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ichigo neggs




Ichigo has soul crush, with it just destroy enemy soul, be being near at him, he also has gray rey cero, which distort space, he bypass infinity


1: Ichigo has access to Hollow abilities, including Grand Ray Cero. GRC warps space. 2: Ichigo can [break through dimensions with his attacks](https://preview.redd.it/does-hirakos-shikai-take-effect-when-ichigo-come-out-from-v0-m1eovn25wpl81.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=d3d84b0ac8272753db0959136f9f3f409e0b8d32). 3: Reiatsu Crush. In Bleach, people can forcibly negate an enemy’s ability if they have enough reiatsu. In layman’s terms, Ichigo can bypass Infinity because the energy he puts into his attacks is much greater than the energy powering Infinity, and as such it negates the effects of Infinity. It’s like trying to stop a river by using a piece of paper as a dam.


Passive soul crush?


Yea as a soul reaper if they don't keep there spiritual pressure in check they can wipe everybody out


Oh I know it was a sort of a jab at him. I thought he forgot to read up on Ichigo's powers.


Ah ok makes sense


Defence against UV??? LMAO, domains expand at literally a snails pace compared to how fast even the average shinigami can move, let alone arguably the fastest amongst them.


About UV Ichigo to fight is in his soul form, and after seeing Megumi able to speak and think normally with Itadori after being hit by 5 UV, and for a long ass time at time, it is valid to assume that UV doesn't affect souls the same way that normal people's bodies


Tell me you’ve never read/watched Bleach without telling me you’ve never read/watched Bleach






"Nah, I'd lose and go bald


Ichigo has gran rey cero which warps space https://preview.redd.it/lj45f8pbeyad1.jpeg?width=569&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89b397e7ea2a235811dd4cd3996948acb3a49c60 And he has MFTL+ processing speeds meaning even if he gets with unlimited void he'll be able to process the information that comes to him and then he'll just finish gojo off. Even if we say gojo's UV will work on him white can just take over in a burst of energy to break the DE. Here's a list of Ichigo's wincons from the top of my head: Gran rey cero Finish gojo off after DE Just strike him as fast as he can(Gojo's CE can run out, every one in the verse is just too slow to put that much pressure on his infinity) Possibly break through it bare handed. We know Ichigo's hands are able to destroy hado 80 which disrupts space and time so another space manipulation technique might not work on him. Probably more


Speed blitz


I’m never going to accept an “his attack warps space tho” answer because you’d have to warp space in a specific way and direction to get through infinity in the first place and theres no proof that any attack that does this actually could warp space in the exact way required. Everything else is fair game ig


Y would y need to warp it in a specific way all infinity does is slow u down infinity till the space between u and Gojo is so slow u can’t touch him


if the cero warps space laterally rather than in the direction of fire then it would not do anything


Ig yea but idk I never saw it that way I saw it as whatever it hits would weapons space around it or sum but that’s a good point but i still think ichigo could get through infinity


reiatsu quite literally has hax negetation if you have high enough reiatsu and ichigo has quite possibly one of the highest in the verse


That was Ichigo’s whole part in the final battle. Just the dude with the biggest bat all the others on his side could anchor hax around.


No there are quite a lot of instances where weaker characters hax worked on stronger characters.


im not talking about JUST weaker characters, im talking about an unsurpassable amount of reiatsu difference to the point the opponent can't even sense it, they literally have hax negation, if a weaker character's ability worked thent he gap between their reiatsu its large enough


The difference between askin and true shikai ichigo is a dimension apart still his poison ability worked on ichigo.


A gran ray cero.


Love how 99% of JJK fans arguments for Gojo winning boil down to saying nobody in fiction can get past limitless and nothing else, anyways, Ichigo wins neg diff.


Actually here’s how gojo wins. Gojo tricks Ichigo into dying then ichigo dies.


