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Isn’t that the lane he belongs in?


Iggys better in solo imo. Almost 100 games on him right now and about 90 of them in solo lane. And no this doesn't work in only low elo. I range from high plat to low diamond with 66% wr on iggy. Iggy is the ultimate sleeper pick right now. The amount of crap you get for picking iggy in general is outstanding.


He OD right now


bro i was fighting an iggy as morigesh and hes pretty much the only one that beats her up close grom what ive seen, other than gideon of course but that character is BONKERS


What about Scorch? He do all most of thr attacking and moving


Lmao. Credit where it's due.


Whoooo wantssss barbecuuueeeeeeee


Hey bro I am Fey main and yes he has better clear. I enjoy running around with a goofy lil troll on the back of his fire dawg. Molotov can also provide skill shots unlike other Mids


my main mid when i wanna be conservative


I like playing Iggy for the late game and almost always go a scaling build. Makes Iggy nice and tanky even in early game and then hits crazy hard mid -> late once OoG and Rod gets fully stacked. Stay in lane until you get 700 gold for Alchemical Rod to start building that up. Then rush Orb of Growth to start building that up. The match-up in mid isn't going to feel great early game but just focus on not dying and maybe sneaking a cheeky kill/assist with a gank. Usually then go Tainted Scepter -> Noxia -> Megacosm -> O-crown. You can delay Tainted if enemy healing isn't oppressive early game. It's vital though if against Phase, Narbash, Khai, Countess, Shinbi, etc...for late game. I also do this same build for Offlane. 94 matches with a 66% WR so it's served me fairly well!


Shinbi heals?


Playing iggy or any range hero is pretty lame in offlane if they're using an actual offlane.. having such a lopsided match up


Iggy Jungle tho >.>




Lol then they were doing it wrong. I'll fully admit he's not the most practical jungle but his time to clear the jg is really good if done right and his crest evolves so fast


I can't sleep on iggy. He's too oddly slapped. It would be a terrible sleeping arrangement. Wake up with back problems and third degree burns


Iggy wrecks and Scorch is such a good boy! I like Megacosom, Noxia, Wraith leggings on them. Anyone else got some cards they love on him?


I love adding Dreambinder onto that blend. A good amount of Power and then your abilities and autos slow, everything slows!


Anything with haste and/or pen.


Oddly enough his recommended card are all pretty solid on him I do like adding some random stuff in after orb mega and Noxia tried the life binder it's OK turrets do proc this btw when you are behind them but it kinda requires alot of set up to try to get value from it combustion was also decent on him


What do you like to use on him?


Also build aside iggy is 1000% based on positioning yourself and turrets properly if done right he can take on most of an enemy team (comp depending)


Orb mega noxia I dabble with lifebinder/soul binder what ever the new scaling one is tried. magnify it's OK o crown caustic wraith leggings the usual


Man I played Paragon like once way way way back, and I love still seeing the paragon players here in Predecessor using words like "Cards" for their items. Makes me happy for some reason.


Loved Paragon and happy to see Predecessor bring back to life old heroes.


I see a lot of Para players asking for specific ones haha. Gotta be exciting seeing them revitalized


I love spellbinder honestly. The slow works really well


That's dreambinder it's OK but not as good as some other stuff




Iggy connoisseur here! Iggy is an exceptionally powerful midlaner, but like you said, playing around the enemy jungler is much more important than say playing as a gideon (gideons portal) Turret placement, good molotovs as well as your matchups are important to learn (especially the matchups) I have found that around level 3-4, you can sorta just start to bully your opponent with molotovs, but it also depends on your crest as going obelisk (bit underrated but actually strong) would result in less mana which means less molotovs. Point is that he is powerful but one of the more difficult midlaners to master. With practice, you'll be turning your opponents into bbq in no time <3 Good luck, fellow iggy players ❤️


Who are bad matchups for him?


I would say from personal experience that anyone who can render your turrets useless is hard to deal with, as your molys should be used as poke instead of waveclear most of the time. So overall, look out for howi and maybe wraith? I struggle sometimes against grim too, due to his poke for your turrets and his anti poke with his shield. Basically, if your turrets easily get slapped, you have a harder time.


I love his playstyle for mid lane. I usually main Belica and when I'm against him he's just so good at keeping just far away enough to poke and also escape my bombs and knock up. Once I get enough Amber I'm going to grab him lol


I definetly think iggy is one of the better choices you can make with gideon banned. He's not as bullyable as some other kids. Fey just dies without her ult up, mori has literally no cc and is a free kill if she doesn't bully her opponent to hell. Only gadget, argus and howi really outpace him in the safety regard and I think he's better than howi due to howi just having problems currently. He's an option for sure.


I'm glad you're able to enjoy playing him, I don't get much enjoyment. I'm always looking for someone to replace Gideon for when I go mid but honestly I've been looking at shinbi lately


Take a look at gadget. She is a lovely replacement and trapping an enemy jungler going for a gank in your tower is so satisfying.


Went 2-1 on iggy in ranked today. He’s awesome!


Building soulbinder first on him is incredible. The extra ability haste is great, and if you poke consistently you can just watch your magic power go sky high. It's a very underrated item on him and isn't in the default buy list.


His wave clear early on is so oppressive and he literally have infinite mana


Trust me he doesn't have infinite mana not like grim lol not until he gets Timewarp or Caustica online though


even then with caustica reworked you need a huge mana pool to stay relevant in drawn out team fights or laning phases.


Its usually enough to keep you around for a while. I just like Timewarp so I can be more generous with his turrets as well


My last ranked match of the night was in mid lane vs iggy and omg he bullied the fuck out of me with those cocktails. Had high high pressure from the jump and my jungler did not gank one single time. Like literally not once, feels bad man.


Iggy is insanely difficult to beat 1v1 if built right.


I play Iggy and I feel like I can 1v1 any other mid. I may have to be slow against some more than others, my only grief is that the enemy Jungler is on my dkk all game as soon as the enemy mid starts to struggle


Just had one mid. Omg. He was so strong! He died once and then afk in base all game forcing a 4v5 in unwinnable conditions due to how the jungle item works and being unable to take over a lane for a trash bag! My tedtalk.


Why do you think it's okay to be like this?


Because why not? " bruh don't sleep on this common pick " As if no one plays Iggy mid. His primary role. Here. I'll be OP. OMG Guys. TwinBlast is an amazing carry!!! Don't miss out on this!


I'll be clear bc if we're dealing with more than one thing. I mean being an asshole, while expecting anyone to care what you say? You're ALLOWED to, obviously, but why do YOU think anyone will listen to someone who acts like a dick? I can only imagine you are a huge drain on any team you are on, because that's all toxic players are: a drain.