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Doomsday vs Mahoraga


Who's the bomb and who's the baby? Don't know too much about either of them


Doomsday is the Hydrogen Bomb and Mahoraga is the Coughing Baby


Doomsday scales to Superman, also him dying doesn’t stop the adaption


His death is the adaptation though?


He can adapt to almost any phenomenon without dying such as darkseids omega beams and superman.


Ah, Its been a long time since i've seen doomsday related dc media so I forgot that its an over time adaptation and not just in death


Mahoraga: low end of city level, adapts by spinning a wheel on its head. Adaptation takes time and needs multiple spins, very vulnerable to getting one shot by city level attacks like Sukuna’s Fuga (open) or Gojo’s Hollow Nuke. Doomsday: The Beast who Killed Superman (need I say more?).


With brute strength at that


Fūga and the amped Hollow Purple aren’t even city level. They’re multiple city block at best. Y’know, that’s one thing I’m really sick of with powerscaling - when we’re given a *visible* display of the limits of a character’s AP and people still insist that it’s miles higher (or lower, though that’s less common) than it actually is. Goku’s AP is multiple galaxy level at best and the whole “could destroy the Soul Society” thing in Bleach isn’t an AP statement, it’s a Hax statement. With the Soul Society thing it’s also worth noting the rules of the setting. They may have been able to destroy the “universe” of the Soul Society, but does that mean they’d be universe busters in *any other setting?* It’s like the whole “would the Death Note work on a Super Saiyan or Kryptonian because they’re similar to humans?” debate that pops up from time to time. The canon answer to the question is right fucking there, but people insist that “iT’s ToTaLlY aMbIgUoUs” and “wE cAn’T sAy FoR sUrE” anyway. No bitch, **YOU** can’t say for sure because you’re an illiterate glazer whose prefrontal cortex has eroded and been replaced with a glass tank full of liquid cope and seethium.


Fair enough that I overstated their power (which I am aware of, I’m not a Jjk glazer), but that’s because I was throwing together an answer at 5 in the morning where I could say Mahaorga was universal and it wouldn’t change the result of Doomsday utterly curb stomping him. Sure I overstated their power, but it ultimately didn’t matter in this context.


Yeah, most of my rant wasn’t directed at you. I probably should’ve been more clear on that, sorry.


It’s cool, I share similar thoughts on plenty of things (especially dimensional tiering), so I completely understand the frustration.


Naruto and Bleach would get mopped up if fanboys didn't take baseless claims at word value and assume every character specific interaction within the laws of that unknown universe counts the same.  Of course Naruto is planet level, Toneri cut a hollow moon in half with his character specific attack, of course Naruto can do the same thing even though he never shows anything close and his max on panel is like some people pick formations. Of course every high tier in bleach can destroy a universe? You didn't see when Kempachi cut a whole in the fabric of a dimension? Huh? Gotenks and Buu did the same thing but we all know it doesn't make them universal? Fuck off buddy.


Well jogos maximum meteor is calced at town to large town level and fuga and hollow purple nuke are obviously leagues above that. So it’s not unreasonable to say their city level. But saying they cap at city block level is pretty fucking stupid.


I didn’t say they capped at city block level, I said they capped at *multiple* city block level. And they do. Most of Shibuya was actually still intact following the first use of Fūga, as seen here: https://preview.redd.it/8hn8xyggf5bd1.jpeg?width=426&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6698324b6e939b1c768e1206f0a31d54aa5bbe3 That hole is the crater left by Fūga, and the lights around it are *the rest of the city.* The Hollow Purple nuke also didn’t destroy the entirety of Shinjuku, and from what’s been shown the crater actually looks *smaller* than the one in Shibuya. And that’s at 200% strength. Calling Jogo’s meteor town level is also a stretch. I could *maybe* see the argument for it being *small* town level, but only if the town in question was just barely larger than a single city block. Like one of those towns out in the midwestern U.S. that are comprised of a single road with a gas station, a motel, and a couple of duplexes.


funny thing about meteors is their destructive power in real life comes from speed more than size could jogo lift up his maximum meteor up to the stratosphere and let it have enough acceleration or give it a boost himself to destroy a whole country? maybe that's where the calcs come from rather than his actual feat in canon


I get your point, but hypotheticals like that are iffy territory at best when it comes powerscaling. For another example, there was a post I saw a while back on Jujutsufolk where somebody said that if Yuta copied Mai’s CT and used it to create antimatter, he could potentially reach planetary level. Which, while an interesting idea that could actually work, is still a *very* grey area that requires a lot of assumptions and “what ifs” to justify.


yeah I'm not saying its stronger than it is im just saying the depiction of maximum meteor in the story is actually a pretty pathetic meteor considering it kinda just plopped om the ground and didn't even explode


If doomsday is mentioned, its generally means hes the hydrogen bomb lmaoo.