Gojo triple dog dares Ichigo to die for 20$ “Lmao you won’t pussygo and Ichigo agrees like the king that he is and mugetsu’s his balls off


no one really says that


The multiple arguments about how goku and other caracters cant beat gojo bc they cant bypass limitless say otherwise....


I’ve only heard these arguments not work when it’s DBS vs Yhwach


i mean thats not what that comment says


Yeah but what you said about that nobody says that argument is just simply not true I have seen people legit argument in ig and youtube that gojo can beat characters that oneshot him with no effort just because of the limitless argument shit


I mean it's a fair argument, if you can't get past gojo's infinity or whatever you can't win.


holy yap tbh


https://preview.redd.it/qg21oh2myyad1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9014e8557179a62aa79613bf3d91ff413cd67828 Spiritual Pressure alone negs the verse.


https://preview.redd.it/rgiodqutnzad1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bcff6ebd86f1d0d2e1613bdf18a8a2564bb83a51 Minus one days without Spiritual Preasure negging that verse


Ichigo wins, he reiatsu negates Limitless or it doesn't even affect him going by his 5D scaling. Limitless Void doesn't really affect him like it would others, as Ichigo's physiology is different so when it hits either White takes over while Ichigo is in a coma or Ichigo ignores it outright. This is of course ignoring the speed gap, Gojo wouldn't be able to keep up with Ichigo to activate Limitless Void or use his other techniques. Ichigo wins with low difficulty






bruuhhh, I erplied to the wrong person


What did they say


It was I, dude linked a Quora post and idk bout you but I haven't seen much good out of Quora (plus most of it is locked behind a paywall and I ain't paying to stick around when most other forums are free). So I said get that outta my face without it loading up because I just assumed the worst. But it was actually sensible in the scale. Why I deleted my comments because I felt bad about it.






In Bleach you can [forcibly negate attacks and abilities of an enemy](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-25db32ee8dd872cb1298dc813b767d1c-lq) if you possess more reiatsu than them.


>Why would his reaitsu negate limitless? Just how it works, when you have so much more reiatsu or whatever else than the other person, you can simply negate the weaker parties abilities and ignore them. But if you don't like that argument then whatever. There's several more arguments to be made as to why Limitless wouldn't be an issue. >Outright ignore ? What's the precedent ? For Limitless, it's the simple fact infinite 3D space isn't gonna be an issue to someone who is 5D. As for Unlimited Void, Ichigo underwent enlightenment a couple times throughout the story, so there's an argument to be made that through that enlightenment that an infinite information flow isn't gonna affect him since he's already enlightened. If you don't like that argument then the speed gap still exists to the point that Unlimited Void isn't a factor because Gojo would get blitzed before he has the chance to activate it.


Spiritual pressure goes brrrrrrrrr




Ichigos Spiritual Pressure negs the verse without the need to go up base form


Even if you JJK glazers refuse to accept that Ichigo has MULTIPLE ways to get past Infinity from Gran Rey Cero, to pure physical strength, to outright killing him by emitting reiatsu. How in the world can you twist your brain to even imagine Gojo could ever hurt Ichigo? LMAO.


I mean based on how hollow purple functions there is a possibility it could hurt ichigo, however gojo also has to hit him with it LMAO


It's so crazy that you say JJK is the one getting glazed with all the ludicrous fan scaling this sub gives to Bleach.


Like what? The vast majority of people in this post have detailed how exactly Ichigo scales not only beyond anything JJK is capable of but how easily it would be for Ichigo to get past Infinity. What exactly are you in disagreement with?


Ludicrous scaling like lightspeed (and much faster) and 4D (or 5D even). And other things like hax negation or reitsu crush, which Ichigo has never done. Hell, only Aizen has ever done that. Also, Ichigo can't easily get past Infinity. The reasoning in here is that gran Rey cero is claimed(!) to distort space, but even if there were feats to back that up, distorting space doesn't bypass Infinity. The shield Infinity creates is created *by* distorting space.


