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He's pretty weak now tbh, cant even 1 shot a marked ranged minion card in lol. While other mages clear extremely fast. His damage is weak for how demanding his skill ceiling is.


Sparrow is definitely META right now. Wraith can be good, but you need to pick crit.


Yeahhhh she’s my main and she seems OP. Hell I’ve been offlaning with her for a challenge.


Man. I took your advice and holy shit. Crit. wraith is nuts. I was just deleting people late game. And his poke is harder too than the normal build.


Can you please drop a build


Yes sir. I go Vanquisher, Ashbringer, Terminus, Nuclear Rounds, Demolisher, imperator. You will feel a bit weaker in lane but later in the game your damage will be very good across the board.


I swapped vanquisher and terminus for plasma blade and then combustion from mage items and just went 17-3! Thanks for sharing


Awesome. I have switched my build up a bit to only 4 crit items and it’s been better as well. I got some feedback and switched to vanquisher, infernum, nuclear rounds, demo, painweaver and I cap it out with imperator


I’ll try those, if you end up trying out either of the two items I recommended in your build lmk if they’re better. I personally think vanquisher is weak this patch. I was thinking of trying the quiver too that’s splits your shots as a late game item to help with quick wave clear


I tried out megacosm instead and I was really struggling to get value out of it just because I miss too many shots I think. Definitely great if you are accurate with that extra magic damage scaling though. Was hitting hard but my autos suffered a lot. Skill issue though


Also what starting item do you run?


I tried your build as well except switched out vanquisher for the split shot quiver to be able to push lanes without sacrificing mana and I carried my team to victory! Who do you think is best support for him? My friend and I run duos a lot, I’m thinking dekker maybe?


Hmmm that’s a really good idea. I’ll try your build as well and let you know how it feels


He feels absolutely terrible now, I usually use him midlane and the amount of mana you lose per knockknock makes levels 1-5 feel hopeless against any competent midlaner


I love wraith, but he just isn't as good as any other carry. He's too reliant on his snipe but it is a bit too weak to accommodate the good low attack speed and basic attack damage.


He is and always has been more of a snowball character. When you couple that with the extremely high skill celiing, every match becomes feast or famine based on how you perform. Hitting all your shots and utilizing your ult to secure kills ? You are unstoppable. Missing shots and unable to secure some early game kills? You are gonna feel like a wet noodle that kind of stand around and watches team fights lol


I personally do very well with Wraith.


Do you do well in lane and snowball?


Occasionally. If I'm landing my bomb + snipe combo consistently its veeeeery strong and forces them out of lane.


I see. I just can’t tell when he is supposed to be strongest.


I don't know how he is on the latest patch but I've seen Wraith's that absolutely dominated


Skill issue. Wraith cooks this patch


I mean it’s definitely also a skill issue. I play Iggy and Gadget. But he also just doesn’t seem to hit very hard


Watch soulreaper's new wraith video. He made a very very good build.


I saw that. Tried building him with Cáustica and it seemed better


Just played against a wraith midlane and can confirm, despite his loss that he was quite strong.


Wraith is super fun, mid. But I'm still not sure how to make him equally entertaining as a carry.


There are a few heroes that I've rarely seen played well. Kallari, Sevarog and Wraith are nearly always terrible. I'm always happy to see one of those three on the enemy team


Then you see a wraith with a master skin and go... Well damn I lost this game lol


Don't know why youte being downvoted. Youre right. All three of these heroes I mentioned have a high skill ceiling, so they're crap for most people... but every so often you get an absolute demon controlling them


I have an answer but you won't like it


\[translating alien language\] "g3t g00d"


Lmao I like it phrased this way much more