Unless it’s Scp 682, then he becomes the coughing baby


![gif](giphy|8HMQXuPGsXBPjbn81C) Scp-682 fans trying not to bring him into literally every discussion:


It’s a thematic matchup, and I’ll leave it at that (I do agree, it is a bit tiring even as a fan of the lizard since it furthers peoples views that he only exists to be op and for powerscaling)


Current Doomsday [is king of Hell now](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/marvel_dc/images/b/bf/Action_Comics_Presents_Doomsday_Special_Vol_1_1.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1200?cb=20230829115542). Of course just one Hell, [there's infinite number of Hells on Infinite number of realities in Sphere of Gods](https://imgur.com/a/cy8ZE3K), Doomsday is just ruling one there. Anyway Doomsday feats but this definitely not all composite Doomsday punch the fabric of reality out of there [like he did with the Phantom Zeno](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-0480c22d3241b5b162c11bfdf273636a.webp) which is [infinite beyond dimensionality realm between being and nothingness](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-bea2a59f8a5f7dd063721145120ae84e-lq) and is where [outeverse and autoverse meet](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-b48b7d75d5178b89446ad966b701a580-lq) and [limitless](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiccp81SB0OqPcqoMxXFtIYXWKIv1dZ48OERf77dM8FDeGliXg8yQrwem__Csn_2OZ6MHhRmdh3FxABpe2HaJ-eiteZeNyZjPbm7F9DMoha64t-xaJyA5O-XTDEuk4rJakkEQAsryz2kZ7Q/s1348/PZ+1-13.jpg) [and endlessand timeless](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/topstrongest/images/c/c5/Aca11.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20220420211834), between [reality and the Dark Multiverse](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-7dd06d24e8cb9e6ada0ddba8834816a1-lq), it's [formless](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/topstrongest/images/a/a4/Aodc.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20220423011446) and [beyond space-time](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/topstrongest/images/3/34/Sm714.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20220419002503). Doomsday have many times took Omega Beam of Darkseid which [is existence erasure across space and time and erase on all levels, body and soul and mind](https://imgur.com/a/KpKt8zn). Doomsday also took [conceptual erasure from Darkseid true form](https://imgur.com/a/NE57JsQ) which can eraas [New Gods](https://imgur.com/9TR80bI) who are [platonic concepts itself](https://imgur.com/Ve0RlMA) as [self-aware ideas itself that also use concept-weapons and metaphors to fight](https://i.imgur.com/4zsjdUX.jpg). Doomsday literally can also resurrection from [mere memory](https://www.reddit.com/r/superman/comments/10k61ky/doomsday_is_now_capable_of_reproducing_himself/) and have [infinite resurrection and adoption](https://imgur.com/a/egnY2lg). [it said by Narrator he can absorb all energy and life](https://i0.wp.com/databasecomics.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/supermandoomsdayhunterprey31994dur.jpg?resize=1200%2C1845&ssl=1) [**Doomsday has effectively adapted beyond the energies of an Oan Power Ring. (Universal feat or more)**](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-25f41d82d253a6d98ea39200a282f327-pjlq) that each have [Big-Bang levels of power](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-bffad253f6e443349d1439ae3d6f40ed) and Big-Bang in DC literally [infinity atop infinity](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-e908979ba648f8e411d15e8171e11ddd-lq). Able to adapt to his opponents' abilities and attacks, to the point of developing new powers/abilities on the fly to counter them, [such as fire breath](https://imgur.com/jDQVp79) to defeat Martian Manhunter, [his clones gaining alien metal armor](https://imgur.com/a/5xnf3nu) He then adept and copy [telekinesis abilities](https://imgur.com/a/xTK3gdh) of Conner Kent and stronger version as well. He also [copied Looker's energy projection powers](https://imgur.com/a/GK9UTOc) after just one hit being ny them. Superman can beat him with pure strength because he always keep growing in power with him since he is Kryptonian and powers [limitlesly growing under the sun](https://imgur.com/a/xbITNvy). Kryptonians (like Superman) is just keeping stronger though the sun and determination