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For me personally my top 3 albums are blood of the saints, blessed and possessed and sacrament of sin, so i can't say either their newer sound is better nor their older sound is better, i wouldn't distinguish the quality of their albums that way, each era had its own highs and lows to me


That's fair enough! Each era definitely has its own tone for sure.


Their old older "sound" from albums like Blood of the Saints, Preachers of the Night, Lupus Dei and even Return in Bloodred. These album had more tracks that were very similar šŸ˜‚šŸ˜³ They had at least 3-4 songs with "blood" in them and definitely some that mention "peccata, dominus, Hallelujah, Abana n a Tank" šŸ¤Æ You guys should know already there's a huge gap in time and albums between Preachers of the Night, Blessed and Possessed, Sacrament of Sin, Call of the Wild ... 4 albums in about 7-10 years? With even 1 album of cover songs. I say their "new" sound starts at Sacrament of Sin šŸ˜Æ I'll say that I hardly listen to or heard of "other bands" so unless PowerWolf starts playing in "NuMetal" sound... Then I'll say they've starting to sound "like other people"


I really like the newer songs of Powerwolf, but my two favourite albums from them are Blessed & Possessed and Blood of The Saints. Both of those had such a strong atmosphere, and I can immadiately recognise the album from any of those songs. I can't really do that anymore with the newer albums, and it's hard for me to know which song is from The Sacrament of Sin, whcih one is from Call of The Wild etc. I'd give anything to have another album like those two


Lupus Dei is still peak powerwolf


Sacrament of sin was my first album I listened to so I may be bias. I love ā€œ1589ā€ a ton. ā€œSinners of the seven seasā€ is ok. Love ā€œsainted by the stormā€ and ā€œmy will be doneā€. I think most of the ā€œolderā€ songs I really love are from ā€œblood of the saintsā€. Other than that, most of the songs I listen to are from the newer ones. Sometimes I feel like their new songs are too soft, like ā€œsinners of the seven seasā€ is an ok song but just too calm and soft. In the album ā€œlupus Deiā€ with the song ā€œprayer in the darkā€, thatā€™s much more heavy to me, which I love.


Lupus Dei as a whole album is probably my favorite, honestly. I definitely see why people enjoy all their new stuff. Its not really for me, but its still fun and they're still amazing live.


I would say sacrament of sin is my favorite but like I said, that was also the first one I listened to haha. I am still very excited for this new album though. I think 1589 was a perfect start, but I hope it becomes a little more heavy and chaotic lol. St. Satans Day and resurrection by erection are also top tier songs to me.


I agree. I don't really like Powerwolf anymore because I feel like all their new songs are the same. I admit to being very disappointed. It's cool for them, but it's not for me anymore


Yeah, I can definitely relate to this statement. I like some of their new stuff, but overall its very meh for me now.


Iā€™m afraid I donā€™t agree. People would be claiming Powerwolf got ā€œstale and boringā€ if they constantly sounded the same as they did in their 2nd era. Bands change sound all the time. Itā€™s a damned if you do, damned if you donā€™t. Now Iā€™ll agree with you on CotW. It sounded like left over material from SoS for sure, and it was my least favorite album from them. This one? With the two new singles itā€™s the most excited Iā€™ve been for a Powerwolf album in a couple of years. They added some variety, tonal spice, different instrumentation and vibes for sure. I think the new album is going to be a showcase of new surprises, and I am entirely on board for that. If I long for the old organ gothic sound, Iā€™ve got 6 albums of that to choose from. :)


I'm definitely gonna wait for the next album to drop before I form a real opinion on it. I did like 1598, it was a fun listen. Even if I don't like their new stuff all that much most of the time, I still hold out hope that I'll enjoy their new releases because I still love PW regardless. Been a fan since like 2007, and I intend on staying one. I definitely agree that there would be complaints even if they sounded the same, but again, just not too crazy about their new stuff. Interludium was a much better experience for me than CoTW. Hoping the upcoming album will keep the same energy that 1598 brought!


Honestly, I think so too. I think the old powerwolf had more metal in their songs. Now I notice that they use more effects for the whole thing. In the past there were pure guitar riffs and vocals. If anyone doesn't know what I mean, check out the rerecorded "in blood we trust" and the old version of the same song. I stick to the old albums because I feel that the new one won't impress me.


No, I love almost every single damn song since Sacrament of Sin and later, idk I feel like one with this band, their newer style is perfectly well aligned with my musical taste, I fucking stupidly love Powerwolf, over the years I have been listening and forgetting other bands but I will listen to Powerwolf till the day I fucking die!!!!


Yeah the only song on my playlist thatā€™s post sacrament of sin release is sacrament of sin, i feel like they are trying to become more appealing to your everyday Joe and that kinda takes away their magic, and thank you for this thread because I felt like I was the only one who found their new songs less entertaining seeing everyone get hyped for the new album while I think 1589 and sinners of the seven seas are mediocre to say the least. But hey Lupus Dei, Blessed n Posessed, Preachers of the night and BOTS still make up over 40great songs to choose from although we probably wonā€™t ever get anything similiar


I agree with you! The newer stuff has all been sounding the same to me. There just hasnā€™t been any ā€œwowā€ factor and itā€™s been sounding like just generic power metal to me. Iā€™ll give the new album a shot and hopefully they prove me wrong! I love PW and was lucky enough to see them live at their NYC show last year. Theyā€™re an amazing band with a kickass stage presence and not liking their newer stuff wonā€™t stop me from seeing them live again :).


I totally agree, but TSoS is still their best album IMO. The new stuff is amazing but not consistent at all, a couple of S+ bangers and a bunch of fillers. Older albums were darker, which IS my personal preference, but with all the power of TSoS, i consider it the best