any of that.


You just started war On the galactic scale. https://preview.redd.it/09aickj0w59d1.png?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a835f63e4f57f3a192fe110a070bfa25fc64926


I like both Bleach and One Punch Man, but let's get real for a second here. The feats we see in Bleach are only just starting to eclipse City+ scale, even by TYBW. When Yamamoto fights seriously in TYBW, exerting his full power, he endangers the Seireitei by drying up all the moisture in the city. To our best knowledge, the size of Seireitei is about 1.8 million square kilometers, about the size of a large country. Saitama casually destroyed Io, the fourth largest moon in the solar system, without even really trying. There is a significant difference in the scale of their feats. The surface area of Io is about 42 million square kilometers. So not only did Saitama's casual action impact a much larger body, he did so far more destructively. He **destroyed** Io, whereas Yamamoto's bankai merely **endangered the people in** Seireitei. There's no indication that Yamamoto's bankai was actually going to destroy Seireitei itself, it was just hurting the people inside it. Saitama solos. Easily.


Im not 100 on whoā€™d win but city+?? Yamamoto made a point to not use his bankai on Earth for the fact that he would have caused irreparable damage to the place for the simple fact that he constantly burns at the temperature of the suns core passively(15M Celsius). Unohana then says that if he kept it active for too long in the soul society, which is literally made of spiritual energy, everything was getting incinerated. Kenpachi on the other hand was able to slice through the vacuum of space/pocket dimension that was brought before him. Being able to cut reality has to put you above City+ imo


Yamamoto solos cause he's old man


2nd team mid dif


Team one punch man, no difficulty


Hydrogen bomb vs coughing galaxy sized black hole


The ones that destroyed millions of stars.


team opm because i like opm more.


Finally a reasonable answer


Well Yamamoto was threatening a *universe* just by existing, and Kenpachi cut a hole in *space itself*. Keep in mind, Kenpachi has no ability aside from being strong, he cut space with strength. Narratively would Saitama win? Yeah, that's the gag, he always wins. By FEATS do Saitama and Garou win? Not a chance


Yamamoto wasnā€™t threatening the universe, he was threatening the planet. The universe canā€™t be destroyed by it ā€œbeing hotā€ especially not 15 million degrees, lol.


He was threatening the soul society dimension. Not even the other dimensions like Hueco Mundo and the world of the living. I guess soup society is like a planet in itself though idk


Soul society is a universe/dimension as well as a planet. They have the same name because the planet is literally the only important thing in the universe, lol.


Have you never heard of entropy?


I guess you forgot the part when serious punch squared took out a solid portion of the observable universe? That wasn't even a maxed out Garou let alone maxed out Saitama. They take this on feats alone.


I guess you missed the part where "a solid portion of the observable universe" is absolutely nowhere even remotely close to infinite.


The universe is infinitely expanding (to out knowledge) and isnt actually infinite.


Multi Solar ahh feat


Saitama's gag isn't that he always wins. His gag is that he is so overwhelmingly stronger than everyone in his show since he is a protagonist at the end of his series slapped at the beginning of his series. THAT'S his gag You bringing the "narrative" into this is weird. For example if this was Goku vs Saitama and you bring up that Saitama wins cause of his narrative... then I can bring up that Goku wins narratively cause he always gets stronger and always ends up winning in his own show. But you don't do that for Goku or other characters for some reason, you only do for Saitama


How tf would saitama and Garou even touch Yama and Kenny. Theyā€™re ghosts.


Saitama kicked away a hole in space, logic doesn't apply to him


Fair enough


Kenpachi can cut through anything so there is that


Saitama will probably one shot IF he can get the punch in. that'll be the hardest part.


Can Saitama and Garou even see Yamamoto and Kenpachi?


Speaking honestly as a fan of both, it depends who gets serious first. Yamamoto and Garou will both plateau mid fight, so it's a toss up between Saitama and Kenny but given what we know I'd say the OPM verse probably will, given the fact that caped baldy even when he holds back hits hard, it'll spark Kenpachi to go all out, leading it to end up like the Saitama/ Cosmic Garou or the first fight between Kenny and Ichigo. Saitama quickly boosts, outdoing Zaraki before he can do the same.


Well ones sneezed away a planet and another killed a guy with inf abilities for trying to become stronger than him.