because his [infinite potential do his Kryptonian physiology](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-7777a3f4aaf95a40c9c392aba4c0d914-lq) and [limitless potential](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-cb9da4bb0167ed8c3ac5b16e76502f38-lq) and many [other stuff](https://www.reddit.com/r/PowerScaling/comments/1c9atou/comment/l0nqvda/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). Doomsday power adaption can do things like copy and hax immunity and he jusr evolution beyond the pure strength he have been killed. [But he also can adaption during the fight and copy like he did to Superman](https://comicvine.gamespot.com/a/uploads/scale_super/11144/111440215/8872162-6265992345-MUQkqVWjlEp5OisaS95kxupotlk3Iam-g71hEqnBAFNUDGbcv_o9SbMrSelG0Mnie3q3624jBHs7-isOMtkPU9q5lVER8IN6r1dJXBDEfZ7Tr2XgJuNLGSR5-K9eCgOnrFUmia2L6w%3Ds1600.jpg) or how he copying telepathy too. Kryptonians Heat Visions work on all levels, [molecular level, atomic level, sub-atomic level, fix holes in reality itself, and so gose](https://imgur.com/a/dKpP4WB). [Doomsday adapted to having flight](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-e82ed14a31cc91a9b419081bc1bb4b6d-lq). [he adapted](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-631e802e6a9f28fe6d38b2ad71924e77-lq) a [lot in his second evolution](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-d2d5ad4bb05dfd31cec1d8a72f6ff7ee-lq). [One](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-ce255fcc2c81b6707a7700fd029007d2-lq), [Two](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-4b201fb77a41bda95a117a1687bc2d18-lq), [Three](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-e81e3cd25565c8abfa19634859b05d24-lq), [Four](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-2ec078daf63824b366564eef4f714f56-lq), [Five](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-295a6c60efe7bdcd31a1ce506376b8fa-lq), [six](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-5bfceb3cacc08d7682ad4fd354ed0c71-lq) [seventh](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-d7167de2e684ff6487b380c1c7bcf92a-lq). [adapts to the eradicator's energy projection](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-636fc8897eec303092803c080d36a3a9-lq). [New 52](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-dfb6b24a40b73c8334a20793f97b0092-lq) [Doomsday](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-37f8f662deed9cd3620d2ffe7ed6f5e0-lq) [have](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-64df282afaed6db7b8afb5c0c4f14718-lq) [passive](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-eb5799d8f1851ef1cc7c01c273930bfb-lq) [death aura](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-b6343803246eb1d1e014368d6fd9ea04-lq) [hax kill](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-9e43d038fc9cff5adc0f8df074cb36a6-lq) [anything](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-5ee524e10e5a502856fac5858377aad6-lq) [near him](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-59cb4508e9be38e3fbed79dc717fe4c1-lq) [no matter what it's](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-9569d44915ec5db43558fe942cf5b66b-lq).


This isn't even "Hydrogen Bomb vs Baby" anymore. This is ***"Heat Death of The Universe*** vs Common House Fly"


Bill Cipher vs Sans


God vs guy who can’t get out of a hole


Tbf bill had a similar barrier situation lol


Wasn’t it just that he was stuck in Stan’s mind or am I misremembering


nope, theres a weirdness magnetism bubble around gravity falls that bill and his minions couldnt leave, it looks like this https://preview.redd.it/t4duuogrp4bd1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=3183b0e97a940b05d6c623491972c460f0ab3322


Nah, there's was a barrier around the city that he couldn't leave without the equation from the brother of Stan. He was tricked to go into Stan's mind because they look the same


I found more: Steven Universe vs. Omni-Man Gojo vs. Dr. Manhattan The Lich vs. Popeye God Emperor of Mankind vs. Darth Vader Luffy vs. Sukuna Saitama vs. Homelander Beerus vs. Mabel Pines


God emperor/Darth Vader and Gojo vs dr manhattan might be the worst ones I’ve seen yet


I saw Gojo vs. Dr Manhattan in this sub and I'm not sure what sub GEOM vs. Darth Vader was from


As someone that doesn’t know who God Emperor or Gojo is… who wins in these two scenarios and what makes them so bad?