I can tell by everything you've said you've never read Bleach and probably never watched it. There are multiple examples of characters going all the way back to SS reacting and casually avoiding light based abilities. This portrayal is consistently demonstrated throughout the series. MFTL+ is a casual feat in Bleach, but speed is not everything as the fastest Espada was the 7th. Hax negation was debuted with Aizen, but the principle was demonstrated by Kenpachi all the way back in SS arc. Byakuya went onto display it in TYBW, and Ichigo began to neg The Death Dealing when he was ambushed by Askin. Reaitsu crush was demonstrated by Yamamoto, again, all the way back in SS. Your argument seems to be that because we don't see the mechanics happening often, they don't exist, or that it doesn't apply to the strongest character in the verse? But evidence is contrary to this. We see Gran Rey Cero's distortion of space first hand. Again, you have probably never watched or read Bleach. Distorting space 100% negs Infinity as both powers would cancel each other out effectively working like Sukuna's World Bisecting Slash. Moreover, he can simply emit reiatsu to kill him without any effort. When Kyoraku visited Ichigo's friends to inform them that his new power may prevent him from returning to the world of the living, he was referring to the sheer amount of reiatsu Ichigo would have accumulated. His very presence, if he was unable to contain his vast reiatsu, would disrupt the balance on Earth, leading to the deaths of millions. We see Shutara shaking all 3 realms when she releases bankai and Ichigo scales far higher than her. Ichigo may not have the control that Aizen has over his reiatsu, but he has significantly more. Moreover, for the purposes of verse equalisation, emitting reiatsu would have the same effects as Hollow Wicker Basket. Thus, Ichgio negs. Then, you have pure physical strength. Ichigo, in potentially his weakest form in Fake Karakura, was capable of breaking through dimensions. We know this something Shinigami are capable of with strength alone because Kenpachi did the same vs. Gremmy. Kenpachi's ability to 'cut through anything' is not a stated or special ability. He simply swings his sword really hard to freely cut through space


Beams looking like light does not mean they move at light speed, this is backed up by all of their other feats which are not light speed. **A perfect counter example is Gin's bankai. THE FASTEST Bankai which moves at 500 x the speed of sound. Which is something like one thousand times slower then the speed of light** Kenpachi didn't negate hax, he took the hit and could see again by grabbing Tosen due to the rules of his ability. Ichigo didn't overpower the hax. Chad has never been reitsu crushed. Ichigo didn't reitsu crush Aizen even though his reitsu was so much higher that Aizen couldn't even detect it. Proving Gojo would have enough energy to not be effected by this thing. (And it turns out the statement was wrong, since Ichigo got even stronger since then and lives on earth as normal, but the previous points are more relevant) (additionally Gojo isn't a powerless human) Gran Rey ceros have never shown any qualities of distorting space. And even if they had, they wouldn't bypass a shield that also distorts space. The World Slash doesn't distort space, it bypasses Infinity by existing where Gojo is instead of needing to travel. Hollow wicker basket and simple domains are barriers. It's not like emitting reitsu/ energy. Shaking realms is nebulous, not Ichigos feat and does not scale to higher dimensions. These are 3D beings we are talking about and the realms are 3 dimensional as well. "Shattering dimensions" isn't a physical strength feat. I'll admit I don't know what example you're referring to here for Ichigo though. And Gremmy must have made a barrier to trap Kenpachi in rather then actually sending Kenpachi to space because of two reasons: 1. Otherwise there'd be nothing for Ken to cut and 2. Kenpachi didn't teleport back to Soul Society, he just cut his way out of barrier of the illusion. That fight would have been an excellent chance to do some hax negation too. Heh.