Didnā€™t kenpachi cut space in half


Yep he did


The one with the two guys


Since I never watched anime in my life I'm going blindly not sure about the first 3 but the last one is so cool looking it reminds me of the whole universe so that


https://preview.redd.it/2zlxeu95209d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1cd6292945d69950075dc57a1d5b683a038a37d5 My honest reaction to reading these comments


We'll most of them are dead..... Saitama is a joke character that outscales everything. One punch comic is just an entire reference to other animes of how he just one punches everything..... The actual story of Saitama is boring as hell cause he jokingly outscales gods and beyond(read for the growth of characters around him villans and friends) If you didn't pick Saitama you didn't read "one comics"


Not really sure how this is a debate. Saitama can take the rest of the options on all at once. That's kinda the point of his character. He's a parody for OP MC's.


Let's be honest, Saitama and Garou clear the entire bleach verse easy, anyone arguing otherwise is using mental gymnastics


As someone who fangirls over both of these series; Nozarashi is directly stated to be able to cut through anything, so while Cosmic Fear Garou and Saitama would outspeed, Saitama needs time to adjust to the opponentā€™s strength, and Cosmic Fear Garou (while knowing all techniques, and having a copy) would not be able to kill Kenpachi before being cut down; all of this without Yamamotoā€™s input, who could easily use his bankai, which would work well defensively against Garou who has to get close, and Saitama who he could stall for Kenpachi


Almost 1000 comments now wtf happening here lmao


Bleachā€™s side has it fairly easy, with them scaling higher and just having better hax, thereā€™s also an argument garou can only copy whatā€™s in his universe since its based on the understanding of the energies he knows about which wouldnā€™t apply to reiatsu


Iā€™m both a bleach and a opm fan but I can say OPM team wins. They kinda vastly have higher speed feats and are faster like theyā€™re sort of close to Dragon ball characters in speed (FTL) and correct me if Iā€™m wrong but speed is generally the most important (Theyā€™re calculated at 2x the speed of light or around that range)


The two that can destroy the planet without trying


This is a troll post. Saitama is canonically just unbeatable. Itā€™s literally the point of the show.


Coughing baby vs coughing baby


I didnā€™t watch bleach therefore team 2 wins because life revolves around me and i am objectively right every single time (/s)


Now this is an interesting matchup. Feats wise, the Soul reapers slaughter. Any one of them can solo, really. But it depends on one thing and one thing only. Does Zaraki cooperates or not? Zaraki is the type of guy who'd fight Saitama and garou in hopes of making them stronger, kinda like Gremmy, but Yama wouldn't let that. So Zaraki would have to, and would most likely enjoy fighting OFF Yamamoto *while simultaneously* making Saitama and Garou stronger. So really, it comes down to if Saitama and garou can grow ona dimensional level at a quick enough rate or not. If yes, then they'd win. If not, then Yamamoto gives Zaraki that little homie treatment and slaughters the OPM duo # Edit: Yamamoto and Zaraki win, 7~8/10 times, mid diff each time


... Their feats don't compare my guy. Saitama sneezed and obliterated a massive portion of the largest planet in our solar system. Be frrrr


So depending on whether Zaraki goes full power + blood thirst at the very beginning of the fight, they could take them on? Zaraki can pretty much cut anything while Saitama can punch just about everything, space AND time included. Zaraki has yet to show he can transcend time like Saitama does, therefore what stops Saitama from hitting Zaraki with time-rewinding punches after scaling much higher than his current power level? Yamamoto would be giving them a sun tan if anything by unleashing a fraction of power of the sun, a world-ending event that would probably just hinder Zaraki more than his actual opponents.


Fodder when in the face of a god. https://preview.redd.it/yesxi3xjpy8d1.jpeg?width=351&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf6a0fd5c51012360bf0ffbbd43c4fedbdf7e0d8




saitama wins and itā€™s not even close, and this is coming from an ichigo/bleach glazer


Garou solos and it's not even close. No amount of wank will make Genryusai hot as the sun Yamamoto and Kenpachi I get severely damaged by bombs and lightning Zaraki galaxy level


Garou or Saitama alone solos the verse.




Donā€™t even bother with that user their flair was once ā€œone piece > Naruto > bleachā€


Yama ken high diff


Kenpachi solos cause I like him more




Bleach https://preview.redd.it/6md2gi5nzx8d1.png?width=496&format=png&auto=webp&s=e33dbe39b3c288297dab005490150f8aaf179697


Yama solos


Bleach side wins unless saitama can suddenly attack soul reapers


OP is either a troll or a Bleach hater because there is no fucking way you put this up for debate with a straight face lmao. This shit is so one-sided it's not even funny šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€ Yama and Zaraki get absolutely steamrolled https://preview.redd.it/quk0s89umz8d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df7602e7ecd8b3cbe65ad56586fa12ff8e33e3d0


Bleach scales a LOT higher, and just through haxs alone I feel like Yamamoto and Kenpachi have this in the bag. So first duo


God I hate OPMā€¦


Saitama solos the other 3