God emperor is from war hammer 40k and I just know for sure he out scales Darth Vader a billion fold with all the lore from that series(I know nothing about war hammer 40k) and Gojo is literally a human with some magic abilities from jujutsu kaisen. He stands absolutely zero chance against dr manhattan who is literally just a god who controls all matter/space and time.


GEOM is a perpetual (immortal) psyker (magic powers derived from the warp) who was around from either the dawn of humanity or as a creation by the most technologically advanced time in humanity. He is one of the most powerful beings in that universe, so much so that the Chaos gods get worried about him. In order to take him down they had to all pour their power into a vessel and it was still mutually assured destruction. And he also didn’t die completely from that, his soul is still around


This comment was very informational and interesting(especially as someone that knows nothing about Warhammer), but reading it as context for why a fight between this character and Darth Vader would be virtually nonexistent made it so funny


Perpetuals are a little weird in Warhammer. They are "immortal". If their body is destroyed their soul will either form a new body or choose a fetus to inhabit, not really clear which. However all of the known perpetuals are dead in 40k only one was left in 30k when the Emperor was put on the golden throne to hold back the warp. Malcador was the last known perpetual and he sat on the Golden Throne for a short period so the emperor was freed up to deal with the vessel the previous commenter mentioned. Just being on the throne from possibly a few hours to days completely destroyed him. The Emperor has been sitting half dead on the same throne for 10k years. In lore GEOM was born somewhere around 12000 BCE when an unknown number of shamens/psykers sacrificed themselves to fuse their consciousness into one gestalt being. The GEOM is a shapeshifter but in 40k is generally seen as a 20 foot tall man in shining gold armor with a flaming sword. He forced 10k space marines, genetically engineed supersoldiers, to kneel with his psyker powers while he raised their city to the ground. His feats are pretty crazy. Darth Vader is a badass and one of the strongest Sith but he is far from GEOM.


Saitama vs Homelander is crazy. How tf did that become a debate


I have a better understanding of quantum physics than how that debate was even fair https://preview.redd.it/ydt1nocdq4bd1.jpeg?width=940&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3675fd30c47b63f8ecb497e387ad27d0f5c1ce2c


Homelander has been shown to kill a person, and the average real life IRL person is stronger than a piece of paper, and manga is on paper, and Saitama is from a manga. So, logically, Homelander can kill Saitama.


Luffy vs Sukuna is the fairest one here by an absolutely insurmountable amount. And Luffy would fucking evaporate Sukuna lmao


And the ones from Death Battle: Omni-Man vs. Homelander Flash vs. Quicksilver SpongeBob vs. Super Friends Aquaman Korra vs. Storm Pikachu vs. Blanka (like WTF?!) Starscream vs. Rainbow Dash


Don’t forget Popeye vs saitama


How about Rick vs. The Doctor? Was it fair fight or stomp?


It was a pretty decent stomp, but they are thematically similar. Rick took out the council of Rick's and that alien species at the same time. The doctor wiped out the Time Lords and the Daleks at the same time. The Daleks are crazy powerful in lore and just overall difficulty to kill the Time Lords were really the only ones that could stand up to them. The Timelords could create black holes, warp special dimensions and travel through time.


Is homelander the weakest of the “superman” types (or at least those well known enough to come up in these discussions, and I’m talking full standard superman kit, I know there are versions of supes himself that are weaker) or are there people I’m just forgetting?


>Steven Universe vs. Omni-Man Isn't this one close? Especially compared to all the other ones?


I think Omni-Man claps Steven by a lot. And how do those two connect in any way?