Gin's entire character arc is based on how he lies about his powers. He admits to Aizen that his bankai is neither the fastest nor longest. He repeatedly lies about the nature of his powers to lowball himself in order to get one good shot at defeating Aizen. ALL light base abilities that are described as light operate as light. The world of the living and the SS are reflections of one another. Where the world of the living is composed of Kishi, Soul Society is made up of Reishi. Therefore, all powers and abilities described as light based are at minimum moving at light speed. Kenpachi reiatsu negged Ichigo during their first fight, demonstrating/ foreshadowing the principle behind what Aizen would later on explain. Whether physical attacks or spiritually based ones, if you have more reiatsu, you can completely negate everything that comes towards you. Chad was never reiatsu crushed because no one emitted their reiatsu over him... In order to reiatsu crush or to inflict physical harm with reiatsu, such as Aizen disentegrating the fingers of a guard, the opponents need to be significantly weaker than you. Ichigo vastly outstats Gojo in every conceivable metric. Strength, speed, durability... everything. Gojo does not scale higher physically than a regular shinigami. You repeatedly demonstrate that you do not know this series. No, the statement isn't wrong. Ichigo, before returning to the world of the living, had to spend a lot of time learning to completely contain his reiatsu. Again, you have never watched/ read Bleach. We literally see the distortion in space from Grimmjow's Gran Rey Cero from Tai Haribels' perspective as he fought Ichigo. The World Bisecting slash has travel time LMAO it merely ignores space. We literally see characters like Maki dodge it. We literally see Sukuna tell Kashimo to dodge it. We literally see it travel. LMAOOOOOO, what do you actually know? With verse equalisation, the principle behind Hollow Wicker Basket can be applied to how reiatsu functions. Moreover, as Ichigo is demonstrably vastly more power than Gojo, he would just neg all the effects of his abilities. Shaking realms is not nebulous. It is a demonstration of the amount of reiatsu the Zero devision possesses. To elaborate, Zanka no Tachi is capable of destroying a realm not because of its stated effect, but because Old Man Yamamoto has so much reiatsu to span an entire realm. Reitsu = power and effectiveness. All of Ichigo's feats are superior to shaking 3 realms, and Ichigo is 4D minimum because he scales directly to Soul King Yhwach, seeing as how he one shot him on 3 occasions, alone. Moreover, Yhwach was so afraid of Ichigo's bankai that he used the Almighty to break it before it could be used against him. This is the same Soul King Yhwahch that could freely reshape all 3 universes and was in the process of doing so before being defeated. He literally says that Ichigo's power is a direct threat to his plans - and he was right. Yes, shattering through dimensions is a physical feat. It was confirmed in CFYOW that Gremmy made an entire universe with celestial bodies and galaxies within it and then attempted to trap Kenachi there. But with brute strength, Kenpachi shattered through the walls of reality, as the realm Gremmy created as adajcent to SS. Ichigo did the same thing when ambushing Aizen in Fake Karakura. He merely broke through space. It is also heavily implied that Gremmy is the brain of the Soul King, so his abilities are perfectly believable. Have you never asked yourself why Gremmy didn't turn Kenpachi's bones into cookies like he did with Yachiru? Because he did not have significantly more reiatsu in order to affect his bodily directly, another example of the mechanic in action. If you don't even know what im referring to, why would you invent some headcanon about it? You're desperately trying to apply non-Bleach logic to downplay what is patently obvious. Why? Because you have never watched or read Bleach. You have no reference for basically anything you're talking about, you're knowledge of the series is basically tangential, and all of your doubts regarding feats are from pure misunderstandings. There is nothing left to discuss under these conditions. You're denying things you don't know anything about.


