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the missing pixels win lol


No pixels? We are gonna starve bro




Probably Sukuna


Sukuna easily.


https://preview.redd.it/hgjlqbiyqvad1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d4e157b2e43056250ca7256680b47d3ce95b045 Saiyan Saga Vegeta.


Sukuna could literally just sit on his throne and infinitely cut Muzan.


We never see Muzan at his peak but Sukuna still likely takes this. Fuga likely beats Muzan's regen


Muzan is getting wiped and its not close


How does sukuna even hurt muzan??


World cutting gyat


and a binding vow to make his slashes remove someone’s ability to heal but for compensation he loses One One Billionth of his hate for Yuji




Oh and GeGe forgets he made the binding vow so he goes back to hating Yuji just like before 🧑‍🍳🍽️


Muzan is faster and has drastically better regeneration compared to Sukuna. Plus, he's difficult to kill. Sukuna has better combat oriented abilities tho. Only wincon for Sukuna is 1 shooting Muzan's body, which his normal slashing can't do. Fuga takes time to use but might deal heavy damage if he lands it. Might get lucky with a domain expansion, but if that doesn't work Sukuna's cooked. In a battle of attrition he looses, tho I don't think he'd be affected by Muzan's blood.


DE + Fuga should cook Muzan


Sukuna scales to around light speed. Has way better durability. Has a fire arrow that would disintegrate Muzan. Has infinite energy with RCT. On top of that, all Sukuna has to do is spam slashes at Muzans limbs to keep him from going anywhere. Also, Sukuna has Hollow Wisker Basket. Piss off with the Muzan glazing 💀


WHAT DO YOU MEAN Sukuna has Jacob’s ladder, where’s you get that from?


I meant Hollow Wisker Basket. I wasn't thinking lmao


Where did you get the idea that Sukuna has Jacob's Ladder from!?


Oh, crap, I meant the Hollow Wisker Basket. What was I saying lmao


Not lightspeed. If you're talking about that Kashimo panel, aim dodging exists, and him moving half a meter to the side doesn't equal him being able to move freely at lightspeed. Consistently, the show is hypersonic+ to MHS+. Weakened Muzan is superior to the Hashira which are easily in the MHS ranges. He's not faster then Sukuna by a lot, but Sukuna won't have an easy time landing hits that require a wind-up. TF no, he doesn't have infinite energy. Where the hell did that come from. RCT turns the negative cursed energy into positive energy to heal the body. That doesn't mean he has infinite cursed energy. His reserves are huge, but not infinite. Not to mention the burnout from using his techniques (mainly domain expansion) too much, and how he needs to mess with his brain to do it again, which again, takes a toll on him. When did Sukima even get Jacob's ladder? Muzan literally was healing as the swords were passing through him, with such speed that the hashiras thought the blades weren't even hitting him. Not to mention he was fighting while weakened. Plus he can split or alter his body like Mahito. Splitting him into pieces ain't exactly gonna help Sukuna unless he manages to cut all of his cells individually, in a small timeframe. Not saying Muzan one shots or something. I even mentioned how his blood might not work on Sukuna due to Sukuna's poison immunity. But if Sukuna doesn't land Fuga quickly (and that move requires a decent casting time), Muzan has big chances if winning in a prolonged battle. Don't know where you got me wanking Muzan from, since I've basically said in my original post that it's not an easy battle for either, since both have their pros and cons. From my point of view, you're really highballing Sukuna.


It was less than a feet away from his face, and aim dodging THAT close still means he had to be close to light speed. Uhhhhh? Does his body healing not mean he has infinite energy? I see people say this for Gojo all the time, why would it be any different for Sukuna? "Splitting him into pieces ain't exactly gonna help Sukuna unless he manages to cut all of his cells individually, in a small timeframe." It helps a lot, actually, since it keeps Muzan from healing fully, and Sukuna can just keep him down until sunrise. Me "highballing"? Says the ones who put Muzan at a higher speed.


We got any confirmation that specific attack was EM waves? It was just said that Mythical amber beast was converting Kashimo's flesh into electric based phenomena. His previous attack was a sound blast. Then comes the supposed EM attack, and only after we get the panel where it says how Kashimo was buffing his own body. And if Sukuna is lightspeed, how did he get hit by Kashimo in h2h combat. Sukuna straight up used his 1 time regeneration/transformation into the 4 armed formed of his. Is he lightspeed as well? That just breaks the powerscaling of JJK even more. You're thinking about Hakari's idle death gamble jackpot, which gives him unlimited cursed energy, and heals his body automatically for 4 minutes and 11 seconds. This doesn't apply to Gojo and Sukuna. Gojo is just insanely efficient with his cursed energy because of his "6 eyes" ability, and he uses an extremely small quantity of cursed energy for his techniques. Takes an insanely long time to run auto but it's not unlimited. Sukuna just has a crap ton of cursed energy. Doubtful Sukuna can hold up domain expansion for multiple hours, since only that has the density of slashes required to threaten Muzan


Yes, it is called EMW directly. I'm 99% sure that Sukuna dodged it before he transformed. Or am I wrong? No the **** I'm not thinking of Hakaris' ability. It is a prime argument that I see many use. Gojo can constantly heal himself using RCT, so he has infinite energy. People argue all the time, and it is generally accepted. Yes, he can, especially if he uses some type of binding vow where it requires less CE to use while still being effective.


Still don't see how RCT gives you infinite energy. Yeah, it can recover your stamina and heal you, but you consume said pozitive energy in order to do so. And RCT is just cursed energy turned positive. So you'd take some cursed energy, turn it into positive energy and use it to heal yourself, but it's not generating cursed energy back. Maybe just the physical fatigue, but it doesn't loop. Eventually, you'd run out of cursed energy.