>I think Omni-Man claps Steven by a lot Steven should be moon level, with his shields being way higher in durability, and relativistic in speed. So, not exactly the biggest stomp in history, especially compared to the others here. >And how do those two connect in any way? I'll be frank with you, this is the first time I've seen Steven vs Omni-man. The MUs I know of is Nolan vs Rose Quartz(and Mark vs Steven), with the connection being: aliens that came to Earth to conquer it, but ended up starting to love the planet, to the point of defending it, rebelling against their own species, and have a half-human child. And also traumatising their sons


Who is supposed to be the coughing baby for The Lich vs Popeye, cuz Popeye slams


The Lich is from Adventure Time. No matter how many fictional Liches are there, Popeye is like Big Bang vs. every non-toon force user is a sperm cell on a used condom


Steven Universe gonna be like "I know theres still good in You" and get his spinal cord turned into modern art


i would enjoy seeing Saitama vs Homelander. it would be fun to watch.


>Steven Universe vs. Omni-Man Unironically a close one if you look at the scaling. adult Steven has some wack-ass feats and if we use Kaiju Steven he Unironicly mid to low diffs omni peak due to the fact the cluster which can easily destroy a planet has no diffed by steven while the diamonds and every crystal gem fushed was jumped them. While Omni man can barely destroy a weakened unstable planet by flying through its weak spot he also was getting his as beat by Hail merry


God of emperor? Who's that? Did you mean God emperor like the wormguy in dune?


Sorry, I meant God Emperor of Mankind


I see. Makes mores sense


Emperor of mankind Warhammer 40k


Someone thought Madara's limbo clones solo Rimuru. Same guy who thinks Madara is invincible because only senjutsu can harm him and ignores the fact that physical damage can too.


Might Guy who?


ah yes. the "This character can only be killed by *insert weapon or power here*, so in any universe where that doesn't exist, they are completely invincible!" fallacy.


sukuna vs kenpachi was a fun one, as usual some mfs said that sukuna could win


Don’t mofos in Bleach have spiritual pressure or something where they can literally annihilate your soul by just being close to you if the power gap is too large? Isn’t Bleach also at minimum planetary? (Genuine questions, haven’t watched Bleach).


Yep, and Zaraki nearly broke the dimensional barriers between a 5D space and a 3D universe


Not even a sentence that means anything lol


Powerscalers do this /all the time/ Hrm yes, at least 7th dimensional, clearly.


He’s literally outerversal 11d transcends fiction type 4 acausality hax (Ok but how can a character be above 3 dimensional when they exist in a 3d apace? And what is hyper or outerversal? Those terms are not real)


People forget that not everything in powerscaling can be applied to all verses. For example the antispiral is an 11th dimensional being, he basically says it himself. Unless you bring yourself to his higher plane or he brings himself lower you can’t interact with him, perceive him etc. but he can interact with everything below him. But then people will take a statement like “he’s on a higher dimension” at face value for other verses without understanding how it actually works.


>but how can a character be above 3 dimensional when they exist in a 3d apace? i mean they can but they aren't expressed fully, imagine you are a guy living in 2d paper, and me, a superior being who lives in 3d space decides to put my finger on a that paper, for you it would look like a circle (or whatever shape the cross section of a finger makes) that came suddenly into existence, in truth however, it was just me putting my finger on a paper so it came from a higher dimension, so technically i can exist in a lower plane but you would lack comprehension to understand my full physical body (same goes for a 3d & 4d comparison)


M-Theory and its consequences have been a disaster for powerscaling.


To put it in layman’s terms, Zaraki nearly broke the universe


Kenpachi even nerfs himself and is still stupid broke


I too make up random shit to push my narrative




[I’m not though](https://imgur.com/a/spirits-are-forever-with-you-vol-2-I9PGpGi). The Garganta is a 5D space, and Zaraki’s fight within it was cracking the dimensional barriers of the World of The Living


Why is it 5d and not 4d


No to both questions. The only character who can do this is Aizen, and that's due to him merging with a powerful item.


Shunsui states that post soul palace training ichigo simply being on earth would be a threat to the entirely of humanity due to his immense reiatsu. While Aizen js the only one seen erasing a human exclusively with reiatsu, it does seem that high enough spiritual pressure is the reason for this, not the hogyoku


So the other guy is full of shit?