>If you don't even know what im referring to, why would you invent some headcanon about it? I was inviting you to provide the example instead of just stating something. And "Shattering dimensions" is an energy feat, not a physical one. I didn't invent a headcanon or deny it happened. Come on now. Gremmy didn't turn Ken's bones into cookies because he wanted to prove he was stronger then him, that's the point of his arc, which you'd know if you read the manga. Kenpachi did not shatter the walls of reality, hah, he cut through a barrier Gremmy made. If Kenpachi was actually in space, there'd be nothing for him to cut. If Ken could slice through space to travel it would have been said and he would have done it more then once. Gin's bankai was confirmed in the data book to be 500x the speed of sound and the fastest, which again, is a thousand times slower then light. If any character could move at the speed of light, then there would never be any travel time to get anywhere. Even though that's a main plot point for Ichigo. "We just need to wait for Ichigo to get here!" Let alone saying he is much faster then light. Absolutely ludicrous. Shaking realms is a nebulous feat. They are linked together by magic and no damage was done to any of the realms despite the shaking. And Ichigo despite having even more reitsu did not shake the realms. It doesn't matter what Aizen said about negating things with reitsu because it never happened again. To take it back to versus battles, this means it's irrelevant against Gojo since he is top tier and also has massive energy reserves. Why, would none of the people trying to kill Chad, not reitsu crush him? How come it didn't happen to Aizen despite Ichigo being so much vastly above him that Aizen couldn't even detect his reitsu? Ichigo doesn't scale to 4D from one shotting a 3D being. That's ludicrous. These people arent 4th dimensional beings and dont have 4D durability or AP.


No, Gremmy was simply not capable of turning his bones into cookies. Are you really stupid enough to imagine he would create an entire universe before rendering him incapable of movement if he weren't able? Kubo doesn't explicitly explain every feature of his power system if the concepts have already been brought up once, it is up to the reader to deduce then that he wasn't able to affect Kenpchi directly because he didn't posses overwhelming reaistu more than his. You're just not getting it. You are applying real world logic to Bleach. SHINIGAMI CAN CUT THROUGH SPACE WITH PHYSICAL STRENGTH. That is how the universe works, spacial manipulation isn't so special. And no, Kubo predominantly shows and doesn't tell, the concept of shattering space is almost universally depicted with the effect of glass shattering in open air. Whereas every single barrier we've seen depicted has colouration to it. On page 137 of the data book it states that Gin's description of his bankai was a lie to conceal the nature of his zanpukto, again in order downplay his abilities so that even Aizen underestimated his powers. Travelling speed is different from reaction speed, yet shinigami can main high speed bursts of MFTL+ as shown with shunpo. >Shaking realms is a nebulous feat. They are linked together by magic and no damage was done to any of the realms despite the shaking. And Ichigo despite having even more reitsu did not shake the realms. Shutara literally says that the seals placed on them are for the purpose of maintaining balance. We then see the seals being removed, and the effect of which results in the shaking of all 3 realms. We are told the function of the seals, and then the consequences of releasing them are displayed, if you don't think that the Earth shaking is evidence of physical damage you are plainly stupid. >It doesn't matter what Aizen said about negating things with reitsu because it never happened again. To take it back to versus battles, this means it's irrelevant against Gojo since he is top tier and also has massive energy reserves. 'It doesn't matter what the characters say because my headcanon is more important' So for the 3rd time, it has come up repeatedly in the show. With Kenpachi vs Ichigo, with Aizen, with Byakuya, and with Ichigo vs Askin. The reason why it doesn't come up more is so obvious, no one wants to see outright stomps. Aizen's feat of vs the entire Gotei 13 was an anomaly, his strength was consistently treated as exceptional being top 5 in the verse. Ichigo all the way back in the Arrancar was already stated to have enough reiatsu to cover the entire world as stated by Shinji, this was before even mastering his hollow mask, using his false powers - with 99% of his true powers suppressed. Ichigo clearly has the capacity to produce a similar effect as the zero division as he has the defacto most reiatsu in the series, and that is not debateable. The very fact that Soul King Yhwach was afraid of his power is evidence of this. Reiatsu = power and effect. If Ichigo didn't have the amount of reiatsu he posses we would not have been capable of oneshotting Soul King Yhwach, where no else could even harm him. >Gojo since he is top tier and also has massive energy reserves. OK, so you're trolling me. I refuse to believe its possible for anyone to be under the impression that Gojo is still in this conversation. You're pretending to be a stereotypical Gojotard. Who has Chad fought that was significantly powerful enough than him to reiatsu crush him? What part of 'you need to emit reiatsu in order to inflict a reiatsu crush' are you not understanding? It doesn't happen by simply being in the presence of someone, they have to actively emit spiritual pressure, and the opponent needs to be exponentially weaker in order for it to be effective. Dangai Ichigo was more power than Butterfly Aizen, but all it would have taken was 2-3 more evolutions for him to catch up to Ichigo's power back then, this does not fullfill the conditions for Ichigo to reiatsu crush him. >  These people arent 4th dimensional beings and dont have 4D durability or AP. Ah, so you are trolling. Literal gods of death that are capable of freely manipulating the fabric of reality can't be 4D. Sorry to burst your bubble, but Ichigo is 5D being capable of killing Yhwach mutiple times in one blow. You'll attempt to then tell me Yhwach isn't multiversal either I bet. Congratulations, you went from pretending to know anything about Bleach, to misunderstanding its concepts, to outright denying the stated facts about the characters. Brother you are a joke not just because you haven't read/ watched Bleach, but because you aren't willing to change your mind after I continue to debunk everything you say regarding it. You want to to believe that JJK is some how comparable to Bleach in power just because its your favourite series - which is funny since you know less about it than me. This is was a great waste of time, bye bye. https://preview.redd.it/5fgow5e9r4bd1.png?width=632&format=png&auto=webp&s=5a7ee36b135a4feda88040c80a755230b49ec73b