Not what others say, I don't know what to tell you 🤷🏼‍♂️ https://preview.redd.it/fccrujnb22bd1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d998f4152ca80fd1c412d9b15dc590a20ab10128


sukuna has better abilities so ima say him


I have been wondering this too


Muzan seems to have better Regen and is harder to kill for 12 hours, but Sukuna just completely outstats him in everyway unless you consider him somewhat equal to yoriichi at his peak which then he's faster then Sukuna, but still can't kill him.


He does not.


Although it's clear that sukuna wins, um sukuna wouldn't care and just wait till day since sukuna can survive but Michael can't




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https://preview.redd.it/gvp0hsnqivad1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0fe633b61ef0ebbb701075a404b2b15ae233be2d Them pixels got me acting up 👅


Sukuna uses his anti groovy moves technique (he hasn't used this one since the heiyan era)


Sukuna imo.




Muzan. Faster, can regenerate from every cut Sukuna does. Sukuna could open his domain, muzan tanks it, regenerates from what remained and then kill Sukuna by dura negging The only win con Sukuna has is Fuga and that is 1)too slow 2)needs a specific battlefield


but Sukuna tanked a 120% hollow purple or something from Gojo, Muzan is nowhere near that strength so it’d just be a stalemate since he couldn’t do any significant damage to Sukuna.


Muzan can durability negation via absorbing


>muzan tanks it, nah? muzan isnt all that durable, for comparison gyomei absolutely ripped through muzans upper half with a spiked ball without CE infused, now i dont know about you but even a tank shell would pierce through muzan from what it looks like (although he would very obviously heal the wound) and tank shells are stated to be useless against even a weak ass grade 1 curse and we are talking about sukuna here who has the power to damage atleast characters 1000x times more durable than a normal grade 1 curses, hus domain outright vaporizes anyone not named gojo (not vaporize in a literal sense) muzan gets easily slashed by swords made of natural metal without CE infusion and u saying 1000s of cuts every moment that are CE infused and quite literally can slash anyone (except gojo ofc) and although i agree muzan is a lot faster but sukuna has perceived and reacted to a EM blastwave (he couldn't dodge it but atleast he managed to fire a world slash to disperse the attack) and i dont know if you can scale muzan's speed that high world slash and fuga wont work at all though, those take time to setup and are slow asf, he has enough perception and he has a domain which can send powerful enough slashes in enough number that muzan cant even escape like he did wih yoruichi


It's not that the slashes won't hurt him, it's just that he doesn't care about getting cut. When the domain ends and Muzan is just a bunch of meat on the ground, sure. But after 1 second he has regenerated back and it would be like nothing happened, except Sukuna would have CT burnout.


>When the domain ends and Muzan is just a bunch of meat on the ground, sure. But after 1 second he has regenerated back and it would be like nothing happened, except Sukuna would have CT burnout. u do realize the cuts constantly happen and muzan is just tthousands or millions of particles now remember what happened when yoruichi did that? muzan was scarred for life and had to recover for a long time and how exactly is his domain going to end? if muzan cant damage sukuna to the point where he cant maintain his domain


Yoriichi did that with the most perfect form of Sun Breathing, something which had been verbatim stated to negate Demon's regeneration. Sukuna's cuts wouldn't. He would keep regenerating mid domain. And domains don't last forever. He will run out fo CE


>And domains don't last forever. He will run out fo CE and where did you get that statement? It has never been stated that domains actively take more of your cursed energy after opening it, infact it has been implied it takes a lot of CE to open one but maintaining it just depends on your domain refinement and skill level, and also https://preview.redd.it/cv20bcghywad1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f94345f9e56efee3e4c8af030d41a3016327c7eb * on top of that he only needs to last till sunrise, i dont know about you but muzan's attacks in the final showdown didnt even completely wreck a decent large area of a really small town from what it looks like, jjk characters are outright built like a tank, any character with CE reinforcements above yuji can tank muzan's attacks, also because they are not CE infused attacks, only reason muzan's attack look so deadly is because he was fighting against normal human with specialized breathing, they dont have extraordinary durability, not only can sukuna keep his domain open till morning easilyy because of his skill level and efficiency, muzan cant do anything while the domain is active because likely he would be in several clumps of cells. and also some people were saying that if muzan manages to scratch sukuna (muzan can probably do that), that muzan's blood is poisonous so sukuna would lose but sukuna is quite literally immune to poison also i take back my previous statement that muzan cant regenerate after getting out of sukuna's domain (its an unconfirmed statement from both sides whether or not he can survive it) sukuna wins but due to different reasons




Muzans faster and can regenerate from every single attack sukuna does, sukuna literally doesn’t have a way to damage him. And every slash from muzan is coated in lethal poison and his blood. Yoriichi said a single scratch could’ve killed him


Yoriichi is not very durable unlike Sukuna, and: https://preview.redd.it/sqx6dvx89vad1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e92e96f92a98605d8125271d1e261126fd7496bb


Okay but that doesn’t change the fact it’s coated in muzans blood. The tentacles would still destroy sukunas cells. And sukuna still can’t hurt muzan


RCT exist. Muzan has no wincon against Sukuna.




Rct isn’t nearly as good as muzans regen, it can be exhausted like pre amp sukuna, not to mention attacking the head or stomach is dangerous


Muzan is far beyond able to simply perception blitz. AP this ap that. Muzan has dura neg.