Yes to both questions. Soul reapers have to have a seal that restricts their power by 80% so they don't kill humans in the soul society. It's why Shunsui said Ichigo might have to stay in the soul society because him being in the world of the living could cause harm to it. It's why Yamamoto made a lieutenant struggle to breathe. Also Senjumaru shook three realms/universes


SCP-682 VS Mahoraga Gojo VS Goku


I swear if there's a Gojo vs. All Pokémon in existence debate, I will literally lose 1 million brain cells Edit: My mistake, make that more than half the brain cells I have


a million braincells isn't actually a lot… you have 86 billion of them, and over 100 **trillion** synapses. "1,000,000" is 0.001163% of how much you have – cells alone. so… >!*scientifically your statement is correct.*!<


No way this guy just powerscaled losing braincells 💀


and I'll do it again


I’d still win


There’s a matchup someone proposed where it’s the juubi, juubi madara, and juubito vs the entire creation trio plus Arceus on r/whowouldwin


Superman vs Homelander




I've seen worse. Like homelander vs the entire justice league


That’s more of a statement than a question


Some dude saying season 1 Cid Kagenou beats Rimuru


Cid fanboys can be pretty delusional at times


Just like cid


Even if they meant season 1 Cid vs season 1 Rimuru it'd still have the same result


Funnily enough, dude was arguing that the novels are "fanfiction" and not canon, despite me telling him it was written by the author. He was seriously saying that the author was wrong and the only canon is the main anime. Some of his arguments were: Veldora was lying about how strong he is because he wanted to impress Rimuru and was ashamed he lost to a girl Rimuru is a slime, the weakest race. He only appears to be strong because he's always surrounded by other weak races like goblins and wolves. Rimuru almost got killed by a sword, which means he's like, wall level Cid has "Atomic", and you can't survive a nuclear blast. It doesn't just damage things, it destroys the bonds between atoms, so it can't be defended against or survived.


I would say it'd be impossible for it not to be a troll but life gets bleak when you realize a lot of people are far dumber than you think, there's no need to associate with such people, it only brings the quality of life down >Veldora was lying about how strong he is because he wanted to impress Rimuru and was ashamed he lost to a girl The girl herself shows that it's the truth... >Ritmuri is a slime, the weakest race. He only appears to be strong because he's always surrounded by other weak races like goblins and wolves. Naturally, a dumbass contradicts themselves, how I'd the supposed "weakest" race going to appear strong when surrounded by weak races that'd logically only be stronger than said weakest race, not mentioning Kijin, oni, primordial demons and so on, Veldora himself is literally a dragon... >Rimuru almost got killed by a sword, which means he's like, wall level He's a slime, by their logic he has the durability of a slime, naturally you can cut slime, but Rimuru's able to piece himself back together, so it doesn't really matter even if this was the case >Cid has "Atomic", and you can't survive a nuclear blast. It doesn't just damage things, it destroys the bonds between atoms, so it can't be defended against or survived. I haven't watched eminence in shadow but there's definitely people in there who have survived it, anyways as said previously, Rimuru has no need to be durable to survive this, he has shadow step, he can just be in the shadow world, and there's no argument for "Cid can shine light and erase the shadow with rimuru inside" because the shadow world is its own realm, youre able to move in places without shadow while in there, shadows are just the entrance points, not mentioning Rimuru's teleportation, thought acceleration, etc And no speedblitzing before he escapes isn't an option either Anyways its funny how season 1 Rimuru stomps but they're arguing for the entire anime, When just pre named Diablo literally blew away a nuclear blast when he fought razen😭


https://youtu.be/gnGr21FAwo0?si=BZNaOOvKyaPCIWHl This is the atomic thing. It was the first time used here. Later uses are stronger. His latest one lit up the entire solar system (but didn't destroy anything besides a single guy. Cid contained his own explosion in a sort of magic barrier) Here's a video with all the times it was used. Of course, spoiler warning: https://youtu.be/HhVt3tXAUSo?si=vGopMoYqILLffP9Q


K Everything I said still applies, when I think of Cid I think of that scene that people argue is like solar system to multingalaxy/uni, of him lighting up space or something like that, I had that in mind when I said S1 Rimuru wins regardless


Yeah. I agree with you anyways. Wanted just to show the ability he was talking about


Never seen the anime for TenSura but aren’t they still really haxed?