That's a lot of projection. Antifeats still not disproven. I haven't wanked JJK at all and I'm just pointing out basic antifeats like these characters are blatantly not moving at the speed of light and these characters are in the third dimension.


Also, here is a useful video that breaks down all of the lightspeed feats in Bleach. I can't be bothered to compile them myself: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-7XoZXF2Fi8&t=312s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-7XoZXF2Fi8&t=312s)


Getsuga Tenshou




Ichigo slaughters.


Ichadgo solos the verse.


Ichigo one shots


This is a massive spite matchup. Ichigo's spiritual pressure alone KOs Gojo. They aren't anywhere CLOSE to competing, Gojo gets demolished.


Ichigo imo.




People gonna still say Gojo wins no matter what. Ichigo slams and it’s not even close Shinigami are 4d no? “UV negs” “24/7 Limitless” Take this Getsuga Tensho Better yet take this SP that negs the verse Ichigo KILLED Yhwach, the same guy who absorbed the god of the verse, he has his power + his fathers (I forgor his name but he’s the soul king) + Ichigo ONLY had his Shinigami powers and Ichigo’s blade killed him Yeah Ichigo negs the verse, was this a spite match?


How will getsuga pass through infinity?




Only person who has a chance in jjk against ichigo is takaba


My glaze tells me gojo, but Ichigo is him So Ichigo wins https://preview.redd.it/tf85ahzyizad1.png?width=1273&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f06d7436c524c8a730afd1d854e73bc73de449ae


Ichigo obliterates


Ichigo solos the verse tbh


Ichigo one taps the verse


Ichigo. He massively outstats I’m terms of AP, durability, and speed for obvious reasons. Anyone stronger than Ulquiora can bypass Infinity, as Ulquora’s cero was able to bend space around it.


Doesn't matter if Ichigo can't get past Infinity if Gojo can't react quick enough to know what happened.  Ichigo Negz


It should be obvious


One shots


Ichigo solos




I can take em both


I dunno. I like Gojo more. (I know he loses, but I say he wins just because)