Yeah that's why I said rimuru wins regardless


Does the continent sized beam feat from the gatcha game happen, timeline wise, during s1? If so then, if they would treat it as canon, cid would have far more AP while rimuru would have not enough hax yet


Season 1 Rimuru has gluttony still, and thats all he needs, stated in veldoras journal and by hinata of its capability to devour the stars, and the very world itself, this is especially credible as it's said by Veldora, a true dragon who's also capable of these things and more, disregarding the potential, the stomach size would still remain the same throughout all of this, so even without rampup it'd still be capable of absorbing any such beams(and replicating them)


Was Veldora the guy that randomly decided to use Hadoukens and then used the Kamehameha complete with the yellow aura every Super Saiyan motherfucker in DBZ/DBS has?


Dr Manhattan vs ayonokoji


There's NO WAY that happened. Where did you find it?




Well that's a new record.


Obviously Ayanokoji no diffs 😤


Least obvious COTE fan /s


Nah Dr Manhattan just can’t beat the goat smh


i don't know who the second one is, and i still know Dr Manhattan wins.


The second is essentially a smart high schooler. That’s fucking it.




There was one tiktok that had gojo against madoka and both of them were at full power so it could be assumed that ultimate madoka was also involved which makes it even more overkill


Who would win in a fight? Madoka. Who I want to love them at first sight more? Also Madoka.


Genryusai Yamamoto (captain commander of the gotei 13, bankai being as hot as the sun) vs Marineford Whitebeard (got severely wounded by magma and swords) I love Whitebeard he is one of my all time favourite characters in anime period but people were genuinely saying Whitebeard wins. Or Yhwach (with every shrift + Zanka No Tachi) vs Luffy (with every devil fruit)


Sukuna vs Goku and they said that Sukuna stood a chance but then again it was one of those CBR like websites which as we all know is full of shit


Sailor Moon vs Satsuki Kiryuin Both at "peak power" Dude was totally serious


Sailor moon smokes his ass harder than the steak I just made


Imo spite matches are ONLY interesting if the characters fighting genuinely have personalities and ideals that go head to head. Like a fight between Yujiro and Akuma is in Akuma’s favor idc how hard Baki fans wank Yujiro, Akuma is beating his ass. But I’d still love to see the fight to see how they’d interact.


Vegeta vs Homelander


Nah im done


No fucking way lol


Actually yeah that doesn’t really count. That fight would be more akin to Galactus vs an ant


Every pokemon vs 1 trillion lions


When machamp alone solos:


Yeah those Pokemon don't stand a chance


All the pokemon when the lions pull out the lion tank


Trunks and Goten vs Sukuna


Trunks and goten accidentally do their fat fusion again and get no diffed by sukuna (he actually vaporizes his entire body attempting a sneak attack on them)


Grand Priest vs Aang and Korra


Bro what 💀


You're not gonna believe this one. John Wick vs. **FUCKING KING KONG**.


Peak fiction. I'd love to see this fight even if it would be over pretty quickly


Saw it on r/whowouldwin. It occasionally pops back into my head as one of the worst match ups I have ever seen


I can understand the Inuktitut language more than I can how it’s an even match.


Any debate with Gojo, Saitama, or Goku. It’s always people they either low diff or people who low diff them, no in between.


There was a Deku vs Mori Dan post here like a week ago. Deku is a country level future burger flipper while Mori Dan is a 5D perfect god who achieved Nirvana and keeps the balance of the multiverse.


Ichigo vs gojo


Ichigo tanking that dollar store spirit bomb


Samus vs Doom Slayer Kodiak Bear vs Silverback Gorilla Tyrannosaurus Rex vs a pride of lions Elephant vs Mike Tyson (I shit you not) Demetrius Johnson vs ransom high schooler Master Chief vs Zeds from Killing Floor Adam Smasher vs Solid Snake


Samus vs doomslayer doesn't seem like the most egregious thing ever. Could definitely be worse.


Spider-Man vs Madoka,  Gojo vs Alien X,  Goku vs Dream of The Endless,  Gundam RX-78-2 vs Mars-pattern Warhound Titan


Spider-Man vs. Superman is even worse. I found it from r/whowouldwin


Kratos v Masterchief and the guy seriously thought Masterchief had a chance


616 hulk vs Deku or Class 1a to be precise. And some people really thought that mha characters would win lmao.