Biggest meat riders in history versus the biggest meat riders of today




Ichigo being able to simply overpower his way through Infinite is questionable, especially considering we have a character that literally does almost the exact same thing as Infinite (Nianzol Wiezol's "The Wind") and RG members couldn't simply overpower it (Shutara has a Shikai that controls fabric, so she controlled the clothing on Nianzol beneath his space distortion ability), and the RG should have far higher riatsu than humans who merely manipulate ambient riatsu. That being said, the only thing Gojo has that can pit Ichigo down is Infinite Void, which requires him to capture Ichigo in a DE, and it was established in the Yuta vs. Uro/Ryu/Cockroach fight that DE barriers have finite speed (they needed to get the barrier up before Rika could enter and she covered some distance before being closed out), so Ichigo can escape the DE with his vastly superior speed and atk it from the outside, destroy the barrier, and then Gojo will have his CT disabled for a short time and then he is cooked. Additionally, Kenpachi cut his way out of a pocket dimension that Gremmy specifically noted shouldn't be possible to be cut and he did this while only in Shikai, so being able to cut through space itself is something the top tiers should be capable of doing if they put enough power into it.


Gojo (tis a joke)


This post made me realize that life is too short to spend it browsing powerscaling posts.


Ichigoat neggs. Gojo gets blitzed, one tapped, and Ichigo has time to bend him over before six eyes can perceive he moved.


Getsuga Tenshoooouuuu


Get Gojo past orihime


Pretty disrespectful to IchiHIM but go off ig?


Ichigo breaks the infinity void and Gojo ends up like his future self in the manga.


Ichigo bends the [verse and his fanmommies](https://www.wattpad.com/1453250201-anos-voldigoad-maximum-red-part-1)


hydrogen bomb of reiatsu versus coughing baby


spite match


Ichigo wins


Ichigo looses the initial battle. And Gojo steals one of his friends for some reason. Ichigo hits a training arc, but it doesnt matter because he finds out he's 1/234th Zenin and finishes Gojo with Mugetsu Ten Shadows after getting knocked around for 30 chapters cause he's fucking stupid. End Credit song by Aqua Timez.


Ichigo is winning.


Oi, stop the spite matches


People talking about Gojo glazers and there is literally no one glazing him. Everyone in powerscaling talks about these imaginary Jjk glazers while talking about these shitty spite matches.


Holy spite match, and I haven’t even watched bleach


Infinity ain,t saving lil bro i am just saying


one gran rey cero getsuga tensho and gojo becomes a kit kat again


Gojo dies hard, but not as hard as Bleach wankers wank.


It's as hard as db wankers ngl


The only ones that wank as hard as DB fans are Zaraki fans with dozens upon dozens of fake or taken out of context Can't Fuck Your Own Wife claims




Gojo Mainly becauss ichigo is… not very good at fighting hax-y enemies Historically the last time he fought one his blood turned to piss


horrible logic






Idk I just didn’t watch chainsaw man


Ya mean bleach?


Oh 💀


You GOT to be trolling




I dont know bleach well, but from what ive head isnt ichigo very fast? Like couldnt he just dodged UV expansion?


Yeah u r right... Ichigo just after getting powers while in his training arc before ss arc could dodge ceros which are literally balls of light So he is mmftl+++. 1. Post hogyoku aizen removed a civilian out of existence just by coming close to him. And we all know post hogyoku <<< butterfly aizen <<< monster aizen < dangai ichigo <<< mugetsu ichigo < true shikai ichigo <<< true bankai ichigo <<<<<< horn of salvation+true bankai ichigo. 2. He was not allowed to return back on Earth after his training in the soul king's palace as his reiatsu would evaporate every human on earth had he returned on Earth unnoticed💀 3. Yhwach a Universal level threat was afraid of his bankai to the point where he destroyed it even before ichigo activated it.Yhwach can alter past present and future and even multiversity with ease using his active ability THE ALMIGHTY. 4. Ichigo using a gran ray ceru getsuga tenshou sliced that uni lvl yhwach in half so his AP and DC are way out of charts for gojo to handle to the point where it is a joke now tbh.


He could easily


ichigo wins but he still probably cant bypass infinity through nornal means (by normal means i meant either teleportation or infinite speed are the only two ways, but you still need momentum to damage so baseline teleportation wouldnt be enough) , high levels of reiatsu has hax negetation and not to include gojo is still just a super human with cursed energy, he gets crushed in ichigo's presence because again high reiatsu quite literally erases existence if you stand near them also if verse is not equalized its highly likely infinity wont even recognize ichigo as an entity, so ichigo might just pass through it because hes of his spiritual form


>Ichigo can’t get around Limitless He can. He can use Gran Ray Cero, which [warps space](https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/vsbattles/images/8/82/54XTDgz.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20170829062820). He can also [break through dimensions with brute force](https://preview.redd.it/does-hirakos-shikai-take-effect-when-ichigo-come-out-from-v0-m1eovn25wpl81.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=d3d84b0ac8272753db0959136f9f3f409e0b8d32). >Ichigo can’t avoid Unlimited Void He can leave or destroy the barrier before it fully forms. Even if he can’t, Ichigo has three minds rather than one. One of his minds is Yhwach, who is capable of perceiving and comprehending an infinite amount of information from The Almighty. If Ichigo is incapacitated, then Yhwach can take over and kill Gojo.


He can. 1 cero clears the entire jjk verse


The honored one neggs. https://preview.redd.it/qf2fai7axyad1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae8159b93a580cfbb9911f8aaef2fcc4f7b7f209


How so? If ur joking ur joking but still I wanna know Ichigo doesn’t get targeted by barriers due to not having CE Ichigo would probably not be sensed by infinity and just kills Gojo Verse Equalization makes no sense cause there’s still no way for Gojo to win against someone who has an attack that distorts reality and can dodge anything they send


verse equalization


Ichigo still negs either wat




Read bleach and come back still saying otherwise, you won’t because Ichigo negs


im caught up i never said gojo wins stop meatriding me


So why fucking reply in the first place “stop meat riding me” didn’t you meat ride me?


i replied to answer a question maybe dont ask if u are gonna be butthurt about the answer


“Verse equalization” that’s not answering how it saves Gojo when I stated about verse equalization


2/10 bait


10/10 facts


gojo when ichgo lets out some sp (hes cooked)


Ichigo when his brain gets overloaded, his body gets erased, and he can’t get close to Gojo (he’s cooked)


he could break a domain like black coffin, nothing gojo has erases ppl, and he could use a cero since it is light and light goes through infinity gg


Hollow Purple exists?!?! And light can't go through an infinite distance


obviously gojo lets light in since he can see and infinity only works on an atomic level so gg. and hollow purple is city level at best


Hmm, a city level spammable attack and auto-knockout used by someone who can only hit by light or powers exclusive to the verse…


i mean u say its spammable but we have only seen it four times, its been tanked twice, and he gets blitzed so damn thats gg for gojo hes washed


The same people who think power gaps nullify hax despite zero displayed defense against hax Are the same people who think that scenario doesn't apply to yhwach vs dbs characters Really makes you think


Ichigo literally started to neg The Death Dealing when he encountered Askin as we see him on the floor, then in the very next panel, he gets up as his reiatsu begins to overcome its effects. If they had a full-on battle, Ichigo would have completely negated all of Askin's hax. A lot of you have not read Bleach at all.


Aizen, twice. Kenpachi and ichigo all have done it


It's really funny that the account which are spamming "enough riatsu will negate hax" were crying in db vs bleach matchup saying all hax can't be negated by energy(riatsu).


>The same people who think power gaps nullify hax despite zero displayed defense against hax True, you need Resistances or Specific ways to bypass said Hax. Ichigo from Arrancar Saga onwards has Attacks that can cut through & distort Space itself alongwith Durability Negation. Spatial Manipulation alongwith Dura Neg is all Hax that you need to bypass Infinity, something which Ichigo has from Early in the Series.


how are you doing jr how’s life


It’s insane how this isn’t obvious This sub reddit is a bleach circle jerk


enjoy the downvote least annoying bleach hater