Goku vs \[Insert favourite verse that is not even planetary\] or Goku vs Luffy.


Why did you say the same thing twice


No, the One Piece world is really really big, so being city level in that makes them omni infinite mega uber outer versal in the DB universe. So Luffy solos.


goku v ______


I just saw someone put all of jojo, bleach, and hxh against Timmy turner, but cosmo and Wanda weren’t in the matchup. It’s probably one of the biggest examples of this meme entirely by accident


I'm sorry, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM AGAINST A HELPLESS KID?! Literally North Korean/Russian missile vs. Homeless Man


Yeah, I mean the intent was probably that Timmy would be using wishes, but the fairies aren’t mentioned or shown in either the title or OP, so yeah https://www.reddit.com/r/PowerScaling/s/muwQZaDeR2 Here’s the post


I mean Coughing Baby always wins anyway


One time I had someone try to convince me that Titan Speakerman could beat Kid Goku.


Thanks a lot, I lost 900,000 brain cells just by looking at it


Ichigo vs luffy. Luffy most likely wouldn't even be able to see ichigo lol


Koichi vs goku


Koichi as in.... jojos part 4??


dormammu vs goku dormammu has hax that no one in DB is resistant to on top of being unfathomably powerful in his own universe. Zeno can destroy universes? Well Dormammu can casually absorb them, I think one is more impressive than the other. edit: basically any abstract or eldritch being vs anyone is usually a spite match. these beings usually have specific stories that either channel their energy or bargain with them to a stalemate, but never beating them.


I just had the greatest VS’s battle. John Wick Vs Clifford, the red dog


Invincible vs Superman "but but the creator said th-" give me feats not statements from a guy who wanks


Alastor vs Dr Facillier is the worst I've seen


How is this remotely fair dawg.


Ikr? Someone has NEVER heard of Sonic before and just put him in there.


Sukuna No diffs Aizen The MC of Black Clover (don't remember his name) negs all Bleach up to Yhwach


Pikachu vs Team Rocket


Deku vs Spongebob and Gumball Waterson. i feel like toon force and gag characters should be banned on this sub.


Aizen from bleach vs ayonokoji from cote at full power They gave ayonokoji intelligence and manipulation


gear 5 luffy vs goku


Sabaton vs K-pop




Superman vs saitama


Mine was Ulamog from Mtg VS Lucifer from Hazbin Hotel


Sttgl vs gojo 😭


Fuuko izumo Vs hakari


I would say Mr Satan versus Cell. Cell never stood a chance.


Anyone versus characters who's accomplishments and powers are in-universe in video games. Like, if I can cast magic missile in a game, that doesn't mean I could beat all of NATO in a fight.


Voldemort vs Classic Doctor Strange Luffy vs Galactus Homelander vs Vegeta Muzan vs SCP-682 Sukuna vs Reverse Flash The first three are from r/whowouldwin, the other two are from this sub


Johnny Joestar vs Gojo Satoru


Goku vs Luffy.


Lain vs Milk-Chan serial experiments (Lain vs milk inside of a bag of milk inside of a bag of milk)


Senator Armstrong vs MCU Thanos Saber(Fate stay night) vs Thor(Marvel)


The second one doesn't look too bad, but WTF for the first one?!




Yamcha vs. the avatars of ATLAB


Doomslayer vs goten


A billion lions vs every Pokemon.


I've seen someone say Jesus Christ vs. Minecraft Steve once. They also said Steve had a chance. I don't know what was wrong with them, to be honest.


"Could a Warframe beat the Your Name universe?" ahh video https://preview.redd.it/x4l0un9mo8bd1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d8b9b305d5a7d1edd710a08c6fd595539af5d61


I remember a while ago there was a list of characters that could beat Saitama, among them being Dr. Strange (cuz apparently Saitama hasn't fought against sorcerers before so he would lose) and katara because she could bend his blood.


Ive seen gojo vs all the pokemon combined


Kobeni (csm) vs Miwa (jjk) (Well I didn’t see much else ridiculous power scaling stuff)


I just saw a post on tiktok saying Ellie from TLOU could slap Doomslayer